parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Construct a graph file to visualize the relation between servers discovered by SSH-Snake.")
parser.add_argument("--file",help="Path to a file containing the output of SSH-Snake.")
parser.add_argument("--format",help="The format of the graph file to export. The options are gexf or dot.")
parser.add_argument("--with-users",action="store_true",help="Create nodes based on their 'user@host' instead of just 'host'. This setting is optional and not recommended.")
print("Valid options for --format are: gexf or dot")
print("Your dot file has been created in ./\n")
print("To convert your dot file to a png or svg, use the following command to sample different algorithms available from graphviz:\n")
print("for alg in sfdp fdp circo twopi neato dot; do\n\t$alg -Tpng -Gsplines=true -Gconcentrate=true -Gnodesep=0.1 -Goverlap=false -o $alg.png\ndone\n\n")
print("Alternatively, you can just paste the .dot file into -- if pasting that type of information into your browser is in your threat model...\n\n")
print("Try placing splines=true; concentrate=true; nodesep=0.1; overlap=false; in the file just after the first line, too!")