From 66249c4d8f603876c8633ead0a11b598b35d071a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: michaelquigley Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:00:44 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 30eda1572527e34299461f4eead1e86c12c51533 --- 404.html | 4 ++-- assets/js/{05a04aa0.af0217b7.js => 05a04aa0.dda2e4eb.js} | 2 +- assets/js/{3953c40d.4b7e4b2e.js => 3953c40d.4dbaa32a.js} | 2 +- assets/js/{b2f554cd.c85879a5.js => b2f554cd.dfd01198.js} | 2 +- ...{runtime~main.9c294afd.js => runtime~main.5b69be84.js} | 2 +- blog/archive/index.html | 4 ++-- blog/atom.xml | 4 ++-- blog/index.html | 6 +++--- blog/introducing_zrok/index.html | 8 ++++---- blog/rss.xml | 4 ++-- docs/category/getting-started/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/category/guides/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/category/network/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/category/sharing/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/downloads/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/getting-started/getting_started/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/getting-started/v0.2_account_requests/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/guides/v0.3_nginx_tls_guide/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/guides/v0.3_self_hosting_guide/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/network/prod/ | 4 ++-- docs/overview/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/sharing/reserved_services/index.html | 4 ++-- docs/sharing/sharing_modes/index.html | 4 ++-- index.html | 4 ++-- 24 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) rename assets/js/{05a04aa0.af0217b7.js => 05a04aa0.dda2e4eb.js} (99%) rename assets/js/{3953c40d.4b7e4b2e.js => 3953c40d.4dbaa32a.js} (99%) rename assets/js/{b2f554cd.c85879a5.js => b2f554cd.dfd01198.js} (99%) rename assets/js/{runtime~main.9c294afd.js => runtime~main.5b69be84.js} (54%) diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 90b0c7ff..1ea3d671 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Page Not Found | Zrok - +
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I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \"edge\" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.",date:"2023-01-30T18:58:35.000Z",formattedDate:"January 30, 2023",tags:[],readingTime:4.595,hasTruncateMarker:!1,authors:[],frontMatter:{}},l={authorsImageUrls:[]},p=[{value:"Private Sharing",id:"private-sharing",level:2},{value:"Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized",id:"files-repositories-video-decentralized",level:2},{value:"Production zrok",id:"production-zrok",level:2},{value:"Open-Source; Self-Host",id:"open-source-self-host",level:2},{value:"A Start",id:"a-start",level:2}],d={toc:p};function u(e){let{components:t,...o}=e;return(0,r.kt)("wrapper",(0,n.Z)({},d,o,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"OpenZiti")," project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"fabric"),', data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It\'s been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years. '),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"This new project is called... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),"."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Here are some of the things that make ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," different..."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"private-sharing"},"Private Sharing"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,'Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you\'ve got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.'),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling \"private sharing\". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," users through the zero-trust overlay network."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"And if you want public sharing, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds to the recipe. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),' supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.'),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"files-repositories-video-decentralized"},"Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"frictionless")," way."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"get started")," using these powerful tools today!"),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"production-zrok"},"Production zrok"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"NetFoundry")," is offering ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),", a managed ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," service instance you can use to try out ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"")," for details about requesting an invite."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Once ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," runs on top of the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"available")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"open-source-self-host"},"Open-Source; Self-Host"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"guide")," to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"access")," the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"a-start"},"A Start"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"I'm really excited about sharing ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," with you. As of this writing, we're at ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.3.0"),", and there is still a ton of work to do to get ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," to where I know it can go. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"OpenZiti GitHub"),")."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Starting with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.4"),", I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released \"development notebooks\", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Ziti Native Application")," from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," works."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We'd love your participation in the ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," project! You can find us on GitHub at ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),"."))}u.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file +"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[543],{3905:(e,t,o)=>{o.d(t,{Zo:()=>d,kt:()=>k});var n=o(7294);function r(e,t,o){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:o,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=o,e}function i(e,t){var o=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),o.push.apply(o,n)}return o}function a(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(r[o]=e[o]);return r}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var i=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||,o)&&(r[o]=e[o])}return r}var l=n.createContext({}),p=function(e){var t=n.useContext(l),o=t;return e&&(o="function"==typeof e?e(t):a(a({},t),e)),o},d=function(e){var t=p(e.components);return n.createElement(l.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},u="mdxType",c={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{},t)}},h=n.forwardRef((function(e,t){var o=e.components,r=e.mdxType,i=e.originalType,l=e.parentName,d=s(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),u=p(o),h=r,k=u["".concat(l,".").concat(h)]||u[h]||c[h]||i;return o?n.createElement(k,a(a({ref:t},d),{},{components:o})):n.createElement(k,a({ref:t},d))}));function k(e,t){var o=arguments,r=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||r){var i=o.length,a=new Array(i);a[0]=h;var s={};for(var l in t),l)&&(s[l]=t[l]);s.originalType=e,s[u]="string"==typeof e?e:r,a[1]=s;for(var p=2;p{o.r(t),o.d(t,{assets:()=>l,contentTitle:()=>a,default:()=>u,frontMatter:()=>i,metadata:()=>s,toc:()=>p});var n=o(7462),r=(o(7294),o(3905));const i={},a="Introducing zrok",s={permalink:"/blog/introducing_zrok",source:"@site/blog/",title:"Introducing zrok",description:"I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \"edge\" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.",date:"2023-01-30T18:59:08.000Z",formattedDate:"January 30, 2023",tags:[],readingTime:4.595,hasTruncateMarker:!1,authors:[],frontMatter:{}},l={authorsImageUrls:[]},p=[{value:"Private Sharing",id:"private-sharing",level:2},{value:"Files; Repositories; Video... 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'),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"This new project is called... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),"."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Here are some of the things that make ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," different..."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"private-sharing"},"Private Sharing"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,'Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you\'ve got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.'),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling \"private sharing\". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," users through the zero-trust overlay network."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"And if you want public sharing, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds to the recipe. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),' supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.'),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"files-repositories-video-decentralized"},"Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"frictionless")," way."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"get started")," using these powerful tools today!"),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"production-zrok"},"Production zrok"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"NetFoundry")," is offering ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),", a managed ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," service instance you can use to try out ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"")," for details about requesting an invite."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Once ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," runs on top of the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"available")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"open-source-self-host"},"Open-Source; Self-Host"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"guide")," to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"access")," the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"a-start"},"A Start"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"I'm really excited about sharing ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," with you. As of this writing, we're at ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.3.0"),", and there is still a ton of work to do to get ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," to where I know it can go. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"OpenZiti GitHub"),")."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Starting with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.4"),", I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released \"development notebooks\", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Ziti Native Application")," from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," works."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We'd love your participation in the ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," project! You can find us on GitHub at ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),"."))}u.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/3953c40d.4b7e4b2e.js b/assets/js/3953c40d.4dbaa32a.js similarity index 99% rename from assets/js/3953c40d.4b7e4b2e.js rename to assets/js/3953c40d.4dbaa32a.js index ad85cf1b..2d3eb57a 100644 --- a/assets/js/3953c40d.4b7e4b2e.js +++ b/assets/js/3953c40d.4dbaa32a.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[474],{3905:(e,t,o)=>{o.d(t,{Zo:()=>d,kt:()=>k});var n=o(7294);function r(e,t,o){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:o,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=o,e}function i(e,t){var o=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),o.push.apply(o,n)}return o}function a(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(r[o]=e[o]);return r}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var i=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||,o)&&(r[o]=e[o])}return r}var l=n.createContext({}),p=function(e){var t=n.useContext(l),o=t;return e&&(o="function"==typeof e?e(t):a(a({},t),e)),o},d=function(e){var t=p(e.components);return n.createElement(l.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},u="mdxType",c={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{},t)}},h=n.forwardRef((function(e,t){var o=e.components,r=e.mdxType,i=e.originalType,l=e.parentName,d=s(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),u=p(o),h=r,k=u["".concat(l,".").concat(h)]||u[h]||c[h]||i;return o?n.createElement(k,a(a({ref:t},d),{},{components:o})):n.createElement(k,a({ref:t},d))}));function k(e,t){var o=arguments,r=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||r){var i=o.length,a=new Array(i);a[0]=h;var s={};for(var l in t),l)&&(s[l]=t[l]);s.originalType=e,s[u]="string"==typeof e?e:r,a[1]=s;for(var p=2;p{o.r(t),o.d(t,{assets:()=>l,contentTitle:()=>a,default:()=>u,frontMatter:()=>i,metadata:()=>s,toc:()=>p});var n=o(7462),r=(o(7294),o(3905));const i={},a="Introducing zrok",s={permalink:"/blog/introducing_zrok",source:"@site/blog/",title:"Introducing zrok",description:"I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \"edge\" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.",date:"2023-01-30T18:58:35.000Z",formattedDate:"January 30, 2023",tags:[],readingTime:4.595,hasTruncateMarker:!1,authors:[],frontMatter:{}},l={authorsImageUrls:[]},p=[{value:"Private Sharing",id:"private-sharing",level:2},{value:"Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized",id:"files-repositories-video-decentralized",level:2},{value:"Production zrok",id:"production-zrok",level:2},{value:"Open-Source; Self-Host",id:"open-source-self-host",level:2},{value:"A Start",id:"a-start",level:2}],d={toc:p};function u(e){let{components:t,...o}=e;return(0,r.kt)("wrapper",(0,n.Z)({},d,o,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"OpenZiti")," project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"fabric"),', data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It\'s been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years. '),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"This new project is called... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),"."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. 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You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," users through the zero-trust overlay network."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"And if you want public sharing, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds to the recipe. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),' supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.'),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"files-repositories-video-decentralized"},"Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"frictionless")," way."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"get started")," using these powerful tools today!"),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"production-zrok"},"Production zrok"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"NetFoundry")," is offering ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),", a managed ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," service instance you can use to try out ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"")," for details about requesting an invite."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Once ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," runs on top of the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"available")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"open-source-self-host"},"Open-Source; Self-Host"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"guide")," to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"access")," the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"a-start"},"A Start"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"I'm really excited about sharing ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," with you. As of this writing, we're at ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.3.0"),", and there is still a ton of work to do to get ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," to where I know it can go. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"OpenZiti GitHub"),")."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Starting with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.4"),", I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released \"development notebooks\", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Ziti Native Application")," from the ground up. 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You can find us on GitHub at ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),"."))}u.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file +"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[474],{3905:(e,t,o)=>{o.d(t,{Zo:()=>d,kt:()=>k});var n=o(7294);function r(e,t,o){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:o,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=o,e}function i(e,t){var o=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),o.push.apply(o,n)}return o}function a(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(r[o]=e[o]);return r}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var i=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||,o)&&(r[o]=e[o])}return r}var l=n.createContext({}),p=function(e){var t=n.useContext(l),o=t;return e&&(o="function"==typeof e?e(t):a(a({},t),e)),o},d=function(e){var t=p(e.components);return n.createElement(l.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},u="mdxType",c={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{},t)}},h=n.forwardRef((function(e,t){var o=e.components,r=e.mdxType,i=e.originalType,l=e.parentName,d=s(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),u=p(o),h=r,k=u["".concat(l,".").concat(h)]||u[h]||c[h]||i;return o?n.createElement(k,a(a({ref:t},d),{},{components:o})):n.createElement(k,a({ref:t},d))}));function k(e,t){var o=arguments,r=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||r){var i=o.length,a=new Array(i);a[0]=h;var s={};for(var l in t),l)&&(s[l]=t[l]);s.originalType=e,s[u]="string"==typeof e?e:r,a[1]=s;for(var p=2;p{o.r(t),o.d(t,{assets:()=>l,contentTitle:()=>a,default:()=>u,frontMatter:()=>i,metadata:()=>s,toc:()=>p});var n=o(7462),r=(o(7294),o(3905));const i={},a="Introducing zrok",s={permalink:"/blog/introducing_zrok",source:"@site/blog/",title:"Introducing zrok",description:"I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \"edge\" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.",date:"2023-01-30T18:59:08.000Z",formattedDate:"January 30, 2023",tags:[],readingTime:4.595,hasTruncateMarker:!1,authors:[],frontMatter:{}},l={authorsImageUrls:[]},p=[{value:"Private Sharing",id:"private-sharing",level:2},{value:"Files; Repositories; Video... 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'),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"This new project is called... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),"."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Here are some of the things that make ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," different..."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"private-sharing"},"Private Sharing"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,'Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you\'ve got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.'),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling \"private sharing\". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," users through the zero-trust overlay network."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"And if you want public sharing, ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," adds to the recipe. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),' supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.'),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"files-repositories-video-decentralized"},"Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"frictionless")," way."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"get started")," using these powerful tools today!"),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"production-zrok"},"Production zrok"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"NetFoundry")," is offering ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),", a managed ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," service instance you can use to try out ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"")," for details about requesting an invite."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Once ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," and ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"")," runs on top of the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"available")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"open-source-self-host"},"Open-Source; Self-Host"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"guide")," to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"You can ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"access")," the open-source version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," today."),(0,r.kt)("h2",{id:"a-start"},"A Start"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"I'm really excited about sharing ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," with you. As of this writing, we're at ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.3.0"),", and there is still a ton of work to do to get ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," to where I know it can go. ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},"OpenZiti GitHub"),")."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Starting with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"v0.4"),", I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released \"development notebooks\", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok"),". I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a ",(0,r.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Ziti Native Application")," from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," works."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"We'd love your participation in the ",(0,r.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"zrok")," project! You can find us on GitHub at ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:""},""),"."))}u.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/b2f554cd.c85879a5.js b/assets/js/b2f554cd.dfd01198.js similarity index 99% rename from assets/js/b2f554cd.c85879a5.js rename to assets/js/b2f554cd.dfd01198.js index 621ece97..f1b98c3e 100644 --- a/assets/js/b2f554cd.c85879a5.js +++ b/assets/js/b2f554cd.dfd01198.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[477],{10:e=>{e.exports=JSON.parse('{"blogPosts":[{"id":"/introducing_zrok","metadata":{"permalink":"/blog/introducing_zrok","source":"@site/blog/","title":"Introducing zrok","description":"I\'m fortunate that I\'ve had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \\"edge\\" layers. It\'s been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.","date":"2023-01-30T18:58:35.000Z","formattedDate":"January 30, 2023","tags":[],"readingTime":4.595,"hasTruncateMarker":false,"authors":[],"frontMatter":{}},"content":"I\'m fortunate that I\'ve had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the [OpenZiti]( project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the [fabric](, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \\"edge\\" layers. It\'s been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years. \\n\\nFor the last six months, I\'ve had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I\'m working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I\'m excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.\\n\\nThis new project is called... `zrok`.\\n\\n`zrok` focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. `zrok` takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, `zrok` adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.\\n\\nHere are some of the things that make `zrok` different...\\n\\n## Private Sharing\\n\\nMost of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create \\"tunnels\\" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you\'ve got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.\\n\\n`zrok` expands on this model by supporting something that we\'re calling \\"private sharing\\". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You\'re still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other `zrok` users through the zero-trust overlay network.\\n\\nIn this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. `zrok` handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.\\n\\nAnd if you want public sharing, `zrok` has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that `zrok` adds to the recipe. `zrok` supports fleets of \\"public frontends\\" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.\\n\\n## Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized\\n\\nMost of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It\'s considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a _frictionless_ way.\\n\\n`zrok` also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we\'re taking it a step further... `zrok` will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven\'t even thought of yet.\\n\\nCombine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you\'ve got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using `zrok` as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.\\n\\nWe\'re still just getting started on building out these aspects of `zrok`. `zrok` already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can [get started]( using these powerful tools today!\\n\\n## Production zrok\\n\\n[NetFoundry]( is offering [](, a managed `zrok` service instance you can use to try out `zrok` and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit []( for details about requesting an invite.\\n\\nOnce `zrok` and `` are out of beta, we\'ll be opening this service up to the public.\\n\\n`` runs on top of the open-source version of `zrok`. We\'re building on top of the same open-source codebase that\'s [available]( today.\\n\\n## Open-Source; Self-Host\\n\\n`zrok` is committed to being open-source. You\'ve got everything you need to host your own `zrok` instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We\'ve even streamlined this process, and we\'re including a simple [guide]( to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.\\n\\nYou can [access]( the open-source version of `zrok` today.\\n\\n## A Start\\n\\nI\'m really excited about sharing `zrok` with you. As of this writing, we\'re at `v0.3.0`, and there is still a ton of work to do to get `zrok` to where I know it can go. `zrok` is open-source, and we\'re going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the [OpenZiti GitHub](\\n\\nStarting with `v0.4`, I\'m planning on producing a set of regularly-released \\"development notebooks\\", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we\'re doing with `zrok`. I\'m also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what\'s involved in building your own tiny version of `zrok` on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a _Ziti Native Application_ from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how `zrok` works.\\n\\nWe\'d love your participation in the `zrok` project! You can find us on GitHub at []("}]}')}}]); \ No newline at end of file +"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[477],{10:e=>{e.exports=JSON.parse('{"blogPosts":[{"id":"/introducing_zrok","metadata":{"permalink":"/blog/introducing_zrok","source":"@site/blog/","title":"Introducing zrok","description":"I\'m fortunate that I\'ve had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \\"edge\\" layers. It\'s been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.","date":"2023-01-30T18:59:08.000Z","formattedDate":"January 30, 2023","tags":[],"readingTime":4.595,"hasTruncateMarker":false,"authors":[],"frontMatter":{}},"content":"I\'m fortunate that I\'ve had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the [OpenZiti]( project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the [fabric](, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the \\"edge\\" layers. It\'s been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years. \\n\\nFor the last six months, I\'ve had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I\'m working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I\'m excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.\\n\\nThis new project is called... `zrok`.\\n\\n`zrok` focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. `zrok` takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, `zrok` adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.\\n\\nHere are some of the things that make `zrok` different...\\n\\n## Private Sharing\\n\\nMost of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create \\"tunnels\\" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you\'ve got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.\\n\\n`zrok` expands on this model by supporting something that we\'re calling \\"private sharing\\". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You\'re still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other `zrok` users through the zero-trust overlay network.\\n\\nIn this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. `zrok` handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.\\n\\nAnd if you want public sharing, `zrok` has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that `zrok` adds to the recipe. `zrok` supports fleets of \\"public frontends\\" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.\\n\\n## Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized\\n\\nMost of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It\'s considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a _frictionless_ way.\\n\\n`zrok` also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we\'re taking it a step further... `zrok` will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven\'t even thought of yet.\\n\\nCombine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you\'ve got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using `zrok` as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.\\n\\nWe\'re still just getting started on building out these aspects of `zrok`. `zrok` already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can [get started]( using these powerful tools today!\\n\\n## Production zrok\\n\\n[NetFoundry]( is offering [](, a managed `zrok` service instance you can use to try out `zrok` and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit []( for details about requesting an invite.\\n\\nOnce `zrok` and `` are out of beta, we\'ll be opening this service up to the public.\\n\\n`` runs on top of the open-source version of `zrok`. We\'re building on top of the same open-source codebase that\'s [available]( today.\\n\\n## Open-Source; Self-Host\\n\\n`zrok` is committed to being open-source. You\'ve got everything you need to host your own `zrok` instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We\'ve even streamlined this process, and we\'re including a simple [guide]( to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.\\n\\nYou can [access]( the open-source version of `zrok` today.\\n\\n## A Start\\n\\nI\'m really excited about sharing `zrok` with you. As of this writing, we\'re at `v0.3.0`, and there is still a ton of work to do to get `zrok` to where I know it can go. `zrok` is open-source, and we\'re going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the [OpenZiti GitHub](\\n\\nStarting with `v0.4`, I\'m planning on producing a set of regularly-released \\"development notebooks\\", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we\'re doing with `zrok`. I\'m also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what\'s involved in building your own tiny version of `zrok` on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a _Ziti Native Application_ from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how `zrok` works.\\n\\nWe\'d love your participation in the `zrok` project! You can find us on GitHub at []("}]}')}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/runtime~main.9c294afd.js b/assets/js/runtime~main.5b69be84.js similarity index 54% rename from assets/js/runtime~main.9c294afd.js rename to assets/js/runtime~main.5b69be84.js index e4d0797e..0a8aa7c2 100644 --- a/assets/js/runtime~main.9c294afd.js +++ b/assets/js/runtime~main.5b69be84.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -(()=>{"use strict";var e,t,r,a,o,f={},n={};function b(e){var t=n[e];if(void 0!==t)return t.exports;var r=n[e]={id:e,loaded:!1,exports:{}};return f[e].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,b),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}b.m=f,b.c=n,e=[],b.O=(t,r,a,o)=>{if(!r){var f=1/0;for(i=0;i=o)&&Object.keys(b.O).every((e=>b.O[e](r[d])))?r.splice(d--,1):(n=!1,o0&&e[i-1][2]>o;i--)e[i]=e[i-1];e[i]=[r,a,o]},b.n=e=>{var t=e&&e.__esModule?()=>e.default:()=>e;return b.d(t,{a:t}),t},r=Object.getPrototypeOf?e=>Object.getPrototypeOf(e):e=>e.__proto__,b.t=function(e,a){if(1&a&&(e=this(e)),8&a)return e;if("object"==typeof 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a,o,f=r[0],n=r[1],b=r[2],c=0;if(f.some((t=>0!==e[t]))){for(a in n)d.o(n,a)&&(d.m[a]=n[a]);if(b)var i=b(d)}for(t&&t(r);c Archive | Zrok - +
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/atom.xml b/blog/atom.xml index b5d35da2..3ade2a27 100644 --- a/blog/atom.xml +++ b/blog/atom.xml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Zrok Blog - 2023-01-30T18:58:35.000Z + 2023-01-30T18:59:08.000Z Zrok Blog @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ <![CDATA[Introducing zrok]]> /introducing_zrok - 2023-01-30T18:58:35.000Z + 2023-01-30T18:59:08.000Z I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.

For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.

This new project is called... zrok.

zrok focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. zrok takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, zrok adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.

Here are some of the things that make zrok different...

Private Sharing

Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you've got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.

zrok expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling "private sharing". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other zrok users through the zero-trust overlay network.

In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. zrok handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.

And if you want public sharing, zrok has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that zrok adds to the recipe. zrok supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.

Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized

Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a frictionless way.

zrok also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... zrok will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet.

Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using zrok as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.

We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of zrok. zrok already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can get started using these powerful tools today!

Production zrok

NetFoundry is offering, a managed zrok service instance you can use to try out zrok and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit for details about requesting an invite.

Once zrok and are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public. runs on top of the open-source version of zrok. We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's available today.

Open-Source; Self-Host

zrok is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own zrok instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple guide to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.

You can access the open-source version of zrok today.

A Start

I'm really excited about sharing zrok with you. As of this writing, we're at v0.3.0, and there is still a ton of work to do to get zrok to where I know it can go. zrok is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the OpenZiti GitHub).

Starting with v0.4, I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released "development notebooks", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with zrok. I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of zrok on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a Ziti Native Application from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how zrok works.

We'd love your participation in the zrok project! You can find us on GitHub at

diff --git a/blog/index.html b/blog/index.html index 2028ee18..900ffa2d 100644 --- a/blog/index.html +++ b/blog/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Blog | Zrok - +

· 5 min read

I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.

For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.

This new project is called... zrok.

zrok focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. zrok takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, zrok adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.

Here are some of the things that make zrok different...

Private Sharing

Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you've got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.

zrok expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling "private sharing". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other zrok users through the zero-trust overlay network.

In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. zrok handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.

And if you want public sharing, zrok has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that zrok adds to the recipe. zrok supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.

Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized

Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a frictionless way.

zrok also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... zrok will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet.

Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using zrok as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.

We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of zrok. zrok already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can get started using these powerful tools today!

Production zrok

NetFoundry is offering, a managed zrok service instance you can use to try out zrok and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit for details about requesting an invite.

Once zrok and are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public. runs on top of the open-source version of zrok. We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's available today.

Open-Source; Self-Host

zrok is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own zrok instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple guide to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.

You can access the open-source version of zrok today.

A Start

I'm really excited about sharing zrok with you. As of this writing, we're at v0.3.0, and there is still a ton of work to do to get zrok to where I know it can go. zrok is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the OpenZiti GitHub).

Starting with v0.4, I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released "development notebooks", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with zrok. I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of zrok on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a Ziti Native Application from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how zrok works.

We'd love your participation in the zrok project! You can find us on GitHub at

- +

· 5 min read

I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.

For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.

This new project is called... zrok.

zrok focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. zrok takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, zrok adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.

Here are some of the things that make zrok different...

Private Sharing

Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you've got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.

zrok expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling "private sharing". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other zrok users through the zero-trust overlay network.

In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. zrok handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.

And if you want public sharing, zrok has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that zrok adds to the recipe. zrok supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.

Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized

Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a frictionless way.

zrok also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... zrok will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet.

Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using zrok as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.

We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of zrok. zrok already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can get started using these powerful tools today!

Production zrok

NetFoundry is offering, a managed zrok service instance you can use to try out zrok and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit for details about requesting an invite.

Once zrok and are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public. runs on top of the open-source version of zrok. We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's available today.

Open-Source; Self-Host

zrok is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own zrok instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple guide to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.

You can access the open-source version of zrok today.

A Start

I'm really excited about sharing zrok with you. As of this writing, we're at v0.3.0, and there is still a ton of work to do to get zrok to where I know it can go. zrok is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the OpenZiti GitHub).

Starting with v0.4, I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released "development notebooks", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with zrok. I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of zrok on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a Ziti Native Application from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how zrok works.

We'd love your participation in the zrok project! You can find us on GitHub at

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/introducing_zrok/index.html b/blog/introducing_zrok/index.html index 5d2a6639..c1ae1301 100644 --- a/blog/introducing_zrok/index.html +++ b/blog/introducing_zrok/index.html @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ -Introducing zrok | Zrok +Introducing zrok | Zrok - +

Introducing zrok

· 5 min read

I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.

For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.

This new project is called... zrok.

zrok focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. zrok takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, zrok adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.

Here are some of the things that make zrok different...

Private Sharing

Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you've got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.

zrok expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling "private sharing". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other zrok users through the zero-trust overlay network.

In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. zrok handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.

And if you want public sharing, zrok has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that zrok adds to the recipe. zrok supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.

Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized

Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a frictionless way.

zrok also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... zrok will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet.

Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using zrok as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.

We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of zrok. zrok already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can get started using these powerful tools today!

Production zrok

NetFoundry is offering, a managed zrok service instance you can use to try out zrok and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit for details about requesting an invite.

Once zrok and are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public. runs on top of the open-source version of zrok. We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's available today.

Open-Source; Self-Host

zrok is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own zrok instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple guide to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.

You can access the open-source version of zrok today.

A Start

I'm really excited about sharing zrok with you. As of this writing, we're at v0.3.0, and there is still a ton of work to do to get zrok to where I know it can go. zrok is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the OpenZiti GitHub).

Starting with v0.4, I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released "development notebooks", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with zrok. I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of zrok on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a Ziti Native Application from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how zrok works.

We'd love your participation in the zrok project! You can find us on GitHub at

- +

Introducing zrok

· 5 min read

I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.

For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.

This new project is called... zrok.

zrok focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. zrok takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, zrok adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.

Here are some of the things that make zrok different...

Private Sharing

Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you've got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.

zrok expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling "private sharing". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other zrok users through the zero-trust overlay network.

In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. zrok handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.

And if you want public sharing, zrok has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that zrok adds to the recipe. zrok supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.

Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized

Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a frictionless way.

zrok also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... zrok will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet.

Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using zrok as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.

We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of zrok. zrok already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can get started using these powerful tools today!

Production zrok

NetFoundry is offering, a managed zrok service instance you can use to try out zrok and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit for details about requesting an invite.

Once zrok and are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public. runs on top of the open-source version of zrok. We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's available today.

Open-Source; Self-Host

zrok is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own zrok instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple guide to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.

You can access the open-source version of zrok today.

A Start

I'm really excited about sharing zrok with you. As of this writing, we're at v0.3.0, and there is still a ton of work to do to get zrok to where I know it can go. zrok is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the OpenZiti GitHub).

Starting with v0.4, I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released "development notebooks", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with zrok. I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of zrok on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a Ziti Native Application from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how zrok works.

We'd love your participation in the zrok project! You can find us on GitHub at

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/rss.xml b/blog/rss.xml index dfe9ffbf..71b2afa6 100644 --- a/blog/rss.xml +++ b/blog/rss.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Zrok Blog Zrok Blog - Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:58:35 GMT + Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:59:08 GMT en @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ <![CDATA[Introducing zrok]]> /introducing_zrok - Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:58:35 GMT + Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:59:08 GMT I'm fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects throughout my career. I was one of the original developers who broke ground on the OpenZiti project back in 2017. Most of my work on OpenZiti centered on the fabric, data and control plane design, and designing abstractions that would support a lot of what became the "edge" layers. It's been quite exciting to watch OpenZiti blossom and grow over the years.

For the last six months, I've had the opportunity to re-approach the world of zero-trust and next-generation networking from the other side of the stack. Instead of working in the lowest layers of protocols and abstractions, I'm working from the perspective of usability and enabling an amazing end-user experience. I'm excited to introduce you to a new set of tools designed to empower users at the network edge to seamlessly and transparently share resources. Imagine network sharing that is equally secure and transparent.

This new project is called... zrok.

zrok focuses on streamlining sharing for both developers and end users alike. zrok takes inspiration from several other offerings that streamline developer endpoint sharing. Starting from that recipe, zrok adds powerful capabilities that are made possible by building on the foundation provided by OpenZiti.

Here are some of the things that make zrok different...

Private Sharing

Most of the offerings in this space allow you to easily create "tunnels" that allow outbound-only access to local HTTP resources without punching any holes in a firewall. These tools make these kinds of tunnels effortless to create; with a single command, you've got a public URL that you can share to allow access to your endpoint.

zrok expands on this model by supporting something that we're calling "private sharing". Private sharing allows you to share securely on the zero-trust overlay network, without exposing anything to the public internet. You're still sharing with a single command, but your resources are only available to other zrok users through the zero-trust overlay network.

In this model, no user ever has to enable any inbound access. All network access is handled through the secure, zero-trust overlay network. zrok handles all of the control plane management of the overlay network, deeply simplifying the experience. This secure sharing model remains the single-command affair that users have come to expect.

And if you want public sharing, zrok has that also. Our private sharing modes are an additional capability that zrok adds to the recipe. zrok supports fleets of "public frontends" that can be geographically deployed wherever your internet users need them.

Files; Repositories; Video... Decentralized

Most of the other offerings in this space are focused on sharing low-level network resources. These tools are often used by developers or operations staff to allow access to a private HTTP endpoint or to facilitate a callback to a private endpoint through a webhook. It's considered table stakes for these tools to do this in a frictionless way.

zrok also provides a frictionless experience for sharing these kinds of network resources. However, we're taking it a step further... zrok will also make this kind of frictionless, decentralized sharing possible for files, software repositories, video streams, and other kinds of resources we haven't even thought of yet.

Combine this kind of resource sharing with our private peer-to-peer capabilities, and you've got the recipe for very powerful decentralized services. Imagine using zrok as a decentralized, distributed replacement for large centralized file-sharing platforms. Or use it as a replacement for large, centralized video streaming platforms.

We're still just getting started on building out these aspects of zrok. zrok already provides built-in single-command file sharing. You can get started using these powerful tools today!

Production zrok

NetFoundry is offering, a managed zrok service instance you can use to try out zrok and run small production workloads. This service is currently in limited beta and is available through an invitation process. Visit for details about requesting an invite.

Once zrok and are out of beta, we'll be opening this service up to the public. runs on top of the open-source version of zrok. We're building on top of the same open-source codebase that's available today.

Open-Source; Self-Host

zrok is committed to being open-source. You've got everything you need to host your own zrok instance on top of your own private OpenZiti network. We've even streamlined this process, and we're including a simple guide to getting this running in minutes, including the OpenZiti portions.

You can access the open-source version of zrok today.

A Start

I'm really excited about sharing zrok with you. As of this writing, we're at v0.3.0, and there is still a ton of work to do to get zrok to where I know it can go. zrok is open-source, and we're going to be developing it in public, just like the rest of the OpenZiti products (check out the OpenZiti GitHub).

Starting with v0.4, I'm planning on producing a set of regularly-released "development notebooks", documenting the development process and giving you a look at the work we're doing with zrok. I'm also planning on producing a set of videos that work through some of what's involved in building your own tiny version of zrok on top of OpenZiti; these will be a great introduction to building a Ziti Native Application from the ground up. These videos will also be a comprehensive look at how zrok works.

We'd love your participation in the zrok project! You can find us on GitHub at

diff --git a/docs/category/getting-started/index.html b/docs/category/getting-started/index.html index cdee0b1a..d6d3403c 100644 --- a/docs/category/getting-started/index.html +++ b/docs/category/getting-started/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Getting Started | Zrok - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/category/guides/index.html b/docs/category/guides/index.html index 0d2167a4..46a3c72f 100644 --- a/docs/category/guides/index.html +++ b/docs/category/guides/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Guides | Zrok - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/category/network/index.html b/docs/category/network/index.html index 13066d48..89169c2c 100644 --- a/docs/category/network/index.html +++ b/docs/category/network/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Network | Zrok - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/category/sharing/index.html b/docs/category/sharing/index.html index 216106ba..7b702701 100644 --- a/docs/category/sharing/index.html +++ b/docs/category/sharing/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Sharing | Zrok - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/downloads/index.html b/docs/downloads/index.html index fa83f2b0..11daefc3 100644 --- a/docs/downloads/index.html +++ b/docs/downloads/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Downloads | Zrok - +
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Getting Started with zrok

zrok is a next-generation sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti, a programmable zero trust network overlay. zrok is an OpenZiti Native Application.

zrok facilitates sharing resources publicly and privately with an audience of your choosing.

As of version v0.3.0, zrok provides users the ability to publicly proxy local HTTP endpoints (similar to other offerings in this space). Additionally, zrok provides the ability to:

  • privately share resources with other zrok users; in private usage scenarios, your private resources are not exposed to any public endpoints, and all communication is securely and privately transported between zrok clients
  • use web sharing; easily share files with others using a single zrok command

Let's take a look at how to get started with zrok.

Downloading zrok

In order to use zrok, you will need a zrok executable. Download a binary executable package for your platform at

Releases are also available from the zrok project repository on Github:

Extract zrok Distribution

Move the downloaded zrok distribution into a directory on your system. In my case, I've placed it in my home directory:

$ ls -lF zrok*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 michael michael 12724747 Jan 17 12:57 zrok_0.3.0-rc1_linux_amd64.tar.gz*

Create a directory where the extracted distribution will sit:

$ mkdir zrok
$ cd zrok/

Extract the zrok distribution:

$ tar zxvf ../zrok_0.3.0-rc1_linux_amd64.tar.gz

NOTE: On Windows platforms the distribution is shipped as a zip archive. Windows Explorer includes support for extracting zip archives natively.

Add zrok to your shell's environment.

For Linux or macos:

$ export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH

For Windows (using Command Prompt):

> set PATH=%CD%;%PATH%

For Windows (using PowerShell):

$env:path += ";"+$pwd.Path

With the zrok executable in your path, you can then execute the zrok command from your shell:

$ zrok version
_____ __ ___ | | __
|_ / '__/ _ \| |/ /
/ /| | | (_) | <
/___|_| \___/|_|\_\

v0.3.0-rc1 [0d43b55]

Configure Your zrok Service Instance

zrok is both an installable utility that you interact with from your local computer, and also a service that exists on the network. NetFoundry operates the public service instance that is available at, but because zrok is open source and self-hostable, you're free to create your own zrok service instance.

The zrok executable defaults to using the zrok service instance at Should you need to change the endpoint to use a different service instance, you can do that with the following command:

$ zrok config set apiEndpoint
[WARNING]: unable to open zrokdir metadata; ignoring

zrok configuration updated

The WARNING about zrokdir metadata is ignorable. Running the zrok config set command writes a small piece of metadata into a .zrok folder inside your home directory. This allows zrok to identify the version of its settings, providing a mechanism to upgrade your installation as new versions are released. This WARNING is letting you know that your current environment has not be initialized by zrok.

You can use the zrok status command to inspect the state of your local environment. zrok refers to each shell where you install and enable a copy of zrok as as an environment.

$ zrok status


apiEndpoint config

[WARNING]: Unable to load your local environment!

To create a local environment use the zrok enable command.

The WARNING about being unable to load your local environment will go away once you've successfully enabled (zrok enable) for your shell (we'll get to that below). For now, this warning is ignorable.

The zrok status command shows the configured API service that your environment is using, as well as the SOURCE where the setting was retrieved. In this case, config means that the setting was set into the environment using the zrok config command.

Generating an Invitation

In order to create an account with the zrok service instance, you will need to create an invitation.

Some environments take advantage of invitation tokens, which limit who is able to request an invitation on the service instance. If your service uses invitation tokens, the administrator of your instance will include details about how to use your token to generate your invitation.

We generate an invitation with the zrok invite command:

$ zrok invite

enter and confirm your email address...


[ Submit ]

invitation sent to ''!

The zrok invite command presents a small form that allows you to enter (and then confirm) your email address. Tabbing to the [ Submit ] button will send the request to your configured zrok service.

Next, check the email where you sent the invite. You should receive a message asking you to click a link to create your zrok account. When you click that link, you will be brought to a web page that will allow you to set a password for your new account:

Enter a Password

Enter a password and it's confirmation, and click the Register Account button. You'll see the following:

Successful Registration

For now, we'll ignore the "enable your shell for zrok" section. Just click the zrok web portal link:

Web Login

After clicking the Log In button, you'll be brought into the zrok web console:

Web Console; Empty

Congratulations! Your zrok account is ready to go!

Enabling Your zrok Environment

When your zrok account was created, the service generated a secret token that identifies and authenticates in a single step. Protect your secret token as if it were a password, or an important account number; it's a secret, protect it.

When we left off you had downloaded, extracted, and configured your zrok environment. In order to use that environment with your account, you'll need to enable it. Enabling an environment generates a secure identity and the necessary underlying security policies with the OpenZiti network hosting the zrok service.

From the web console, click on your email address in the upper right corner of the header. That drop down menu contains an Enable Your Environment link. Click that link and a modal dialog will be shown like this:

Enable Modal Dialog

This dialog box shows you the zrok enable command that you can use to enable any shell to work with your zrok account with a single command.

Let's copy that command and paste it into your shell:

$ zrok enable klFEoIi0QAg7 
⣻ contacting the zrok service...

After a few seconds, the message will change and indicate that the enable operation suceeded:

$ zrok enable klFEoIi0QAg7 
⣻ the zrok environment was successfully enabled...

Now, if we run a zrok status command, you will see the details of your environment:

$ zrok status


apiEndpoint env


Secret Token klFEoIi0QAg7
Ziti Identity FTpvelYD6h

Excellent... our environment is now fully enabled.

If we return to the web console, we'll now see the new environment reflected in the explorer view:

New Environment in Web UI

In my case, the environment is named michael@ziti-lx, which is the username of my shell and the hostname of the system the shell is running on.

Should you want to use a non-default name for your environment, you can pass the -d option to the zrok enable command. See zrok enable --help for details.

If you click on the environment node in the explorer in the web console, the details panel shown at the bottom of the page will change:

Empty Environment

The explorer supports clicking, dragging, mouse wheel zooming, and selecting the nodes in the graph for more information (and available actions) for the selected node. If you ever get lost in the explorer, click the Zoom to Fit zoom to fit icon in the lower right corner of the explorer.

If we click on the Detail tab for our environment, we'll see something like:

Environment Detail

Your environment is fully ready to go. Now we can move on to the fun stuff...


zrok is designed to make sharing resources as effortless as possible, while providing a high degree of security and control.

Ephemeral by Default

Shared resources are ephemeral by default; as soon as you terminate the zrok share command, the entire share is removed and is no longer available to any users. Identifiers for shared resources are randomly allocated when the share is created.

Public Shares and Frontends

Resources that are shared publicly are exposed to any users on the internet who have access to the zrok service instance's "frontend".

A frontend is an HTTPS listener exposed to the internet, that lets any user with your ephemeral share token access your publicly shared resources.

For example, I might create a public share using the zrok share public command, which results in my zrok service instance exposing the following URL to access my resources:

In this case my share was given the "share token" of h0fz2ts9c84t. That URL can be given to any user, allowing them to immediately access the shared resources directly from my local environment, all without exposing any access to my private, secure environment. The physical network location of my environment is not exposed to anonymous consumers of my resources.

If we return to the web console, we see our share in the explorer:

Web Console Share

If we click on our new share in the explorer, we can see the share details: Share Details

If we click on the frontend endpoint a new browser tab opens and we see the content of our share: Share Frontend

If we click on the environment in the explorer, we're shown all of the shares for that environment (including our new share), along with a spark line that shows the activity:

Environment Spark Line

And as soon as I terminate the zrok share client, the resources are removed from the zrok environment.

If we try to reload the frontend endpoing in our web browser, we'll see:

Not Found

Private Shares

zrok also provides a powerful private sharing model. If I execute the following command:

$ zrok share private http://localhost:8080

The zrok service will respond with the following:

access your share with: zrok access private wvszln4dyz9q

Rather than allowing access to your service through a public frontend, a private share is only exposed to the underlying OpenZiti network, and can only be accessed using the zrok access command.

The zrok access private wvszln4dyz9q command can be run by any zrok user, allowing them to create and bind a local HTTP listener, that allows for private access to your shared resources.

Proxy Backend Mode

Without specifying a backend mode, the zrok share command will assume that you're trying to share a proxy resource. A proxy resource is usually some private HTTP/HTTPS endpoint (like a development server, or a private application) running in your local environment. Usually such an endpoint would have no inbound connectivity except for however it is reachable from your local environment. It might be running on localhost, or only listening on a private LAN segment behind a firewall.

For these services a proxy share will allow those endpoints to be reached, either publicly or privately through the zrok service.

Web Backend Mode

The zrok share command accepts a --backend-mode option. Besides proxy, the current v0.3 release (as of this writing) also supports a web mode. The web mode allows you to specify a local folder on your filesystem, and instantly turns your zrok client into a web server, exposing your web content either publicly or privately without having to a configure a web server.

Reserved Shares

zrok shares are ephemeral unless you specifically create a "reserved" share.

A reserved share can be re-used multiple times; it will survive termination of the zrok share command, allowing for longer-lasting semi-permanent access to shared resources.

The first step is to create the reserved share:

$ zrok reserve public --backend-mode web v0.3_getting_started
[ 0.275] INFO main.(*reserveCommand).run: your reserved share token is 'mltwsinym1s2'
[ 0.275] INFO main.(*reserveCommand).run: reserved frontend endpoint:

I'm asking the zrok service to reserve a share with a web backend mode, pointing at my local docs folder.

You'll want to remember the share token (mltwsinym1s2 in this case), and the frontend endpoint URL. If this were a private reserved share, there would not be a frontend URL.

If we do nothing else, and then point a web browser at the frontend endpoint, we get:

Not Found

This is the 404 error message returned by the zrok frontend. We're getting this because we haven't yet started up a zrok share for the service. Let's do that:

This command:

$ zrok share reserved mltwsinym1s2

...results in a new share backend starting up and connecting to the existing reserved share:

zrok share reserved

And now if we refresh the frontend endpoint URL in the web browser, we'll see an index of the docs directory:

zrok docs share

With the reserved share, we're free to stop and restart the zrok share reserved command as many times as we want, without losing the token for our share.

When we're done with the reserved share, we can release it using this command:

$ zrok release mltwsinym1s2
[ 0.230] INFO main.(*releaseCommand).run: reserved share 'mltwsinym1s2' released

Concepts Review

In summary, zrok lets you easily and securely share resources with both general internet users (through public sharing) and also with other zrok users (through private sharing).

Here's a quick review of the zrok mental model and the vocabulary.

Service Instance and Account

You create an account with a zrok service instance. Your account is identified by a username and a password, which you use to log into the web console. Your account also has a secret token, which you will use to authenticate from the zrok command-line to interact with the service instance.

You create a new account with a zrok service instance through the zrok invite command.


Using your secret token you use the zrok command-line interface to create an environment. An environment corresponds to a single command-line user on a specific host system.

You create a new environment by using the zrok enable command.


Once you've enabled an environment, you then create one or more shares. Shares have either a public or private sharing mode. Shares share a specific type of resource using a backend mode. As of this writing zrok supports a proxy backend mode to share local HTTP resources as a reverse proxy. zrok also supports a web backend mode to share local file and HTML resources by enabling a basic HTTP server.

Every share is identified by a share token. Public shares can be accessed through either a frontend instance offered through the zrok service instance, or through the zrok access command. Private shares can only be accessed through the zrok access command.

You use the zrok share command to create and enable ephemeral shares.

Reserved Shares

zrok supports creating shares that have a consistent share token that survives restarts of the zrok share command. These are considered non-ephemeral, and is callled a reserved share.

You use the zrok reserve command to create reserved shares. Reserved shares last until you use the zrok release command to delete them.

Self-Hosting a Service Instance

Interested in self-hosting your own zrok service instance? See the self-hosting guide for details.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/getting-started/v0.2_account_requests/index.html b/docs/getting-started/v0.2_account_requests/index.html index 46e925a5..7e54100f 100644 --- a/docs/getting-started/v0.2_account_requests/index.html +++ b/docs/getting-started/v0.2_account_requests/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Account Request Process | Zrok - +

Account Request Process

In v0.1

The v0.1 versions of zrok had an open-access zrok create account that allows any user to create an account. Useful for closed development environments only.

In v0.2

  • The zrok create account command now only takes an email address.
  • The email address is submitted to an open-ended API endpoint, which then records an "account request", allocating a request token.
  • An email is sent to the address offering a link with the request token, allowing the user to create the account.
  • The account request is marked complete.

Invitations for Others

This open zrok create account command will allow any user to send a zrok invitation to any user with a valid email address.

Garbage Collection

An background garbage collector in the controller scans the account requests, looking for unused requests, which are removed after a configurable amount of time.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/guides/v0.3_nginx_tls_guide/index.html b/docs/guides/v0.3_nginx_tls_guide/index.html index b042c23f..03665b32 100644 --- a/docs/guides/v0.3_nginx_tls_guide/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/v0.3_nginx_tls_guide/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Nginx Reverse Proxy for zrok | Zrok - +

Nginx Reverse Proxy for zrok

I'll assume you have a running zrok controller and public frontend and wish to front both with Nginx providing server TLS. Go back to Self-Hosting Guide if you still need to spin those up.

Choose a Reverse Proxy Address

I'll use in this example, and assume you already set up wildcard DNS like * This lets us elect as the controller DNS name, and forward any other incoming requests to the zrok public frontend.

Obtain a Wildcard Server Certificate

You must complete a DNS challenge to obtain a wildcard certificate from Let's Encrypt. I'll assume you know how to create the necessary TXT record in the DNS zone you're using with zrok.

  1. Install certbot:

  2. Run certbot with the manual plugin:

    # install cert for * in /etc/letsencrypt
    sudo certbot certonly --manual

Install Nginx

Configure Nginx

server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;

location / {
error_log /var/log/nginx/zrok-controller.log;


server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name *;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;

location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
error_log /var/log/nginx/zrok-frontend.log;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 512k;
proxy_buffers 4 512k;
proxy_buffer_size 256k;



Restart Nginx

Load the new configuration by restarting Nginx. Check the logs to make sure it's happy.

Started A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server.

Check the Firewall

If you followed the non-TLS quickstart then you may have opened 8080,108080/tcp in your firewall. You can go ahead and replace those exceptions with 443/tcp because only Nginx needs to be reachable for zrok to function.

Update the zrok Frontend

List available frontends to obtain the token identifier of the frontend named "public". You may need to set ZROK_ADMIN_TOKEN or ZROK_API_ENDPOINT before running zrok admin.

$ zrok admin list frontends

2NiDTRYUww18 7DsLh9DXG public http://{token} 2023-01-19 05:29:20.793 +0000 UTC 2023-01-19 06:17:25 +0000 UTC

Update the URL template to use Nginx.

$ zrok admin update frontend 2NiDTRYUww18 --url-template https://{token}
[ 0.028] INFO main.(*adminUpdateFrontendCommand).run: updated global frontend '2NiDTRYUww18'
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/guides/v0.3_self_hosting_guide/index.html b/docs/guides/v0.3_self_hosting_guide/index.html index 33614478..ef8e5405 100644 --- a/docs/guides/v0.3_self_hosting_guide/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/v0.3_self_hosting_guide/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Self-Hosting Guide | Zrok - +

Self-Hosting Guide

OpenZiti Quickstart

I specifically used the "no docker" variant:

$ source /dev/stdin <<< "$(wget -qO-"; expressInstall
$ startController
$ startRouter

Keep track of the generated admin password when running the expressInstall script. The script will prompt you like this:

Do you want to keep the generated admin password 'XO0xHp75uuyeireO2xmmVlK91T7B9fpD'? (Y/n)

You'll need that generated password (XO0xHp75uuyeireO2xmmVlK91T7B9fpD) when building your zrok controller configuration.

Configure the Controller

Create a controller configuration file in etc/ctrl.yml. The controller does not provide server TLS, but you may front the server with a reverse proxy. This example will expose the non-TLS listener for the controller.

#    _____ __ ___ | | __
# |_ / '__/ _ \| |/ /
# / /| | | (_) | <
# /___|_| \___/|_|\_\
# controller configuration

v: 1

- f60b55fa-4dec-4c4a-9244-e3b7d6b9bb13

port: 18080

path: zrok.db
type: sqlite3

api_endpoint: ""
username: admin
password: "XO0xHp75uuyeireO2xmmVlK91T7B9fpD"

The admin section defines privileged administrative credentials and must be set in the ZROK_ADMIN_TOKEN environment variable in shells where you want to run zrok admin.

The endpoint section defines where your zrok controller will listen.

The store section defines the local sqlite3 database used by the controller.

The ziti section defines how the zrok controller should communicate with your OpenZiti installation. When using the OpenZiti quickstart, an administrative password will be generated; the password in the ziti stanza should reflect this password.

Environment Variables

The zrok binaries are configured to work with the global service, and default to using as the endpoint for communicating with the service.

To work with a local zrok deployment, you'll need to set the ZROK_API_ENDPOINT environment variable to point to the address where your zrok controller will be listening, according to endpoint in the configuration file above.

In my case, I've set:

$ export ZROK_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:18080

Bootstrap OpenZiti for zrok

With your OpenZiti network running and your configuration saved to a local file (I refer to mine as etc/ctrl.yml in these examples), you're ready to bootstrap the Ziti network.

Use the zrok admin bootstrap command to bootstrap like this:

$ zrok admin bootstrap etc/ctrl.yml 
[ 0.002] INFO main.(*adminBootstrap).run: {
[ 0.002] INFO zrok/controller/store.Open: database connected
[ 0.006] INFO zrok/controller/store.(*Store).migrate: applied 0 migrations
[ 0.006] INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: connecting to the ziti edge management api
[ 0.039] INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: creating identity for controller ziti access
[ 0.071] INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: controller identity: jKd8AINSz
[ 0.082] INFO zrok/controller.assertIdentity: asserted identity 'jKd8AINSz'
[ 0.085] INFO zrok/controller.assertErpForIdentity: asserted erps for 'ctrl' (jKd8AINSz)
[ 0.085] INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: creating identity for frontend ziti access
[ 0.118] INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: frontend identity: sqJRAINSiB
[ 0.119] INFO zrok/controller.assertIdentity: asserted identity 'sqJRAINSiB'
[ 0.120] INFO zrok/controller.assertErpForIdentity: asserted erps for 'frontend' (sqJRAINSiB)
[ 0.120] WARNING zrok/controller.Bootstrap: missing public frontend for ziti id 'sqJRAINSiB'; please use 'zrok admin create frontend sqJRAINSiB public https://{token}' to create a frontend instance
[ 0.123] INFO zrok/controller.assertZrokProxyConfigType: found 'zrok.proxy.v1' config type with id '33CyjNbIepkXHN5VzGDA8L'
[ 0.124] INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsService: creating 'metrics' service
[ 0.126] INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsService: asserted 'metrics' service (5RpPZZ7T8bZf1ENjwGiPc3)
[ 0.128] INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsSerp: creating 'metrics' serp
[ 0.130] INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsSerp: asserted 'metrics' serp
[ 0.134] INFO zrok/controller.assertCtrlMetricsBind: creating 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy
[ 0.135] INFO zrok/controller.assertCtrlMetricsBind: asserted 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy
[ 0.138] INFO zrok/controller.assertFrontendMetricsDial: creating 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy
[ 0.140] INFO zrok/controller.assertFrontendMetricsDial: asserted 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy
[ 0.140] INFO main.(*adminBootstrap).run: bootstrap complete!

The zrok admin bootstrap command configures the zrok database, the necessary OpenZiti identities, and all of the OpenZiti policies required to run a zrok service.

Notice this warning:

[   0.120] WARNING zrok/controller.Bootstrap: missing public frontend for ziti id 'sqJRAINSiB'; please use 'zrok admin create frontend sqJRAINSiB public https://{token}' to create a frontend instance

The zrok bootstrap process wants us to create a "public frontend" for our service. zrok uses public frontends to allow users to specify where they would like public traffic to ingress from.

The zrok admin create frontend command requires a running zrok controller, so let's start that up first:

$ zrok controller etc/ctrl.yml 
[ 0.003] INFO main.(*controllerCommand).run: {
[ 0.016] INFO zrok/controller.inspectZiti: inspecting ziti controller configuration
[ 0.048] INFO zrok/controller.findZrokProxyConfigType: found 'zrok.proxy.v1' config type with id '33CyjNbIepkXHN5VzGDA8L'
[ 0.048] INFO zrok/controller/store.Open: database connected
[ 0.048] INFO zrok/controller/store.(*Store).migrate: applied 0 migrations
[ 0.049] INFO zrok/controller.(*metricsAgent).run: starting
[ 0.064] INFO zrok/rest_server_zrok.setupGlobalMiddleware: configuring
[ 0.064] INFO zrok/ui.StaticBuilder: building
[ 0.065] INFO zrok/rest_server_zrok.(*Server).Logf: Serving zrok at http://[::]:18080
[ 0.085] INFO zrok/controller.(*metricsAgent).listen: started

With our ZROK_ADMIN_TOKEN and ZROK_API_ENDPOINT environment variables set, we can create our public frontend like this:

$ zrok admin create frontend sqJRAINSiB public http://{token}
[ 0.037] INFO main.(*adminCreateFrontendCommand).run: created global public frontend 'WEirJNHVlcW9'

Now our zrok controller is fully configured.

Configure the Public Frontend

Create etc/http-frontend.yml. You must reiterate the pattern you expressed in the public frontend URL template as a host_match pattern, and you may change the default address where the frontend will listen for public access requests. The frontend does not provide server TLS, but you may front the server with a reverse proxy. It is essential the reverse proxy forwards the Host header supplied by the viewer. This example will expose the non-TLS listener for the frontend.


Start Public Frontend

In another terminal window, run:

$ zrok access public etc/http-frontend.yml
[ 0.002] INFO main.(*accessPublicCommand).run: {
[ 0.002] INFO zrok/endpoints/public_frontend.newMetricsAgent: loaded 'frontend' identity

This process uses the frontend identity created during the bootstrap process to provide public access for the zrok deployment. It is expected that the configured listener for this frontend corresponds to the DNS template specified when creating the public frontend record above.

Invite Yourself

$ zrok invite
New Email:
Confirm Email:
invitation sent to ''!

If you look at the console output from your zrok controller, you'll see a message like this:

[ 238.168]    INFO zrok/controller.(*inviteHandler).Handle: account request for '' has registration token 'U2Ewt1UCn3ql'

You can access your zrok controller's registration UI by pointing a web browser at:


The UI will ask you to set a password for your new account. Go ahead and do that.

After doing that, I see the following output in my controller console:

[ 516.778]    INFO zrok/controller.(*registerHandler).Handle: created account '' with token 'SuGzRPjVDIcF'

Keep track of the token listed above (SuGzRPjVDIcF). We'll use this to enable our shell for this zrok deployment.

Enable Your Shell

$ zrok enable SuGzRPjVDIcF
zrok environment '2AS1WZ3Sz' enabled for 'SuGzRPjVDIcF'

Congratulations. You have a working zrok environment!

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  • create root ca


    $ ziti pki create ca --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-file=root-ca --ca-name=" Root CA"
  • signing root ca


    $ ziti pki create ca --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-file=signing-root-ca --ca-name=" Signing Root CA"
  • intermediate


    $ ziti pki create intermediate --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-name=root-ca --intermediate-name=" Intermediate" --intermediate-file=intermediate --max-path-len=1
  • signing intermediate


    $ ziti pki create intermediate --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-name=intermediate --intermediate-name=" Signing Intermediate" --intermediate-file=signing-intermediate --max-path-len=1
  • create controller client/server certs:


    $ ziti pki create server --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-name=intermediate --server-file=ctrl-server --dns=",localhost" --ip=",,127.0.01" --server-name=" controller server"
    $ ziti pki create client --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-name=intermediate --client-file=ctrl-client --key-file=ctrl-server --client-name=" controller client"
  • create edge router client/server certs:


    $ ziti pki create server --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-name=intermediate --server-file=router0-server --dns=",localhost" --ip=",,127.0.01" --server-name=" router0 server"
    $ ziti pki create client --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/ --ca-name=intermediate --client-file=router0-client --key-file=router0-server --client-name=" router0 client"
  • cas.pem:


    $ cat local/etc/ > local/etc/
    $ cat local/etc/ >> local/etc/
  • ziti-controller edge init:

    $ ~/local/ziti/ziti-controller edge init local/etc/
  • start controller

  • create and enroll edge router:

    $ ziti edge create edge-router router0 -o router0.jwt -t -a "public"
    New edge router router0 created with id: ZAbNbXUL6A
    Enrollment expires at 2022-08-29T21:56:37.418Z

    $ ziti-router enroll local/etc/ --jwt router0.jwt
    [ 3.561] INFO edge/router/enroll.(*RestEnroller).Enroll: registration complete
  • configure zrok frontend identity

    $ ziti edge create identity device -o ~/.zrok/proxy.jwt proxy
    New identity proxy created with id: -zbBF8eVb-
    Enrollment expires at 2022-08-10T18:46:16.641Z
    $ ziti edge enroll -j ~/.zrok/proxy.jwt -o ~/.zrok/proxy.json
    INFO generating 4096 bit RSA key
    INFO enrolled successfully. identity file written to: proxy.json
    $ ziti edge create erp --edge-router-roles "#all" --identity-roles @proxy
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What is zrok


zrok is a super-lightweight tool for providing on-demand access to dark, unreachable resources. The super-power of zrok is providing a single-step solution to creating ephemeral network connectivity. From an end-user perspective, zrok is a tool packaged as a single executable, which can be used as a "shim" to quickly create public endpoints for dark resources.

zrok is also a service (which can be self-hosted) and runs on top of any OpenZiti network. The service provides one or more listening endpoints (typically on the public internet), that are designed to dynamically expose endpoints (HTTP(S)-only, as of v0.1.x), as requested by the end-user zrok tooling.

zrok listening endpoints, and zrok terminating endpoints are typically used together to create the streamlined, ephemeral connectivity solution for dark services. But listening endpoints and the terminating endpoints can be used orthogonally, interoperating with other OpenZiti SDK clients.

The Primary Use Case

The primary use case for zrok is exposing dark resources across the public internet, for a multiplicity of reasons. Consider a developer, who is building a web application and wants to share work in progress with third parties for review. The developer already has signed up for a zrok account and has been issued a secret token.

The developer will have enabled zrok capabilities for their shell environment using the zrok enable command:

$ zrok enable <secret-token>

After enabling their environment, the developer can quickly create a publicly available URL for their application like this:

$ zrok http http://localhost:3000

zrok will then give them a public URL, like this:

This URL can be shared with anyone, anywhere, allowing access to the developer's application as long as the developer is running the zrok http command. Simply ending that process will destroy all of the public access, and clean up the associated resources in the underlying OpenZiti environment.

How Does zrok Work?

At a high level, the zrok stack looks like this:

zrok v0.1 overview

Let's discuss a couple of the flows through the above use case and talk about what's happening.

The zrok enable Flow

When a new zrok user signs up for an account, they are issued a "secret token". This secret token is used to enable shell access to zrok http from the command line.

When the user runs zrok enable from their shell, here's what happens:

  1. The zrok enable client reaches out with an enable request to the zrok controller.
  2. The zrok controller creates a new OpenZiti identity for the environment and enrolls it.
  3. The zrok controller creates an edge router policy associating the new OpenZiti identity with #all edge routers.
  4. The zrok controller returns the entire SDK configuration back to the zrok enable client.
  5. The zrok enable client then stores the OpenZiti identity along with a few other housekeeping details in the user's ~/.zrok folder (we refer to this as zrokdir, conceptually in the code).
  6. With the OpenZiti identity and configuration details stored in the user's zrokdir, the user is then able to create any number of binding endpoints using the zrok http command.

The zrok http Flow

When a zrok user issues a zrok http command for an endpoint, here's what happens:

  1. The zrok http client gathers the necessary identity details from the zrokdir (this was all staged during zrok enable).
  2. The zrok http client reaches out to the zrok controller with an authenticated tunnel request, asking to have a new endpoint binding created.
  3. The zrok controller allocates a new "service name" for the binding.
  4. The zrok controller creates a zrok.proxy.v1 configuration describing the user's requested authentication details (currently: none or basic).
  5. The zrok controller creates a new service, associating the service with the configuration.
  6. The zrok controller creates a bind service policy for the user's environment identity and the newly created OpenZiti service.
  7. The zrok controller creates a dial service policy allowing the configured listening endpoints (ingress proxies) to dial the newly created service.
  8. The zrok controller creates a service edge router policy associating the newly created service with #all edge routers.
  9. The URL for the new zrok service is constructed and returned to the zrok http client.
  10. The zrok http client then binds the OpenZiti service with an SDK client, and begins reverse-proxying traffic received from OpenZiti across to the dark service.

When the user terminates the zrok http client, these resources are removed from the OpenZiti network.

zrok proxy and HTTP Clients

When zrok http exposes a service and returns a URL, that URL is designed to be sent to a zrok listening endpoint (zrok proxy, currently). The zrok proxy is a stateless SDK client with an HTTP(S) listener exposed to the public internet.

When an HTTP request arrives as the zrok proxy listener, this happens:

  1. The zrok proxy parses the Host header provided by the client, extracting the zrok service name from the URL.
  2. The service is refreshed (if necessary) and retrieved. The zrok.proxy.v1 configuration details are retrieved.
  3. The zrok.proxy.v1 configuration is used to do authentication processing. If authentication is required, such a response is returned to the client.
  4. The zrok proxy then dials the OpenZiti service, and the dialed service is used to reverse proxy the request from the end user across OpenZiti to the binding endpoint, and then dark service.

The zrok proxy does not require any communication with the zrok controller, and is stateless. They can be pooled behind a load balancer. It is currently a goal is to maintain this lightweight nature.

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Reserved Services

With v0.3, zrok introduced a concept of "reserving" services. The intention is that the zrok control plane will support limits on the number of reserved services (and eventually frontendinstances) that an account is allowed to utilize. Service reservations could also be time-limited, or possibly even bandwidth-limited (the reservation expires after a bandwidth threshold is crossed).

Reserved Services Example

With v0.3 zrok introduced the zrok reserve command:

$ zrok reserve private http://localhost:9090
[ 0.047] INFO main.(*reserveCommand).run: your reserved service token is 'x88xujrpk4k3'
[ 0.048] INFO main.(*reserveCommand).run: your reserved service frontend is ''

The reserve command creates a service reservation that allows a service to become non-ephemeral. The service token x88xujrpk4k3 is guaranteed to exist between backend executions.

Running a backend against a service reservation is done like this:

$ zrok share reserved x88xujrpk4k3
[ 0.005] INFO main.(*shareReservedCommand).run: sharing target endpoint: 'http://localhost:9090'
[ 0.040] INFO main.(*shareReservedCommand).run: use this command to access your zrok service: 'zrok access private x88xujrpk4k3'
$ zrok share reserved x88xujrpk4k3
[ 0.007] INFO main.(*shareReservedCommand).run: sharing target endpoint: 'http://localhost:9090'
[ 0.047] INFO main.(*shareReservedCommand).run: use this command to access your zrok service: 'zrok access private x88xujrpk4k3'

The share reserved comand starts a backend process for the service. User-facing and public-facing frontend instances are allowed to come and go, just as if the service were ephemeral.

Releasing a reserved service is done with the zrok release command:

$ zrok release x88xujrpk4k3
[ 0.056] INFO main.(*releaseCommand).run: reserved service 'x88xujrpk4k3' released
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Public/Private Sharing

In v0.3 new sharing modes and new types of built-in services were introduced.

Share Modes

Note: In v0.3, the tunnel and untunnel concepts get renamed to share and unshare.

Note: We're going to continue using frontend and backend as concepts, even though those words will be changing in the zrok CLI. A frontend will continue to describe an "ingress" into the zrokservice, and is the tool that is used by the user "consuming" or access-ing the the zrok service. A backend will continue to describe the "binding" created by a user that wants to share a resource.

Public Sharing

In v0.2, zrok only offered a "public" sharing mode. The public sharing mode will allow any configured frontend instances to send traffic to any backend. The policy and permission model was very simple and flat. A v0.2 deployment considers any available frontend instance to be allowed to send traffic to configured services. The access for frontend instances is controlled by identity provisioning within the underlying OpenZiti network.

In v0.3, zrok will offer both a "public" and a "private" sharing mode. When v0.3 configures the policies for a service, a publicly-shared service will have policies created that allow whichever selected public frontend instances to access the shared backend. A v0.3 deployment will have a collection of multi-tenant, high-capacity frontend instances available to be selected from. The zrok CLI will default to selecting the public frontend instances.

The frontend selection approach also gives us a clean implementation for picking public frontend instances based on geography (either network or physical). The production service could easily offer multiple different fleets of frontend instances, and this mechanism will allow backend users to choose where they want to offer access to their service.

Private Sharing

v0.3 introduced "private" sharing mode. When provisioning a service for private sharing, zrok will not create any policies for the service, until a request for a frontend binding is created for the service (through the v0.3 zrok access command).

The v0.3 zrok API will support creating frontend instances for both identified users (where the zrok user has a provisioned environment), as well as ephemeral users (the zrok controller will create a single-use "ephemeral environment" for these frontend instances).

Backend Modes

In v0.2, the only possible backend "mode" was used for reverse proxying HTTP traffic to a local endpoint. The v0.3 zrok client will support several different backend modes, providing a number of built-in conveniences.

Web Mode

A user has a collection of files on disk. Sharing with a backend mode of "web", will create a backend that shares a file tree as if it were a local web server. This effectively allows a user to bind a web-server backend to a document root with a single CLI command.

DAV Mode

A user wants to operate a read/write repository of files accessible through either conventional WebDAV clients (through public frontend instances), or through the zrok CLI (a convenience wrapper, embedding WebDAV capabilities).

This allows users to create read/write repositories of files that can be shared with multiple users, and also allows for the creation of write-only "drop boxes" for receiving files from another user (often a tricky thing to do well and securely on the public internet).

Proxy Mode

v0.3 will retain the classic reverse proxy mode, as well. Will continue to allow a user to expose a local HTTP endpoint through zrok.

Entities (SQL)

zrok v0.3 introduced a new frontends table to allow the zrok controller to track the frontend instances that are available to any account or environment.

The following illustration shows the possibilities available.

Frontend Selection

The * frontend is a "public" frontend, available to all zrok users. Most zrok installations will want to have at least one public, global frontend for all public, internet-facing ingress traffic for private backend instances. In the underlying data store, the public frontend will have a name set to public (or some other representative name), allowing users to reference that frontend using a friendly label.

The other two "private" frontends are configured with no name label (the lack of a name label signifies that these are "private" frontends). The ephemeral environment is allocated when a zrok frontend request is made without an account on behalf of a private share.

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