package juloo.keyboard2; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Build; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.KeyEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; final class Config { private final SharedPreferences _prefs; // From resources public final float marginTop; public final float keyPadding; public final float labelTextSize; public final float sublabelTextSize; // From preferences /** [null] represent the [system] layout. */ public List layouts; public boolean show_numpad = false; // From the 'numpad_layout' option, also apply to the numeric pane. public boolean inverse_numpad = false; public boolean number_row; public float swipe_dist_px; public float slide_step_px; public VibratorCompat.VibrationBehavior vibration_behavior; public long longPressTimeout; public long longPressInterval; public float margin_bottom; public float keyHeight; public float horizontal_margin; public float keyVerticalInterval; public float keyHorizontalInterval; public int labelBrightness; // 0 - 255 public int keyboardOpacity; // 0 - 255 public int keyOpacity; // 0 - 255 public int keyActivatedOpacity; // 0 - 255 public boolean double_tap_lock_shift; public float characterSize; // Ratio public int theme; // Values are* public boolean autocapitalisation; public boolean switch_input_immediate; public boolean pin_entry_enabled; // Dynamically set public boolean shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod; public boolean shouldOfferVoiceTyping; public String actionLabel; // Might be 'null' public int actionId; // Meaningful only when 'actionLabel' isn't 'null' public boolean swapEnterActionKey; // Swap the "enter" and "action" keys public ExtraKeys extra_keys_subtype; public Set extra_keys_param; public List extra_keys_custom; public final IKeyEventHandler handler; public boolean orientation_landscape = false; private Config(SharedPreferences prefs, Resources res, IKeyEventHandler h) { _prefs = prefs; // static values marginTop = res.getDimension(R.dimen.margin_top); keyPadding = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_padding); labelTextSize = 0.33f; sublabelTextSize = 0.22f; // from prefs refresh(res); // initialized later shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod = false; shouldOfferVoiceTyping = false; actionLabel = null; actionId = 0; swapEnterActionKey = false; extra_keys_subtype = null; handler = h; } /* ** Reload prefs */ public void refresh(Resources res) { DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics(); orientation_landscape = res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; // The height of the keyboard is relative to the height of the screen. // This is the height of the keyboard if it have 4 rows. int keyboardHeightPercent; // Scale some dimensions depending on orientation float horizontalIntervalScale = 1.f; float characterSizeScale = 1.f; String show_numpad_s = _prefs.getString("show_numpad", "never"); show_numpad = "always".equals(show_numpad_s); if (orientation_landscape) { if ("landscape".equals(show_numpad_s)) show_numpad = true; keyboardHeightPercent = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_height_landscape", 50); horizontalIntervalScale = 2.f; characterSizeScale = 1.25f; } else { keyboardHeightPercent = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_height", 35); } layouts = LayoutsPreference.load_from_preferences(res, _prefs); inverse_numpad = _prefs.getString("numpad_layout", "default").equals("low_first"); number_row = _prefs.getBoolean("number_row", false); // The baseline for the swipe distance correspond to approximately the // width of a key in portrait mode, as most layouts have 10 columns. // Multipled by the DPI ratio because most swipes are made in the diagonals. // The option value uses an unnamed scale where the baseline is around 25. float dpi_ratio = Math.max(dm.xdpi, dm.ydpi) / Math.min(dm.xdpi, dm.ydpi); float swipe_scaling = Math.min(dm.widthPixels, dm.heightPixels) / 10.f * dpi_ratio; float swipe_dist_value = Float.valueOf(_prefs.getString("swipe_dist", "15")); swipe_dist_px = swipe_dist_value / 25.f * swipe_scaling; slide_step_px = swipe_dist_px / 4.f; vibration_behavior = VibratorCompat.VibrationBehavior.of_string(_prefs.getString("vibration_behavior", "system")); longPressTimeout = _prefs.getInt("longpress_timeout", 600); longPressInterval = _prefs.getInt("longpress_interval", 65); margin_bottom = get_dip_pref_oriented(dm, "margin_bottom", 7, 3); keyVerticalInterval = get_dip_pref(dm, "key_vertical_space", 2); keyHorizontalInterval = get_dip_pref(dm, "key_horizontal_space", 2) * horizontalIntervalScale; // Label brightness is used as the alpha channel labelBrightness = _prefs.getInt("label_brightness", 100) * 255 / 100; // Keyboard opacity keyboardOpacity = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100; keyOpacity = _prefs.getInt("key_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100; keyActivatedOpacity = _prefs.getInt("key_activated_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100; // Do not substract keyVerticalInterval from keyHeight because this is done // during rendered. keyHeight = dm.heightPixels * keyboardHeightPercent / 100 / 4; horizontal_margin = get_dip_pref_oriented(dm, "horizontal_margin", 3, 28); double_tap_lock_shift = _prefs.getBoolean("lock_double_tap", false); characterSize = _prefs.getFloat("character_size", 1.f) * characterSizeScale; theme = getThemeId(res, _prefs.getString("theme", "")); autocapitalisation = _prefs.getBoolean("autocapitalisation", true); switch_input_immediate = _prefs.getBoolean("switch_input_immediate", false); extra_keys_param = ExtraKeysPreference.get_extra_keys(_prefs); extra_keys_custom = CustomExtraKeysPreference.get(_prefs); pin_entry_enabled = _prefs.getBoolean("pin_entry_enabled", true); } KeyValue action_key() { // Update the name to avoid caching in KeyModifier return (actionLabel == null) ? null : KeyValue.getKeyByName("action").withSymbol(actionLabel); } /** Update the layout according to the configuration. * - Remove the switching key if it isn't needed * - Remove "localized" keys from other locales (not in 'extra_keys') * - Replace the action key to show the right label * - Swap the enter and action keys * - Add the optional numpad and number row * - Add the extra keys */ public KeyboardData modify_layout(KeyboardData kw) { final KeyValue action_key = action_key(); // Extra keys are removed from the set as they are encountered during the // first iteration then automatically added. final Set extra_keys = new HashSet(); final Set remove_keys = new HashSet(); extra_keys.addAll(extra_keys_param); extra_keys.addAll(extra_keys_custom); if (extra_keys_subtype != null) { Set present = new HashSet(); kw.getKeys(present); present.addAll(extra_keys_param); present.addAll(extra_keys_custom); extra_keys_subtype.compute(extra_keys, new ExtraKeys.Query(kw.script, present)); } boolean number_row = this.number_row && !show_numpad; if (number_row) KeyboardData.number_row.getKeys(remove_keys); kw = kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() { public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized) { boolean is_extra_key = extra_keys.contains(key); if (is_extra_key) extra_keys.remove(key); if (localized && !is_extra_key) return null; if (remove_keys.contains(key)) return null; switch (key.getKind()) { case Event: switch (key.getEvent()) { case CHANGE_METHOD: if (!shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod) return null; if (switch_input_immediate) return KeyValue.getKeyByName("change_method_prev"); return key; case ACTION: return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key; case SWITCH_FORWARD: return (layouts.size() > 1) ? key : null; case SWITCH_BACKWARD: return (layouts.size() > 2) ? key : null; case SWITCH_VOICE_TYPING: return shouldOfferVoiceTyping ? key : null; } break; case Keyevent: switch (key.getKeyevent()) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key; } break; case Modifier: switch (key.getModifier()) { case SHIFT: if (double_tap_lock_shift) return key.withFlags(key.getFlags() | KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK); } break; } return key; } }); if (show_numpad) kw = kw.addNumPad(); if (number_row) kw = kw.addNumberRow(); if (extra_keys.size() > 0) kw = kw.addExtraKeys(extra_keys.iterator()); return kw; } /** * Handle the numpad layout. */ public KeyboardData modify_numpad(KeyboardData kw) { final KeyValue action_key = action_key(); return kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() { public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized) { switch (key.getKind()) { case Event: switch (key.getEvent()) { case ACTION: return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key; } break; case Keyevent: switch (key.getKeyevent()) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key; } break; case Char: char a = key.getChar(), b = a; if (inverse_numpad) b = inverse_numpad_char(a); if (a != b) return key.withChar(b); break; } return key; } }); } private float get_dip_pref(DisplayMetrics dm, String pref_name, float def) { float value; try { value = _prefs.getInt(pref_name, -1); } catch (Exception e) { value = _prefs.getFloat(pref_name, -1f); } if (value < 0f) value = def; return (TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, value, dm)); } /** [get_dip_pref] depending on orientation. */ float get_dip_pref_oriented(DisplayMetrics dm, String pref_base_name, float def_port, float def_land) { String suffix = orientation_landscape ? "_landscape" : "_portrait"; float def = orientation_landscape ? def_land : def_port; return get_dip_pref(dm, pref_base_name + suffix, def); } private int getThemeId(Resources res, String theme_name) { switch (theme_name) { case "light": return; case "black": return; case "altblack": return; case "dark": return; case "white": return; case "epaper": return; default: case "system": if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 8) { int night_mode = res.getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK; if ((night_mode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) != 0) return; } return; } } char inverse_numpad_char(char c) { switch (c) { case '7': return '1'; case '8': return '2'; case '9': return '3'; case '1': return '7'; case '2': return '8'; case '3': return '9'; default: return c; } } private static Config _globalConfig = null; public static void initGlobalConfig(SharedPreferences prefs, Resources res, IKeyEventHandler handler) { migrate(prefs); _globalConfig = new Config(prefs, res, handler); } public static Config globalConfig() { return _globalConfig; } public static interface IKeyEventHandler { public void key_up(KeyValue value, Pointers.Modifiers flags); } /** Config migrations. */ private static int CONFIG_VERSION = 1; public static void migrate(SharedPreferences prefs) { int saved_version = prefs.getInt("version", 0); Logs.debug_config_migration(saved_version, CONFIG_VERSION); if (saved_version == CONFIG_VERSION) return; SharedPreferences.Editor e = prefs.edit(); e.putInt("version", CONFIG_VERSION); // Migrations might run on an empty [prefs] for new installs, in this case // they set the default values of complex options. switch (saved_version) // Fallback switch { case 0: // Primary, secondary and custom layout options are merged into the new // Layouts option. This also sets the default value. List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(migrate_layout(prefs.getString("layout", "system"))); String snd_layout = prefs.getString("second_layout", "none"); if (snd_layout != null && !snd_layout.equals("none")) l.add(migrate_layout(snd_layout)); String custom_layout = prefs.getString("custom_layout", ""); if (custom_layout != null && !custom_layout.equals("")) l.add(new LayoutsPreference.CustomLayout(custom_layout)); LayoutsPreference.save_to_preferences(e, l); case 1: default: break; } e.commit(); } private static LayoutsPreference.Layout migrate_layout(String name) { if (name == null || name.equals("system")) return new LayoutsPreference.SystemLayout(); return new LayoutsPreference.NamedLayout(name); } }