#!python3 import argparse import sys import os import zrok import zrok.listener import zrok.dialer from zrok.model import AccessRequest, ShareRequest import signal import threading exit_signal = threading.Event() def signal_handler(signum, frame): print("\nCtrl-C detected. Next connection will close server") exit_signal.set() class copyto: def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): root = zrok.environment.root.Load() try: shr = zrok.share.CreateShare(root=root, request=ShareRequest( BackendMode=zrok.model.TCP_TUNNEL_BACKEND_MODE, ShareMode=zrok.model.PRIVATE_SHARE_MODE, Target="pastebin" )) except Exception as e: print("unable to create share", e) sys.exit(1) data = self.loadData() print("access your pastebin using 'pastebin.py pastefrom " + shr.Token + "'") try: with zrok.listener.Listener(shr.Token, root) as server: while not exit_signal.is_set(): conn, peer = server.accept() with conn: conn.sendall(data.encode('utf-8')) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass zrok.share.DeleteShare(root, shr) print("Server stopped.") def loadData(self): if not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): return sys.stdin.read() else: raise Exception("'copyto' requires input from stdin; direct your paste buffer into stdin") def pastefrom(options): root = zrok.environment.root.Load() try: acc = zrok.access.CreateAccess(root=root, request=AccessRequest( ShareToken=options.shrToken, )) except Exception as e: print("unable to create access", e) sys.exit(1) client = zrok.dialer.Dialer(options.shrToken, root) data = client.recv(1024) print(data.decode('utf-8')) try: zrok.access.DeleteAccess(root, acc) except Exception as e: print("unable to delete access", e) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() subparsers.required = True c = copyto() parser_copyto = subparsers.add_parser('copyto') parser_copyto.set_defaults(func=c.handle) parser_pastefrom = subparsers.add_parser('pastefrom') parser_pastefrom.set_defaults(func=pastefrom) parser_pastefrom.add_argument("shrToken") options = parser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Create a separate thread to run the server so we can respond to ctrl-c when in 'accept' server_thread = threading.Thread(target=options.func, args=[options]) server_thread.start() server_thread.join()