package juloo.keyboard2; import android.view.KeyCharacterMap; import android.view.KeyEvent; import java.util.HashMap; final class KeyValue { public static enum Event { CONFIG, SWITCH_TEXT, SWITCH_NUMERIC, SWITCH_EMOJI, SWITCH_BACK_EMOJI, CHANGE_METHOD, ACTION, SWITCH_SECOND, SWITCH_SECOND_BACK, SWITCH_GREEKMATH, CAPS_LOCK, } // Must be evaluated in the reverse order of their values. public static enum Modifier { SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META, DOUBLE_AIGU, DOT_ABOVE, GRAVE, AIGU, CIRCONFLEXE, TILDE, CEDILLE, TREMA, SUPERSCRIPT, SUBSCRIPT, RING, CARON, MACRON, ORDINAL, ARROWS, BOX, OGONEK, SLASH, ARROW_RIGHT, BREVE, BAR, FN, // Must be placed last to be applied first } public static enum Editing { COPY, PASTE, CUT, SELECT_ALL, PASTE_PLAIN, UNDO, REDO, // Android context menu actions REPLACE, SHARE, ASSIST, AUTOFILL, } public static enum Kind { Char, String, Keyevent, Event, Modifier, Editing } // Behavior flags. public static final int FLAG_LATCH = (1 << 20); public static final int FLAG_LOCK = (1 << 21); // Special keys are not repeated and don't clear latched modifiers. public static final int FLAG_SPECIAL = (1 << 22); public static final int FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT = (1 << 23); // Rendering flags. public static final int FLAG_KEY_FONT = (1 << 24); // special font file public static final int FLAG_SMALLER_FONT = (1 << 25); // 25% smaller symbols public static final int FLAG_SECONDARY = (1 << 26); // dimmer // Used by [Pointers]. public static final int FLAG_LOCKED = (1 << 28); public static final int FLAG_FAKE_PTR = (1 << 29); // Ranges for the different components private static final int FLAGS_BITS = (0b111111111 << 20); // 9 bits wide private static final int KIND_BITS = (0b111 << 29); // 3 bits wide private static final int VALUE_BITS = ~(FLAGS_BITS | KIND_BITS); // 20 bits wide static { check((FLAGS_BITS & KIND_BITS) == 0); // No overlap check((FLAGS_BITS | KIND_BITS | VALUE_BITS) == ~0); // No holes } private final String _symbol; /** This field encodes three things: Kind, flags and value. */ private final int _code; public Kind getKind() { return Kind.values()[(_code & KIND_BITS) >>> 29]; } public int getFlags() { return (_code & FLAGS_BITS); } public boolean hasFlags(int has) { return ((_code & has) == has); } /** The string to render on the keyboard. When [getKind() == Kind.String], also the string to send. */ public String getString() { return _symbol; } /** Defined only when [getKind() == Kind.Char]. */ public char getChar() { return (char)(_code & VALUE_BITS); } /** Defined only when [getKind() == Kind.Keyevent]. */ public int getKeyevent() { return (_code & VALUE_BITS); } /** Defined only when [getKind() == Kind.Event]. */ public Event getEvent() { return Event.values()[(_code & VALUE_BITS)]; } /** Defined only when [getKind() == Kind.Modifier]. */ public Modifier getModifier() { return Modifier.values()[(_code & VALUE_BITS)]; } /** Defined only when [getKind() == Kind.Editing]. */ public Editing getEditing() { return Editing.values()[(_code & VALUE_BITS)]; } /* Update the char and the symbol. */ public KeyValue withChar(char c) { return new KeyValue(String.valueOf(c), Kind.Char, c, getFlags()); } public KeyValue withString(String s) { return new KeyValue(s, Kind.String, 0, getFlags()); } public KeyValue withSymbol(String s) { return new KeyValue(s, (_code & KIND_BITS), (_code & VALUE_BITS), getFlags()); } public KeyValue withKeyevent(int code) { return new KeyValue(_symbol, Kind.Keyevent, code, getFlags()); } public KeyValue withFlags(int f) { return new KeyValue(_symbol, (_code & KIND_BITS), (_code & VALUE_BITS), f); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { KeyValue snd = (KeyValue)obj; return _symbol.equals(snd._symbol) && _code == snd._code; } @Override public int hashCode() { return _symbol.hashCode() + _code; } private static HashMap keys = new HashMap(); public KeyValue(String s, int kind, int value, int flags) { check((kind & ~KIND_BITS) == 0); check((flags & ~FLAGS_BITS) == 0); check((value & ~VALUE_BITS) == 0); _symbol = s; _code = kind | flags | value; } public KeyValue(String s, Kind k, int v, int f) { this(s, (k.ordinal() << 29), v, f); } public static KeyValue getKeyByName(String name) { KeyValue kv = keys.get(name); if (kv != null) return kv; if (name.length() == 1) return new KeyValue(name, Kind.Char, name.charAt(0), 0); else return new KeyValue(name, Kind.String, 0, 0); } private static void addKey(String name, String symbol, Kind kind, int code, int flags) { keys.put(name, new KeyValue(symbol, kind, code, flags)); } private static void addCharKey(String name, String symbol, char c, int flags) { addKey(name, symbol, Kind.Char, c, flags); } private static void addModifierKey(String name, String symbol, Modifier m, int flags) { if (symbol.length() > 1) flags |= FLAG_SMALLER_FONT; addKey(name, symbol, Kind.Modifier, m.ordinal(), FLAG_LATCH | FLAG_SPECIAL | FLAG_SECONDARY | flags); } private static void addModifierKey(String name, int symbol, Modifier m, int flags) { addModifierKey(name, String.valueOf((char)symbol), m, flags | FLAG_KEY_FONT); } private static void addDiacritic(String name, int symbol, Modifier m) { addKey(name, String.valueOf((char)symbol), Kind.Modifier, m.ordinal(), FLAG_LATCH | FLAG_SPECIAL | FLAG_KEY_FONT); } private static void addEventKey(String name, String symbol, Event e, int flags) { addKey(name, symbol, Kind.Event, e.ordinal(), flags | FLAG_SPECIAL | FLAG_SECONDARY); } private static void addEventKey(String name, int symbol, Event e, int flags) { addEventKey(name, String.valueOf((char)symbol), e, flags | FLAG_KEY_FONT); } private static void addKeyeventKey(String name, String symbol, int code, int flags) { addKey(name, symbol, Kind.Keyevent, code, flags | FLAG_SECONDARY); } private static void addKeyeventKey(String name, int symbol, int code, int flags) { addKeyeventKey(name, String.valueOf((char)symbol), code, flags | FLAG_KEY_FONT); } private static void addEditingKey(String name, String symbol, Editing action) { addKey(name, symbol, Kind.Editing, action.ordinal(), FLAG_SPECIAL | FLAG_SECONDARY | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); } // Within VALUE_BITS private static int placeholder_unique_id = 0; /** Use a unique id as the value because the symbol is shared between every placeholders (it is the empty string). */ private static void addPlaceholderKey(String name) { addKey(name, "", Kind.String, placeholder_unique_id++, 0); } static { addModifierKey("shift", 0x0A, Modifier.SHIFT, 0); addModifierKey("ctrl", "Ctrl", Modifier.CTRL, 0); addModifierKey("alt", "Alt", Modifier.ALT, 0); addDiacritic("accent_aigu", 0x50, Modifier.AIGU); addDiacritic("accent_caron", 0x51, Modifier.CARON); addDiacritic("accent_cedille", 0x52, Modifier.CEDILLE); addDiacritic("accent_circonflexe", 0x53, Modifier.CIRCONFLEXE); addDiacritic("accent_grave", 0x54, Modifier.GRAVE); addDiacritic("accent_macron", 0x55, Modifier.MACRON); addDiacritic("accent_ring", 0x56, Modifier.RING); addDiacritic("accent_tilde", 0x57, Modifier.TILDE); addDiacritic("accent_trema", 0x58, Modifier.TREMA); addDiacritic("accent_ogonek", 0x59, Modifier.OGONEK); addDiacritic("accent_dot_above", 0x5A, Modifier.DOT_ABOVE); addDiacritic("accent_double_aigu", 0x5B, Modifier.DOUBLE_AIGU); addDiacritic("accent_slash", 0x5C, Modifier.SLASH); addDiacritic("accent_arrow_right", 0x5D, Modifier.ARROW_RIGHT); addDiacritic("accent_breve", 0x5E, Modifier.BREVE); addDiacritic("accent_bar", 0x5F, Modifier.BAR); addModifierKey("superscript", "Sup", Modifier.SUPERSCRIPT, 0); addModifierKey("subscript", "Sub", Modifier.SUBSCRIPT, 0); addModifierKey("ordinal", "Ord", Modifier.ORDINAL, 0); addModifierKey("arrows", "Arr", Modifier.ARROWS, 0); addModifierKey("box", "Box", Modifier.BOX, 0); addModifierKey("fn", "Fn", Modifier.FN, 0); addModifierKey("meta", "Meta", Modifier.META, 0); addEventKey("config", 0x04, Event.CONFIG, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("switch_text", "ABC", Event.SWITCH_TEXT, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("switch_numeric", "123+", Event.SWITCH_NUMERIC, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("switch_emoji", 0x01, Event.SWITCH_EMOJI, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("switch_back_emoji", "ABC", Event.SWITCH_BACK_EMOJI, 0); addEventKey("switch_second", 0x13, Event.SWITCH_SECOND, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("switch_second_back", 0x14, Event.SWITCH_SECOND_BACK, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("switch_greekmath", "πλ∇¬", Event.SWITCH_GREEKMATH, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("change_method", 0x09, Event.CHANGE_METHOD, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addEventKey("action", "Action", Event.ACTION, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); // Will always be replaced addEventKey("capslock", 0x12, Event.CAPS_LOCK, 0); addKeyeventKey("esc", "Esc", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addKeyeventKey("enter", 0x0E, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, 0); addKeyeventKey("up", 0x05, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP, FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT); addKeyeventKey("right", 0x06, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT); addKeyeventKey("down", 0x07, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT); addKeyeventKey("left", 0x08, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT); addKeyeventKey("page_up", 0x02, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_UP, 0); addKeyeventKey("page_down", 0x03, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN, 0); addKeyeventKey("home", 0x0B, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME, 0); addKeyeventKey("end", 0x0C, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_END, 0); addKeyeventKey("backspace", 0x11, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL, 0); addKeyeventKey("delete", 0x10, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL, 0); addKeyeventKey("insert", "Ins", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_INSERT, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addKeyeventKey("f1", "F1", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F1, 0); addKeyeventKey("f2", "F2", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F2, 0); addKeyeventKey("f3", "F3", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F3, 0); addKeyeventKey("f4", "F4", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F4, 0); addKeyeventKey("f5", "F5", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F5, 0); addKeyeventKey("f6", "F6", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F6, 0); addKeyeventKey("f7", "F7", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F7, 0); addKeyeventKey("f8", "F8", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F8, 0); addKeyeventKey("f9", "F9", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F9, 0); addKeyeventKey("f10", "F10", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F10, 0); addKeyeventKey("f11", "F11", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F11, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addKeyeventKey("f12", "F12", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F12, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addKeyeventKey("tab", 0x0F, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addCharKey("\\t", "\\t", '\t', 0); // Send the tab character addCharKey("space", "\r", ' ', FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_SECONDARY); addCharKey("nbsp", "\u237d", '\u00a0', FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); addPlaceholderKey("removed"); addPlaceholderKey("f11_placeholder"); addPlaceholderKey("f12_placeholder"); addEditingKey("copy", "copy", Editing.COPY); addEditingKey("paste", "paste", Editing.PASTE); addEditingKey("cut", "cut", Editing.CUT); addEditingKey("selectAll", "s. all", Editing.SELECT_ALL); addEditingKey("shareText", "share", Editing.SHARE); addEditingKey("pasteAsPlainText", "", Editing.PASTE_PLAIN); addEditingKey("undo", "undo", Editing.UNDO); addEditingKey("redo", "redo", Editing.REDO); addEditingKey("replaceText", "repl.", Editing.REPLACE); addEditingKey("textAssist", "assist", Editing.ASSIST); addEditingKey("autofill", "auto.", Editing.AUTOFILL); } static final HashMap keys_descr = new HashMap(); /* Some keys have a description attached. Return [null] if otherwise. */ public static String getKeyDescription(String name) { return keys_descr.get(name); } static void addKeyDescr(String name, String descr) { keys_descr.put(name, descr); } static { /* Keys description is shown in the settings. */ addKeyDescr("capslock", "Caps lock"); addKeyDescr("switch_greekmath", "Greek & math symbols"); } // Substitute for [assert], which has no effect on Android. private static void check(boolean b) { if (!b) throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failure"); } }