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307 lines
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package zfs
import (
// NOTE: Update ZFSSendARgs.Validate when changing fields (potentially SECURITY SENSITIVE)
type ResumeToken struct {
HasFromGUID, HasToGUID bool
FromGUID, ToGUID uint64
ToName string
HasCompressOK, CompressOK bool
HasRawOk, RawOK bool
HasLargeBlockOK, LargeBlockOK bool
HasEmbedOk, EmbedOK bool
HasSavedOk, SavedOk bool
var resumeTokenNVListRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\t(\S+) = (.*)`)
var resumeTokenContentsRE = regexp.MustCompile(`resume token contents:\nnvlist version: 0`)
var resumeTokenIsCorruptRE = regexp.MustCompile(`resume token is corrupt`)
var ResumeTokenCorruptError = errors.New("resume token is corrupt")
var ResumeTokenDecodingNotSupported = errors.New("zfs binary does not allow decoding resume token or zrepl cannot scrape zfs output")
var ResumeTokenParsingError = errors.New("zrepl cannot parse resume token values")
var resumeSendSupportedCheck struct {
once sync.Once
supported bool
err error
func ResumeSendSupported(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
resumeSendSupportedCheck.once.Do(func() {
// "feature discovery"
cmd := zfscmd.CommandContext(ctx, "zfs", "send")
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); !ok || ok && !ee.Exited() {
resumeSendSupportedCheck.err = errors.Wrap(err, "resumable send cli support feature check failed")
def := strings.Contains(string(output), "receive_resume_token")
resumeSendSupportedCheck.supported = envconst.Bool("ZREPL_EXPERIMENTAL_ZFS_SEND_RESUME_SUPPORTED", def)
debug("resume send feature check complete %#v", &resumeSendSupportedCheck)
return resumeSendSupportedCheck.supported, resumeSendSupportedCheck.err
var resumeRecvPoolSupportRecheckTimeout = envconst.Duration("ZREPL_ZFS_RESUME_RECV_POOL_SUPPORT_RECHECK_TIMEOUT", 30*time.Second)
type resumeRecvPoolSupportedResult struct {
lastCheck time.Time
supported bool
err error
var resumeRecvSupportedCheck struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
flagSupport struct {
checked bool
supported bool
err error
poolSupported map[string]resumeRecvPoolSupportedResult
// fs == nil only checks for CLI support
func ResumeRecvSupported(ctx context.Context, fs *DatasetPath) (bool, error) {
sup := &resumeRecvSupportedCheck
defer sup.mtx.RUnlock()
upgradeWhile := func(cb func()) {
defer sup.mtx.RLock()
defer sup.mtx.Unlock()
if !sup.flagSupport.checked {
output, err := zfscmd.CommandContext(ctx, ZFS_BINARY, "receive").CombinedOutput()
upgradeWhile(func() {
sup.flagSupport.checked = true
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); err != nil && (!ok || ok && !ee.Exited()) {
sup.flagSupport.err = err
} else {
sup.flagSupport.supported = strings.Contains(string(output), "-A <filesystem|volume>")
debug("resume recv cli flag feature check result: %#v", sup.flagSupport)
// fallthrough
if sup.flagSupport.err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(sup.flagSupport.err, "zfs recv feature check for resumable send & recv failed")
} else if !sup.flagSupport.supported || fs == nil {
return sup.flagSupport.supported, nil
// Flag is supported and pool-support is request
// Now check for pool support
pool, err := fs.Pool()
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "resume recv check requires pool of dataset")
if sup.poolSupported == nil {
upgradeWhile(func() {
sup.poolSupported = make(map[string]resumeRecvPoolSupportedResult)
var poolSup resumeRecvPoolSupportedResult
var ok bool
if poolSup, ok = sup.poolSupported[pool]; !ok || // shadow
(!poolSup.supported && time.Since(poolSup.lastCheck) > resumeRecvPoolSupportRecheckTimeout) {
output, err := zfscmd.CommandContext(ctx, "zpool", "get", "-H", "-p", "-o", "value", "feature@extensible_dataset", pool).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
debug("resume recv pool support check result: %#v", sup.flagSupport)
poolSup.supported = false
poolSup.err = err
} else {
poolSup.err = nil
o := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
poolSup.supported = o == "active" || o == "enabled"
poolSup.lastCheck = time.Now()
// we take the lock late, so two updaters might check simultaneously, but that shouldn't hurt
upgradeWhile(func() {
sup.poolSupported[pool] = poolSup
// fallthrough
if poolSup.err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(poolSup.err, "pool %q check for feature@extensible_dataset feature failed", pool)
return poolSup.supported, nil
// Abuse 'zfs send' to decode the resume token
// FIXME: implement nvlist unpacking in Go and read through libzfs_sendrecv.c
func ParseResumeToken(ctx context.Context, token string) (*ResumeToken, error) {
if supported, err := ResumeSendSupported(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !supported {
return nil, ResumeTokenDecodingNotSupported
// Example resume tokens:
// From a non-incremental send
// 1-bf31b879a-b8-789c636064000310a500c4ec50360710e72765a5269740f80cd8e4d3d28a534b18e00024cf86249f5459925acc802a8facbf243fbd3433858161f5ddb9ab1ae7c7466a20c97382e5f312735319180af2f3730cf58166953824c2cc0200cde81651
// From an incremental send
// 1-c49b979a2-e0-789c636064000310a501c49c50360710a715e5e7a69766a63040c1eabb735735ce8f8d5400b2d991d4e52765a5269740f82080219f96569c5ac2000720793624f9a4ca92d46206547964fd25f91057f09e37babb88c9bf5503499e132c9f97989bcac050909f9f63a80f34abc421096616007c881d4c
// Resulting output of zfs send -nvt <token>
//resume token contents:
//nvlist version: 0
// fromguid = 0x595d9f81aa9dddab
// object = 0x1
// offset = 0x0
// bytes = 0x0
// toguid = 0x854f02a2dd32cf0d
// toname = pool1/test@b
//cannot resume send: 'pool1/test@b' used in the initial send no longer exists
cmd := zfscmd.CommandContext(ctx, ZFS_BINARY, "send", "-nvt", string(token))
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if !exitErr.Exited() {
return nil, err
// we abuse zfs send for decoding, the exit error may be due to
// a) the token being from a third machine
// b) it no longer exists on the machine where
} else {
return nil, err
if !resumeTokenContentsRE.Match(output) {
if resumeTokenIsCorruptRE.Match(output) {
return nil, ResumeTokenCorruptError
return nil, ResumeTokenDecodingNotSupported
matches := resumeTokenNVListRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(output), -1)
if matches == nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenDecodingNotSupported
rt := &ResumeToken{}
for _, m := range matches {
attr, val := m[1], m[2]
switch attr {
case "fromguid":
rt.FromGUID, err = strconv.ParseUint(val, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
rt.HasFromGUID = true
case "toguid":
rt.ToGUID, err = strconv.ParseUint(val, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
rt.HasToGUID = true
case "toname":
rt.ToName = val
case "rawok":
rt.HasRawOk = true
rt.RawOK, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
case "compressok":
rt.HasCompressOK = true
rt.CompressOK, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
case "embedok":
rt.HasEmbedOk = true
rt.EmbedOK, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
case "largeblockok":
rt.HasLargeBlockOK = true
rt.LargeBlockOK, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
case "savedok":
rt.HasSavedOk = true
rt.SavedOk, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, ResumeTokenParsingError
if !rt.HasToGUID {
return nil, ResumeTokenDecodingNotSupported
return rt, nil
// if string is empty and err == nil, the feature is not supported
func ZFSGetReceiveResumeTokenOrEmptyStringIfNotSupported(ctx context.Context, fs *DatasetPath) (string, error) {
if supported, err := ResumeRecvSupported(ctx, fs); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "cannot determine zfs recv resume support")
} else if !supported {
return "", nil
const prop_receive_resume_token = "receive_resume_token"
props, err := ZFSGet(ctx, fs, []string{prop_receive_resume_token})
if err != nil {
return "", err
res := props.Get(prop_receive_resume_token)
debug("%q receive_resume_token=%q", fs.ToString(), res)
if res == "-" {
return "", nil
} else {
return res, nil
func (t *ResumeToken) ToNameSplit() (fs *DatasetPath, snapName string, err error) {
comps := strings.SplitN(t.ToName, "@", 2)
if len(comps) != 2 {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("resume token field `toname` does not contain @: %q", t.ToName)
dp, err := NewDatasetPath(comps[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrap(err, "resume token field `toname` dataset path invalid")
return dp, comps[1], nil