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synced 2025-03-31 19:16:27 +02:00
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package driver
import (
type interval struct {
begin time.Time
end time.Time
func (w *interval) SetZero() {
w.begin = time.Time{}
w.end = time.Time{}
// Duration of 0 means indefinite length
func (w *interval) Set(begin time.Time, duration time.Duration) {
if begin.IsZero() {
panic("zero begin time now allowed")
w.begin = begin
w.end = begin.Add(duration)
// Returns the End of the interval if it has a defined length.
// For indefinite lengths, returns the zero value.
func (w *interval) End() time.Time {
return w.end
// Return a context with a deadline at the interval's end.
// If the interval has indefinite length (duration 0 on Set), return ctx as is.
// The returned context.CancelFunc can be called either way.
func (w *interval) ContextWithDeadlineAtEnd(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
if w.begin.IsZero() {
panic("must call Set before ContextWIthDeadlineAtEnd")
if w.end.IsZero() {
// indefinite length, just return context as is
return ctx, func() {}
} else {
return context.WithDeadline(ctx, w.end)
type run struct {
l *chainlock.L
startedAt, finishedAt time.Time
waitReconnect interval
waitReconnectError *timedError
// the attempts attempted so far:
// All but the last in this slice must have finished with some errors.
// The last attempt may not be finished and may not have errors.
attempts []*attempt
type Planner interface {
Plan(context.Context) ([]FS, error)
WaitForConnectivity(context.Context) error
// an attempt represents a single planning & execution of fs replications
type attempt struct {
planner Planner
config Config
l *chainlock.L
startedAt, finishedAt time.Time
// after Planner.Plan was called, planErr and fss are mutually exclusive with regards to nil-ness
// if both are nil, it must be assumed that Planner.Plan is active
planErr *timedError
fss []*fs
type timedError struct {
Err error
Time time.Time
func newTimedError(err error, t time.Time) *timedError {
if err == nil {
panic("error must be non-nil")
if t.IsZero() {
panic("t must be non-zero")
return &timedError{err, t}
func (e *timedError) IntoReportError() *report.TimedError {
if e == nil {
return nil
return report.NewTimedError(e.Err.Error(), e.Time)
type FS interface {
// Returns true if this FS and fs refer to the same filesystem returned
// by Planner.Plan in a previous attempt.
EqualToPreviousAttempt(fs FS) bool
// The returned steps are assumed to be dependent on exactly
// their direct predecessors in the returned list.
PlanFS(context.Context) ([]Step, error)
ReportInfo() *report.FilesystemInfo
type Step interface {
// Returns true iff the target snapshot is the same for this Step and other.
// We do not use TargetDate to avoid problems with wrong system time on
// snapshot creation.
// Implementations can assume that `other` is a step of the same filesystem,
// although maybe from a previous attempt.
// (`same` as defined by FS.EqualToPreviousAttempt)
// Note that TargetEquals should return true in a situation with one
// originally sent snapshot and a subsequent attempt's step that uses
// resumable send & recv.
TargetEquals(other Step) bool
TargetDate() time.Time
Step(context.Context) error
ReportInfo() *report.StepInfo
type fs struct {
fs FS
l *chainlock.L
blockedOn report.FsBlockedOn
// ordering relationship that must be maintained for initial replication
initialRepOrd struct {
parents, children []*fs
parentDidUpdate chan struct{}
planning struct {
waitingForStepQueue bool
done bool
err *timedError
// valid iff planning.done && planning.err == nil
planned struct {
// valid iff planning.done && planning.err == nil
stepErr *timedError
// all steps, in the order in which they must be completed
steps []*step
// index into steps, pointing at the step that is currently executing
// if step >= len(steps), no more work needs to be done
step int
type step struct {
l *chainlock.L
step Step
type ReportFunc func() *report.Report
type WaitFunc func(block bool) (done bool)
type Config struct {
StepQueueConcurrency int `validate:"gte=1"`
MaxAttempts int `validate:"eq=-1|gt=0"`
ReconnectHardFailTimeout time.Duration `validate:"gt=0"`
var validate = validator.New()
func (c Config) Validate() error {
return validate.Struct(c)
// caller must ensure config.Validate() == nil
func Do(ctx context.Context, config Config, planner Planner) (ReportFunc, WaitFunc) {
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
log := getLog(ctx)
l := chainlock.New()
run := &run{
l: l,
startedAt: time.Now(),
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
defer run.l.Lock().Unlock()
log.Debug("begin run")
defer log.Debug("run ended")
var prev *attempt
mainLog := log
for ano := 0; ano < int(config.MaxAttempts); ano++ {
log := mainLog.WithField("attempt_number", ano)
log.Debug("start attempt")
run.waitReconnectError = nil
// do current attempt
cur := &attempt{
l: l,
startedAt: time.Now(),
planner: planner,
config: config,
run.attempts = append(run.attempts, cur)
run.l.DropWhile(func() {
cur.do(ctx, prev)
prev = cur
if ctx.Err() != nil {
log.WithError(ctx.Err()).Info("context error")
// error classification, bail out if done / permanent error
rep := cur.report()
log.WithField("attempt_state", rep.State).Debug("attempt state")
errRep := cur.errorReport()
if rep.State == report.AttemptDone {
if len(rep.Filesystems) == 0 {
log.Warn("no filesystems were considered for replication")
log.Debug("attempt completed")
mostRecentErr, mostRecentErrClass := errRep.MostRecent()
log.WithField("most_recent_err", mostRecentErr).WithField("most_recent_err_class", mostRecentErrClass).Debug("most recent error used for re-connect decision")
if mostRecentErr == nil {
// inconsistent reporting, let's bail out
log.WithField("attempt_state", rep.State).Warn("attempt does not report done but error report does not report errors, aborting run")
log.WithError(mostRecentErr.Err).Error("most recent error in this attempt")
shouldReconnect := mostRecentErrClass == errorClassTemporaryConnectivityRelated
log.WithField("reconnect_decision", shouldReconnect).Debug("reconnect decision made")
if shouldReconnect {
run.waitReconnect.Set(time.Now(), config.ReconnectHardFailTimeout)
log.WithField("deadline", run.waitReconnect.End()).Error("temporary connectivity-related error identified, start waiting for reconnect")
var connectErr error
var connectErrTime time.Time
run.l.DropWhile(func() {
ctx, cancel := run.waitReconnect.ContextWithDeadlineAtEnd(ctx)
defer cancel()
connectErr = planner.WaitForConnectivity(ctx)
connectErrTime = time.Now()
if connectErr == nil {
log.Error("reconnect successful") // same level as 'begin with reconnect' message above
} else {
run.waitReconnectError = newTimedError(connectErr, connectErrTime)
log.WithError(connectErr).Error("reconnecting failed, aborting run")
} else {
log.Error("most recent error cannot be solved by reconnecting, aborting run")
wait := func(block bool) bool {
if block {
select {
case <-done:
return true
return false
report := func() *report.Report {
defer run.l.Lock().Unlock()
return run.report()
return report, wait
func (a *attempt) do(ctx context.Context, prev *attempt) {
prevs := a.doGlobalPlanning(ctx, prev)
if prevs == nil {
a.doFilesystems(ctx, prevs)
// if no error occurs, returns a map that maps this attempt's a.fss to `prev`'s a.fss
func (a *attempt) doGlobalPlanning(ctx context.Context, prev *attempt) map[*fs]*fs {
ctx, endSpan := trace.WithSpan(ctx, "plan")
defer endSpan()
pfss, err := a.planner.Plan(ctx)
errTime := time.Now()
defer a.l.Lock().Unlock()
if err != nil {
a.planErr = newTimedError(err, errTime)
a.fss = nil
a.finishedAt = time.Now()
return nil
// a.fss != nil indicates that there was no planning error (see doc comment)
a.fss = make([]*fs, 0)
for _, pfs := range pfss {
fs := &fs{
fs: pfs,
l: a.l,
blockedOn: report.FsBlockedOnNothing,
fs.initialRepOrd.parentDidUpdate = make(chan struct{}, 1)
a.fss = append(a.fss, fs)
prevs := make(map[*fs]*fs)
prevFSs := make(map[*fs][]*fs, len(pfss))
if prev != nil {
debug("previous attempt has %d fss", len(a.fss))
for _, fs := range a.fss {
for _, prevFS := range prev.fss {
if fs.fs.EqualToPreviousAttempt(prevFS.fs) {
l := prevFSs[fs]
l = append(l, prevFS)
prevFSs[fs] = l
type inconsistency struct {
cur *fs
prevs []*fs
var inconsistencies []inconsistency
for cur, fss := range prevFSs {
if len(fss) > 1 {
inconsistencies = append(inconsistencies, inconsistency{cur, fss})
sort.SliceStable(inconsistencies, func(i, j int) bool {
return inconsistencies[i].cur.fs.ReportInfo().Name < inconsistencies[j].cur.fs.ReportInfo().Name
if len(inconsistencies) > 0 {
var msg strings.Builder
msg.WriteString("cannot determine filesystem correspondences between different attempts:\n")
var inconsistencyLines []string
for _, i := range inconsistencies {
var prevNames []string
for _, prev := range i.prevs {
prevNames = append(prevNames, prev.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
l := fmt.Sprintf(" %s => %v", i.cur.fs.ReportInfo().Name, prevNames)
inconsistencyLines = append(inconsistencyLines, l)
fmt.Fprint(&msg, strings.Join(inconsistencyLines, "\n"))
now := time.Now()
a.planErr = newTimedError(errors.New(msg.String()), now)
a.fss = nil
a.finishedAt = now
return nil
for cur, fss := range prevFSs {
if len(fss) > 0 {
prevs[cur] = fss[0]
// invariant: prevs contains an entry for each unambiguous correspondence
// build up parent-child relationship (FIXME (O(n^2), but who's going to have that many filesystems...))
mustDatasetPathOrPlanFail := func(fs string) *zfs.DatasetPath {
dp, err := zfs.NewDatasetPath(fs)
if err != nil {
now := time.Now()
a.planErr = newTimedError(errors.Wrapf(err, "%q", fs), now)
a.fss = nil
a.finishedAt = now
return nil
return dp
for _, f1 := range a.fss {
fs1 := mustDatasetPathOrPlanFail(f1.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
if fs1 == nil {
return nil
for _, f2 := range a.fss {
fs2 := mustDatasetPathOrPlanFail(f2.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
if fs2 == nil {
return nil
if fs1.HasPrefix(fs2) && !fs1.Equal(fs2) {
f1.initialRepOrd.parents = append(f1.initialRepOrd.parents, f2)
f2.initialRepOrd.children = append(f2.initialRepOrd.children, f1)
return prevs
func (a *attempt) doFilesystems(ctx context.Context, prevs map[*fs]*fs) {
ctx, endSpan := trace.WithSpan(ctx, "do-repl")
defer endSpan()
defer a.l.Lock().Unlock()
stepQueue := newStepQueue()
defer stepQueue.Start(a.config.StepQueueConcurrency)()
var fssesDone sync.WaitGroup
for _, f := range a.fss {
go func(f *fs) {
defer fssesDone.Done()
// avoid explosion of tasks with name f.report().Info.Name
ctx, endTask := trace.WithTaskAndSpan(ctx, "repl-fs", f.report().Info.Name)
defer endTask()
f.do(ctx, stepQueue, prevs[f])
f.l.HoldWhile(func() {
// every return from f means it's unblocked...
f.blockedOn = report.FsBlockedOnNothing
a.l.DropWhile(func() {
a.finishedAt = time.Now()
func (f *fs) debug(format string, args ...interface{}) {
debugPrefix("fs=%s", f.fs.ReportInfo().Name)(format, args...)
// wake up children that watch for f.{planning.{err,done},planned.{step,stepErr}}
func (f *fs) initialRepOrdWakeupChildren() {
var children []string
for _, c := range f.initialRepOrd.children {
// no locking required, c.fs does not change
children = append(children, c.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
f.debug("wakeup children %s", children)
for _, child := range f.initialRepOrd.children {
select {
// no locking required, child.initialRepOrd does not change
case child.initialRepOrd.parentDidUpdate <- struct{}{}:
func (f *fs) do(ctx context.Context, pq *stepQueue, prev *fs) {
defer f.l.Lock().Unlock()
defer f.initialRepOrdWakeupChildren()
// get planned steps from replication logic
var psteps []Step
var errTime time.Time
var err error
f.blockedOn = report.FsBlockedOnPlanningStepQueue
f.l.DropWhile(func() {
// TODO hacky
// choose target time that is earlier than any snapshot, so fs planning is always prioritized
targetDate := time.Unix(0, 0)
defer pq.WaitReady(ctx, f, targetDate)()
f.l.HoldWhile(func() {
// transition before we call PlanFS
f.blockedOn = report.FsBlockedOnNothing
psteps, err = f.fs.PlanFS(ctx) // no shadow
errTime = time.Now() // no shadow
if err != nil {
f.planning.err = newTimedError(err, errTime)
for _, pstep := range psteps {
step := &step{
l: f.l,
step: pstep,
f.planned.steps = append(f.planned.steps, step)
// we're not done planning yet, f.planned.steps might still be changed by next block
// => don't set f.planning.done just yet
f.debug("initial len(fs.planned.steps) = %d", len(f.planned.steps))
// for not-first attempts that succeeded in planning, only allow fs.planned.steps
// up to and including the originally planned target snapshot
if prev != nil && prev.planning.done && prev.planning.err == nil {
f.debug("attempting to correlate plan with previous attempt to find out what is left to do")
// find the highest of the previously uncompleted steps for which we can also find a step
// in our current plan
prevUncompleted := prev.planned.steps[prev.planned.step:]
if len(prevUncompleted) == 0 || len(f.planned.steps) == 0 {
f.debug("no steps planned in previous attempt or this attempt, no correlation necessary len(prevUncompleted)=%d len(f.planned.steps)=%d", len(prevUncompleted), len(f.planned.steps))
} else {
var target struct{ prev, cur int }
target.prev = -1
target.cur = -1
for p := len(prevUncompleted) - 1; p >= 0; p-- {
for q := len(f.planned.steps) - 1; q >= 0; q-- {
if prevUncompleted[p].step.TargetEquals(f.planned.steps[q].step) {
target.prev = p
target.cur = q
break out
if target.prev == -1 || target.cur == -1 {
f.debug("no correlation possible between previous attempt and this attempt's plan")
f.planning.err = newTimedError(fmt.Errorf("cannot correlate previously failed attempt to current plan"), time.Now())
f.planned.steps = f.planned.steps[0:target.cur]
f.debug("found correlation, new steps are len(fs.planned.steps) = %d", len(f.planned.steps))
} else {
f.debug("previous attempt does not exist or did not finish planning, no correlation possible, taking this attempt's plan as is")
// now we are done planning (f.planned.steps won't change from now on)
f.planning.done = true
// wait for parents' initial replication
f.blockedOn = report.FsBlockedOnParentInitialRepl
var parents []string
for _, p := range f.initialRepOrd.parents {
parents = append(parents, p.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
f.debug("wait for parents %s", parents)
for {
var initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors []string
allParentsPresentOnReceiver := true
f.l.DropWhile(func() {
for _, p := range f.initialRepOrd.parents {
p.l.HoldWhile(func() {
// (get the preconditions that allow us to inspect p.planned)
parentHasPlanningDone := p.planning.done && p.planning.err == nil
if !parentHasPlanningDone {
// if the parent couldn't be planned, we cannot know whether it needs initial replication
// or incremental replication => be conservative and assume it was initial replication
allParentsPresentOnReceiver = false
if p.planning.err != nil {
initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors = append(initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors, p.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
// now allowed to inspect p.planned
// if there are no steps to be done, the filesystem must exist on the receiving side
// (otherwise we'd replicate it, and there would be a step for that)
// (FIXME hardcoded initial replication policy, assuming the policy will always do _some_ initial replication)
parentHasNoSteps := len(p.planned.steps) == 0
// OR if it has completed at least one step
// (remember that .step points to the next step to be done)
// (TODO technically, we could make this step ready in the moment the recv-side
// dataset exists, i.e. after the first few megabytes of transferred data, but we'd have to ask the receiver for that -> poll ListFilesystems RPC)
parentHasTakenAtLeastOneSuccessfulStep := !parentHasNoSteps && p.planned.step >= 1
parentFirstStepIsIncremental := // no need to lock for .report() because step.l == it's fs.l
len(p.planned.steps) > 0 && p.planned.steps[0].report().IsIncremental()
f.debug("parentHasNoSteps=%v parentFirstStepIsIncremental=%v parentHasTakenAtLeastOneSuccessfulStep=%v",
parentHasNoSteps, parentFirstStepIsIncremental, parentHasTakenAtLeastOneSuccessfulStep)
// If the parent is a placeholder on the sender, `parentHasNoSteps` is true because we plan no steps for sender placeholders.
// The receiver will create the necessary placeholders when they start receiving the first non-placeholder child filesystem.
parentPresentOnReceiver := parentHasNoSteps || parentFirstStepIsIncremental || parentHasTakenAtLeastOneSuccessfulStep
allParentsPresentOnReceiver = allParentsPresentOnReceiver && parentPresentOnReceiver // no shadow
if !parentPresentOnReceiver && p.planned.stepErr != nil {
initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors = append(initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors, p.fs.ReportInfo().Name)
if len(initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors) > 0 {
f.planned.stepErr = newTimedError(fmt.Errorf("parent(s) failed during initial replication: %s", initialReplicatingParentsWithErrors), time.Now())
if allParentsPresentOnReceiver {
break // good to go
// wait for wakeups from parents, then check again
// lock must not be held while waiting in order for reporting to work
f.l.DropWhile(func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
f.planned.stepErr = newTimedError(ctx.Err(), time.Now())
case <-f.initialRepOrd.parentDidUpdate:
// loop
if f.planned.stepErr != nil {
f.debug("all parents ready, start replication %s", parents)
// do our steps
for i, s := range f.planned.steps {
// lock must not be held while executing step in order for reporting to work
f.l.DropWhile(func() {
// wait for parallel replication
targetDate := s.step.TargetDate()
f.l.HoldWhile(func() { f.blockedOn = report.FsBlockedOnReplStepQueue })
defer pq.WaitReady(ctx, f, targetDate)()
f.l.HoldWhile(func() { f.blockedOn = report.FsBlockedOnNothing })
// do the step
ctx, endSpan := trace.WithSpan(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", s.step.ReportInfo()))
defer endSpan()
err, errTime = s.step.Step(ctx), time.Now() // no shadow
if err != nil {
f.planned.stepErr = newTimedError(err, errTime)
f.planned.step = i + 1 // fs.planned.step must be == len(fs.planned.steps) if all went OK
// caller must hold lock l
func (r *run) report() *report.Report {
report := &report.Report{
Attempts: make([]*report.AttemptReport, len(r.attempts)),
StartAt: r.startedAt,
FinishAt: r.finishedAt,
WaitReconnectSince: r.waitReconnect.begin,
WaitReconnectUntil: r.waitReconnect.end,
WaitReconnectError: r.waitReconnectError.IntoReportError(),
for i := range report.Attempts {
report.Attempts[i] = r.attempts[i].report()
return report
// caller must hold lock l
func (a *attempt) report() *report.AttemptReport {
r := &report.AttemptReport{
// State is set below
Filesystems: make([]*report.FilesystemReport, len(a.fss)),
StartAt: a.startedAt,
FinishAt: a.finishedAt,
PlanError: a.planErr.IntoReportError(),
for i := range r.Filesystems {
r.Filesystems[i] = a.fss[i].report()
var state report.AttemptState
if a.planErr == nil && a.fss == nil {
state = report.AttemptPlanning
} else if a.planErr != nil && a.fss == nil {
state = report.AttemptPlanningError
} else if a.planErr == nil && a.fss != nil {
if a.finishedAt.IsZero() {
state = report.AttemptFanOutFSs
} else {
fsWithError := false
for _, s := range r.Filesystems {
fsWithError = fsWithError || s.Error() != nil
state = report.AttemptDone
if fsWithError {
state = report.AttemptFanOutError
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempt.planErr and attempt.fss must not both be != nil:\n%s\n%s", pretty.Sprint(a.planErr), pretty.Sprint(a.fss)))
r.State = state
return r
// caller must hold lock l
func (f *fs) report() *report.FilesystemReport {
state := report.FilesystemPlanningErrored
if f.planning.err == nil {
if f.planning.done {
if f.planned.stepErr != nil {
state = report.FilesystemSteppingErrored
} else if f.planned.step < len(f.planned.steps) {
state = report.FilesystemStepping
} else {
state = report.FilesystemDone
} else {
state = report.FilesystemPlanning
r := &report.FilesystemReport{
Info: f.fs.ReportInfo(),
State: state,
BlockedOn: f.blockedOn,
PlanError: f.planning.err.IntoReportError(),
StepError: f.planned.stepErr.IntoReportError(),
Steps: make([]*report.StepReport, len(f.planned.steps)),
CurrentStep: f.planned.step,
for i := range r.Steps {
r.Steps[i] = f.planned.steps[i].report()
return r
// caller must hold lock l
func (s *step) report() *report.StepReport {
r := &report.StepReport{
Info: s.step.ReportInfo(),
return r
//go:generate enumer -type=errorClass
type errorClass int
const (
errorClassPermanent errorClass = iota
type errorReport struct {
flattened []*timedError
// sorted DESCending by err time
byClass map[errorClass][]*timedError
// caller must hold lock l
func (a *attempt) errorReport() *errorReport {
r := &errorReport{}
if a.planErr != nil {
r.flattened = append(r.flattened, a.planErr)
for _, fs := range a.fss {
if fs.planning.done && fs.planning.err != nil {
r.flattened = append(r.flattened, fs.planning.err)
} else if fs.planning.done && fs.planned.stepErr != nil {
r.flattened = append(r.flattened, fs.planned.stepErr)
// build byClass
r.byClass = make(map[errorClass][]*timedError)
putClass := func(err *timedError, class errorClass) {
errs := r.byClass[class]
errs = append(errs, err)
r.byClass[class] = errs
for _, err := range r.flattened {
if neterr, ok := err.Err.(net.Error); ok && neterr.Timeout() {
putClass(err, errorClassTemporaryConnectivityRelated)
if st, ok := status.FromError(err.Err); ok && st.Code() == codes.Unavailable {
// technically, codes.Unavailable could be returned by the gRPC endpoint, indicating overload, etc.
// for now, let's assume it only happens for connectivity issues, as specified in
// https://grpc.io/grpc/core/md_doc_statuscodes.html
putClass(err, errorClassTemporaryConnectivityRelated)
putClass(err, errorClassPermanent)
for _, errs := range r.byClass {
sort.Slice(errs, func(i, j int) bool {
return errs[i].Time.After(errs[j].Time) // sort descendingly
return r
func (r *errorReport) AnyError() *timedError {
for _, err := range r.flattened {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *errorReport) MostRecent() (err *timedError, errClass errorClass) {
for class, errs := range r.byClass {
// errs are sorted descendingly during construction
if len(errs) > 0 && (err == nil || errs[0].Time.After(err.Time)) {
err = errs[0]
errClass = class