forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
The "loc " prefix for predefining a place for an "extra key" was broken
since 31d6a70
The FLAG_LOCALIZED flag cannot be used anymore, as adding it to any key
would turn it into a different key that wouldn't be recognized by parts
of the code comparing the keys (placing the extra keys).
Add an other layer in KeyboardData to store such informations.
382 lines
10 KiB
382 lines
10 KiB
package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
class KeyboardData
public final List<Row> rows;
/** Total width of the keyboard. */
public final float keysWidth;
/** Total height of the keyboard. */
public final float keysHeight;
/** Whether to add extra keys. */
public final boolean extra_keys;
public KeyboardData mapKeys(MapKey f)
ArrayList<Row> rows_ = new ArrayList<Row>();
for (Row r : rows)
return new KeyboardData(rows_, keysWidth, extra_keys);
/** Add keys from the given iterator into the keyboard. Extra keys are added
* on the empty key4 corner of the second row, from right to left. If there's
* not enough room, key3 of the second row is tried then key2 and key1 of the
* third row. */
public KeyboardData addExtraKeys(Iterator<KeyValue> k)
if (!extra_keys)
return this;
ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(this.rows);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 1, 4);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 1, 3);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 2, 2);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 2, 1);
return new KeyboardData(rows, keysWidth, extra_keys);
private static void addExtraKeys_to_row(ArrayList<Row> rows, final Iterator<KeyValue> extra_keys, int row_i, final int d)
if (!extra_keys.hasNext())
rows.set(row_i, rows.get(row_i).mapKeys(new MapKey(){
public Key apply(Key k) {
if (k.getKeyValue(d) == null && extra_keys.hasNext())
return k.withKeyValue(d,;
return k;
private static Row _bottomRow = null;
private static Map<Integer, KeyboardData> _layoutCache = new HashMap<Integer, KeyboardData>();
public static KeyboardData load(Resources res, int id)
KeyboardData l = _layoutCache.get(id);
if (l == null)
if (_bottomRow == null)
_bottomRow = parse_bottom_row(res.getXml(R.xml.bottom_row));
l = parse_keyboard(res.getXml(id));
_layoutCache.put(id, l);
catch (Exception e)
return l;
private static KeyboardData parse_keyboard(XmlResourceParser parser) throws Exception
if (!expect_tag(parser, "keyboard"))
throw new Exception("Empty layout file");
boolean bottom_row = parser.getAttributeBooleanValue(null, "bottom_row", true);
boolean extra_keys = parser.getAttributeBooleanValue(null, "extra_keys", true);
ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>();
while (expect_tag(parser, "row"))
float kw = compute_max_width(rows);
if (bottom_row)
return new KeyboardData(rows, kw, extra_keys);
private static float compute_max_width(List<Row> rows)
float w = 0.f;
for (Row r : rows)
w = Math.max(w, r.keysWidth);
return w;
private static Row parse_bottom_row(XmlResourceParser parser) throws Exception
if (!expect_tag(parser, "row"))
throw new Exception("Failed to parse bottom row");
return Row.parse(parser);
protected KeyboardData(List<Row> rows_, float kw, boolean xk)
float kh = 0.f;
for (Row r : rows_)
kh += r.height + r.shift;
rows = rows_;
keysWidth = kw;
keysHeight = kh;
extra_keys = xk;
public static class Row
public final List<Key> keys;
/** Height of the row, without 'shift'. */
public final float height;
/** Extra empty space on the top. */
public final float shift;
/** Total width of the row. */
private final float keysWidth;
protected Row(List<Key> keys_, float h, float s)
float kw = 0.f;
for (Key k : keys_) kw += k.width + k.shift;
keys = keys_;
height = h;
shift = s;
keysWidth = kw;
public static Row parse(XmlResourceParser parser) throws Exception
ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
int status;
float h = parser.getAttributeFloatValue(null, "height", 1f);
float shift = parser.getAttributeFloatValue(null, "shift", 0f);
while (expect_tag(parser, "key"))
return new Row(keys, h, shift);
public Row mapKeys(MapKey f)
ArrayList<Key> keys_ = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Key k : keys)
return new Row(keys_, height, shift);
/** Change the width of every keys so that the row is 's' units wide. */
public Row updateWidth(float newWidth)
final float s = newWidth / keysWidth;
return mapKeys(new MapKey(){
public Key apply(Key k) { return k.scaleWidth(s); }
public static class Key
** 1 2
** 0
** 3 4
public final Corner key0;
public final Corner key1;
public final Corner key2;
public final Corner key3;
public final Corner key4;
/** Key width in relative unit. */
public final float width;
/** Extra empty space on the left of the key. */
public final float shift;
/** Put keys 1 to 4 on the edges instead of the corners. */
public final boolean edgekeys;
protected Key(Corner k0, Corner k1, Corner k2, Corner k3, Corner k4, float w, float s, boolean e)
key0 = k0;
key1 = k1;
key2 = k2;
key3 = k3;
key4 = k4;
width = w;
shift = s;
edgekeys = e;
public static Key parse(XmlResourceParser parser) throws Exception
Corner k0 = Corner.parse_of_attr(parser, "key0");
Corner k1 = Corner.parse_of_attr(parser, "key1");
Corner k2 = Corner.parse_of_attr(parser, "key2");
Corner k3 = Corner.parse_of_attr(parser, "key3");
Corner k4 = Corner.parse_of_attr(parser, "key4");
float width = parser.getAttributeFloatValue(null, "width", 1f);
float shift = parser.getAttributeFloatValue(null, "shift", 0.f);
boolean edgekeys = parser.getAttributeBooleanValue(null, "edgekeys", false);
while ( != XmlResourceParser.END_TAG)
continue ;
return new Key(k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, width, shift, edgekeys);
/** New key with the width multiplied by 's'. */
public Key scaleWidth(float s)
return new Key(key0, key1, key2, key3, key4, width * s, shift, edgekeys);
public KeyValue getKeyValue(int i)
Corner c;
switch (i)
case 0: c = key0; break;
case 1: c = key1; break;
case 2: c = key2; break;
case 3: c = key3; break;
case 4: c = key4; break;
default: c = null; break;
return (c == null) ? null : c.kv;
public Key withKeyValue(int i, KeyValue kv)
Corner k0 = key0, k1 = key1, k2 = key2, k3 = key3, k4 = key4;
Corner k = Corner.of_kv(kv);
switch (i)
case 0: k0 = k; break;
case 1: k1 = k; break;
case 2: k2 = k; break;
case 3: k3 = k; break;
case 4: k4 = k; break;
return new Key(k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, width, shift, edgekeys);
* See Pointers.onTouchMove() for the represented direction.
public KeyValue getAtDirection(int direction)
Corner c = null;
if (edgekeys)
// \ 1 /
// \ /
// 3 0 2
// / \
// / 4 \
switch (direction)
case 2: case 3: c = key1; break;
case 4: case 5: c = key2; break;
case 6: case 7: c = key4; break;
case 8: case 1: c = key3; break;
// 1 | 2
// |
// --0--
// |
// 3 | 4
switch (direction)
case 1: case 2: c = key1; break;
case 3: case 4: c = key2; break;
case 5: case 6: c = key4; break;
case 7: case 8: c = key3; break;
return (c == null) ? null : c.kv;
public static final class Corner
public final KeyValue kv;
/** Whether the kv is marked with the "loc " prefix. To be removed if not
specified in the [extra_keys]. */
public final boolean localized;
protected Corner(KeyValue k, boolean l)
kv = k;
localized = l;
public static Corner parse_of_attr(XmlResourceParser parser, String attr) throws Exception
String name = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
boolean localized = false;
if (name == null)
return null;
String name_loc = stripPrefix(name, "loc ");
if (name_loc != null)
localized = true;
name = name_loc;
return new Corner(KeyValue.getKeyByName(name), localized);
public static Corner of_kv(KeyValue kv)
return new Corner(kv, false);
private static String stripPrefix(String s, String prefix)
if (s.startsWith(prefix))
return s.substring(prefix.length());
return null;
// Not using Function<KeyValue, KeyValue> to keep compatibility with Android 6.
public static abstract interface MapKey {
public Key apply(Key k);
public static abstract class MapKeyValues implements MapKey {
abstract public KeyValue apply(KeyValue c, boolean localized);
public Key apply(Key k)
return new Key(apply(k.key0), apply(k.key1), apply(k.key2),
apply(k.key3), apply(k.key4), k.width, k.shift, k.edgekeys);
private Corner apply(Corner c)
if (c == null)
return null;
KeyValue kv = apply(c.kv, c.localized);
if (kv == null)
return null;
return Corner.of_kv(kv);
/** Parsing utils */
/** Returns [false] on [END_DOCUMENT] or [END_TAG], [true] otherwise. */
private static boolean expect_tag(XmlResourceParser parser, String name) throws Exception
int status;
status =;
if (status == XmlResourceParser.END_DOCUMENT || status == XmlResourceParser.END_TAG)
return false;
while (status != XmlResourceParser.START_TAG);
if (!parser.getName().equals(name))
throw new Exception("Unknow tag: " + parser.getName());
return true;