Christian Schwarz 7584c66bdb pruner: remove retry handling + fix early give-up
Retry handling is broken since the gRPC changes (wrong error classification).
Will come back at some point, hopefully by merging the replication
driver retry infrastructure.

However, the simpler architecture allows an easy fix for the problem
that the pruner practically gave up on the first error it encountered.

fixes #123
2019-03-13 21:04:39 +01:00

563 lines
14 KiB

package pruner
import (
// Try to keep it compatible with gitub.com/zrepl/zrepl/endpoint.Endpoint
type History interface {
ReplicationCursor(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ReplicationCursorReq) (*pdu.ReplicationCursorRes, error)
ListFilesystems(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemRes, error)
// Try to keep it compatible with gitub.com/zrepl/zrepl/endpoint.Endpoint
type Target interface {
ListFilesystems(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemRes, error)
ListFilesystemVersions(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq) (*pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsRes, error)
DestroySnapshots(ctx context.Context, req *pdu.DestroySnapshotsReq) (*pdu.DestroySnapshotsRes, error)
type Logger = logger.Logger
type contextKey int
const contextKeyLogger contextKey = 0
func WithLogger(ctx context.Context, log Logger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyLogger, log)
func GetLogger(ctx context.Context) Logger {
if l, ok := ctx.Value(contextKeyLogger).(Logger); ok {
return l
return logger.NewNullLogger()
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
target Target
receiver History
rules []pruning.KeepRule
retryWait time.Duration
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated bool
promPruneSecs prometheus.Observer
type Pruner struct {
args args
Progress watchdog.KeepAlive
mtx sync.RWMutex
state State
// State PlanErr
err error
// State Exec
execQueue *execQueue
type PrunerFactory struct {
senderRules []pruning.KeepRule
receiverRules []pruning.KeepRule
retryWait time.Duration
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated bool
promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec
func checkContainsKeep1(rules []pruning.KeepRule) error {
if len(rules) == 0 {
return nil //No keep rules means keep all - ok
for _, e := range rules {
switch e.(type) {
case *pruning.KeepLastN:
return nil
return errors.New("sender keep rules must contain last_n or be empty so that the last snapshot is definitely kept")
func NewPrunerFactory(in config.PruningSenderReceiver, promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec) (*PrunerFactory, error) {
keepRulesReceiver, err := pruning.RulesFromConfig(in.KeepReceiver)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build receiver pruning rules")
keepRulesSender, err := pruning.RulesFromConfig(in.KeepSender)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build sender pruning rules")
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated := false
for _, r := range in.KeepSender {
knr, ok := r.Ret.(*config.PruneKeepNotReplicated)
if !ok {
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated = considerSnapAtCursorReplicated || !knr.KeepSnapshotAtCursor
f := &PrunerFactory{
senderRules: keepRulesSender,
receiverRules: keepRulesReceiver,
retryWait: envconst.Duration("ZREPL_PRUNER_RETRY_INTERVAL", 10 * time.Second),
considerSnapAtCursorReplicated: considerSnapAtCursorReplicated,
promPruneSecs: promPruneSecs,
return f, nil
func (f *PrunerFactory) BuildSenderPruner(ctx context.Context, target Target, receiver History) *Pruner {
p := &Pruner{
args: args{
WithLogger(ctx, GetLogger(ctx).WithField("prune_side", "sender")),
state: Plan,
return p
func (f *PrunerFactory) BuildReceiverPruner(ctx context.Context, target Target, receiver History) *Pruner {
p := &Pruner{
args: args{
WithLogger(ctx, GetLogger(ctx).WithField("prune_side", "receiver")),
false, // senseless here anyways
state: Plan,
return p
//go:generate enumer -type=State
type State int
const (
Plan State = 1 << iota
type updater func(func(*Pruner))
func (p *Pruner) Prune() {
func (p *Pruner) prune(args args) {
u := func(f func(*Pruner)) {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
// TODO support automatic retries
// It is advisable to merge this code with package replication/driver before
// That will likely require re-modelling struct fs like replication/driver.attempt,
// including figuring out how to resume a plan after being interrupted by network errors
// The non-retrying code in this package should move straight to replication/logic.
doOneAttempt(&args, u)
type Report struct {
State string
Error string
Pending, Completed []FSReport
type FSReport struct {
Filesystem string
SnapshotList, DestroyList []SnapshotReport
SkipReason FSSkipReason
LastError string
type SnapshotReport struct {
Name string
Replicated bool
Date time.Time
func (p *Pruner) Report() *Report {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
r := Report{State: p.state.String()}
if p.err != nil {
r.Error = p.err.Error()
if p.execQueue != nil {
r.Pending, r.Completed = p.execQueue.Report()
return &r
func (p *Pruner) State() State {
defer p.mtx.Unlock()
return p.state
type fs struct {
path string
// permanent error during planning
planErr error
planErrContext string
// if != "", the fs was skipped for planning and the field
// contains the reason
skipReason FSSkipReason
// snapshots presented by target
// (type snapshot)
snaps []pruning.Snapshot
// destroy list returned by pruning.PruneSnapshots(snaps)
// (type snapshot)
destroyList []pruning.Snapshot
mtx sync.RWMutex
// only during Exec state, also used by execQueue
execErrLast error
type FSSkipReason string
const (
NotSkipped = ""
SkipPlaceholder = "filesystem is placeholder"
SkipNoCorrespondenceOnSender = "filesystem has no correspondence on sender"
func (r FSSkipReason) NotSkipped() bool {
return r == NotSkipped
func (f *fs) Report() FSReport {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
r := FSReport{}
r.Filesystem = f.path
r.SkipReason = f.skipReason
if !r.SkipReason.NotSkipped() {
return r
if f.planErr != nil {
r.LastError = f.planErr.Error()
} else if f.execErrLast != nil {
r.LastError = f.execErrLast.Error()
r.SnapshotList = make([]SnapshotReport, len(f.snaps))
for i, snap := range f.snaps {
r.SnapshotList[i] = snap.(snapshot).Report()
r.DestroyList = make([]SnapshotReport, len(f.destroyList))
for i, snap := range f.destroyList{
r.DestroyList[i] = snap.(snapshot).Report()
return r
type snapshot struct {
replicated bool
date time.Time
fsv *pdu.FilesystemVersion
func (s snapshot) Report() SnapshotReport {
return SnapshotReport{
Name: s.Name(),
Replicated: s.Replicated(),
Date: s.Date(),
var _ pruning.Snapshot = snapshot{}
func (s snapshot) Name() string { return s.fsv.Name }
func (s snapshot) Replicated() bool { return s.replicated }
func (s snapshot) Date() time.Time { return s.date }
func doOneAttempt(a *args, u updater) {
ctx, target, receiver := a.ctx, a.target, a.receiver
var ka *watchdog.KeepAlive
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
ka = &pruner.Progress
sfssres, err := receiver.ListFilesystems(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemReq{})
if err != nil {
u(func(p *Pruner) {
p.state = PlanErr
p.err = err
sfss := make(map[string]*pdu.Filesystem)
for _, sfs := range sfssres.GetFilesystems() {
sfss[sfs.GetPath()] = sfs
tfssres, err := target.ListFilesystems(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemReq{})
if err != nil {
u(func(p *Pruner) {
p.state = PlanErr
p.err = err
tfss := tfssres.GetFilesystems()
pfss := make([]*fs, len(tfss))
for i, tfs := range tfss {
l := GetLogger(ctx).WithField("fs", tfs.Path)
l.Debug("plan filesystem")
pfs := &fs{
path: tfs.Path,
pfss[i] = pfs
if tfs.GetIsPlaceholder() {
pfs.skipReason = SkipPlaceholder
l.WithField("skip_reason", pfs.skipReason).Debug("skipping filesystem")
} else if sfs := sfss[tfs.GetPath()]; sfs == nil {
pfs.skipReason = SkipNoCorrespondenceOnSender
l.WithField("skip_reason", pfs.skipReason).WithField("sfs", sfs.GetPath()).Debug("skipping filesystem")
pfsPlanErrAndLog := func(err error, message string) {
t := fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)
pfs.planErr = err
pfs.planErrContext = message
l.WithField("orig_err_type", t).WithError(err).Error(fmt.Sprintf("%s: plan error, skipping filesystem", message))
tfsvsres, err := target.ListFilesystemVersions(ctx, &pdu.ListFilesystemVersionsReq{Filesystem: tfs.Path})
if err != nil {
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "cannot list filesystem versions")
continue tfss_loop
tfsvs := tfsvsres.GetVersions()
// no progress here since we could run in a live-lock (must have used target AND receiver before progress)
pfs.snaps = make([]pruning.Snapshot, 0, len(tfsvs))
rcReq := &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq{
Filesystem: tfs.Path,
Op: &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq_Get{
Get: &pdu.ReplicationCursorReq_GetOp{},
rc, err := receiver.ReplicationCursor(ctx, rcReq)
if err != nil {
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "cannot get replication cursor bookmark")
continue tfss_loop
if rc.GetNotexist() {
err := errors.New("replication cursor bookmark does not exist (one successful replication is required before pruning works)")
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "")
continue tfss_loop
// scan from older to newer, all snapshots older than cursor are interpreted as replicated
sort.Slice(tfsvs, func(i, j int) bool {
return tfsvs[i].CreateTXG < tfsvs[j].CreateTXG
haveCursorSnapshot := false
for _, tfsv := range tfsvs {
if tfsv.Type != pdu.FilesystemVersion_Snapshot {
if tfsv.Guid == rc.GetGuid() {
haveCursorSnapshot = true
preCursor := haveCursorSnapshot
for _, tfsv := range tfsvs {
if tfsv.Type != pdu.FilesystemVersion_Snapshot {
creation, err := tfsv.CreationAsTime()
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", tfsv.RelName(), err)
pfsPlanErrAndLog(err, "fs version with invalid creation date")
continue tfss_loop
// note that we cannot use CreateTXG because target and receiver could be on different pools
atCursor := tfsv.Guid == rc.GetGuid()
preCursor = preCursor && !atCursor
pfs.snaps = append(pfs.snaps, snapshot{
replicated: preCursor || (a.considerSnapAtCursorReplicated && atCursor),
date: creation,
fsv: tfsv,
if preCursor {
pfsPlanErrAndLog(fmt.Errorf("replication cursor not found in prune target filesystem versions"), "")
continue tfss_loop
// Apply prune rules
pfs.destroyList = pruning.PruneSnapshots(pfs.snaps, a.rules)
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pruner.execQueue = newExecQueue(len(pfss))
for _, pfs := range pfss {
pruner.execQueue.Put(pfs, nil, false)
pruner.state = Exec
for {
var pfs *fs
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pfs = pruner.execQueue.Pop()
if pfs == nil {
doOneAttemptExec(a, u, pfs)
var rep *Report
// must not hold lock for report
var pruner *Pruner
u(func(p *Pruner) {
pruner = p
rep = pruner.Report()
u(func(p *Pruner) {
if len(rep.Pending) > 0 {
panic("queue should not have pending items at this point")
hadErr := false
for _, fsr := range rep.Completed {
hadErr = hadErr || fsr.SkipReason.NotSkipped() && fsr.LastError != ""
if hadErr {
p.state = ExecErr
} else {
p.state = Done
// attempts to exec pfs, puts it back into the queue with the result
func doOneAttemptExec(a *args, u updater, pfs *fs) {
destroyList := make([]*pdu.FilesystemVersion, len(pfs.destroyList))
for i := range destroyList {
destroyList[i] = pfs.destroyList[i].(snapshot).fsv
WithField("fs", pfs.path).
WithField("destroy_snap", destroyList[i].Name).
Debug("policy destroys snapshot")
req := pdu.DestroySnapshotsReq{
Filesystem: pfs.path,
Snapshots: destroyList,
GetLogger(a.ctx).WithField("fs", pfs.path).Debug("destroying snapshots")
res, err := a.target.DestroySnapshots(a.ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pruner.execQueue.Put(pfs, err, false)
// check if all snapshots were destroyed
destroyResults := make(map[string]*pdu.DestroySnapshotRes)
for _, fsres := range res.Results {
destroyResults[fsres.Snapshot.Name] = fsres
err = nil
destroyFails := make([]*pdu.DestroySnapshotRes, 0)
for _, reqDestroy := range destroyList {
res, ok := destroyResults[reqDestroy.Name]
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("missing destroy-result for %s", reqDestroy.RelName())
} else if res.Error != "" {
destroyFails = append(destroyFails, res)
if err == nil && len(destroyFails) > 0 {
names := make([]string, len(destroyFails))
pairs := make([]string, len(destroyFails))
allSame := true
lastMsg := destroyFails[0].Error
for i := 0; i < len(destroyFails); i++{
allSame = allSame && destroyFails[i].Error == lastMsg
relname := destroyFails[i].Snapshot.RelName()
names[i] = relname
pairs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("(%s: %s)", relname, destroyFails[i].Error)
if allSame {
err = fmt.Errorf("destroys failed %s: %s",
strings.Join(names, ", "), lastMsg)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("destroys failed: %s", strings.Join(pairs, ", "))
u(func(pruner *Pruner) {
pruner.execQueue.Put(pfs, err, err == nil)
if err != nil {
GetLogger(a.ctx).WithError(err).Error("target could not destroy snapshots")