The COMPOSE_PENDING modifier indicate whether a compose sequence is in
progress. The new key of kind Compose_pending sets the current state of
the sequence.
The compose sequences are compiled into a state machine by a python
script into a compact encoding.
The state of the pending compose is determined by the index of a state.
Android 3.0 (API level 11) was released in Feb 2011.
These versions were already unsupported due to unavoidable calls to:
- MotionEvent.getActionMasked() (API 8)
And avoidable calls to:
- SharedPreferences.Editor.putStringSet() (API 11)
This separates the layout definitions from the special layouts
(bottom_row, greekmath) and other unrelated files (method, settings).
This is also a more intuitive location for layouts and make the resource
directory easier to navigate.
Under the hood, layouts are copied back into