* create root ca `pki_create_ca`: ``` $ ziti pki create ca --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-file=root-ca --ca-name="zrok.io Root CA" ``` * signing root ca `pki_create_ca`: ``` $ ziti pki create ca --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-file=signing-root-ca --ca-name="zrok.io Signing Root CA" ``` * intermediate `pki_create_intermediate`: ``` $ ziti pki create intermediate --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-name=root-ca --intermediate-name="zrok.io Intermediate" --intermediate-file=intermediate --max-path-len=1 ``` * signing intermediate `pki_create_intermediate`: ``` $ ziti pki create intermediate --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-name=intermediate --intermediate-name="zrok.io Signing Intermediate" --intermediate-file=signing-intermediate --max-path-len=1 ``` * create controller client/server certs: `pki_client_server`: ``` $ ziti pki create server --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-name=intermediate --server-file=ctrl-server --dns="ziti.zrok.io,localhost" --ip=",,127.0.01" --server-name="zrok.io controller server" $ ziti pki create client --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-name=intermediate --client-file=ctrl-client --key-file=ctrl-server --client-name="zrok.io controller client" ``` * create edge router client/server certs: `pki_client_server`: ``` $ ziti pki create server --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-name=intermediate --server-file=router0-server --dns="ziti.zrok.io,localhost" --ip=",,127.0.01" --server-name="zrok.io router0 server" $ ziti pki create client --pki-root=/home/ubuntu/local/etc/zrok.io/pki --ca-name=intermediate --client-file=router0-client --key-file=router0-server --client-name="zrok.io router0 client" ``` * `cas.pem`: `createControllerConfig`: ``` $ cat local/etc/zrok.io/pki/intermediate/certs/ctrl-server.chain.pem > local/etc/zrok.io/pki/cas.pem $ cat local/etc/zrok.io/pki/intermediate/certs/signing-intermediate.cert >> local/etc/zrok.io/pki/cas.pem ``` * `ziti-controller edge init`: ``` $ ~/local/ziti/ziti-controller edge init local/etc/zrok.io/ziti-ctrl.yml ``` * start controller * create and enroll edge router: ``` $ ziti edge create edge-router router0 -o router0.jwt -t -a "public" New edge router router0 created with id: ZAbNbXUL6A Enrollment expires at 2022-08-29T21:56:37.418Z $ ziti-router enroll local/etc/zrok.io/ziti-router0.yml --jwt router0.jwt [ 3.561] INFO edge/router/enroll.(*RestEnroller).Enroll: registration complete ``` * configure zrok frontend identity ``` $ ziti edge create identity device -o ~/.zrok/proxy.jwt proxy New identity proxy created with id: -zbBF8eVb- Enrollment expires at 2022-08-10T18:46:16.641Z ``` ``` $ ziti edge enroll -j ~/.zrok/proxy.jwt -o ~/.zrok/proxy.json INFO generating 4096 bit RSA key INFO enrolled successfully. identity file written to: proxy.json ``` ``` $ ziti edge create erp --edge-router-roles "#all" --identity-roles @proxy ```