package juloo.keyboard2; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.os.Vibrator; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; public class Keyboard2View extends View implements View.OnTouchListener, Pointers.IPointerEventHandler { private static final long VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL = 100; private KeyboardData _keyboard; private Pointers _pointers; private int _flags = 0; private Vibrator _vibratorService; private long _lastVibration = 0; private static int _currentWhat = 0; private Config _config; private float _keyWidth; private Theme _theme; private static RectF _tmpRect = new RectF(); enum Vertical { TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM } public Keyboard2View(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); _vibratorService = (Vibrator)context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); _theme = new Theme(getContext(), attrs); _config = Config.globalConfig(); _pointers = new Pointers(this, _config); setOnTouchListener(this); reset(); } public void setKeyboard(KeyboardData kw) { if (!_config.shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod) kw = kw.replaceKeys( new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByEvent(KeyValue.EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD, null)); if (_config.key_flags_to_remove != 0) kw = kw.replaceKeys( new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByFlags(_config.key_flags_to_remove, null)); // Replace the action key to show the right label. KeyValue action_key = null; if (_config.actionLabel != null) { action_key = new KeyValue(_config.actionLabel, _config.actionLabel, KeyValue.CHAR_NONE, KeyValue.EVENT_ACTION, KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT); } if (_config.swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) kw = kw.replaceKeys( new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByEvent2(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, action_key, KeyValue.EVENT_ACTION, KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter"))); else kw = kw.replaceKeys( new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByEvent(KeyValue.EVENT_ACTION, action_key)); _keyboard = kw; reset(); } public void reset() { _flags = 0; _pointers.clear(); requestLayout(); invalidate(); } public void onPointerDown(KeyValue k) { updateFlags(); invalidate(); if (k != null) vibrate(); } public void onPointerSwipe(KeyValue k) { updateFlags(); invalidate(); if (k != null) vibrate(); } public void onPointerUp(KeyValue k) { if (k != null && (k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOCHAR) == 0) _config.handler.handleKeyUp(k, _flags); updateFlags(); invalidate(); } public void onPointerHold(KeyValue k) { if (k != null) _config.handler.handleKeyUp(k, _flags); } public void onPointerFlagsChanged() { updateFlags(); invalidate(); } private void updateFlags() { _flags = _pointers.getFlags(); } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { int p; switch (event.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: _pointers.onTouchUp(event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex())); break ; case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: p = event.getActionIndex(); float tx = event.getX(p); float ty = event.getY(p); KeyboardData.Key key = getKeyAtPosition(tx, ty); if (key != null) _pointers.onTouchDown(tx, ty, event.getPointerId(p), key); break ; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: for (p = 0; p < event.getPointerCount(); p++) _pointers.onTouchMove(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p)); break ; default: return (false); } return (true); } private KeyboardData.Row getRowAtPosition(float ty) { float y = _config.marginTop; if (ty < y) return null; for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.rows) { y += (row.shift + row.height) * _config.keyHeight; if (ty < y) return row; } return null; } private KeyboardData.Key getKeyAtPosition(float tx, float ty) { KeyboardData.Row row = getRowAtPosition(ty); float x = _config.horizontalMargin; if (row == null || tx < x) return null; for (KeyboardData.Key key : row.keys) { x += (key.shift + key.width) * _keyWidth; if (tx < x) return key; } return null; } private void vibrate() { if (!_config.vibrateEnabled) return ; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((now - _lastVibration) > VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL) { _lastVibration = now; try { _vibratorService.vibrate(_config.vibrateDuration); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void onMeasure(int wSpec, int hSpec) { DisplayMetrics dm = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int width = dm.widthPixels; int height = (int)(_config.keyHeight * _keyboard.keysHeight + _keyboard.rows.size() + _config.marginTop + _config.marginBottom); setMeasuredDimension(width, height); _keyWidth = (width - (_config.horizontalMargin * 2)) / _keyboard.keysWidth; } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { float y = _config.marginTop + _config.keyVerticalInterval / 2; for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.rows) { y += row.shift * _config.keyHeight; float x = _config.horizontalMargin + _config.keyHorizontalInterval / 2; float keyH = row.height * _config.keyHeight - _config.keyVerticalInterval; for (KeyboardData.Key k : row.keys) { x += k.shift * _keyWidth; float keyW = _keyWidth * k.width - _config.keyHorizontalInterval; boolean isKeyDown = _pointers.isKeyDown(k); _tmpRect.set(x, y, x + keyW, y + keyH); canvas.drawRoundRect(_tmpRect, _theme.keyBorderRadius, _theme.keyBorderRadius, isKeyDown ? _theme.keyDownBgPaint : _theme.keyBgPaint); if (k.key0 != null) drawLabel(canvas, k.key0, keyW / 2f + x, (keyH + _theme.labelTextSize) / 2f + y, isKeyDown); float subPadding = _config.keyPadding; if (k.edgekeys) { if (k.key1 != null) // top key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key1, x + keyW / 2f, y + subPadding, Paint.Align.CENTER, Vertical.TOP, isKeyDown); if (k.key3 != null) // left key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key3, x + subPadding, y + keyH / 2f, Paint.Align.LEFT, Vertical.CENTER, isKeyDown); if (k.key2 != null) // right key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key2, x + keyW - subPadding, y + keyH / 2f, Paint.Align.RIGHT, Vertical.CENTER, isKeyDown); if (k.key4 != null) // bottom key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key4, x + keyW / 2f, y + keyH - subPadding, Paint.Align.CENTER, Vertical.BOTTOM, isKeyDown); } else { if (k.key1 != null) // top left key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key1, x + subPadding, y + subPadding, Paint.Align.LEFT, Vertical.TOP, isKeyDown); if (k.key3 != null) // bottom left key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key3, x + subPadding, y + keyH - subPadding, Paint.Align.LEFT, Vertical.BOTTOM, isKeyDown); if (k.key2 != null) // top right key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key2, x + keyW - subPadding, y + subPadding, Paint.Align.RIGHT, Vertical.TOP, isKeyDown); if (k.key4 != null) // bottom right key drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key4, x + keyW - subPadding, y + keyH - subPadding, Paint.Align.RIGHT, Vertical.BOTTOM, isKeyDown); } x += _keyWidth * k.width; } y += row.height * _config.keyHeight; } } @Override public void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } private int labelColor(KeyValue k, boolean isKeyDown, int defaultColor) { if (isKeyDown && (k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LATCH) != 0) { int flags = _pointers.getKeyFlags(k); if (flags != -1) { if ((flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) != 0) return _theme.lockedColor; if ((flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LATCH) == 0) return _theme.activatedColor; } } return defaultColor; } private void drawLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, boolean isKeyDown) { k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags); Paint p = _theme.labelPaint(((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0)); p.setColor(labelColor(k, isKeyDown, _theme.labelColor)); p.setTextSize(_theme.labelTextSize * scaleTextSize(k)); canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, p); } private void drawSubLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, Paint.Align a, Vertical v, boolean isKeyDown) { k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags); Paint p = _theme.subLabelPaint(((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0), a); p.setColor(labelColor(k, isKeyDown, _theme.subLabelColor)); p.setTextSize(_theme.sublabelTextSize * scaleTextSize(k)); if (v == Vertical.CENTER) y -= (p.ascent() + p.descent()) / 2f; else y -= (v == Vertical.TOP) ? p.ascent() : p.descent(); canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, p); } private float scaleTextSize(KeyValue k) { return ((k.symbol.length() < 2) ? 1.f : 0.8f) * _config.characterSize; } }