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2023-11-28 17:23:45 +01:00
< p > < code > zrok< / code > can share HTTP and HTTPS resources natively. If you have an existing web server that you want to share with other users, you can use the < code > zrok share< / code > command using the < code > --backend-mode proxy< / code > flag.< / p >
< p > The < code > --backend-mode proxy< / code > is the default backend mode, so if you do not specify a < code > --backend-mode< / code > you will get the < code > proxy< / code > mode by default.< / p >
< p > If you have a web server running on < code > localhost< / code > that you want to expose to other users using < code > zrok< / code > , you can execute a command like the following:< / p >
< div class = "codeBlockContainer_Ckt0 theme-code-block" style = "--prism-color:#F8F8F2;--prism-background-color:#282A36" > < div class = "codeBlockContent_biex" > < pre tabindex = "0" class = "prism-code language-text codeBlock_bY9V thin-scrollbar" style = "color:#F8F8F2;background-color:#282A36" > < code class = "codeBlockLines_e6Vv" > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > $ zrok share public localhost:8080< / span > < br > < / span > < / code > < / pre > < div class = "buttonGroup__atx" > < button type = "button" aria-label = "Copy code to clipboard" title = "Copy" class = "clean-btn" > < span class = "copyButtonIcons_eSgA" aria-hidden = "true" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" class = "copyButtonIcon_y97N" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M19,21H8V7H19M19,5H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,7V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,21V7A2,2 0 0,0 19,5M16,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V17H4V3H16V1Z" > < / path > < / svg > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" class = "copyButtonSuccessIcon_LjdS" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M21,7L9,19L3.5,13.5L4.91,12.09L9,16.17L19.59,5.59L21,7Z" > < / path > < / svg > < / span > < / button > < / div > < / div > < / div >
< p > When you execute this command, you' ll get a < code > zrok< / code > bridge like the following:< / p >
< div class = "codeBlockContainer_Ckt0 theme-code-block" style = "--prism-color:#F8F8F2;--prism-background-color:#282A36" > < div class = "codeBlockContent_biex" > < pre tabindex = "0" class = "prism-code language-text codeBlock_bY9V thin-scrollbar" style = "color:#F8F8F2;background-color:#282A36" > < code class = "codeBlockLines_e6Vv" > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮╭────────────────╮< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > │ http://cht7gj4g5pjf.share.zrok.io ││[PUBLIC] [PROXY]│< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯╰────────────────╯< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > │ │< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > │ │< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > │ │< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > │ │< / span > < br > < / span > < span class = "token-line" style = "color:#F8F8F2" > < span class = "token plain" > ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯< / span > < br > < / span > < / code > < / pre > < div class = "buttonGroup__atx" > < button type = "button" aria-label = "Copy code to clipboard" title = "Copy" class = "clean-btn" > < span class = "copyButtonIcons_eSgA" aria-hidden = "true" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" class = "copyButtonIcon_y97N" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M19,21H8V7H19M19,5H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,7V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,21V7A2,2 0 0,0 19,5M16,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V17H4V3H16V1Z" > < / path > < / svg > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" class = "copyButtonSuccessIcon_LjdS" > < path fill = "currentColor" d = "M21,7L9,19L3.5,13.5L4.91,12.09L9,16.17L19.59,5.59L21,7Z" > < / path > < / svg > < / span > < / button > < / div > < / div > < / div >
< p > The URL shown at the top of the bridge shows the address where you can access your < code > public< / code > share.< / p >
2024-05-24 16:33:15 +02:00
< p > Hit < code > CTRL-C< / code > or < code > q< / code > in the bridge to exit it and delete the < code > public< / code > share.< / p > < / div > < footer class = "theme-doc-footer docusaurus-mt-lg" > < div class = "row margin-top--sm theme-doc-footer-edit-meta-row" > < div class = "col" > < a href = "https://github.com/openziti/zrok/blob/main/docs/../docs/concepts/http.md" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" class = "theme-edit-this-page" > < svg fill = "currentColor" height = "20" width = "20" viewBox = "0 0 40 40" class = "iconEdit_Z9Sw" aria-hidden = "true" > < g > < path d = "m34.5 11.7l-3 3.1-6.3-6.3 3.1-3q0.5-0.5 1.2-0.5t1.1 0.5l3.9 3.9q0.5 0.4 0.5 1.1t-0.5 1.2z m-29.5 17.1l18.4-18.5 6.3 6.3-18.4 18.4h-6.3v-6.2z" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > Edit this page< / a > < / div > < div class = "col lastUpdated_JAkA" > < / div > < / div > < / footer > < / article > < nav class = "pagination-nav docusaurus-mt-lg" aria-label = "Docs pages" > < a class = "pagination-nav__link pagination-nav__link--prev" href = "/docs/concepts/sharing-reserved/" > < div class = "pagination-nav__sublabel" > Previous< / div > < div class = "pagination-nav__label" > Reserved Shares< / div > < / a > < a class = "pagination-nav__link pagination-nav__link--next" href = "/docs/concepts/tunnels/" > < div class = "pagination-nav__sublabel" > Next< / div > < div class = "pagination-nav__label" > Sharing TCP and UDP Servers< / div > < / a > < / nav > < / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < / main > < / div > < / div > < / div > < footer class = "footer footer--dark" > < div class = "container container-fluid" > < div class = "footer__bottom text--center" > < div class = "footer__copyright" > Copyright © 2024 NetFoundry Inc. Built with Docusaurus.< / div > < / div > < / div > < / footer > < / div >
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