title: Install zrok in macOS
sidebar_label: macOS

import { AssetsProvider } from '@site/src/components/assets-context';
import DownloadCard from '@site/src/components/download-card';
import styles from '@site/src/css/download-card.module.css';

## Darwin Binary

  <div className={styles.downloadContainer}>

Download the binary distribution for your macOS architecture. For Intel Macs use the `amd64` distribution. For Apple Silicon Macs use the `arm64` distribution.

1. Unarchive the distribution in a temporary directory.

    mkdir /tmp/zrok && tar -xf ./zrok*darwin*.tar.gz -C /tmp/zrok

1. Install the `zrok` executable.

    mkdir -p ~/bin && install /tmp/zrok/zrok ~/bin/

1. Add `~/bin` to your shell's executable search path. Optionally add this to your ~/.zshenv to persist the change.


1. With the `zrok` executable in your path, you can then execute the `zrok` command from your shell:

    zrok version

    ```buttonless title="Output"
     _____ __ ___ | | __
    |_  / '__/ _ \| |/ /
     / /| | | (_) |   < 
    /___|_|  \___/|_|\_\
    v0.4.0 [c889005]