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synced 2025-02-19 19:51:15 +01:00
271 lines
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271 lines
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package controller
import (
type tunnelHandler struct {
func newTunnelHandler() *tunnelHandler {
return &tunnelHandler{}
func (h *tunnelHandler) Handle(params tunnel.TunnelParams, principal *rest_model_zrok.Principal) middleware.Responder {
tx, err := str.Begin()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error starting transaction: %v", err)
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
defer func() { _ = tx.Rollback() }()
envZId := params.Body.ZID
envId := 0
if envs, err := str.FindEnvironmentsForAccount(int(principal.ID), tx); err == nil {
found := false
for _, env := range envs {
if env.ZId == envZId {
logrus.Debugf("found identity '%v' for user '%v'", envZId, principal.Email)
envId = env.Id
found = true
if !found {
logrus.Errorf("environment '%v' not found for user '%v'", envZId, principal.Email)
return tunnel.NewTunnelUnauthorized().WithPayload("bad environment identity")
} else {
logrus.Errorf("error finding environments for account '%v'", principal.Email)
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
edge, err := edgeClient()
if err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
svcName, err := createServiceName()
if err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
cfgId, err := h.createConfig(envZId, svcName, params, edge)
if err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
svcZId, err := h.createService(envZId, svcName, cfgId, edge)
if err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
if err := h.createServicePolicyBind(envZId, svcName, svcZId, envZId, edge); err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
if err := h.createServicePolicyDial(envZId, svcName, svcZId, edge); err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
if err := h.createServiceEdgeRouterPolicy(envZId, svcName, svcZId, edge); err != nil {
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
logrus.Debugf("allocated service '%v'", svcName)
frontendUrl := h.proxyUrl(svcName)
sid, err := str.CreateService(envId, &store.Service{
ZId: svcZId,
Name: svcName,
Frontend: frontendUrl,
Backend: params.Body.Endpoint,
}, tx)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error creating service record: %v", err)
_ = tx.Rollback()
return tunnel.NewUntunnelInternalServerError()
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error committing service record: %v", err)
return tunnel.NewTunnelInternalServerError()
logrus.Infof("recorded service '%v' with id '%v' for '%v'", svcName, sid, principal.Email)
return tunnel.NewTunnelCreated().WithPayload(&rest_model_zrok.TunnelResponse{
ProxyEndpoint: frontendUrl,
SvcName: svcName,
func (h *tunnelHandler) createConfig(envZId, svcName string, params tunnel.TunnelParams, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) (cfgID string, err error) {
authScheme, err := model.ParseAuthScheme(params.Body.AuthScheme)
if err != nil {
return "", err
cfg := &model.ProxyConfig{
AuthScheme: authScheme,
if cfg.AuthScheme == model.Basic {
cfg.BasicAuth = &model.BasicAuth{}
for _, authUser := range params.Body.AuthUsers {
cfg.BasicAuth.Users = append(cfg.BasicAuth.Users, &model.AuthUser{Username: authUser.Username, Password: authUser.Password})
cfgCrt := &rest_model.ConfigCreate{
ConfigTypeID: &zrokProxyConfigId,
Data: cfg,
Name: &svcName,
Tags: h.zrokTags(svcName),
cfgReq := &config.CreateConfigParams{
Config: cfgCrt,
Context: context.Background(),
cfgReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
cfgResp, err := edge.Config.CreateConfig(cfgReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
logrus.Infof("created config '%v' for environment '%v'", cfgResp.Payload.Data.ID, envZId)
return cfgResp.Payload.Data.ID, nil
func (h *tunnelHandler) createService(envZId, svcName, cfgId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) (serviceId string, err error) {
configs := []string{cfgId}
encryptionRequired := true
svc := &rest_model.ServiceCreate{
Configs: configs,
EncryptionRequired: &encryptionRequired,
Name: &svcName,
Tags: h.zrokTags(svcName),
req := &service.CreateServiceParams{
Service: svc,
Context: context.Background(),
req.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
resp, err := edge.Service.CreateService(req, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
logrus.Infof("created zrok service named '%v' (with ziti id '%v') for environment '%v'", svcName, resp.Payload.Data.ID, envZId)
return resp.Payload.Data.ID, nil
func (h *tunnelHandler) createServicePolicyBind(envZId, svcName, svcZId, envId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
semantic := rest_model.SemanticAllOf
identityRoles := []string{fmt.Sprintf("@%v", envId)}
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v-backend", svcName)
var postureCheckRoles []string
serviceRoles := []string{fmt.Sprintf("@%v", svcZId)}
dialBind := rest_model.DialBindBind
svcp := &rest_model.ServicePolicyCreate{
IdentityRoles: identityRoles,
Name: &name,
PostureCheckRoles: postureCheckRoles,
Semantic: &semantic,
ServiceRoles: serviceRoles,
Type: &dialBind,
Tags: h.zrokTags(svcName),
req := &service_policy.CreateServicePolicyParams{
Policy: svcp,
Context: context.Background(),
req.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
resp, err := edge.ServicePolicy.CreateServicePolicy(req, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("created bind service policy '%v' for service '%v' for environment '%v'", resp.Payload.Data.ID, svcZId, envZId)
return nil
func (h *tunnelHandler) createServicePolicyDial(envZId, svcName, svcZId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
var identityRoles []string
for _, proxyIdentity := range cfg.Proxy.Identities {
identityRoles = append(identityRoles, "@"+proxyIdentity)
logrus.Infof("added proxy identity role '%v'", proxyIdentity)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v-dial", svcName)
var postureCheckRoles []string
semantic := rest_model.SemanticAllOf
serviceRoles := []string{fmt.Sprintf("@%v", svcZId)}
dialBind := rest_model.DialBindDial
svcp := &rest_model.ServicePolicyCreate{
IdentityRoles: identityRoles,
Name: &name,
PostureCheckRoles: postureCheckRoles,
Semantic: &semantic,
ServiceRoles: serviceRoles,
Type: &dialBind,
Tags: h.zrokTags(svcName),
req := &service_policy.CreateServicePolicyParams{
Policy: svcp,
Context: context.Background(),
req.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
resp, err := edge.ServicePolicy.CreateServicePolicy(req, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("created dial service policy '%v' for service '%v' for environment '%v'", resp.Payload.Data.ID, svcZId, envZId)
return nil
func (h *tunnelHandler) createServiceEdgeRouterPolicy(envZId, svcName, svcZId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
edgeRouterRoles := []string{"#all"}
semantic := rest_model.SemanticAllOf
serviceRoles := []string{fmt.Sprintf("@%v", svcZId)}
serp := &rest_model.ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate{
EdgeRouterRoles: edgeRouterRoles,
Name: &svcName,
Semantic: &semantic,
ServiceRoles: serviceRoles,
Tags: h.zrokTags(svcName),
serpParams := &service_edge_router_policy.CreateServiceEdgeRouterPolicyParams{
Policy: serp,
Context: context.Background(),
serpParams.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
resp, err := edge.ServiceEdgeRouterPolicy.CreateServiceEdgeRouterPolicy(serpParams, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("created service edge router policy '%v' for service '%v' for environment '%v'", resp.Payload.Data.ID, svcZId, envZId)
return nil
func (h *tunnelHandler) proxyUrl(svcName string) string {
return strings.Replace(cfg.Proxy.UrlTemplate, "{svcName}", svcName, -1)
func (h *tunnelHandler) zrokTags(svcName string) *rest_model.Tags {
return &rest_model.Tags{
SubTags: map[string]interface{}{
"zrok": build.String(),
"zrok-service-name": svcName,