# Configuration PACKAGE_NAME = juloo.keyboard2 ANDROID_PLATFORM_VERSION = android-30 JAVA_VERSION = 1.8 SRC_DIR = srcs ASSETS_DIR = assets RES_DIR = res EXTRA_JARS = # / debug: _build/$(PACKAGE_NAME).debug.apk release: _build/$(PACKAGE_NAME).apk installd: _build/$(PACKAGE_NAME).debug.apk adb install "$<" .PHONY: release debug installd $(shell mkdir -p _build) ifndef ANDROID_HOME $(error ANDROID_HOME not set) endif ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS = $(lastword $(sort $(wildcard $(ANDROID_HOME)/build-tools/*))) ANDROID_PLATFORM = $(ANDROID_HOME)/platforms/$(ANDROID_PLATFORM_VERSION) ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(ANDROID_PLATFORM)" ] && echo ok),) $(error Android platform not found. Want $(ANDROID_PLATFORM_VERSION), \ found $(notdir $(wildcard $(ANDROID_HOME)/platforms/*))) endif JAVAC_FLAGS = -source $(JAVA_VERSION) -target $(JAVA_VERSION) -encoding utf8 # Source files MANIFEST_FILE = AndroidManifest.xml JAVA_FILES = $(shell find $(SRC_DIR) -name '*.java') RES_FILES = $(shell find $(RES_DIR) -type f) ASSETS_FILES = $(shell find $(ASSETS_DIR) -type f 2>/dev/null) # Debug signing DEBUG_KEYSTORE = _build/debug.keystore DEBUG_PASSWD = debug0 $(DEBUG_KEYSTORE): echo y | keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=d, ou=e, o=b, c=ug" \ -alias debug -keypass $(DEBUG_PASSWD) -keystore "$@" \ -keyalg rsa -storepass $(DEBUG_PASSWD) -validity 10000 _build/%.debug.apk: _build/%.debug.unsigned-apk $(DEBUG_KEYSTORE) $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/apksigner sign --in "$<" --out "$@" \ --ks $(DEBUG_KEYSTORE) --ks-key-alias debug --ks-pass "pass:$(DEBUG_PASSWD)" # Debug apk _build/$(PACKAGE_NAME).debug.unsigned-apk: AAPT_PACKAGE_FLAGS+=--rename-manifest-package $(PACKAGE_NAME).debug # Release signing # %-keystore.conf should declare KEYSTORE, KEYNAME and KEYSTOREPASS # it is interpreted as a shell script _build/%.apk: _build/%.unsigned-apk %-keystore.conf eval `cat $(word 2,$^)` && \ $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/apksigner sign --in "$<" --out "$@" \ --ks "$$KEYSTORE" --ks-key-alias "$$KEYNAME" --ks-pass "pass:$$KEYSTOREPASS" # Package _build/%.unsigned-apk: _build/%.unaligned-apk $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/zipalign -fp 4 "$<" "$@" _build/%.unaligned-apk: _build/classes.dex $(MANIFEST_FILE) $(ASSETS_FILES) $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/aapt package -f -M $(MANIFEST_FILE) -S $(RES_DIR) \ -I $(ANDROID_PLATFORM)/android.jar -F "$@" $(AAPT_PACKAGE_FLAGS) [ -z "$(ASSETS_FILES)" ] || $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/aapt add "$@" $(ASSETS_FILES) cd $(@D) && $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/aapt add $(@F) classes.dex # R.java GEN_DIR = _build/gen R_FILE = $(GEN_DIR)/$(subst .,/,$(PACKAGE_NAME))/R.java $(R_FILE): $(RES_FILES) $(MANIFEST_FILE) mkdir -p "$(@D)" $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/aapt package -f -m -S $(RES_DIR) -J $(GEN_DIR) \ -M $(MANIFEST_FILE) -I $(ANDROID_PLATFORM)/android.jar # Compile java classes and build classes.dex OBJ_DIR = _build/class # A$B.class files are ignored # CLASS_FILES = $(JAVA_FILES:$(SRC_DIR)/%.java=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.class) \ # $(R_FILE:$(GEN_DIR)/%.java=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.class) _build/classes.dex: $(JAVA_FILES) $(R_FILE) mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR) javac -d $(OBJ_DIR) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) \ -classpath $(ANDROID_PLATFORM)/android.jar:$(EXTRA_JARS) \ -sourcepath $(SRC_DIR):$(GEN_DIR) \ $^ $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/d8 --output $(@D) $(OBJ_DIR)/*/*/* $(subst :, ,$(EXTRA_JARS))