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package logic
import (
. "github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication/logic/diff"
// Endpoint represents one side of the replication.
// An endpoint is either in Sender or Receiver mode, represented by the correspondingly
// named interfaces defined in this package.
type Endpoint interface {
// Does not include placeholder filesystems
ListFilesystems(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemRes, error)
ListFilesystemVersions(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsRes, error)
DestroySnapshots(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.DestroySnapshotsReq) (*pdu.DestroySnapshotsRes, error)
WaitForConnectivity(ctx context.Context) error
type Sender interface {
// If a non-nil io.ReadCloser is returned, it is guaranteed to be closed before
// any next call to the parent github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication.Endpoint.
// If the send request is for dry run the io.ReadCloser will be nil
Send(ctx context.Context, r *pdu.SendReq) (*pdu.SendRes, zfs.StreamCopier, error)
ReplicationCursor(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ReplicationCursorReq) (*pdu.ReplicationCursorRes, error)
type Receiver interface {
// Receive sends r and sendStream (the latter containing a ZFS send stream)
// to the parent github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication.Endpoint.
Receive(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ReceiveReq, receive zfs.StreamCopier) (*pdu.ReceiveRes, error)
type Planner struct {
sender Sender
receiver Receiver
promSecsPerState *prometheus.HistogramVec // labels: state
promBytesReplicated *prometheus.CounterVec // labels: filesystem
func (p *Planner) Plan(ctx context.Context) ([]driver.FS, error) {
fss, err := p.doPlanning(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dfss := make([]driver.FS, len(fss))
for i := range dfss {
dfss[i] = fss[i]
return dfss, nil
func (p *Planner) WaitForConnectivity(ctx context.Context) error {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
doPing := func(endpoint Endpoint, errOut *error) {
defer wg.Done()
err := endpoint.WaitForConnectivity(ctx)
if err != nil {
*errOut = err
} else {
*errOut = nil
var senderErr, receiverErr error
go doPing(p.sender, &senderErr)
go doPing(p.receiver, &receiverErr)
if senderErr == nil && receiverErr == nil {
return nil
} else if senderErr != nil && receiverErr != nil {
if senderErr.Error() == receiverErr.Error() {
return fmt.Errorf("sender and receiver are not reachable: %s", senderErr.Error())
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("sender and receiver are not reachable:\n sender: %s\n receiver: %s", senderErr, receiverErr)
} else {
var side string
var err *error
if senderErr != nil {
side = "sender"
err = &senderErr
} else {
side = "receiver"
err = &receiverErr
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not reachable: %s", side, *err)
type Filesystem struct {
sender Sender
receiver Receiver
Path string // compat
receiverFS *pdu.Filesystem
promBytesReplicated prometheus.Counter // compat
sizeEstimateRequestSem *semaphore.S
func (f *Filesystem) EqualToPreviousAttempt(other driver.FS) bool {
g, ok := other.(*Filesystem)
if !ok {
return false
// TODO: use GUIDs (issued by zrepl, not those from ZFS)
return f.Path == g.Path
func (f *Filesystem) PlanFS(ctx context.Context) ([]driver.Step, error) {
steps, err := f.doPlanning(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dsteps := make([]driver.Step, len(steps))
for i := range dsteps {
dsteps[i] = steps[i]
return dsteps, nil
func (f *Filesystem) ReportInfo() *report.FilesystemInfo {
return &report.FilesystemInfo{Name: f.Path} // FIXME compat name
type Step struct {
sender Sender
receiver Receiver
parent *Filesystem
from, to *pdu.FilesystemVersion // compat
expectedSize int64 // 0 means no size estimate present / possible
// byteCounter is nil initially, and set later in Step.doReplication
// => concurrent read of that pointer from Step.ReportInfo must be protected
byteCounter bytecounter.StreamCopier
byteCounterMtx chainlock.L
func (s *Step) TargetEquals(other driver.Step) bool {
t, ok := other.(*Step)
if !ok {
return false
if !s.parent.EqualToPreviousAttempt(t.parent) {
panic("Step interface promise broken: parent filesystems must be same")
return s.from.GetGuid() == t.from.GetGuid() &&
s.to.GetGuid() == t.to.GetGuid()
func (s *Step) TargetDate() time.Time {
return s.to.SnapshotTime() // FIXME compat name
func (s *Step) Step(ctx context.Context) error {
return s.doReplication(ctx)
func (s *Step) ReportInfo() *report.StepInfo {
// get current byteCounter value
var byteCounter int64
if s.byteCounter != nil {
byteCounter = s.byteCounter.Count()
// FIXME stick to zfs convention of from and to
from := ""
if s.from != nil {
from = s.from.RelName()
return &report.StepInfo{
From: from,
To: s.to.RelName(),
BytesExpected: s.expectedSize,
BytesReplicated: byteCounter,
func NewPlanner(secsPerState *prometheus.HistogramVec, bytesReplicated *prometheus.CounterVec, sender Sender, receiver Receiver) *Planner {
return &Planner{
sender: sender,
receiver: receiver,
promSecsPerState: secsPerState,
promBytesReplicated: bytesReplicated,
func resolveConflict(conflict error) (path []*pdu.FilesystemVersion, msg string) {
if noCommonAncestor, ok := conflict.(*ConflictNoCommonAncestor); ok {
if len(noCommonAncestor.SortedReceiverVersions) == 0 {
// TODO this is hard-coded replication policy: most recent snapshot as source
var mostRecentSnap *pdu.FilesystemVersion
for n := len(noCommonAncestor.SortedSenderVersions) - 1; n >= 0; n-- {
if noCommonAncestor.SortedSenderVersions[n].Type == pdu.FilesystemVersion_Snapshot {
mostRecentSnap = noCommonAncestor.SortedSenderVersions[n]
if mostRecentSnap == nil {
return nil, "no snapshots available on sender side"
return []*pdu.FilesystemVersion{mostRecentSnap}, fmt.Sprintf("start replication at most recent snapshot %s", mostRecentSnap.RelName())
return nil, "no automated way to handle conflict type"
func (p *Planner) doPlanning(ctx context.Context) ([]*Filesystem, error) {
log := getLogger(ctx)
log.Info("start planning")
slfssres, err := p.sender.ListFilesystems(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemReq{})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("errType", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)).Error("error listing sender filesystems")
return nil, err
sfss := slfssres.GetFilesystems()
// no progress here since we could run in a live-lock on connectivity issues
rlfssres, err := p.receiver.ListFilesystems(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemReq{})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("errType", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)).Error("error listing receiver filesystems")
return nil, err
rfss := rlfssres.GetFilesystems()
sizeEstimateRequestSem := semaphore.New(envconst.Int64("ZREPL_REPLICATION_MAX_CONCURRENT_SIZE_ESTIMATE", 4))
q := make([]*Filesystem, 0, len(sfss))
for _, fs := range sfss {
var receiverFS *pdu.Filesystem
for _, rfs := range rfss {
if rfs.Path == fs.Path {
receiverFS = rfs
ctr := p.promBytesReplicated.WithLabelValues(fs.Path)
q = append(q, &Filesystem{
sender: p.sender,
receiver: p.receiver,
Path: fs.Path,
receiverFS: receiverFS,
promBytesReplicated: ctr,
sizeEstimateRequestSem: sizeEstimateRequestSem,
return q, nil
func (fs *Filesystem) doPlanning(ctx context.Context) ([]*Step, error) {
log := getLogger(ctx).WithField("filesystem", fs.Path)
log.Debug("assessing filesystem")
sfsvsres, err := fs.sender.ListFilesystemVersions(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq{Filesystem: fs.Path})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot get remote filesystem versions")
return nil, err
sfsvs := sfsvsres.GetVersions()
if len(sfsvs) < 1 {
err := errors.New("sender does not have any versions")
return nil, err
var rfsvs []*pdu.FilesystemVersion
if fs.receiverFS != nil && !fs.receiverFS.GetIsPlaceholder() {
rfsvsres, err := fs.receiver.ListFilesystemVersions(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq{Filesystem: fs.Path})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("receiver error")
return nil, err
rfsvs = rfsvsres.GetVersions()
} else {
rfsvs = []*pdu.FilesystemVersion{}
path, conflict := IncrementalPath(rfsvs, sfsvs)
if conflict != nil {
var msg string
path, msg = resolveConflict(conflict) // no shadowing allowed!
if path != nil {
log.WithField("conflict", conflict).Info("conflict")
log.WithField("resolution", msg).Info("automatically resolved")
} else {
log.WithField("conflict", conflict).Error("conflict")
log.WithField("problem", msg).Error("cannot resolve conflict")
if len(path) == 0 {
return nil, conflict
steps := make([]*Step, 0, len(path))
// FIXME unify struct declarations => initializer?
if len(path) == 1 {
steps = append(steps, &Step{
parent: fs,
sender: fs.sender,
receiver: fs.receiver,
from: nil,
to: path[0],
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(path)-1; i++ {
steps = append(steps, &Step{
parent: fs,
sender: fs.sender,
receiver: fs.receiver,
from: path[i],
to: path[i+1],
log.Debug("compute send size estimate")
errs := make(chan error, len(steps))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
fanOutCtx, fanOutCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer fanOutCancel()
for _, step := range steps {
go func(step *Step) {
defer wg.Done()
// TODO instead of the semaphore, rely on resource-exhaustion signaled by the remote endpoint to limit size-estimate requests
// Send is handled over rpc/dataconn ATM, which doesn't support the resource exhaustion status codes that gRPC defines
guard, err := fs.sizeEstimateRequestSem.Acquire(fanOutCtx)
if err != nil {
defer guard.Release()
err = step.updateSizeEstimate(fanOutCtx)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("step", step).Error("error computing size estimate")
errs <- err
var significantErr error = nil
for err := range errs {
if err != nil {
if significantErr == nil || significantErr == context.Canceled {
significantErr = err
if significantErr != nil {
return nil, significantErr
log.Debug("filesystem planning finished")
return steps, nil
// type FilesystemsReplicationFailedError struct {
// FilesystemsWithError []*fsrep.Replication
// }
// func (e FilesystemsReplicationFailedError) Error() string {
// allSame := true
// lastErr := e.FilesystemsWithError[0].Err().Error()
// for _, fs := range e.FilesystemsWithError {
// fsErr := fs.Err().Error()
// allSame = allSame && lastErr == fsErr
// }
// fsstr := "multiple filesystems"
// if len(e.FilesystemsWithError) == 1 {
// fsstr = fmt.Sprintf("filesystem %s", e.FilesystemsWithError[0].FS())
// }
// errorStr := lastErr
// if !allSame {
// errorStr = "multiple different errors"
// }
// return fmt.Sprintf("%s could not be replicated: %s", fsstr, errorStr)
// }
func (s *Step) updateSizeEstimate(ctx context.Context) error {
log := getLogger(ctx)
sr := s.buildSendRequest(true)
log.Debug("initiate dry run send request")
sres, _, err := s.sender.Send(ctx, sr)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("dry run send request failed")
return err
s.expectedSize = sres.ExpectedSize
return nil
func (s *Step) buildSendRequest(dryRun bool) (sr *pdu.SendReq) {
fs := s.parent.Path
if s.from == nil {
sr = &pdu.SendReq{
Filesystem: fs,
To: s.to.RelName(),
DryRun: dryRun,
} else {
sr = &pdu.SendReq{
Filesystem: fs,
From: s.from.RelName(),
To: s.to.RelName(),
DryRun: dryRun,
return sr
func (s *Step) doReplication(ctx context.Context) error {
fs := s.parent.Path
log := getLogger(ctx)
sr := s.buildSendRequest(false)
log.Debug("initiate send request")
sres, sstreamCopier, err := s.sender.Send(ctx, sr)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("send request failed")
return err
if sstreamCopier == nil {
err := errors.New("send request did not return a stream, broken endpoint implementation")
return err
defer sstreamCopier.Close()
// Install a byte counter to track progress + for status report
byteCountingStream := bytecounter.NewStreamCopier(sstreamCopier)
s.byteCounter = byteCountingStream
defer func() {
defer s.byteCounterMtx.Lock().Unlock()
rr := &pdu.ReceiveReq{
Filesystem: fs,
ClearResumeToken: !sres.UsedResumeToken,
log.Debug("initiate receive request")
_, err = s.receiver.Receive(ctx, rr, byteCountingStream)
if err != nil {
WithField("errType", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)).
Error("receive request failed (might also be error on sender)")
// This failure could be due to
// - an unexpected exit of ZFS on the sending side
// - an unexpected exit of ZFS on the receiving side
// - a connectivity issue
return err
log.Debug("receive finished")
log.Debug("advance replication cursor")
req := &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq{
Filesystem: fs,
Op: &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq_Set{
Set: &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq_SetOp{
Snapshot: s.to.GetName(),
_, err = s.sender.ReplicationCursor(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("error advancing replication cursor")
// If this fails and replication planning restarts, the diff algorithm will find
// that cursor out of place. This is not a problem because then, it would just use another FS
// However, we FIXME have no means to just update the cursor in a
// second replication attempt right after this one where we don't have new snaps yet
return err
return err
func (s *Step) String() string {
if s.from == nil { // FIXME: ZFS semantics are that to is nil on non-incremental send
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s (full)", s.parent.Path, s.to.RelName())
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s => %s)", s.parent.Path, s.from.RelName(), s.to.RelName())