
209 lines
5.8 KiB

package zfs
import (
type VersionType string
const (
Bookmark VersionType = "bookmark"
Snapshot = "snapshot"
type FilesystemVersion struct {
Type VersionType
// Display name. Should not be used for identification, only for user output
Name string
// GUID as exported by ZFS. Uniquely identifies a snapshot across pools
Guid uint64
// The TXG in which the snapshot was created. For bookmarks,
// this is the GUID of the snapshot it was initially tied to.
CreateTXG uint64
type fsbyCreateTXG []FilesystemVersion
func (l fsbyCreateTXG) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l fsbyCreateTXG) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func (l fsbyCreateTXG) Less(i, j int) bool {
return l[i].CreateTXG < l[j].CreateTXG
/* The sender (left) wants to know if the receiver (right) has more recent versions
Left : | C |
Right: | A | B | C | D | E |
=> : | C | D | E |
Left: | C |
Right: | D | E |
=> : <empty list>, no common ancestor
Left : | C | D | E |
Right: | A | B | C |
=> : <empty list>, the left has newer versions
Left : | A | B | C | | F |
Right: | C | D | E |
=> : | C | | F | => diverged => <empty list>
IMPORTANT: since ZFS currently does not export dataset UUIDs, the best heuristic to
identify a filesystem version is the tuple (name,creation)
type FilesystemDiff struct {
// The increments required to get left up to right's most recent version
// 0th element is the common ancestor, ordered by birthtime, oldest first
// If empty, left and right are at same most recent version
// If nil, there is no incremental path for left to get to right's most recent version
// This means either (check Diverged field to determine which case we are in)
// a) no common ancestor (left deleted all the snapshots it previously transferred to right)
// => consult MRCAPathRight and request initial retransfer after prep on left side
// b) divergence bewteen left and right (left made snapshots that right doesn't have)
// => check MRCAPathLeft and MRCAPathRight and decide what to do based on that
IncrementalPath []FilesystemVersion
// true if left and right diverged, false otherwise
Diverged bool
// If Diverged, contains path from left most recent common ancestor (mrca)
// to most recent version on left
// Otherwise: nil
MRCAPathLeft []FilesystemVersion
// If Diverged, contains path from right most recent common ancestor (mrca)
// to most recent version on right
// If there is no common ancestor (i.e. not diverged), contains entire list of
// versions on right
MRCAPathRight []FilesystemVersion
func ZFSListFilesystemVersions(fs DatasetPath) (res []FilesystemVersion, err error) {
var fieldLines [][]string
fieldLines, err = ZFSList(
[]string{"name", "guid", "createtxg"},
"-r", "-d", "1",
"-t", "bookmark,snapshot",
"-s", "createtxg", fs.ToString())
if err != nil {
res = make([]FilesystemVersion, len(fieldLines))
for i, line := range fieldLines {
if len(line[0]) < 3 {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("snapshot or bookmark name implausibly short: %s", line[0]))
snapSplit := strings.SplitN(line[0], "@", 2)
bookmarkSplit := strings.SplitN(line[0], "#", 2)
if len(snapSplit)*len(bookmarkSplit) != 2 {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("dataset cannot be snapshot and bookmark at the same time: %s", line[0]))
var v FilesystemVersion
if len(snapSplit) == 2 {
v.Name = snapSplit[1]
v.Type = Snapshot
} else {
v.Name = bookmarkSplit[1]
v.Type = Bookmark
if v.Guid, err = strconv.ParseUint(line[1], 10, 64); err != nil {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse GUID: %s", err.Error()))
if v.CreateTXG, err = strconv.ParseUint(line[2], 10, 64); err != nil {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse CreateTXG: %s", err.Error()))
res[i] = v
// we must assume left and right are ordered ascendingly by ZFS_PROP_CREATETXG and that
// names are unique (bas ZFS_PROP_GUID replacement)
func MakeFilesystemDiff(left, right []FilesystemVersion) (diff FilesystemDiff) {
// Assert both left and right are sorted by createtxg
var leftSorted, rightSorted fsbyCreateTXG
leftSorted = left
rightSorted = right
if !sort.IsSorted(leftSorted) {
panic("cannot make filesystem diff: unsorted left")
if !sort.IsSorted(rightSorted) {
panic("cannot make filesystem diff: unsorted right")
// Find most recent common ancestor by name, preferring snapshots over bookmars
mrcaLeft := len(left) - 1
var mrcaRight int
for ; mrcaLeft >= 0; mrcaLeft-- {
for i := len(right) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if left[mrcaLeft].Guid == right[i].Guid {
mrcaRight = i
if i-1 >= 0 && right[i-1].Guid == right[i].Guid && right[i-1].Type == Snapshot {
// prefer snapshots over bookmarks
mrcaRight = i - 1
break outer
// no common ancestor?
if mrcaLeft == -1 {
diff = FilesystemDiff{
IncrementalPath: nil,
Diverged: false,
MRCAPathRight: right,
// diverged?
if mrcaLeft != len(left)-1 {
diff = FilesystemDiff{
IncrementalPath: nil,
Diverged: true,
MRCAPathLeft: left[mrcaLeft:],
MRCAPathRight: right[mrcaRight:],
if mrcaLeft != len(left)-1 {
panic("invariant violated: mrca on left must be the last item in the left list")
// strip bookmarks going forward from right
incPath := make([]FilesystemVersion, 0, len(right))
incPath = append(incPath, right[mrcaRight])
// right[mrcaRight] may be a bookmark if there's no equally named snapshot
for i := mrcaRight + 1; i < len(right); i++ {
if right[i].Type != Bookmark {
incPath = append(incPath, right[i])
diff = FilesystemDiff{
IncrementalPath: incPath,