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synced 2025-03-09 20:41:31 +01:00
504 lines
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package limits
import (
type Agent struct {
cfg *Config
ifx *influxReader
zCfg *zrokEdgeSdk.Config
str *store.Store
queue chan *metrics.Usage
warningActions []AccountAction
limitActions []AccountAction
relaxActions []AccountAction
close chan struct{}
join chan struct{}
func NewAgent(cfg *Config, ifxCfg *metrics.InfluxConfig, zCfg *zrokEdgeSdk.Config, emailCfg *emailUi.Config, str *store.Store) (*Agent, error) {
a := &Agent{
cfg: cfg,
ifx: newInfluxReader(ifxCfg),
zCfg: zCfg,
str: str,
queue: make(chan *metrics.Usage, 1024),
warningActions: []AccountAction{newWarningAction(emailCfg, str)},
limitActions: []AccountAction{newLimitAction(str, zCfg)},
relaxActions: []AccountAction{newRelaxAction(str, zCfg)},
close: make(chan struct{}),
join: make(chan struct{}),
return a, nil
func (a *Agent) Start() {
go a.run()
func (a *Agent) Stop() {
func (a *Agent) CanCreateEnvironment(acctId int, trx *sqlx.Tx) (bool, error) {
if a.cfg.Enforcing {
if err := a.str.LimitCheckLock(acctId, trx); err != nil {
return false, err
ul, err := a.getUserLimits(acctId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if ul.resource.GetEnvironments() > store.Unlimited {
envs, err := a.str.FindEnvironmentsForAccount(acctId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if len(envs)+1 > a.cfg.Environments {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (a *Agent) CanCreateShare(acctId, envId int, reserved, uniqueName bool, _ sdk.ShareMode, backendMode sdk.BackendMode, trx *sqlx.Tx) (bool, error) {
if a.cfg.Enforcing {
if err := a.str.LimitCheckLock(acctId, trx); err != nil {
return false, err
ul, err := a.getUserLimits(acctId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if scopedBwc, found := ul.scopes[backendMode]; found {
latestScopedJe, err := a.isBandwidthClassLimitedForAccount(acctId, scopedBwc, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if latestScopedJe != nil {
return false, nil
} else {
for _, bwc := range ul.bandwidth {
latestJe, err := a.isBandwidthClassLimitedForAccount(acctId, bwc, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if latestJe != nil {
return false, nil
rc := ul.resource
if scopeRc, found := ul.scopes[backendMode]; found {
rc = scopeRc
if rc.GetShares() > store.Unlimited || (reserved && rc.GetReservedShares() > store.Unlimited) || (reserved && uniqueName && rc.GetUniqueNames() > store.Unlimited) {
envs, err := a.str.FindEnvironmentsForAccount(acctId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
total := 0
reserveds := 0
uniqueNames := 0
for i := range envs {
shrs, err := a.str.FindSharesForEnvironment(envs[i].Id, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to find shares for environment '%v'", envs[i].ZId)
total += len(shrs)
for _, shr := range shrs {
if shr.Reserved {
if shr.UniqueName {
if total+1 > rc.GetShares() {
logrus.Debugf("account '#%d', environment '%d' over shares limit '%d'", acctId, envId, a.cfg.Shares)
return false, nil
if reserved && reserveds+1 > rc.GetReservedShares() {
logrus.Debugf("account '#%d', environment '%d' over reserved shares limit '%d'", acctId, envId, a.cfg.ReservedShares)
return false, nil
if reserved && uniqueName && uniqueNames+1 > rc.GetUniqueNames() {
logrus.Debugf("account '#%d', environment '%d' over unique names limit '%d'", acctId, envId, a.cfg.UniqueNames)
return false, nil
logrus.Infof("total = %d", total)
return true, nil
func (a *Agent) CanAccessShare(shrId int, trx *sqlx.Tx) (bool, error) {
if a.cfg.Enforcing {
shr, err := a.str.GetShare(shrId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
env, err := a.str.GetEnvironment(shr.EnvironmentId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if env.AccountId != nil {
ul, err := a.getUserLimits(*env.AccountId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if ul.resource.IsGlobal() {
if empty, err := a.str.IsBandwidthLimitJournalEmptyForGlobal(*env.AccountId, trx); err == nil && !empty {
lj, err := a.str.FindLatestBandwidthLimitJournalForGlobal(*env.AccountId, trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if lj.Action == store.LimitLimitAction {
return false, nil
} else {
if empty, err := a.str.IsBandwidthLimitJournalEmptyForLimitClass(*env.AccountId, ul.resource.GetLimitClassId(), trx); err == nil && !empty {
lj, err := a.str.FindLatestBandwidthLimitJournalForLimitClass(*env.AccountId, ul.resource.GetLimitClassId(), trx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if lj.Action == store.LimitLimitAction {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (a *Agent) Handle(u *metrics.Usage) error {
logrus.Debugf("handling: %v", u)
a.queue <- u
return nil
func (a *Agent) run() {
defer logrus.Info("stopped")
lastCycle := time.Now()
for {
select {
case usage := <-a.queue:
if usage.ShareToken != "" {
if err := a.enforce(usage); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error running enforcement: %v", err)
if time.Since(lastCycle) > a.cfg.Cycle {
if err := a.relax(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error running relax cycle: %v", err)
lastCycle = time.Now()
} else {
logrus.Warnf("not enforcing for usage with no share token: %v", usage.String())
case <-time.After(a.cfg.Cycle):
if err := a.relax(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error running relax cycle: %v", err)
lastCycle = time.Now()
case <-a.close:
break mainLoop
func (a *Agent) enforce(u *metrics.Usage) error {
trx, err := a.str.Begin()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error starting transaction")
defer func() { _ = trx.Rollback() }()
acct, err := a.str.GetAccount(int(u.AccountId), trx)
if err != nil {
return err
if acct.Limitless {
return nil
shr, err := a.str.FindShareWithTokenEvenIfDeleted(u.ShareToken, trx)
if err != nil {
return err
ul, err := a.getUserLimits(int(u.AccountId), trx)
if err != nil {
return err
exceededBwc, rxBytes, txBytes, err := a.anyBandwidthLimitExceeded(acct, u, ul.toBandwidthArray(sdk.BackendMode(shr.BackendMode)))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error checking limit classes")
if exceededBwc != nil {
latestJe, err := a.isBandwidthClassLimitedForAccount(int(u.AccountId), exceededBwc, trx)
if err != nil {
return err
if latestJe == nil {
je := &store.BandwidthLimitJournalEntry{
AccountId: int(u.AccountId),
RxBytes: rxBytes,
TxBytes: txBytes,
Action: exceededBwc.GetLimitAction(),
if !exceededBwc.IsGlobal() {
lcId := exceededBwc.GetLimitClassId()
je.LimitClassId = &lcId
if _, err := a.str.CreateBandwidthLimitJournalEntry(je, trx); err != nil {
return err
acct, err := a.str.GetAccount(int(u.AccountId), trx)
if err != nil {
return err
switch exceededBwc.GetLimitAction() {
case store.LimitLimitAction:
for _, limitAction := range a.limitActions {
if err := limitAction.HandleAccount(acct, rxBytes, txBytes, exceededBwc, ul, trx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "%v", reflect.TypeOf(limitAction).String())
case store.WarningLimitAction:
for _, warningAction := range a.warningActions {
if err := warningAction.HandleAccount(acct, rxBytes, txBytes, exceededBwc, ul, trx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "%v", reflect.TypeOf(warningAction).String())
if err := trx.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
logrus.Debugf("limit '%v' already applied for '%v' (at: %v)", exceededBwc, acct.Email, latestJe.CreatedAt)
return nil
func (a *Agent) relax() error {
trx, err := a.str.Begin()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error starting transaction")
defer func() { _ = trx.Rollback() }()
commit := false
if bwjes, err := a.str.FindAllBandwidthLimitJournal(trx); err == nil {
accounts := make(map[int]*store.Account)
uls := make(map[int]*userLimits)
accountPeriods := make(map[int]map[int]*periodBwValues)
for _, bwje := range bwjes {
if _, found := accounts[bwje.AccountId]; !found {
if acct, err := a.str.GetAccount(bwje.AccountId, trx); err == nil {
accounts[bwje.AccountId] = acct
ul, err := a.getUserLimits(acct.Id, trx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting user limits for '%v'", acct.Email)
uls[bwje.AccountId] = ul
accountPeriods[bwje.AccountId] = make(map[int]*periodBwValues)
} else {
return err
var bwc store.BandwidthClass
if bwje.LimitClassId == nil {
globalBwcs := newConfigBandwidthClasses(a.cfg.Bandwidth)
if bwje.Action == store.WarningLimitAction {
bwc = globalBwcs[0]
} else {
bwc = globalBwcs[1]
} else {
lc, err := a.str.GetLimitClass(*bwje.LimitClassId, trx)
if err != nil {
return err
bwc = lc
if periods, accountFound := accountPeriods[bwje.AccountId]; accountFound {
if _, periodFound := periods[bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()]; !periodFound {
rx, tx, err := a.ifx.totalRxTxForAccount(int64(bwje.AccountId), time.Duration(bwc.GetPeriodMinutes())*time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return err
periods[bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()] = &periodBwValues{rx: rx, tx: tx}
accountPeriods[bwje.AccountId] = periods
} else {
return errors.New("accountPeriods corrupted")
used := accountPeriods[bwje.AccountId][bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()]
if !a.transferBytesExceeded(used.rx, used.tx, bwc) {
if bwc.GetLimitAction() == store.LimitLimitAction {
logrus.Infof("relaxing limit '%v' for '%v'", bwc.String(), accounts[bwje.AccountId].Email)
for _, action := range a.relaxActions {
if err := action.HandleAccount(accounts[bwje.AccountId], used.rx, used.tx, bwc, uls[bwje.AccountId], trx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "%v", reflect.TypeOf(action).String())
} else {
logrus.Infof("relaxing warning '%v' for '%v'", bwc.String(), accounts[bwje.AccountId].Email)
if bwc.IsGlobal() {
if err := a.str.DeleteBandwidthLimitJournalEntryForGlobal(bwje.AccountId, trx); err == nil {
commit = true
} else {
logrus.Errorf("error deleting global bandwidth limit journal entry for '%v': %v", accounts[bwje.AccountId].Email, err)
} else {
if err := a.str.DeleteBandwidthLimitJournalEntryForLimitClass(bwje.AccountId, *bwje.LimitClassId, trx); err == nil {
commit = true
} else {
logrus.Errorf("error deleting bandwidth limit journal entry for '%v': %v", accounts[bwje.AccountId].Email, err)
} else {
logrus.Infof("'%v' still over limit: '%v' with rx: %v, tx: %v, total: %v", accounts[bwje.AccountId].Email, bwc, util.BytesToSize(used.rx), util.BytesToSize(used.tx), util.BytesToSize(used.rx+used.tx))
} else {
return err
if commit {
if err := trx.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *Agent) isBandwidthClassLimitedForAccount(acctId int, bwc store.BandwidthClass, trx *sqlx.Tx) (*store.BandwidthLimitJournalEntry, error) {
if bwc.IsGlobal() {
if empty, err := a.str.IsBandwidthLimitJournalEmptyForGlobal(acctId, trx); err == nil && !empty {
je, err := a.str.FindLatestBandwidthLimitJournalForGlobal(acctId, trx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if je.Action == store.LimitLimitAction {
logrus.Debugf("account '#%d' over bandwidth for global bandwidth class '%v'", acctId, bwc)
return je, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if empty, err := a.str.IsBandwidthLimitJournalEmptyForLimitClass(acctId, bwc.GetLimitClassId(), trx); err == nil && !empty {
je, err := a.str.FindLatestBandwidthLimitJournalForLimitClass(acctId, bwc.GetLimitClassId(), trx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if je.Action == store.LimitLimitAction {
logrus.Debugf("account '#%d' over bandwidth for limit class '%v'", acctId, bwc)
return je, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (a *Agent) anyBandwidthLimitExceeded(acct *store.Account, u *metrics.Usage, bwcs []store.BandwidthClass) (store.BandwidthClass, int64, int64, error) {
periodBw := make(map[int]periodBwValues)
var selectedLc store.BandwidthClass
var rxBytes int64
var txBytes int64
for _, bwc := range bwcs {
if _, found := periodBw[bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()]; !found {
rx, tx, err := a.ifx.totalRxTxForAccount(u.AccountId, time.Minute*time.Duration(bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting rx/tx for account '%v'", acct.Email)
periodBw[bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()] = periodBwValues{rx: rx, tx: tx}
period := periodBw[bwc.GetPeriodMinutes()]
if a.transferBytesExceeded(period.rx, period.tx, bwc) {
selectedLc = bwc
rxBytes = period.rx
txBytes = period.tx
} else {
logrus.Debugf("'%v' limit ok '%v' with rx: %v, tx: %v, total: %v", acct.Email, bwc, util.BytesToSize(period.rx), util.BytesToSize(period.tx), util.BytesToSize(period.rx+period.tx))
if selectedLc != nil {
logrus.Infof("'%v' exceeded limit '%v' with rx: %v, tx: %v, total: %v", acct.Email, selectedLc, util.BytesToSize(rxBytes), util.BytesToSize(txBytes), util.BytesToSize(rxBytes+txBytes))
return selectedLc, rxBytes, txBytes, nil
func (a *Agent) transferBytesExceeded(rx, tx int64, bwc store.BandwidthClass) bool {
if bwc.GetTxBytes() != store.Unlimited && tx >= bwc.GetTxBytes() {
return true
if bwc.GetRxBytes() != store.Unlimited && rx >= bwc.GetRxBytes() {
return true
if bwc.GetTotalBytes() != store.Unlimited && tx+rx >= bwc.GetTotalBytes() {
return true
return false
type periodBwValues struct {
rx int64
tx int64