InsanePrawn b2c6e51a43 client/signal: Revert "add signal 'snapshot', rename existing signal 'wakeup' to 'replication'"
This was merged to master prematurely as the job components are not decoupled well enough
for these signals to be useful yet.

This reverts commit 2c8c2cfa14.

closes #452
2021-03-25 22:26:17 +01:00

192 lines
5.5 KiB

package job
import (
type SnapJob struct {
name endpoint.JobID
fsfilter zfs.DatasetFilter
snapper *snapper.PeriodicOrManual
prunerFactory *pruner.LocalPrunerFactory
promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec // labels: prune_side
prunerMtx sync.Mutex
pruner *pruner.Pruner
func (j *SnapJob) Name() string { return j.name.String() }
func (j *SnapJob) Type() Type { return TypeSnap }
func snapJobFromConfig(g *config.Global, in *config.SnapJob) (j *SnapJob, err error) {
j = &SnapJob{}
fsf, err := filters.DatasetMapFilterFromConfig(in.Filesystems)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build filesystem filter")
j.fsfilter = fsf
if j.snapper, err = snapper.FromConfig(g, fsf, in.Snapshotting); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build snapper")
j.name, err = endpoint.MakeJobID(in.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid job name")
j.promPruneSecs = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "zrepl",
Subsystem: "pruning",
Name: "time",
Help: "seconds spent in pruner",
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"zrepl_job": j.name.String()},
}, []string{"prune_side"})
j.prunerFactory, err = pruner.NewLocalPrunerFactory(in.Pruning, j.promPruneSecs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build snapjob pruning rules")
return j, nil
func (j *SnapJob) RegisterMetrics(registerer prometheus.Registerer) {
type SnapJobStatus struct {
Pruning *pruner.Report
Snapshotting *snapper.Report // may be nil
func (j *SnapJob) Status() *Status {
s := &SnapJobStatus{}
t := j.Type()
if j.pruner != nil {
s.Pruning = j.pruner.Report()
s.Snapshotting = j.snapper.Report()
return &Status{Type: t, JobSpecific: s}
func (j *SnapJob) OwnedDatasetSubtreeRoot() (rfs *zfs.DatasetPath, ok bool) {
return nil, false
func (j *SnapJob) SenderConfig() *endpoint.SenderConfig { return nil }
func (j *SnapJob) Run(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, endTask := trace.WithTaskAndSpan(ctx, "snap-job", j.Name())
defer endTask()
log := GetLogger(ctx)
defer log.Info("job exiting")
periodicDone := make(chan struct{})
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
periodicCtx, endTask := trace.WithTask(ctx, "snapshotting")
defer endTask()
go j.snapper.Run(periodicCtx, periodicDone)
invocationCount := 0
for {
log.Info("wait for wakeups")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
break outer
case <-wakeup.Wait(ctx):
case <-periodicDone:
invocationCtx, endSpan := trace.WithSpan(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("invocation-%d", invocationCount))
// Adaptor that implements pruner.History around a pruner.Target.
// The ReplicationCursor method is Get-op only and always returns
// the filesystem's most recent version's GUID.
// TODO:
// This is a work-around for the current package daemon/pruner
// and package pruning.Snapshot limitation: they require the
// `Replicated` getter method be present, but obviously,
// a local job like SnapJob can't deliver on that.
// But the pruner.Pruner gives up on an FS if no replication
// cursor is present, which is why this pruner returns the
// most recent filesystem version.
type alwaysUpToDateReplicationCursorHistory struct {
// the Target passed as Target to BuildLocalPruner
target pruner.Target
var _ pruner.History = (*alwaysUpToDateReplicationCursorHistory)(nil)
func (h alwaysUpToDateReplicationCursorHistory) ReplicationCursor(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ReplicationCursorReq) (*pdu.ReplicationCursorRes, error) {
fsvReq := &pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq{
Filesystem: req.GetFilesystem(),
res, err := h.target.ListFilesystemVersions(ctx, fsvReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fsvs := res.GetVersions()
if len(fsvs) <= 0 {
return &pdu.ReplicationCursorRes{Result: &pdu.ReplicationCursorRes_Notexist{Notexist: true}}, nil
// always return must recent version
sort.Slice(fsvs, func(i, j int) bool {
return fsvs[i].CreateTXG < fsvs[j].CreateTXG
mostRecent := fsvs[len(fsvs)-1]
return &pdu.ReplicationCursorRes{Result: &pdu.ReplicationCursorRes_Guid{Guid: mostRecent.GetGuid()}}, nil
func (h alwaysUpToDateReplicationCursorHistory) ListFilesystems(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemRes, error) {
return h.target.ListFilesystems(ctx, req)
func (j *SnapJob) doPrune(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, endSpan := trace.WithSpan(ctx, "snap-job-do-prune")
defer endSpan()
log := GetLogger(ctx)
sender := endpoint.NewSender(endpoint.SenderConfig{
JobID: j.name,
FSF: j.fsfilter,
// FIXME encryption setting is irrelevant for SnapJob because the endpoint is only used as pruner.Target
Encrypt: &nodefault.Bool{B: true},
j.pruner = j.prunerFactory.BuildLocalPruner(ctx, sender, alwaysUpToDateReplicationCursorHistory{sender})
log.Info("start pruning")
log.Info("finished pruning")