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190 lines
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package jobrun
import (
type Logger interface {
Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
type jobLogger struct {
MainLog Logger
JobName string
func (l jobLogger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
l.MainLog.Printf(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: %s", l.JobName, format), v...)
type Job interface {
JobName() string
JobDo(log Logger) (err error)
JobRepeatStrategy() RepeatStrategy
type JobEvent interface{}
type JobFinishedEvent struct {
Job Job
Result JobRunResult
type JobScheduledEvent struct {
Job Job
DueAt time.Time
type JobrunIdleEvent struct {
SleepUntil time.Time
type JobrunFinishedEvent struct{}
type JobMetadata struct {
Job Job
name string
LastStart time.Time
LastError error
DueAt time.Time
type JobRunResult struct {
Start time.Time
Finish time.Time
Error error
func (r JobRunResult) RunTime() time.Duration { return r.Finish.Sub(r.Start) }
type RepeatStrategy interface {
ShouldReschedule(lastResult JobRunResult) (nextDue time.Time, reschedule bool)
type JobRunner struct {
logger Logger
notificationChan chan<- JobEvent
newJobChan chan Job
finishedJobChan chan JobMetadata
scheduleTimer <-chan time.Time
pending map[string]JobMetadata
running map[string]JobMetadata
wait sync.WaitGroup
func NewJobRunner(logger Logger) *JobRunner {
return &JobRunner{
logger: logger,
newJobChan: make(chan Job),
finishedJobChan: make(chan JobMetadata),
pending: make(map[string]JobMetadata),
running: make(map[string]JobMetadata),
func (r *JobRunner) AddJob(j Job) {
go func(j Job) {
r.newJobChan <- j
func (r *JobRunner) SetNotificationChannel(c chan<- JobEvent) {
r.notificationChan = c
func (r *JobRunner) postEvent(n JobEvent) {
if r.notificationChan != nil {
r.notificationChan <- n
func (r *JobRunner) Run() {
select {
case j := <-r.newJobChan:
jn := j.JobName()
_, jobPending := r.pending[jn]
_, jobRunning := r.running[jn]
if jobPending || jobRunning {
panic("job already in runner")
jm := JobMetadata{name: jn, Job: j}
r.pending[jn] = jm
case finishedJob := <-r.finishedJobChan:
delete(r.running, finishedJob.name)
res := JobRunResult{
Start: finishedJob.LastStart,
Finish: time.Now(),
Error: finishedJob.LastError,
r.postEvent(JobFinishedEvent{finishedJob.Job, res})
dueTime, resched := finishedJob.Job.JobRepeatStrategy().ShouldReschedule(res)
if resched {
r.postEvent(JobScheduledEvent{finishedJob.Job, dueTime})
finishedJob.DueAt = dueTime
r.pending[finishedJob.name] = finishedJob
case <-r.scheduleTimer:
if len(r.pending) == 0 && len(r.running) == 0 {
// Find jobs to run
var now time.Time
var jobPending bool
now = time.Now()
jobPending = false
nextJobDue := now.Add(time.Minute) // max(pending.Interval)
for jobName, job := range r.pending {
if job.DueAt.After(now) {
if job.DueAt.Before(nextJobDue) {
nextJobDue = job.DueAt
jobPending = true
// This job is due, run it
delete(r.pending, jobName)
r.running[jobName] = job
job.LastStart = now
go func(job JobMetadata) {
jobLog := jobLogger{r.logger, job.name}
job.LastError = job.Job.JobDo(jobLog)
r.finishedJobChan <- job
if jobPending || len(r.running) > 0 {
r.scheduleTimer = time.After(nextJobDue.Sub(now))
goto loop