--- title: zrok frontdoor sidebar_label: frontdoor sidebar_position: 20 --- import OsTabs from '@theme/OsTabs'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; // import Details from '@theme/MDXComponents/Details'; import LinuxService from './_linux-service.mdx'; import ReservedDocker from './docker-share/_reserved_public_share.mdx'; **zrok frontdoor** provides a shielded entry point for your production website or service. This is useful if you want to expose it to the public internet, but not directly. On Linux, zrok frontdoor is implemented natively as a system service provided by the `zrok-share` DEB or RPM package. If you'd prefer to run zrok in Docker, you can follow the same Docker instructions for [macOS](./?os=Mac+OS) or [Windows](./?os=Windows). On macOS, zrok frontdoor is implemented as a Docker share project which reserves a public subdomain for your website or service. On Windows, zrok frontdoor is implemented as a Docker share project which reserves a public subdomain for your website or service.