`zrok` is a next-generation, peer-to-peer sharing platform built on top of [OpenZiti](https://docs.openziti.io/docs/learn/introduction/), a programmable zero-trust network overlay. `zrok` is a _Ziti Native Application_. `zrok` facilitates sharing resources both publicly and privately. Public sharing allows you to share `zrok` resources with non-`zrok` users over the public internet. Private sharing allows you to directly share your resources peer-to-peer with other `zrok` users without changing your security or firewall settings. Like other offerings in this space, `zrok` allows users to share tunnels for HTTP, TCP and UDP network resources. `zrok` additionally allows users to easily and rapidly share files, web content, and custom resources in a peer-to-peer manner. `zrok` is an extensible platform for sharing. Initially we're targeting technical users. Super-simple sharing for end users is planned and in the backlog.  ## Frictionless You can be up and sharing using the `zrok.io` service in minutes. Here is a synopsis of what's involved: * Download the binary for your platform [here](https://github.com/openziti/zrok/releases/latest) * `zrok invite` to create an account with the service * `zrok enable` to enable your shell environment for sharing with the service ### And then... sharing... Easily share private network resources with public internet users, securely, without having to alter any of your local network configuration: ``` $ zrok share public localhost:8080 ```  ``` $ curl -s https://dslno640nct4.share.zrok.io | head
``` Share "network drives" with public and private users running on Windows, macOS, or Linux systems: ``` $ zrok share public --backend-mode drive ~/Repos/zrok ```  Mounting and working with shared drives is simple, and works with any applications on the end users' systems:  See the [Concepts and Getting Started Guide](https://docs.zrok.io/docs/getting-started) for a full overview. ## The `zrok` SDK `zrok` includes an SDK that allows you to embed `zrok` sharing capabilities into your own applications. If you're familiar with a golang `net.Conn` and `net.Listener`, you'll be right at home with our SDK. ### A Simple `zrok` Sharing Service ```go // load enabled zrok environment root, err := environment.LoadRoot() // request a share for your resource shr, err := sdk.CreateShare(root, &sdk.ShareRequest{ BackendMode: sdk.TcpTunnelBackendMode, ShareMode: sdk.PrivateShareMode, // ... }) // accept requests for your resource listener, err := sdk.NewListener(shr.Token, root) ``` ### A Simple `zrok` Client ```go // load enabled zrok environment root, err := environment.LoadRoot() // request access to a shared zrok resource acc, err := sdk.CreateAccess(root, &sdk.AccessRequest{ShareToken: shrToken}) // establish a connection to the resource directly conn, err := sdk.NewDialer(shrToken, root) ``` This [blog post](https://blog.openziti.io/the-zrok-sdk) provides more details for [getting started](https://blog.openziti.io/the-zrok-sdk) with the `zrok` SDK. ## Self-Hosting `zrok` is designed to scale up to support extremely large service instances. `zrok.io` is a public service instance operated by NetFoundry using the same code base that is available to self-hosted environments. `zrok` is also designed to scale down to support extremely small deployments. Run `zrok` and OpenZiti on a Raspberry Pi! The single `zrok` binary contains everything you need to operate `zrok` environments and also host your own service instances. Just add an OpenZiti network and you're up and running. See the [Self-Hosting Guide](https://docs.zrok.io/docs/guides/self-hosting/self_hosting_guide/) for details on getting your own `zrok` service instance running. ## zrok Office Hours We maintain a growing playlist of videos focusing on various aspects of `zrok`. This includes the "office hours" series, which are longer-format videos digging into the implementation of `zrok` and showcasing some of the latest features and capabilities: [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edqv7yRmXb0&list=PLMUj_5fklasLuM6XiCNqwAFBuZD1t2lO2) ## Building If you are interested in building `zrok` for yourself instead of using a released package, please refer to [BUILD.md](./BUILD.md) ## Contributing If you'd like to contribute back to `zrok`, that'd be great. Please see our [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) page and abide by the [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).