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synced 2025-03-19 10:38:25 +01:00
The existing ByteStreamRPC requires writing RPC stub + server code for each RPC endpoint. Does not scale well. Goal: adding a new RPC call should - not require writing an RPC stub / handler - not require modifications to the RPC lib The wire format is inspired by HTTP2, the API by net/rpc. Frames are used for framing messages, i.e. a message is made of multiple frames which are glued together using a frame-bridging reader / writer. This roughly corresponds to HTTP2 streams, although we're happy with just one stream at any time and the resulting non-need for flow control, etc. Frames are typed using a header. The two most important types are 'Header' and 'Data'. The RPC protocol is built on top of this: - Client sends a header => multiple frames of type 'header' - Client sends request body => mulitiple frames of type 'data' - Server reads a header => multiple frames of type 'header' - Server reads request body => mulitiple frames of type 'data' - Server sends response header => ... - Server sends response body => ... An RPC header is serialized JSON and always the same structure. The body is of the type specified in the header. The RPC server and client use some semi-fancy reflection tequniques to automatically infer the data type of the request/response body based on the method signature of the server handler; or the client parameters, respectively. This boils down to a special-case for io.Reader, which are just dumped into a series of data frames as efficiently as possible. All other types are (de)serialized using encoding/json. The RPC layer and Frame Layer log some arbitrary messages that proved useful during debugging. By default, they log to a non-logger, which should not have a big impact on performance. pprof analysis shows the implementation spends its CPU time 60% waiting for syscalls 30% in memmove 10% ... On a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz CPU, Linux 4.12, the implementation achieved ~3.6GiB/s. Future optimization may include spice(2) / vmspice(2) on Linux, although this doesn't fit so well with the heavy use of io.Reader / io.Writer throughout the codebase. The existing hackaround for local calls was re-implemented to fit the new interface of PRCServer and RPCClient. The 'R'PC method invocation is a bit slower because reflection is involved inbetween, but otherwise performance should be no different. The RPC code currently does not support multipart requests and thus does not support the equivalent of a POST. Thus, the switch to the new rpc code had the following fallout: - Move request objects + constants from rpc package to main app code - Sacrifice the hacky 'push = pull me' way of doing push -> need to further extend RPC to support multipart requests or something to implement this properly with additional interfaces -> should be done after replication is abstracted better than separate algorithms for doPull() and doPush()
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package rpc
import (
type Server struct {
ml *MessageLayer
logger Logger
endpoints map[string]endpointDescr
type typeMap struct {
local reflect.Type
proto DataType
type endpointDescr struct {
inType typeMap
outType typeMap
handler reflect.Value
type MarshaledJSONEndpoint func(bodyJSON interface{})
func NewServer(rwc io.ReadWriteCloser) *Server {
ml := NewMessageLayer(rwc)
return &Server{
ml, noLogger{}, make(map[string]endpointDescr),
func (s *Server) SetLogger(logger Logger, logMessageLayer bool) {
s.logger = logger
if logMessageLayer {
s.ml.logger = logger
} else {
s.ml.logger = noLogger{}
func (s *Server) RegisterEndpoint(name string, handler interface{}) (err error) {
_, ok := s.endpoints[name]
if ok {
return errors.Errorf("already set up an endpoint for '%s'", name)
s.endpoints[name], err = makeEndpointDescr(handler)
func checkResponseHeader(h *Header) (err error) {
var statusNotSet Status
if h.Error == statusNotSet {
return errors.Errorf("status has zero-value")
return nil
func (s *Server) writeResponse(h *Header) (err error) {
// TODO validate
return s.ml.WriteHeader(h)
func (s *Server) recvRequest() (h *Header, err error) {
h, err = s.ml.ReadHeader()
if err != nil {
s.logger.Printf("error reading header: %s", err)
return nil, err
s.logger.Printf("validating request")
err = nil // TODO validate
if err == nil {
return h, nil
s.logger.Printf("request validation error: %s", err)
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusRequestError, "%s", err)
return nil, s.writeResponse(r)
var doneServeNext error = errors.New("this should not cause a HangUp() in the server")
var ProtocolError error = errors.New("protocol error, server should hang up")
// Serve the connection until failure or the client hangs up
func (s *Server) Serve() (err error) {
for {
err = s.ServeRequest()
if err == nil {
if err == doneServeNext {
s.logger.Printf("subroutine returned pseudo-error indicating early-exit")
s.logger.Printf("hanging up after ServeRequest returned error: %s", err)
return err
// Serve a single request
// * wait for request to come in
// * call handler
// * reply
// The connection is left open, the next bytes on the conn should be
// the next request header.
// Returns an err != nil if the error is bad enough to hang up on the client.
// Examples: protocol version mismatches, protocol errors in general, ...
// Non-Examples: a handler error
func (s *Server) ServeRequest() (err error) {
ml := s.ml
s.logger.Printf("reading header")
h, err := s.recvRequest()
if err != nil {
return err
ep, ok := s.endpoints[h.Endpoint]
if !ok {
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusRequestError, "unregistered endpoint %s", h.Endpoint)
return s.writeResponse(r)
if ep.inType.proto != h.DataType {
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusRequestError, "wrong DataType for endpoint %s (has %s, you provided %s)", h.Endpoint, ep.inType.proto, h.DataType)
return s.writeResponse(r)
if ep.outType.proto != h.Accept {
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusRequestError, "wrong Accept for endpoint %s (has %s, you provided %s)", h.Endpoint, ep.outType.proto, h.Accept)
return s.writeResponse(r)
dr := ml.ReadData()
// Determine inval
var inval reflect.Value
switch ep.inType.proto {
case DataTypeMarshaledJSON:
// Unmarshal input
inval = reflect.New(ep.inType.local.Elem())
invalIface := inval.Interface()
err = json.NewDecoder(dr).Decode(invalIface)
if err != nil {
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusRequestError, "cannot decode marshaled JSON: %s", err)
return s.writeResponse(r)
case DataTypeOctets:
// Take data as is
inval = reflect.ValueOf(dr)
panic("not implemented")
outval := reflect.New(ep.outType.local.Elem()) // outval is a double pointer
s.logger.Printf("before handler, inval=%v outval=%v", inval, outval)
// Call the handler
errs := ep.handler.Call([]reflect.Value{inval, outval})
if !errs[0].IsNil() {
he := errs[0].Interface().(error) // we checked that before...
s.logger.Printf("handler returned error: %s", err)
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusError, "%s", he.Error())
return s.writeResponse(r)
switch ep.outType.proto {
case DataTypeMarshaledJSON:
var dataBuf bytes.Buffer
// Marshal output
err = json.NewEncoder(&dataBuf).Encode(outval.Interface())
if err != nil {
r := NewErrorHeader(StatusServerError, "cannot marshal response: %s", err)
return s.writeResponse(r)
replyHeader := Header{
Error: StatusOK,
DataType: ep.outType.proto,
if err = s.writeResponse(&replyHeader); err != nil {
return err
if err = ml.WriteData(&dataBuf); err != nil {
case DataTypeOctets:
h := Header{
Error: StatusOK,
DataType: DataTypeOctets,
if err = s.writeResponse(&h); err != nil {
reader := outval.Interface().(*io.Reader) // we checked that when adding the endpoint
err = ml.WriteData(*reader)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil