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synced 2025-02-08 06:20:54 +01:00
348 lines
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348 lines
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package controller
import (
rest_model_edge "github.com/openziti/edge/rest_model"
config2 "github.com/openziti/sdk-golang/ziti/config"
func Bootstrap(skipCtrl, skipFrontend bool, inCfg *Config) error {
cfg = inCfg
if v, err := store.Open(cfg.Store); err == nil {
str = v
} else {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error opening store")
logrus.Info("connecting to the ziti edge management api")
edge, err := edgeClient()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error connecting to the ziti edge management api")
var ctrlZId string
if !skipCtrl {
logrus.Info("creating identity for controller ziti access")
if ctrlZId, err = getIdentityId("ctrl"); err == nil {
logrus.Infof("controller identity: %v", ctrlZId)
} else {
ctrlZId, err = bootstrapIdentity("ctrl", edge)
if err != nil {
if err := assertIdentity(ctrlZId, edge); err != nil {
if err := assertErpForIdentity("ctrl", ctrlZId, edge); err != nil {
var frontendZId string
if !skipFrontend {
logrus.Info("creating identity for frontend ziti access")
if frontendZId, err = getIdentityId("frontend"); err == nil {
logrus.Infof("frontend identity: %v", frontendZId)
} else {
frontendZId, err = bootstrapIdentity("frontend", edge)
if err != nil {
if err := assertIdentity(frontendZId, edge); err != nil {
if err := assertErpForIdentity("frontend", frontendZId, edge); err != nil {
tx, err := str.Begin()
if err != nil {
defer func() { _ = tx.Rollback() }()
publicFe, err := str.FindFrontendWithZId(frontendZId, tx)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("missing public frontend for ziti id '%v'; please use 'zrok admin create frontend %v public https://{token}.your.dns.name' to create a frontend instance", frontendZId, frontendZId)
} else {
if publicFe.PublicName != nil && publicFe.UrlTemplate != nil {
logrus.Infof("found public frontend entry '%v' (%v) for ziti identity '%v'", *publicFe.PublicName, publicFe.Token, frontendZId)
} else {
logrus.Warnf("found frontend entry for ziti identity '%v'; missing either public name or url template", frontendZId)
if err := assertZrokProxyConfigType(edge); err != nil {
return err
var metricsSvcZId string
if metricsSvcZId, err = assertMetricsService(cfg, edge); err != nil {
return err
if err := assertMetricsSerp(metricsSvcZId, cfg, edge); err != nil {
return err
if !skipCtrl {
if err := assertCtrlMetricsBind(ctrlZId, metricsSvcZId, edge); err != nil {
return err
if !skipFrontend {
if err := assertFrontendMetricsDial(frontendZId, metricsSvcZId, edge); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func assertZrokProxyConfigType(edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("name=\"%v\"", model.ZrokProxyConfig)
limit := int64(100)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &config.ListConfigTypesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
Context: context.Background(),
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.Config.ListConfigTypes(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) < 1 {
name := model.ZrokProxyConfig
ct := &rest_model.ConfigTypeCreate{Name: &name}
createReq := &config.CreateConfigTypeParams{ConfigType: ct}
createReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
createResp, err := edge.Config.CreateConfigType(createReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("created '%v' config type with id '%v'", model.ZrokProxyConfig, createResp.Payload.Data.ID)
} else if len(listResp.Payload.Data) > 1 {
return errors.Errorf("found %d '%v' config types; expected 0 or 1", len(listResp.Payload.Data), model.ZrokProxyConfig)
} else {
logrus.Infof("found '%v' config type with id '%v'", model.ZrokProxyConfig, *(listResp.Payload.Data[0].ID))
return nil
func getIdentityId(identityName string) (string, error) {
zif, err := zrokdir.ZitiIdentityFile(identityName)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error opening identity '%v' from zrokdir", identityName)
zcfg, err := config2.NewFromFile(zif)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error loading ziti config from file '%v'", zif)
zctx := ziti.NewContextWithConfig(zcfg)
id, err := zctx.GetCurrentIdentity()
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting current identity from '%v'", zif)
return id.Id, nil
func assertIdentity(zId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("id=\"%v\"", zId)
limit := int64(0)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &identity.ListIdentitiesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.Identity.ListIdentities(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing identities for '%v'", zId)
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) != 1 {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "found %d identities for '%v'", len(listResp.Payload.Data), zId)
logrus.Infof("asserted identity '%v'", zId)
return nil
func bootstrapIdentity(name string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) (string, error) {
idc, err := zrokEdgeSdk.CreateIdentity(name, rest_model_edge.IdentityTypeDevice, nil, edge)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating '%v' identity", name)
zId := idc.Payload.Data.ID
cfg, err := zrokEdgeSdk.EnrollIdentity(zId, edge)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error enrolling '%v' identity", name)
var out bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&out)
err = enc.Encode(&cfg)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error encoding identity config '%v'", name)
if err := zrokdir.SaveZitiIdentity(name, out.String()); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error saving identity config '%v'", name)
return zId, nil
func assertErpForIdentity(name, zId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("name=\"%v\" and tags.zrok != null", name)
limit := int64(0)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &edge_router_policy.ListEdgeRouterPoliciesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.EdgeRouterPolicy.ListEdgeRouterPolicies(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing edge router policies for '%v' (%v)", name, zId)
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) != 1 {
logrus.Infof("creating erp for '%v' (%v)", name, zId)
if err := zrokEdgeSdk.CreateEdgeRouterPolicy(name, zId, edge); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating erp for '%v' (%v)", name, zId)
logrus.Infof("asserted erps for '%v' (%v)", name, zId)
return nil
func assertMetricsService(cfg *Config, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) (string, error) {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("name=\"%v\" and tags.zrok != null", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
limit := int64(0)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &service.ListServicesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.Service.ListServices(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing '%v' service", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
var svcZId string
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) != 1 {
logrus.Infof("creating '%v' service", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
svcZId, err = zrokEdgeSdk.CreateService("metrics", nil, nil, edge)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating '%v' service", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
} else {
svcZId = *listResp.Payload.Data[0].ID
logrus.Infof("asserted '%v' service (%v)", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName, svcZId)
return svcZId, nil
func assertMetricsSerp(metricsSvcZId string, cfg *Config, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("allOf(serviceRoles) = \"@%v\" and allOf(edgeRouterRoles) = \"#all\" and tags.zrok != null", metricsSvcZId)
limit := int64(0)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &service_edge_router_policy.ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.ServiceEdgeRouterPolicy.ListServiceEdgeRouterPolicies(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing '%v' serps", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) != 1 {
logrus.Infof("creating '%v' serp", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
_, err := zrokEdgeSdk.CreateServiceEdgeRouterPolicy(cfg.Metrics.ServiceName, metricsSvcZId, nil, edge)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating '%v' serp", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
logrus.Infof("asserted '%v' serp", cfg.Metrics.ServiceName)
return nil
func assertCtrlMetricsBind(ctrlZId, metricsSvcZId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("allOf(serviceRoles) = \"@%v\" and allOf(identityRoles) = \"@%v\" and type = 2 and tags.zrok != null", metricsSvcZId, ctrlZId)
limit := int64(0)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &service_policy.ListServicePoliciesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.ServicePolicy.ListServicePolicies(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy")
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) != 1 {
logrus.Info("creating 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy")
if err = zrokEdgeSdk.CreateServicePolicyBind("ctrl-metrics-bind", metricsSvcZId, ctrlZId, nil, edge); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy")
logrus.Infof("asserted 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy")
return nil
func assertFrontendMetricsDial(frontendZId, metricsSvcZId string, edge *rest_management_api_client.ZitiEdgeManagement) error {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("allOf(serviceRoles) = \"@%v\" and allOf(identityRoles) = \"@%v\" and type = 1 and tags.zrok != null", metricsSvcZId, frontendZId)
limit := int64(0)
offset := int64(0)
listReq := &service_policy.ListServicePoliciesParams{
Filter: &filter,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
listReq.SetTimeout(30 * time.Second)
listResp, err := edge.ServicePolicy.ListServicePolicies(listReq, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy")
if len(listResp.Payload.Data) != 1 {
logrus.Info("creating 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy")
if err = zrokEdgeSdk.CreateServicePolicyDial("frontend-metrics-dial", metricsSvcZId, []string{frontendZId}, nil, edge); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy")
logrus.Infof("asserted 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy")
return nil