--- title: zrok frontdoor sidebar_label: frontdoor sidebar_position: 20 --- import OsTabs from '@theme/OsTabs'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; // import Details from '@theme/MDXComponents/Details'; import LinuxService from './_linux-service.mdx'; import ReservedDocker from './docker-share/_reserved_public_share.mdx'; zrok frontdoor is a way of using zrok-as-a-service from [zrok.io](https://zrok.io) as a shielded entry point to your website or service. This is useful if you want to expose a service to the public internet, but don't want to expose the service directly. On Linux, zrok frontdoor is implemented natively as a system service provided by the `zrok-share` DEB or RPM package. If you'd prefer to run zrok in Docker, you can follow the same Docker instructions for [macOS](./?os=Mac+OS) or [Windows](./?os=Windows). On macOS, zrok frontdoor is implemented as a Docker share project which reserves a public subdomain for your website or service. On Windows, zrok frontdoor is implemented as a Docker share project which reserves a public subdomain for your website or service.