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synced 2025-03-10 21:18:12 +01:00
- don't treat missing replication cursor as an error in protocol - treat it as a per-fs planning error instead
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543 lines
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// Package fsrep implements replication of a single file system with existing versions
// from a sender to a receiver.
package fsrep
import (
type contextKey int
const (
contextKeyLogger contextKey = iota
type Logger = logger.Logger
func WithLogger(ctx context.Context, log Logger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyLogger, log)
func getLogger(ctx context.Context) Logger {
l, ok := ctx.Value(contextKeyLogger).(Logger)
if !ok {
l = logger.NewNullLogger()
return l
// A Sender is usually part of a github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication.Endpoint.
type Sender interface {
// If a non-nil io.ReadCloser is returned, it is guaranteed to be closed before
// any next call to the parent github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication.Endpoint.
// If the send request is for dry run the io.ReadCloser will be nil
Send(ctx context.Context, r *pdu.SendReq) (*pdu.SendRes, io.ReadCloser, error)
ReplicationCursor(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ReplicationCursorReq) (*pdu.ReplicationCursorRes, error)
// A Sender is usually part of a github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication.Endpoint.
type Receiver interface {
// Receive sends r and sendStream (the latter containing a ZFS send stream)
// to the parent github.com/zrepl/zrepl/replication.Endpoint.
// Implementors must guarantee that Close was called on sendStream before
// the call to Receive returns.
Receive(ctx context.Context, r *pdu.ReceiveReq, sendStream io.ReadCloser) error
type StepReport struct {
From, To string
Status StepState
Problem string
Bytes int64
ExpectedBytes int64 // 0 means no size estimate possible
type Report struct {
Filesystem string
Status string
Problem string
Completed, Pending []*StepReport
//go:generate enumer -type=State
type State uint
const (
Ready State = 1 << iota
type Error interface {
Temporary() bool
ContextErr() bool
LocalToFS() bool
type Replication struct {
promBytesReplicated prometheus.Counter
fs string
// lock protects all fields below it in this struct, but not the data behind pointers
lock sync.Mutex
state State
err Error
completed, pending []*ReplicationStep
func (f *Replication) State() State {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
return f.state
func (f *Replication) FS() string { return f.fs }
// returns zero value time.Time{} if no more pending steps
func (f *Replication) NextStepDate() time.Time {
if len(f.pending) == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return f.pending[0].to.SnapshotTime()
func (f *Replication) Err() Error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
return f.err
func (f *Replication) CanRetry() bool {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.state == Completed {
return false
if f.state != Ready {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("implementation error: %v", f.state))
if f.err == nil {
return true
return f.err.Temporary()
func (f *Replication) UpdateSizeEsitmate(ctx context.Context, sender Sender) error {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
for _, e := range f.pending {
if err := e.updateSizeEstimate(ctx, sender); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type ReplicationBuilder struct {
r *Replication
func BuildReplication(fs string, promBytesReplicated prometheus.Counter) *ReplicationBuilder {
return &ReplicationBuilder{&Replication{fs: fs, promBytesReplicated: promBytesReplicated}}
func (b *ReplicationBuilder) AddStep(from, to FilesystemVersion) *ReplicationBuilder {
step := &ReplicationStep{
state: StepReplicationReady,
parent: b.r,
from: from,
to: to,
b.r.pending = append(b.r.pending, step)
return b
func (b *ReplicationBuilder) Done() (r *Replication) {
if len(b.r.pending) > 0 {
b.r.state = Ready
} else {
b.r.state = Completed
r = b.r
b.r = nil
return r
type ReplicationConflictError struct {
Err error
func (e *ReplicationConflictError) Timeout() bool { return false }
func (e *ReplicationConflictError) Temporary() bool { return false }
func (e *ReplicationConflictError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("permanent error: %s", e.Err.Error()) }
func (e *ReplicationConflictError) LocalToFS() bool { return true }
func (e *ReplicationConflictError) ContextErr() bool { return false }
func NewReplicationConflictError(fs string, err error) *Replication {
return &Replication{
state: Completed,
fs: fs,
err: &ReplicationConflictError{Err: err},
//go:generate enumer -type=StepState
type StepState uint
const (
StepReplicationReady StepState = 1 << iota
func (s StepState) IsTerminal() bool { return s == StepCompleted }
type FilesystemVersion interface {
SnapshotTime() time.Time
GetName() string // name without @ or #
RelName() string // name with @ or #
type ReplicationStep struct {
// only protects state, err
// from, to and parent are assumed to be immutable
lock sync.Mutex
state StepState
from, to FilesystemVersion
parent *Replication
// both retry and permanent error
err error
byteCounter *util.ByteCounterReader
expectedSize int64 // 0 means no size estimate present / possible
func (f *Replication) Retry(ctx context.Context, ka *watchdog.KeepAlive, sender Sender, receiver Receiver) Error {
var u updater = func(fu func(*Replication)) State {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if fu != nil {
return f.state
var current *ReplicationStep
pre := u(nil)
getLogger(ctx).WithField("fsrep_state", pre).Debug("begin fsrep.Retry")
defer func() {
post := u(nil)
getLogger(ctx).WithField("fsrep_transition", post).Debug("end fsrep.Retry")
st := u(func(f *Replication) {
if len(f.pending) == 0 {
f.state = Completed
current = f.pending[0]
if st == Completed {
return nil
if st != Ready {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("implementation error: %v", st))
stepCtx := WithLogger(ctx, getLogger(ctx).WithField("step", current))
getLogger(stepCtx).Debug("take step")
err := current.Retry(stepCtx, ka, sender, receiver)
if err != nil {
getLogger(stepCtx).WithError(err).Error("step could not be completed")
u(func(fsr *Replication) {
if err != nil {
f.err = &StepError{stepStr: current.String(), err: err}
if err == nil && current.state != StepCompleted {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("implementation error: %v", current.state))
f.err = nil
f.completed = append(f.completed, current)
f.pending = f.pending[1:]
if len(f.pending) > 0 {
f.state = Ready
} else {
f.state = Completed
var retErr Error = nil
u(func(fsr *Replication) {
retErr = fsr.err
return retErr
type updater func(func(fsr *Replication)) State
type state func(ctx context.Context, ka *watchdog.KeepAlive, sender Sender, receiver Receiver, u updater) state
type StepError struct {
stepStr string
err error
var _ Error = &StepError{}
func (e StepError) Error() string {
if e.LocalToFS() {
return fmt.Sprintf("step %s failed: %s", e.stepStr, e.err)
return e.err.Error()
func (e StepError) Timeout() bool {
if neterr, ok := e.err.(net.Error); ok {
return neterr.Timeout()
return false
func (e StepError) Temporary() bool {
if neterr, ok := e.err.(net.Error); ok {
return neterr.Temporary()
return false
func (e StepError) LocalToFS() bool {
if _, ok := e.err.(net.Error); ok {
return false
return true // conservative approximation: we'd like to check for specific errors returned over RPC here...
func (e StepError) ContextErr() bool {
switch e.err {
case context.Canceled:
return true
case context.DeadlineExceeded:
return true
return false
func (fsr *Replication) Report() *Report {
defer fsr.lock.Unlock()
rep := Report{
Filesystem: fsr.fs,
Status: fsr.state.String(),
if fsr.err != nil && fsr.err.LocalToFS() {
rep.Problem = fsr.err.Error()
rep.Completed = make([]*StepReport, len(fsr.completed))
for i := range fsr.completed {
rep.Completed[i] = fsr.completed[i].Report()
rep.Pending = make([]*StepReport, len(fsr.pending))
for i := range fsr.pending {
rep.Pending[i] = fsr.pending[i].Report()
return &rep
func (s *ReplicationStep) Retry(ctx context.Context, ka *watchdog.KeepAlive, sender Sender, receiver Receiver) error {
switch s.state {
case StepReplicationReady:
return s.doReplication(ctx, ka, sender, receiver)
case StepMarkReplicatedReady:
return s.doMarkReplicated(ctx, ka, sender)
case StepCompleted:
return nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("implementation error: %v", s.state))
func (s *ReplicationStep) Error() error {
if s.state & (StepReplicationReady|StepMarkReplicatedReady) != 0 {
return s.err
return nil
func (s *ReplicationStep) doReplication(ctx context.Context, ka *watchdog.KeepAlive, sender Sender, receiver Receiver) error {
if s.state != StepReplicationReady {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("implementation error: %v", s.state))
fs := s.parent.fs
log := getLogger(ctx)
sr := s.buildSendRequest(false)
log.Debug("initiate send request")
sres, sstream, err := sender.Send(ctx, sr)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("send request failed")
return err
if sstream == nil {
err := errors.New("send request did not return a stream, broken endpoint implementation")
return err
s.byteCounter = util.NewByteCounterReader(sstream)
s.byteCounter.SetCallback(1*time.Second, func(i int64) {
defer func() {
sstream = s.byteCounter
rr := &pdu.ReceiveReq{
Filesystem: fs,
ClearResumeToken: !sres.UsedResumeToken,
log.Debug("initiate receive request")
err = receiver.Receive(ctx, rr, sstream)
if err != nil {
WithField("errType", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)).
Error("receive request failed (might also be error on sender)")
// This failure could be due to
// - an unexpected exit of ZFS on the sending side
// - an unexpected exit of ZFS on the receiving side
// - a connectivity issue
return err
log.Debug("receive finished")
s.state = StepMarkReplicatedReady
return s.doMarkReplicated(ctx, ka, sender)
func (s *ReplicationStep) doMarkReplicated(ctx context.Context, ka *watchdog.KeepAlive, sender Sender) error {
if s.state != StepMarkReplicatedReady {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("implementation error: %v", s.state))
log := getLogger(ctx)
log.Debug("advance replication cursor")
req := &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq{
Filesystem: s.parent.fs,
Op: &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq_Set{
Set: &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq_SetOp{
Snapshot: s.to.GetName(),
_, err := sender.ReplicationCursor(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("error advancing replication cursor")
return err
s.state = StepCompleted
return err
func (s *ReplicationStep) updateSizeEstimate(ctx context.Context, sender Sender) error {
log := getLogger(ctx)
sr := s.buildSendRequest(true)
log.Debug("initiate dry run send request")
sres, _, err := sender.Send(ctx, sr)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("dry run send request failed")
return err
s.expectedSize = sres.ExpectedSize
return nil
func (s *ReplicationStep) buildSendRequest(dryRun bool) (sr *pdu.SendReq) {
fs := s.parent.fs
if s.from == nil {
sr = &pdu.SendReq{
Filesystem: fs,
To: s.to.RelName(),
DryRun: dryRun,
} else {
sr = &pdu.SendReq{
Filesystem: fs,
From: s.from.RelName(),
To: s.to.RelName(),
DryRun: dryRun,
return sr
func (s *ReplicationStep) String() string {
if s.from == nil { // FIXME: ZFS semantics are that to is nil on non-incremental send
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s (full)", s.parent.fs, s.to.RelName())
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s => %s)", s.parent.fs, s.from.RelName(), s.to.RelName())
func (s *ReplicationStep) Report() *StepReport {
var from string // FIXME follow same convention as ZFS: to should be nil on full send
if s.from != nil {
from = s.from.RelName()
bytes := int64(0)
if s.byteCounter != nil {
bytes = s.byteCounter.Bytes()
problem := ""
if s.err != nil {
problem = s.err.Error()
rep := StepReport{
From: from,
To: s.to.RelName(),
Status: s.state,
Problem: problem,
Bytes: bytes,
ExpectedBytes: s.expectedSize,
return &rep