import textwrap, sys, re, string, json, os from array import array # Compile compose sequences from Xorg's format or from JSON files into an # efficient state machine. # See [] for the interpreter. # # Takes input files as arguments and generate a Java file. # The initial state for each input is generated as a constant named after the # input file. # Parse symbol names from keysymdef.h. Many compose sequences in # en_US_UTF_8_Compose.pre reference theses. For example, all the sequences on # the Greek, Cyrillic and Hebrew scripts need these symbols. def parse_keysymdef_h(fname): with open(fname, "r") as inp: keysym_re = re.compile(r'^#define XK_(\S+)\s+\S+\s*/\*.U\+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s') for line in inp: m = re.match(keysym_re, line) if m != None: yield (, chr(int(, 16))) dropped_sequences = 0 # Parse XKB's Compose.pre files def parse_sequences_file_xkb(fname, xkb_char_extra_names): # Parse a line of the form: # : "~" asciitilde # TILDE # Sequences not starting with are ignored. line_re = re.compile(r'^((?:\s*<[^>]+>)+)\s*:\s*"((?:[^"\\]+|\\.)+)"\s*(\S+)?\s*(?:#.+)?$') char_re = re.compile(r'\s*<(?:U([a-fA-F0-9]{4,6})|([^>]+))>') def parse_seq_line(line): global dropped_sequences prefix = "" if not line.startswith(prefix): return None m = re.match(line_re, line[len(prefix):]) if m == None: return None def_ = try: def_ = parse_seq_chars(def_) result = parse_seq_result( except Exception as e: # print(str(e) + ". Sequence dropped: " + line.strip(), file=sys.stderr) dropped_sequences += 1 return None return def_, result char_names = { **xkb_char_extra_names } # Interpret character names of the form "U0000" or using [char_names]. def parse_seq_char(sc): uchar, named_char = sc if uchar != "": c = chr(int(uchar, 16)) elif len(named_char) == 1: c = named_char else: if not named_char in char_names: raise Exception("Unknown char: " + named_char) c = char_names[named_char] # The state machine can't represent sequence characters that do not fit # in a 16-bit char. if len(c) > 1 or ord(c[0]) > 65535: raise Exception("Char out of range: " + r) return c # Interpret the left hand side of a sequence. def parse_seq_chars(def_): return list(map(parse_seq_char, re.findall(char_re, def_))) # Interpret the result of a sequence, as outputed by [line_re]. def parse_seq_result(r): if len(r) == 2 and r[0] == '\\': return r[1] return r # Populate [char_names] with the information present in the file. with open(fname, "r") as inp: for line in inp: m = re.match(line_re, line) if m == None or == None: continue try: char_names[] = parse_seq_result( except Exception: pass # Parse the sequences with open(fname, "r") as inp: seqs = [] for line in inp: s = parse_seq_line(line) if s != None: seqs.append(s) return seqs # Basic support for comments in json files. Reads a file def strip_cstyle_comments(inp): def strip_line(line): i = line.find("//") return line[:i] + "\n" if i >= 0 else line return "".join(map(strip_line, inp)) # Parse from a json file containing a dictionary sequence → result string. def parse_sequences_file_json(fname): with open(fname, "r") as inp: seqs = json.loads(strip_cstyle_comments(inp)) return list(seqs.items()) # Format of the sequences file is determined by its extension def parse_sequences_file(fname, xkb_char_extra_names={}): if fname.endswith(".pre"): return parse_sequences_file_xkb(fname, xkb_char_extra_names) if fname.endswith(".json"): return parse_sequences_file_json(fname) raise Exception(fname + ": Unsupported format") # A sequence directory can contain several sequence files as well as # 'keysymdef.h'. def parse_sequences_dir(dname): compose_files = [] xkb_char_extra_names = {} # Parse keysymdef.h first if present for fbasename in os.listdir(dname): fname = os.path.join(dname, fbasename) if fbasename == "keysymdef.h": xkb_char_extra_names = dict(parse_keysymdef_h(fname)) else: compose_files.append(fname) sequences = [] for fname in compose_files: sequences.extend(parse_sequences_file(fname, xkb_char_extra_names)) return sequences # Turn a list of sequences into a trie. def add_sequences_to_trie(seqs, trie): def add_seq_to_trie(t_, seq, result): t_ = trie i = 0 while i < len(seq) - 1: c = seq[i] if c not in t_: t_[c] = {} if isinstance(t_[c], str): global dropped_sequences dropped_sequences += 1 print("Sequence collide: '%s = %s' '%s = %s'" % ( seq[:i+1], t_[c], seq, result), file=sys.stderr) return t_ = t_[c] i += 1 c = seq[i] t_[c] = result for seq, result in seqs: add_seq_to_trie(trie, seq, result) # Compile the trie into a state machine. def make_automata(tries): previous_leafs = {} # Deduplicate leafs states = [] def add_tree(t): this_node_index = len(states) # Index and size of the new node i = len(states) s = len(t.keys()) # Add node header states.append(("\0", s + 1)) i += 1 # Reserve space for the current node in both arrays for c in range(s): states.append((None, None)) # Add nested nodes and fill the current node for c in sorted(t.keys()): states[i] = (c, add_node(t[c])) i += 1 return this_node_index def add_leaf(c): if c in previous_leafs: return previous_leafs[c] this_node_index = len(states) previous_leafs[c] = this_node_index # There are two encoding for leafs: character final state for 15-bit # characters and string final state for the rest. if len(c) > 1 or ord(c[0]) > 32767: # String final state javachars = array('H', c.encode("UTF-16-LE")) states.append((-1, len(javachars) + 1)) for c in javachars: states.append((c, 0)) else: # Character final state states.append((c, 1)) return this_node_index def add_node(n): if type(n) == str: return add_leaf(n) else: return add_tree(n) states.append((1, 1)) # Add an empty state at the beginning. entry_states = { n: add_tree(root) for n, root in tries.items() } return entry_states, states # Debug def print_automata(automata): i = 0 for (s, e) in automata: s = "%#06x" % s if isinstance(s, int) else '"%s"' % str(s) print("%3d %8s %d" % (i, s, e), file=sys.stderr) i += 1 def batched(ar, n): i = 0 while i + n < len(ar): yield ar[i:i+n] i += n if i < len(ar): yield ar[i:] # Print the state machine compiled by make_automata into java code that can be # used by []. def gen_java(entry_states, machine): chars_map = { # These characters cannot be used in unicode form as Java's parser # unescape unicode sequences before parsing. -1: "\\uFFFF", "\"": "\\\"", "\\": "\\\\", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", ord("\""): "\\\"", ord("\\"): "\\\\", ord("\n"): "\\n", ord("\r"): "\\r", } def char_repr(c): if c in chars_map: return chars_map[c] if type(c) == int: # The edges array contains ints return "\\u%04x" % c if c in string.printable: return c return "\\u%04x" % ord(c) def gen_array(array): chars = list(map(char_repr, array)) return "\" +\n \"".join(map(lambda b: "".join(b), batched(chars, 72))) def gen_entry_state(s): name, state = s return " public static final int %s = %d;" % (name, state) print("""package juloo.keyboard2; /** This file is generated, see [srcs/compose/]. */ public final class ComposeKeyData { public static final char[] states = ("%s").toCharArray(); public static final char[] edges = ("%s").toCharArray(); %s }""" % ( # Break the edges array every few characters using string concatenation. gen_array(map(lambda s: s[0], machine)), gen_array(map(lambda s: s[1], machine)), "\n".join(map(gen_entry_state, entry_states.items())), )) total_sequences = 0 tries = {} # Orderred dict for fname in sorted(sys.argv[1:]): tname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname)) if os.path.isdir(fname): sequences = parse_sequences_dir(fname) else: sequences = parse_sequences_file(fname) add_sequences_to_trie(sequences, tries.setdefault(tname, {})) total_sequences += len(sequences) entry_states, automata = make_automata(tries) gen_java(entry_states, automata) print("Compiled %d sequences into %d states. Dropped %d sequences." % (total_sequences, len(automata), dropped_sequences), file=sys.stderr) # print_automata(automata)