Jules Aguillon cf1aaa3bdf Add compose sequences for Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew and more
Parse key names from keysymdef.h, which is distributed with Xorg. The
Greek, Cyrillic and Hebrew sequences referenced these keysyms.

This increases the number of sequences from 2043 to 2668.
2024-05-29 15:56:08 +02:00

216 lines
7.2 KiB

import textwrap, sys, re, string, json, os
# Parse symbol names from keysymdef.h. Many compose sequences in
# en_US_UTF_8_Compose.pre reference theses. For example, all the sequences on
# the Greek, Cyrillic and Hebrew scripts need these symbols.
def parse_keysymdef_h():
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "keysymdef.h"), "r") as inp:
keysym_re = re.compile(r'^#define XK_(\S+)\s+\S+\s*/\*.U\+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s')
for line in inp:
m = re.match(keysym_re, line)
if m != None:
yield (m.group(1), chr(int(m.group(2), 16)))
xkb_char_extra_names = dict(parse_keysymdef_h())
dropped_sequences = 0
# Parse XKB's Compose.pre files
def parse_sequences_file_xkb(fname):
# Parse a line of the form:
# <Multi_key> <minus> <space> : "~" asciitilde # TILDE
# Sequences not starting with <Multi_key> are ignored.
line_re = re.compile(r'^((?:\s*<[^>]+>)+)\s*:\s*"((?:[^"\\]+|\\.)+)"\s*(\S+)?\s*(?:#.+)?$')
char_re = re.compile(r'\s*<(?:U([a-fA-F0-9]{4,6})|([^>]+))>')
def parse_seq_line(line):
global dropped_sequences
prefix = "<Multi_key>"
if not line.startswith(prefix):
return None
m = re.match(line_re, line[len(prefix):])
if m == None:
return None
def_ = m.group(1)
def_ = parse_seq_chars(def_)
result = parse_seq_result(m.group(2))
except Exception as e:
# print(str(e) + ". Sequence dropped: " + line.strip(), file=sys.stderr)
dropped_sequences += 1
return None
return def_, result
char_names = { **xkb_char_extra_names }
# Interpret character names of the form "U0000" or using [char_names].
def parse_seq_char(c):
uchar, named_char = c
if uchar != "":
return chr(int(uchar, 16))
# else is a named char
if len(named_char) == 1:
return named_char
if not named_char in char_names:
raise Exception("Unknown char: " + named_char)
return char_names[named_char]
# Interpret the left hand side of a sequence.
def parse_seq_chars(def_):
return list(map(parse_seq_char, re.findall(char_re, def_)))
# Interpret the result of a sequence, as outputed by [line_re].
def parse_seq_result(r):
if len(r) == 2 and r[0] == '\\':
return r[1]
return r
# Populate [char_names] with the information present in the file.
with open(fname, "r") as inp:
for line in inp:
m = re.match(line_re, line)
if m == None or m.group(3) == None:
char_names[m.group(3)] = parse_seq_result(m.group(2))
except Exception:
# Parse the sequences
with open(fname, "r") as inp:
seqs = []
for line in inp:
s = parse_seq_line(line)
if s != None:
return seqs
# Parse from a json file containing a dictionary sequence → result string.
def parse_sequences_file_json(fname):
with open(fname, "r") as inp:
seqs = json.load(inp)
return list(seqs.items())
# Format of the sequences file is determined by its extension
def parse_sequences_file(fname):
if fname.endswith(".pre"):
return parse_sequences_file_xkb(fname)
if fname.endswith(".json"):
return parse_sequences_file_json(fname)
raise Exception(fname + ": Unsupported format")
# Turn a list of sequences into a trie.
def add_sequences_to_trie(seqs, trie):
def add_seq_to_trie(t_, seq, result):
t_ = trie
i = 0
while i < len(seq) - 1:
c = seq[i]
if c not in t_:
t_[c] = {}
if isinstance(t_[c], str):
global dropped_sequences
dropped_sequences += 1
print("Sequence collide: '%s = %s' '%s = %s'" % (
seq[:i+1], t_[c], seq, result),
t_ = t_[c]
i += 1
c = seq[i]
t_[c] = result
for seq, result in seqs:
add_seq_to_trie(trie, seq, result)
# Compile the trie into a state machine.
def make_automata(tree_root):
states = []
def add_tree(t):
# Index and size of the new node
i = len(states)
s = len(t.keys())
# Add node header
states.append(("\0", s + 1))
i += 1
# Reserve space for the current node in both arrays
for c in range(s):
states.append((None, None))
# Add nested nodes and fill the current node
for c in sorted(t.keys()):
node_i = len(states)
states[i] = (c, node_i)
i += 1
def add_leaf(c):
# There are two encoding for leafs: character final state for 15-bit
# characters and string final state for the rest.
if len(c) > 1 or ord(c[0]) > 32767: # String final state
cb = c.encode("UTF-16")
states.append((-1, len(cb) + 1))
for c in cb:
states.append((c, 0))
else: # Character final state
states.append((c, 1))
def add_node(n):
if type(n) == str:
return states
def batched(ar, n):
i = 0
while i + n < len(ar):
yield ar[i:i+n]
i += n
if i < len(ar):
yield ar[i:]
# Print the state machine compiled by make_automata into java code that can be
# used by [ComposeKeyData.java].
def gen_java(machine):
chars_map = {
# These characters cannot be used in unicode form as Java's parser
# unescape unicode sequences before parsing.
-1: "\\uFFFF",
"\"": "\\\"",
"\\": "\\\\",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
ord("\""): "\\\"",
ord("\\"): "\\\\",
ord("\n"): "\\n",
ord("\r"): "\\r",
def char_repr(c):
if c in chars_map:
return chars_map[c]
if type(c) == int: # The edges array contains ints
return "\\u%04x" % c
if c in string.printable:
return c
return "\\u%04x" % ord(c)
def gen_array(array):
chars = list(map(char_repr, array))
return "\" +\n \"".join(map(lambda b: "".join(b), batched(chars, 72)))
print("""package juloo.keyboard2;
/** This file is generated, see [srcs/compose/compile.py]. */
public final class ComposeKeyData
public static final char[] states =
public static final char[] edges =
}""" % (
# Break the edges array every few characters using string concatenation.
gen_array(map(lambda s: s[0], machine)),
gen_array(map(lambda s: s[1], machine)),
total_sequences = 0
trie = {}
for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
sequences = parse_sequences_file(fname)
add_sequences_to_trie(sequences, trie)
total_sequences += len(sequences)
automata = make_automata(trie)
print("Compiled %d sequences into %d states. Dropped %d sequences." % (total_sequences, len(automata), dropped_sequences), file=sys.stderr)