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synced 2025-03-02 01:01:28 +01:00
package trace: - introduce the concept of tasks and spans, tracked as linked list within ctx - see package-level docs for an overview of the concepts - **main feature 1**: unique stack of task and span IDs - makes it easy to follow a series of log entries in concurrent code - **main feature 2**: ability to produce a chrome://tracing-compatible trace file - either via an env variable or a `zrepl pprof` subcommand - this is not a CPU profile, we already have go pprof for that - but it is very useful to visually inspect where the replication / snapshotter / pruner spends its time ( fixes #307 ) usage in package daemon/logging: - goal: every log entry should have a trace field with the ID stack from package trace - make `logging.GetLogger(ctx, Subsys)` the authoritative `logger.Logger` factory function - the context carries a linked list of injected fields which `logging.GetLogger` adds to the logger it returns - `logging.GetLogger` also uses package `trace` to get the task-and-span-stack and injects it into the returned logger's fields
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294 lines
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package stream
import (
type Logger = logger.Logger
type contextKey int
const (
contextKeyLogger contextKey = 1 + iota
func WithLogger(ctx context.Context, log Logger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyLogger, log)
func getLog(ctx context.Context) Logger {
log, ok := ctx.Value(contextKeyLogger).(Logger)
if !ok {
log = logger.NewNullLogger()
return log
// Frame types used by this package.
// 4 MSBs are reserved for frameconn, next 4 MSB for heartbeatconn, next 4 MSB for us.
const (
StreamErrTrailer uint32 = 1 << (16 + iota)
// max 16
// NOTE: make sure to add a tests for each frame type that checks
// whether it is heartbeatconn.IsPublicFrameType()
// Check whether the given frame type is allowed to be used by
// consumers of this package. Intended for use in unit tests.
func IsPublicFrameType(ft uint32) bool {
return frameconn.IsPublicFrameType(ft) && heartbeatconn.IsPublicFrameType(ft) && ((0xf<<16)&ft == 0)
const FramePayloadShift = 19
var bufpool = base2bufpool.New(FramePayloadShift, FramePayloadShift, base2bufpool.Panic)
// if sendStream returns an error, that error will be sent as a trailer to the client
// ok will return nil, though.
func writeStream(ctx context.Context, c *heartbeatconn.Conn, stream io.Reader, stype uint32) (errStream, errConn error) {
debug("writeStream: enter stype=%v", stype)
defer debug("writeStream: return")
if stype == 0 {
panic("stype must be non-zero")
if !IsPublicFrameType(stype) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("stype %v is not public", stype))
return doWriteStream(ctx, c, stream, stype)
func doWriteStream(ctx context.Context, c *heartbeatconn.Conn, stream io.Reader, stype uint32) (errStream, errConn error) {
// RULE1 (buf == <zero>) XOR (err == nil)
type read struct {
buf base2bufpool.Buffer
err error
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
reads := make(chan read, 5)
var stopReading uint32
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
defer close(reads)
for atomic.LoadUint32(&stopReading) == 0 {
buffer := bufpool.Get(1 << FramePayloadShift)
bufferBytes := buffer.Bytes()
n, err := io.ReadFull(stream, bufferBytes)
// if we received anything, send one read without an error (RULE 1)
if n > 0 {
reads <- read{buffer, nil}
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
// happens iff io.ReadFull read io.EOF from stream
err = io.EOF
if err != nil {
reads <- read{err: err} // RULE1
defer func() {
// stop reading
atomic.StoreUint32(&stopReading, 1)
// drain in-flight reads
for read := range reads {
debug("doWriteStream: drain read channel")
for read := range reads {
if read.err == nil {
// RULE 1: read.buf is valid
// next line is the hot path...
writeErr := c.WriteFrame(read.buf.Bytes(), stype)
if writeErr != nil {
return nil, writeErr
} else if read.err == io.EOF {
if err := c.WriteFrame([]byte{}, End); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
errReader := strings.NewReader(read.err.Error())
errReadErrReader, errConnWrite := doWriteStream(ctx, c, errReader, StreamErrTrailer)
if errReadErrReader != nil {
panic(errReadErrReader) // in-memory, cannot happen
return read.err, errConnWrite
return nil, nil
type ReadStreamErrorKind int
const (
ReadStreamErrorKindConn ReadStreamErrorKind = 1 + iota
type ReadStreamError struct {
Kind ReadStreamErrorKind
Err error
func (e *ReadStreamError) Error() string {
kindStr := ""
switch e.Kind {
case ReadStreamErrorKindConn:
kindStr = " read error: "
case ReadStreamErrorKindWrite:
kindStr = " write error: "
case ReadStreamErrorKindSource:
kindStr = " source error: "
case ReadStreamErrorKindStreamErrTrailerEncoding:
kindStr = " source implementation error: "
case ReadStreamErrorKindUnexpectedFrameType:
kindStr = " protocol error: "
return fmt.Sprintf("stream:%s%s", kindStr, e.Err)
var _ net.Error = &ReadStreamError{}
func (e ReadStreamError) netErr() net.Error {
if netErr, ok := e.Err.(net.Error); ok {
return netErr
return nil
func (e ReadStreamError) Timeout() bool {
if netErr := e.netErr(); netErr != nil {
return netErr.Timeout()
return false
func (e ReadStreamError) Temporary() bool {
if netErr := e.netErr(); netErr != nil {
return netErr.Temporary()
return false
var _ net.Error = &ReadStreamError{}
func (e ReadStreamError) IsReadError() bool {
return e.Kind != ReadStreamErrorKindWrite
func (e ReadStreamError) IsWriteError() bool {
return e.Kind == ReadStreamErrorKindWrite
type readFrameResult struct {
f frameconn.Frame
err error
// readFrames reads from c into reads
// if a read from c encounters an error, noMoreReads is closed before sending the result into reads
func readFrames(reads chan<- readFrameResult, noMoreReads chan<- struct{}, c *heartbeatconn.Conn) {
// noMoreReads is already closed, don't re-close it
defer close(reads)
for { // only exits after a read error, make sure noMoreReads is closed
var r readFrameResult
r.f, r.err = c.ReadFrame()
if r.err != nil && noMoreReads != nil {
reads <- r
if r.err != nil {
// ReadStream will close c if an error reading from c or writing to receiver occurs
// readStream calls itself recursively to read multi-frame error trailers
// Thus, the reads channel needs to be a parameter.
func readStream(reads <-chan readFrameResult, c *heartbeatconn.Conn, receiver io.Writer, stype uint32) *ReadStreamError {
var f frameconn.Frame
for read := range reads {
debug("readStream: read frame %v %v", read.f.Header, read.err)
f = read.f
if read.err != nil {
return &ReadStreamError{ReadStreamErrorKindConn, read.err}
if f.Header.Type != stype {
n, err := receiver.Write(f.Buffer.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return &ReadStreamError{ReadStreamErrorKindWrite, err} // FIXME wrap as writer error
if n != len(f.Buffer.Bytes()) {
return &ReadStreamError{ReadStreamErrorKindWrite, io.ErrShortWrite}
if f.Header.Type == End {
debug("readStream: End reached")
return nil
if f.Header.Type == StreamErrTrailer {
debug("readStream: begin of StreamErrTrailer")
var errBuf bytes.Buffer
if n, err := errBuf.Write(f.Buffer.Bytes()); n != len(f.Buffer.Bytes()) || err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected bytes.Buffer write error: %v %v", n, err))
// recursion ftw! we won't enter this if stmt because stype == StreamErrTrailer in the following call
rserr := readStream(reads, c, &errBuf, StreamErrTrailer)
if rserr != nil && rserr.Kind == ReadStreamErrorKindWrite {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected bytes.Buffer write error: %s", rserr))
} else if rserr != nil {
debug("readStream: rserr != nil && != ReadStreamErrorKindWrite: %v %v\n", rserr.Kind, rserr.Err)
return rserr
if !utf8.Valid(errBuf.Bytes()) {
return &ReadStreamError{ReadStreamErrorKindStreamErrTrailerEncoding, fmt.Errorf("source error, but not encoded as UTF-8")}
return &ReadStreamError{ReadStreamErrorKindSource, fmt.Errorf("%s", errBuf.String())}
return &ReadStreamError{ReadStreamErrorKindUnexpectedFrameType, fmt.Errorf("unexpected frame type %v (expected %v)", f.Header.Type, stype)}