mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 20:52:52 +01:00
* Added `IsTerminal` method * Made rendering of progress bar conditional based on IsTerminal
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595 lines
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package pruner
import (
// The sender in the replication setup.
// The pruner uses the Sender to determine which of the Target's filesystems need to be pruned.
// Also, it asks the Sender about the replication cursor of each filesystem
// to enable the 'not_replicated' pruning rule.
// Try to keep it compatible with github.com/zrepl/zrepl/endpoint.Endpoint
type Sender interface {
ReplicationCursor(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ReplicationCursorReq) (*pdu.ReplicationCursorRes, error)
ListFilesystems(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemRes, error)
// The pruning target, i.e., on which snapshots are destroyed.
// This can be a replication sender or receiver.
// Try to keep it compatible with github.com/zrepl/zrepl/endpoint.Endpoint
type Target interface {
ListFilesystems(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemRes, error)
ListFilesystemVersions(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsRes, error)
DestroySnapshots(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.DestroySnapshotsReq) (*pdu.DestroySnapshotsRes, error)
type Logger = logger.Logger
type contextKey int
const (
contextKeyPruneSide contextKey = 1 + iota
func GetLogger(ctx context.Context) Logger {
pruneSide := ctx.Value(contextKeyPruneSide).(string)
return logging.GetLogger(ctx, logging.SubsysPruning).WithField("prune_side", pruneSide)
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
target Target
sender Sender
rules []pruning.KeepRule
retryWait time.Duration
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated bool
promPruneSecs prometheus.Observer
type Pruner struct {
args args
mtx sync.RWMutex
state State
// State PlanErr
err error
// State Exec
execQueue *execQueue
type PrunerFactory struct {
senderRules []pruning.KeepRule
receiverRules []pruning.KeepRule
retryWait time.Duration
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated bool
promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec
type LocalPrunerFactory struct {
keepRules []pruning.KeepRule
retryWait time.Duration
promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec
func NewLocalPrunerFactory(in config.PruningLocal, promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec) (*LocalPrunerFactory, error) {
rules, err := pruning.RulesFromConfig(in.Keep)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build pruning rules")
for _, r := range in.Keep {
if _, ok := r.Ret.(*config.PruneKeepNotReplicated); ok {
// rule NotReplicated for a local pruner doesn't make sense
// because no replication happens with that job type
return nil, fmt.Errorf("single-site pruner cannot support `not_replicated` keep rule")
f := &LocalPrunerFactory{
keepRules: rules,
retryWait: envconst.Duration("ZREPL_PRUNER_RETRY_INTERVAL", 10*time.Second),
promPruneSecs: promPruneSecs,
return f, nil
func NewPrunerFactory(in config.PruningSenderReceiver, promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec) (*PrunerFactory, error) {
keepRulesReceiver, err := pruning.RulesFromConfig(in.KeepReceiver)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build receiver pruning rules")
keepRulesSender, err := pruning.RulesFromConfig(in.KeepSender)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build sender pruning rules")
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated := false
for _, r := range in.KeepSender {
knr, ok := r.Ret.(*config.PruneKeepNotReplicated)
if !ok {
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated = considerSnapAtCursorReplicated || !knr.KeepSnapshotAtCursor
f := &PrunerFactory{
senderRules: keepRulesSender,
receiverRules: keepRulesReceiver,
retryWait: envconst.Duration("ZREPL_PRUNER_RETRY_INTERVAL", 10*time.Second),
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated: considerSnapAtCursorReplicated,
promPruneSecs: promPruneSecs,
return f, nil
func (f *PrunerFactory) BuildSenderPruner(ctx context.Context, target Target, sender Sender) *Pruner {
p := &Pruner{
args: args{
context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyPruneSide, "sender"),
state: Plan,
return p
func (f *PrunerFactory) BuildReceiverPruner(ctx context.Context, target Target, sender Sender) *Pruner {
p := &Pruner{
args: args{
context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyPruneSide, "receiver"),
false, // senseless here anyways
state: Plan,
return p
func (f *LocalPrunerFactory) BuildLocalPruner(ctx context.Context, target Target, history Sender) *Pruner {
p := &Pruner{
args: args{
context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyPruneSide, "local"),
false, // considerSnapAtCursorReplicated is not relevant for local pruning
state: Plan,
return p
//go:generate enumer -type=State
type State int
const (
Plan State = 1 << iota
// Returns true in case the State is a terminal state(PlanErr, ExecErr, Done)
func (s State) IsTerminal() bool {
switch s {
case PlanErr, ExecErr, Done:
return true
return false
type updater func(func(*Pruner))
func (p *Pruner) Prune() {
func (p *Pruner) prune(args args) {
u := func(f func(*Pruner)) {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
// TODO support automatic retries
// It is advisable to merge this code with package replication/driver before
// That will likely require re-modelling struct fs like replication/driver.attempt,
// including figuring out how to resume a plan after being interrupted by network errors
// The non-retrying code in this package should move straight to replication/logic.
doOneAttempt(&args, u)
type Report struct {
State string
Error string
Pending, Completed []FSReport
type FSReport struct {
Filesystem string
SnapshotList, DestroyList []SnapshotReport
SkipReason FSSkipReason
LastError string
type SnapshotReport struct {
Name string
Replicated bool
Date time.Time
func (p *Pruner) Report() *Report {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
r := Report{State: p.state.String()}
if p.err != nil {
r.Error = p.err.Error()
if p.execQueue != nil {
r.Pending, r.Completed = p.execQueue.Report()
return &r
func (p *Pruner) State() State {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
return p.state
type fs struct {
path string
// permanent error during planning
planErr error
planErrContext string
// if != "", the fs was skipped for planning and the field
// contains the reason
skipReason FSSkipReason
// snapshots presented by target
// (type snapshot)
snaps []pruning.Snapshot
// destroy list returned by pruning.PruneSnapshots(snaps)
// (type snapshot)
destroyList []pruning.Snapshot
mtx sync.RWMutex
// only during Exec state, also used by execQueue
execErrLast error
type FSSkipReason string
const (
NotSkipped = ""
SkipPlaceholder = "filesystem is placeholder"
SkipNoCorrespondenceOnSender = "filesystem has no correspondence on sender"
func (r FSSkipReason) NotSkipped() bool {
return r == NotSkipped
func (f *fs) Report() FSReport {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
r := FSReport{}
r.Filesystem = f.path
r.SkipReason = f.skipReason
if !r.SkipReason.NotSkipped() {
return r
if f.planErr != nil {
r.LastError = f.planErr.Error()
} else if f.execErrLast != nil {
r.LastError = f.execErrLast.Error()
r.SnapshotList = make([]SnapshotReport, len(f.snaps))
for i, snap := range f.snaps {
r.SnapshotList[i] = snap.(snapshot).Report()
r.DestroyList = make([]SnapshotReport, len(f.destroyList))
for i, snap := range f.destroyList {
r.DestroyList[i] = snap.(snapshot).Report()
return r
type snapshot struct {
replicated bool
date time.Time
fsv *pdu.FilesystemVersion
func (s snapshot) Report() SnapshotReport {
return SnapshotReport{
Name: s.Name(),
Replicated: s.Replicated(),
Date: s.Date(),
var _ pruning.Snapshot = snapshot{}
func (s snapshot) Name() string { return s.fsv.Name }
func (s snapshot) Replicated() bool { return s.replicated }
func (s snapshot) Date() time.Time { return s.date }
func doOneAttempt(a *args, u updater) {
ctx, target, sender := a.ctx, a.target, a.sender
sfssres, err := sender.ListFilesystems(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemReq{})
if err != nil {
u(func(p *Pruner) {
p.state = PlanErr
p.err = err
sfss := make(map[string]*pdu.Filesystem)
for _, sfs := range sfssres.GetFilesystems() {
sfss[sfs.GetPath()] = sfs
tfssres, err := target.ListFilesystems(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemReq{})
if err != nil {
u(func(p *Pruner) {
p.state = PlanErr
p.err = err
tfss := tfssres.GetFilesystems()
pfss := make([]*fs, len(tfss))
for i, tfs := range tfss {
l := GetLogger(ctx).WithField("fs", tfs.Path)
l.Debug("plan filesystem")
pfs := &fs{
path: tfs.Path,
pfss[i] = pfs
if tfs.GetIsPlaceholder() {
pfs.skipReason = SkipPlaceholder
l.WithField("skip_reason", pfs.skipReason).Debug("skipping filesystem")
} else if sfs := sfss[tfs.GetPath()]; sfs == nil {
pfs.skipReason = SkipNoCorrespondenceOnSender
l.WithField("skip_reason", pfs.skipReason).WithField("sfs", sfs.GetPath()).Debug("skipping filesystem")
pfsPlanErrAndLog := func(err error, message string) {
t := fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)
pfs.planErr = err
pfs.planErrContext = message
l.WithField("orig_err_type", t).WithError(err).Error(fmt.Sprintf("%s: plan error, skipping filesystem", message))
tfsvsres, err := target.ListFilesystemVersions(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq{Filesystem: tfs.Path})
if err != nil {
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "cannot list filesystem versions")
continue tfss_loop
tfsvs := tfsvsres.GetVersions()
// no progress here since we could run in a live-lock (must have used target AND receiver before progress)
pfs.snaps = make([]pruning.Snapshot, 0, len(tfsvs))
rcReq := &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq{
Filesystem: tfs.Path,
rc, err := sender.ReplicationCursor(ctx, rcReq)
if err != nil {
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "cannot get replication cursor bookmark")
continue tfss_loop
if rc.GetNotexist() {
err := errors.New("replication cursor bookmark does not exist (one successful replication is required before pruning works)")
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "")
continue tfss_loop
// scan from older to newer, all snapshots older than cursor are interpreted as replicated
sort.Slice(tfsvs, func(i, j int) bool {
return tfsvs[i].CreateTXG < tfsvs[j].CreateTXG
haveCursorSnapshot := false
for _, tfsv := range tfsvs {
if tfsv.Type != pdu.FilesystemVersion_Snapshot {
if tfsv.Guid == rc.GetGuid() {
haveCursorSnapshot = true
preCursor := haveCursorSnapshot
for _, tfsv := range tfsvs {
if tfsv.Type != pdu.FilesystemVersion_Snapshot {
creation, err := tfsv.CreationAsTime()
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", tfsv.RelName(), err)
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "fs version with invalid creation date")
continue tfss_loop
// note that we cannot use CreateTXG because target and receiver could be on different pools
atCursor := tfsv.Guid == rc.GetGuid()
preCursor = preCursor && !atCursor
pfs.snaps = append(pfs.snaps, snapshot{
replicated: preCursor || (a.considerSnapAtCursorReplicated && atCursor),
date: creation,
fsv: tfsv,
if preCursor {
pfsPlanErrAndLog(fmt.Errorf("prune target has no snapshot that corresponds to sender replication cursor bookmark"), "")
continue tfss_loop
// Apply prune rules
pfs.destroyList = pruning.PruneSnapshots(pfs.snaps, a.rules)
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pruner.execQueue = newExecQueue(len(pfss))
for _, pfs := range pfss {
pruner.execQueue.Put(pfs, nil, false)
pruner.state = Exec
for {
var pfs *fs
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pfs = pruner.execQueue.Pop()
if pfs == nil {
doOneAttemptExec(a, u, pfs)
var rep *Report
// must not hold lock for report
var pruner *Pruner
u(func(p *Pruner) {
pruner = p
rep = pruner.Report()
u(func(p *Pruner) {
if len(rep.Pending) > 0 {
panic("queue should not have pending items at this point")
hadErr := false
for _, fsr := range rep.Completed {
hadErr = hadErr || fsr.SkipReason.NotSkipped() && fsr.LastError != ""
if hadErr {
p.state = ExecErr
} else {
p.state = Done
// attempts to exec pfs, puts it back into the queue with the result
func doOneAttemptExec(a *args, u updater, pfs *fs) {
destroyList := make([]*pdu.FilesystemVersion, len(pfs.destroyList))
for i := range destroyList {
destroyList[i] = pfs.destroyList[i].(snapshot).fsv
WithField("fs", pfs.path).
WithField("destroy_snap", destroyList[i].Name).
Debug("policy destroys snapshot")
req := pdu.DestroySnapshotsReq{
Filesystem: pfs.path,
Snapshots: destroyList,
GetLogger(a.ctx).WithField("fs", pfs.path).Debug("destroying snapshots")
res, err := a.target.DestroySnapshots(a.ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pruner.execQueue.Put(pfs, err, false)
// check if all snapshots were destroyed
destroyResults := make(map[string]*pdu.DestroySnapshotRes)
for _, fsres := range res.Results {
destroyResults[fsres.Snapshot.Name] = fsres
err = nil
destroyFails := make([]*pdu.DestroySnapshotRes, 0)
for _, reqDestroy := range destroyList {
res, ok := destroyResults[reqDestroy.Name]
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("missing destroy-result for %s", reqDestroy.RelName())
} else if res.Error != "" {
destroyFails = append(destroyFails, res)
if err == nil && len(destroyFails) > 0 {
names := make([]string, len(destroyFails))
pairs := make([]string, len(destroyFails))
allSame := true
lastMsg := destroyFails[0].Error
for i := 0; i < len(destroyFails); i++ {
allSame = allSame && destroyFails[i].Error == lastMsg
relname := destroyFails[i].Snapshot.RelName()
names[i] = relname
pairs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("(%s: %s)", relname, destroyFails[i].Error)
if allSame {
err = fmt.Errorf("destroys failed %s: %s",
strings.Join(names, ", "), lastMsg)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("destroys failed: %s", strings.Join(pairs, ", "))
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pruner.execQueue.Put(pfs, err, err == nil)
if err != nil {
GetLogger(a.ctx).WithError(err).Error("target could not destroy snapshots")