{ email {$CADDY_ACME_EMAIL} acme_ca {$CADDY_ACME_API} admin } http:// { redir https://{host}{uri} permanent } *.{$ZROK_DNS_ZONE} { tls { dns {$CADDY_DNS_PLUGIN} {$CADDY_DNS_PLUGIN_TOKEN} propagation_timeout 60m } log { output stdout format console level INFO } # ziti administration console uses :443 for the benefit of a web UI cert and accesses the ziti edge-management API @ziti host ziti.{$ZROK_DNS_ZONE} reverse_proxy @ziti ziti-quickstart:{$ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:1280} { transport http { tls_insecure_skip_verify } } @oauth host oauth.{$ZROK_DNS_ZONE} reverse_proxy @oauth zrok-frontend:{$ZROK_OAUTH_PORT} @ctrl host zrok.{$ZROK_DNS_ZONE} reverse_proxy @ctrl zrok-controller:{$ZROK_CTRL_PORT} reverse_proxy zrok-frontend:{$ZROK_FRONTEND_PORT} { header_up Host {http.request.host} } }