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293 lines
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package hooks
import (
// Re-export type here so that
// every file in package hooks doesn't
// have to import github.com/zrepl/zrepl/zfs
type Filter zfs.DatasetFilter
type Hook interface {
Filesystems() Filter
// If true and the Pre edge invocation of Run fails, Post edge will not run and other Pre edges will not run.
ErrIsFatal() bool
// Run is invoked by HookPlan for a Pre edge.
// If HookReport.HadError() == false, the Post edge will be invoked, too.
Run(ctx context.Context, edge Edge, phase Phase, dryRun bool, extra Env, state map[interface{}]interface{}) HookReport
String() string
type Phase string
const (
PhaseSnapshot = Phase("snapshot")
PhaseTesting = Phase("testing")
func (p Phase) String() string {
return string(p)
//go:generate stringer -type=Edge
type Edge uint
const (
Pre = Edge(1 << iota)
func (e Edge) StringForPhase(phase Phase) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", e.String(), phase.String())
//go:generate enumer -type=StepStatus -trimprefix=Step
type StepStatus int
const (
StepPending StepStatus = 1 << iota
type HookReport interface {
String() string
HadError() bool
Error() string
type Step struct {
Hook Hook
Edge Edge
Status StepStatus
Begin, End time.Time
// Report may be nil
// FIXME cannot serialize this for client status, but contains interesting info (like what error happened)
Report HookReport
state map[interface{}]interface{}
func (s Step) String() (out string) {
fatal := "~"
if s.Hook.ErrIsFatal() && s.Edge == Pre {
fatal = "!"
runTime := "..."
if s.Status != StepPending {
t := s.End.Sub(s.Begin)
runTime = t.Round(time.Millisecond).String()
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] [%5s] %s [%s] %s", s.Status, runTime, fatal, s.Edge, s.Hook)
type Plan struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
steps []*Step
pre []*Step // protected by mtx
cb *Step
post []*Step // not reversed, i.e. entry at index i corresponds to pre-edge in pre[i]
phase Phase
env Env
func NewPlan(hooks *List, phase Phase, cb *CallbackHook, extra Env) (*Plan, error) {
var pre, post []*Step
// TODO sanity check unique name of hook?
for _, hook := range *hooks {
state := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
preE := &Step{
Hook: hook,
Edge: Pre,
Status: StepPending,
state: state,
pre = append(pre, preE)
postE := &Step{
Hook: hook,
Edge: Post,
Status: StepPending,
state: state,
post = append(post, postE)
cbE := &Step{
Hook: cb,
Edge: Callback,
Status: StepPending,
steps := make([]*Step, 0, len(pre)+len(post)+1)
steps = append(steps, pre...)
steps = append(steps, cbE)
for i := len(post) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
steps = append(steps, post[i])
plan := &Plan{
phase: phase,
env: extra,
steps: steps,
pre: pre,
post: post,
cb: cbE,
return plan, nil
type PlanReport []Step
func (p *Plan) Report() PlanReport {
defer p.mtx.RUnlock()
rep := make([]Step, len(p.steps))
for i := range rep {
rep[i] = *p.steps[i]
return rep
func (r PlanReport) HadError() bool {
for _, e := range r {
if e.Status == StepErr {
return true
return false
func (r PlanReport) HadFatalError() bool {
for _, e := range r {
if e.Status == StepSkippedDueToFatalErr {
return true
return false
func (r PlanReport) String() string {
stepStrings := make([]string, len(r))
for i, e := range r {
stepStrings[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%02d %s", i+1, e)
return strings.Join(stepStrings, "\n")
func (p *Plan) Run(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) {
defer p.mtx.RUnlock()
w := func(f func()) {
defer p.mtx.RLock()
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
runHook := func(s *Step, ctx context.Context, edge Edge) HookReport {
w(func() { s.Status = StepExec })
begin := time.Now()
r := s.Hook.Run(ctx, edge, p.phase, dryRun, p.env, s.state)
end := time.Now()
w(func() {
s.Report = r
s.Status = StepOk
if r.HadError() {
s.Status = StepErr
s.Begin, s.End = begin, end
return r
l := getLogger(ctx)
// it's a stack, execute until we reach the end of the list (last item in)
// or fail inbetween
l.Info("run pre-edges in configuration order")
next := 0
for ; next < len(p.pre); next++ {
e := p.pre[next]
l := l.WithField("hook", e.Hook)
r := runHook(e, ctx, Pre)
if r.HadError() {
l.WithError(r).Error("hook invocation failed for pre-edge")
if e.Hook.ErrIsFatal() {
l.Error("the hook run was aborted due to a fatal error in this hook")
hadFatalErr := next != len(p.pre)
if hadFatalErr {
l.Error("fatal error in a pre-snapshot hook invocation")
l.Error("no snapshot will be taken")
l.Error("only running post-edges for successful pre-edges")
w(func() {
p.post[next].Status = StepSkippedDueToFatalErr
for i := next + 1; i < len(p.pre); i++ {
p.pre[i].Status = StepSkippedDueToFatalErr
p.post[i].Status = StepSkippedDueToFatalErr
p.cb.Status = StepSkippedDueToFatalErr
l.Info("running callback")
cbR := runHook(p.cb, ctx, Callback)
if cbR.HadError() {
l.WithError(cbR).Error("callback failed")
l.Info("run post-edges for successful pre-edges in reverse configuration order")
// the constructor produces pre and post entries
// post is NOT reversed
next-- // now at index of last executed pre-edge
for ; next >= 0; next-- {
e := p.post[next]
l := l.WithField("hook", e.Hook)
if p.pre[next].Status != StepOk {
if p.pre[next].Status != StepErr {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expecting a pre-edge hook report to be either Ok or Err, got %s", p.pre[next].Status))
l.Info("skip post-edge because pre-edge failed")
w(func() {
e.Status = StepSkippedDueToPreErr
report := runHook(e, ctx, Post)
if report.HadError() {
l.WithError(report).Error("hook invocation failed for post-edge")
l.Error("subsequent post-edges run regardless of this post-edge failure")
// ErrIsFatal is only relevant for Pre