# "pastebin" SDK Example This `pastebin` example is a minimal `zrok` SDK application that implements a wormhole that makes redirecting file contents between multiple `zrok` environments very easy. The `pastebin` example is split into two separate commands. The `copyto` command takes a copy buffer from standard input. You can use it like this: ``` $ echo "this is a pastebin test" | copyto access your pastebin using 'pastefrom b46p9j82z81f' ``` And then using another terminal window, you can access your pastebin data like this: ``` $ pastefrom b46p9j82z81f this is a pastebin test ``` ## The `copyto` Implementation The `copyto` utility is an illustration of how to implement an application that creates a share and exposes it to the `zrok` network. Let's look at each section of the implementation: ```go data, err := loadData() if err != nil { panic(err) } ``` This first block of code is responsible for calling the `loadData` function, which loads the pastebin with data from `os.Stdin`. All SDK applications need to load the user's "root" from the `environment` package, like this: ```go root, err := environment.LoadRoot() if err != nil { panic(err) } ``` The `root` is a structure that contains all of the user's environment detail and allows the SDK application to access the `zrok` service instance and the underlying OpenZiti network. Next, `copyto` will create a `zrok` share: ```go shr, err := sdk.CreateShare(root, &sdk.ShareRequest{ BackendMode: sdk.TcpTunnelBackendMode, ShareMode: sdk.PrivateShareMode, Target: "pastebin", }) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("access your pastebin using 'pastefrom %v'\n", shr.Token) ``` The `sdk.CreateShare` call uses the loaded `environment` root along with the details of the share request (`sdk.ShareRequest`) to create the share that will be used to access the `pastebin`. For the `pastebin` application, we're using a `sdk.TcpTunnelBackendMode` backend mode (we're just using a single network connection that implements a reliable byte stream, so TCP works great). Tunnel backends only work with `private` shares as of `zrok` `v0.4`, so we're using `sdk.PrivateShareMode`. We'll set the `Target` to be `pastebin`, as that's just metadata describing the application. Finally, we emit the share token so the user can access the `pastebin` using the `pastefrom` command. Next, we'll use the SDK to create a listener for this share: ```go listener, err := sdk.NewListener(shr.Token, root) if err != nil { panic(err) } ``` The `sdk.NewListener` establishes a network listener for the newly created share. This listener works just like a `net.Listener`. Next, we're going to add a shutdown hook so that `copyto` will delete the share when the application is terminated using `^C`: ```go c := make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c if err := sdk.DeleteShare(root, shr); err != nil { panic(err) } _ = listener.Close() os.Exit(0) }() ``` This anonymous function runs waiting for a signal to exit. When that is received, it runs the `sdk.DeleteShare` function to remove the share that was created. This is how ephemeral shares work for the `zrok share` commands as well. And finally, we run in an infinite loop waiting for requests for the `pastebin` data from the network: ```go for { if conn, err := listener.Accept(); err == nil { go handle(conn, data) } else { panic(err) } } ``` ## The "pastefrom" Implementation The `pastefrom` application works very similarly to `copyto`. The primary difference is that it "dials" the share through the SDK using `sdk.NewDialer`, which returns a `net.Conn`: ```go conn, err := sdk.NewDialer(shrToken, root) if err != nil { panic(err) } ``` When this `sdk.NewDialer` function returns without an error, a bidirectional `net.Conn` has been established between the `copyto` "server" and the `pastefrom` "client". `pastefrom` then just reads the available data from the `net.Conn` and emits it to `os.Stdout`.