package juloo.keyboard2; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class KeyboardData { private final List _rows; private final float _keysWidth; public KeyboardData(List rows) { float kpr = 0.f; for (Row r : rows) kpr = Math.max(kpr, r.keysWidth()); _rows = rows; _keysWidth = kpr; } public static KeyboardData parse(XmlResourceParser parser) { ArrayList rows = new ArrayList(); try { int status; while ( != XmlResourceParser.START_TAG) continue ; if (!parser.getName().equals("keyboard")) throw new Exception("Unknow tag: " + parser.getName()); while ((status = != XmlResourceParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (status == XmlResourceParser.START_TAG) { String tag = parser.getName(); if (tag.equals("row")) rows.add(Row.parse(parser)); else throw new Exception("Unknow keyboard tag: " + tag); } } return new KeyboardData(rows); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new KeyboardData(rows); } public List getRows() { return _rows; } public float getKeysWidth() { return _keysWidth; } public KeyboardData removeKeys(MapKeys f) { ArrayList rows = new ArrayList(); for (Row r : _rows) rows.add(r.removeKeys(f)); return new KeyboardData(rows); } public static class Row { private final List _keys; /* Total width of very keys. Unit is abstract. */ private final float _keysWidth; public Row(List keys) { float kw = 0.f; for (Key k : keys) kw += k.width + k.shift; _keys = keys; _keysWidth = kw; } public static Row parse(XmlResourceParser parser) throws Exception { ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); int status; while ((status = != XmlResourceParser.END_TAG) { if (status == XmlResourceParser.START_TAG) { String tag = parser.getName(); if (tag.equals("key")) keys.add(Key.parse(parser)); else throw new Exception("Unknow row tag: " + tag); } } return new Row(keys); } public List getKeys() { return _keys; } public float keysWidth() { return _keysWidth; } public Row removeKeys(MapKeys f) { ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); for (Key k : _keys) keys.add(k.removeKeys(f)); return new Row(keys); } } public static class Key { /* ** 1 2 ** 0 ** 3 4 */ public final KeyValue key0; public final KeyValue key1; public final KeyValue key2; public final KeyValue key3; public final KeyValue key4; /* Key width in relative unit. */ public final float width; /* Extra empty space on the left of the key. */ public final float shift; public Key(KeyValue k0, KeyValue k1, KeyValue k2, KeyValue k3, KeyValue k4, float w, float s) { key0 = k0; key1 = k1; key2 = k2; key3 = k3; key4 = k4; width = w; shift = s; } public static Key parse(XmlResourceParser parser) throws Exception { KeyValue k0 = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "key0")); KeyValue k1 = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "key1")); KeyValue k2 = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "key2")); KeyValue k3 = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "key3")); KeyValue k4 = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "key4")); float width = parser.getAttributeFloatValue(null, "width", 1f); float shift = parser.getAttributeFloatValue(null, "shift", 0.f); while ( != XmlResourceParser.END_TAG) continue ; return new Key(k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, width, shift); } public Key removeKeys(MapKeys f) { return new Key(,,,,, width, shift); } } public static abstract interface MapKeys { public abstract KeyValue map(KeyValue k); } public static class RemoveKeysByFlags implements MapKeys { private final int _flags; public RemoveKeysByFlags(int flags) { _flags = flags; } public KeyValue map(KeyValue k) { return (k == null || (k.flags & _flags) != 0) ? null : k; } } public static class RemoveKeysByEvent implements MapKeys { private final int _eventCode; public RemoveKeysByEvent(int ev) { _eventCode = ev; } public KeyValue map(KeyValue k) { return (k == null || k.eventCode == _eventCode) ? null : k; } } }