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synced 2025-03-10 05:00:19 +01:00
423 lines
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423 lines
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package job
import (
type ActiveSide struct {
mode activeMode
name string
clientFactory *connecter.ClientFactory
prunerFactory *pruner.PrunerFactory
promRepStateSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec // labels: state
promPruneSecs *prometheus.HistogramVec // labels: prune_side
promBytesReplicated *prometheus.CounterVec // labels: filesystem
tasksMtx sync.Mutex
tasks activeSideTasks
//go:generate enumer -type=ActiveSideState
type ActiveSideState int
const (
ActiveSideReplicating ActiveSideState = 1 << iota
ActiveSideDone // also errors
type activeSideTasks struct {
state ActiveSideState
// valid for state ActiveSideReplicating, ActiveSidePruneSender, ActiveSidePruneReceiver, ActiveSideDone
replication *replication.Replication
replicationCancel context.CancelFunc
// valid for state ActiveSidePruneSender, ActiveSidePruneReceiver, ActiveSideDone
prunerSender, prunerReceiver *pruner.Pruner
// valid for state ActiveSidePruneReceiver, ActiveSideDone
prunerSenderCancel, prunerReceiverCancel context.CancelFunc
func (a *ActiveSide) updateTasks(u func(*activeSideTasks)) activeSideTasks {
defer a.tasksMtx.Unlock()
var copy activeSideTasks
copy = a.tasks
if u == nil {
return copy
a.tasks = copy
return copy
type activeMode interface {
SenderReceiver(client *streamrpc.Client) (replication.Sender, replication.Receiver, error)
Type() Type
RunPeriodic(ctx context.Context, wakeUpCommon chan<- struct{})
type modePush struct {
fsfilter endpoint.FSFilter
snapper *snapper.PeriodicOrManual
func (m *modePush) SenderReceiver(client *streamrpc.Client) (replication.Sender, replication.Receiver, error) {
sender := endpoint.NewSender(m.fsfilter)
receiver := endpoint.NewRemote(client)
return sender, receiver, nil
func (m *modePush) Type() Type { return TypePush }
func (m *modePush) RunPeriodic(ctx context.Context, wakeUpCommon chan <- struct{}) {
m.snapper.Run(ctx, wakeUpCommon)
func modePushFromConfig(g *config.Global, in *config.PushJob) (*modePush, error) {
m := &modePush{}
fsf, err := filters.DatasetMapFilterFromConfig(in.Filesystems)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannnot build filesystem filter")
m.fsfilter = fsf
if m.snapper, err = snapper.FromConfig(g, fsf, in.Snapshotting); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build snapper")
return m, nil
type modePull struct {
rootFS *zfs.DatasetPath
interval time.Duration
func (m *modePull) SenderReceiver(client *streamrpc.Client) (replication.Sender, replication.Receiver, error) {
sender := endpoint.NewRemote(client)
receiver, err := endpoint.NewReceiver(m.rootFS)
return sender, receiver, err
func (*modePull) Type() Type { return TypePull }
func (m *modePull) RunPeriodic(ctx context.Context, wakeUpCommon chan<- struct{}) {
t := time.NewTicker(m.interval)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
select {
case wakeUpCommon <- struct{}{}:
WithField("pull_interval", m.interval).
Warn("pull job took longer than pull interval")
wakeUpCommon <- struct{}{} // block anyways, to queue up the wakeup
case <-ctx.Done():
func modePullFromConfig(g *config.Global, in *config.PullJob) (m *modePull, err error) {
m = &modePull{}
if in.Interval <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("interval must be positive")
m.interval = in.Interval
m.rootFS, err = zfs.NewDatasetPath(in.RootFS)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("RootFS is not a valid zfs filesystem path")
if m.rootFS.Length() <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("RootFS must not be empty") // duplicates error check of receiver
return m, nil
func activeSide(g *config.Global, in *config.ActiveJob, mode activeMode) (j *ActiveSide, err error) {
j = &ActiveSide{mode: mode}
j.name = in.Name
j.promRepStateSecs = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "zrepl",
Subsystem: "replication",
Name: "state_time",
Help: "seconds spent during replication",
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"zrepl_job":j.name},
}, []string{"state"})
j.promBytesReplicated = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "zrepl",
Subsystem: "replication",
Name: "bytes_replicated",
Help: "number of bytes replicated from sender to receiver per filesystem",
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"zrepl_job":j.name},
}, []string{"filesystem"})
j.clientFactory, err = connecter.FromConfig(g, in.Connect)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot build client")
j.promPruneSecs = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "zrepl",
Subsystem: "pruning",
Name: "time",
Help: "seconds spent in pruner",
ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"zrepl_job":j.name},
}, []string{"prune_side"})
j.prunerFactory, err = pruner.NewPrunerFactory(in.Pruning, j.promPruneSecs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return j, nil
func (j *ActiveSide) RegisterMetrics(registerer prometheus.Registerer) {
func (j *ActiveSide) Name() string { return j.name }
type ActiveSideStatus struct {
Replication *replication.Report
PruningSender, PruningReceiver *pruner.Report
func (j *ActiveSide) Status() *Status {
tasks := j.updateTasks(nil)
s := &ActiveSideStatus{}
t := j.mode.Type()
if tasks.replication != nil {
s.Replication = tasks.replication.Report()
if tasks.prunerSender != nil {
s.PruningSender = tasks.prunerSender.Report()
if tasks.prunerReceiver != nil {
s.PruningReceiver = tasks.prunerReceiver.Report()
return &Status{Type: t, JobSpecific: s}
func (j *ActiveSide) Run(ctx context.Context) {
log := GetLogger(ctx)
ctx = logging.WithSubsystemLoggers(ctx, log)
defer log.Info("job exiting")
periodicDone := make(chan struct{})
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go j.mode.RunPeriodic(ctx, periodicDone)
invocationCount := 0
for {
log.Info("wait for wakeups")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
break outer
case <-wakeup.Wait(ctx):
case <-periodicDone:
invLog := log.WithField("invocation", invocationCount)
j.do(WithLogger(ctx, invLog))
func (j *ActiveSide) do(ctx context.Context) {
log := GetLogger(ctx)
ctx = logging.WithSubsystemLoggers(ctx, log)
// allow cancellation of an invocation (this function)
ctx, cancelThisRun := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelThisRun()
go func() {
select {
case <-reset.Wait(ctx):
log.Info("reset received, cancelling current invocation")
case <-ctx.Done():
// The code after this watchdog goroutine is sequential and transitions the state from
// ActiveSideReplicating -> ActiveSidePruneSender -> ActiveSidePruneReceiver -> ActiveSideDone
// If any of those sequential tasks 'gets stuck' (livelock, no progress), the watchdog will eventually
// cancel its context.
// If the task is written to support context cancellation, it will return immediately (in permanent error state),
// and the sequential code above transitions to the next state.
go func() {
wdto := envconst.Duration("ZREPL_JOB_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT", 10*time.Minute)
jitter := envconst.Duration("ZREPL_JOB_WATCHDOG_JITTER", 1*time.Second)
// shadowing!
log := log.WithField("watchdog_timeout", wdto.String())
log.Debug("starting watchdog")
defer log.Debug("watchdog stopped")
t := time.NewTicker(wdto)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-t.C: // fall
j.updateTasks(func(tasks *activeSideTasks) {
// Since cancelling a task will cause the sequential code to transition to the next state immediately,
// we cannot check for its progress right then (no fallthrough).
// Instead, we return (not continue because we are in a closure) and give the new state another
// ZREPL_JOB_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT interval to try make some progress.
log.WithField("state", tasks.state).Debug("watchdog firing")
const WATCHDOG_ENVCONST_NOTICE = " (adjust ZREPL_JOB_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT env variable if inappropriate)"
switch tasks.state {
case ActiveSideReplicating:
log.WithField("replication_progress", tasks.replication.Progress.String()).
Debug("check replication progress")
if tasks.replication.Progress.CheckTimeout(wdto, jitter) {
log.Error("replication did not make progress, cancelling" + WATCHDOG_ENVCONST_NOTICE)
case ActiveSidePruneSender:
log.WithField("prune_sender_progress", tasks.replication.Progress.String()).
Debug("check pruner_sender progress")
if tasks.prunerSender.Progress.CheckTimeout(wdto, jitter) {
log.Error("pruner_sender did not make progress, cancelling" + WATCHDOG_ENVCONST_NOTICE)
case ActiveSidePruneReceiver:
log.WithField("prune_receiver_progress", tasks.replication.Progress.String()).
Debug("check pruner_receiver progress")
if tasks.prunerReceiver.Progress.CheckTimeout(wdto, jitter) {
log.Error("pruner_receiver did not make progress, cancelling" + WATCHDOG_ENVCONST_NOTICE)
case ActiveSideDone:
// ignore, ctx will be Done() in a few milliseconds and the watchdog will exit
log.WithField("state", tasks.state).
Error("watchdog implementation error: unknown active side state")
client, err := j.clientFactory.NewClient()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("factory cannot instantiate streamrpc client")
defer client.Close(ctx)
sender, receiver, err := j.mode.SenderReceiver(client)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
ctx, repCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
tasks := j.updateTasks(func(tasks *activeSideTasks) {
// reset it
*tasks = activeSideTasks{}
tasks.replicationCancel = repCancel
tasks.replication = replication.NewReplication(j.promRepStateSecs, j.promBytesReplicated)
tasks.state = ActiveSideReplicating
log.Info("start replication")
tasks.replication.Drive(ctx, sender, receiver)
repCancel() // always cancel to free up context resources
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
ctx, senderCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
tasks := j.updateTasks(func(tasks *activeSideTasks) {
tasks.prunerSender = j.prunerFactory.BuildSenderPruner(ctx, sender, sender)
tasks.prunerSenderCancel = senderCancel
tasks.state = ActiveSidePruneSender
log.Info("start pruning sender")
log.Info("finished pruning sender")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
ctx, receiverCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
tasks := j.updateTasks(func(tasks *activeSideTasks) {
tasks.prunerReceiver = j.prunerFactory.BuildReceiverPruner(ctx, receiver, sender)
tasks.prunerReceiverCancel = receiverCancel
tasks.state = ActiveSidePruneReceiver
log.Info("start pruning receiver")
log.Info("finished pruning receiver")
j.updateTasks(func(tasks *activeSideTasks) {
tasks.state = ActiveSideDone