forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
This makes possible to apply other modifiers to mapped keys and ensures that the modmap really override the shift key behavior.
1161 lines
33 KiB
1161 lines
33 KiB
package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import java.util.HashMap;
public final class KeyModifier
/** Cache key is KeyValue's name */
private static HashMap<KeyValue, HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue>> _cache =
new HashMap<KeyValue, HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue>>();
/** The optional modmap takes priority over modifiers usual behaviors. Set to
[null] to disable. */
private static KeyboardData.Modmap _modmap = null;
public static void set_modmap(KeyboardData.Modmap mm) { _modmap = mm; }
/** Modify a key according to modifiers. */
public static KeyValue modify(KeyValue k, Pointers.Modifiers mods)
if (k == null)
return null;
int n_mods = mods.size();
HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue> ks = cacheEntry(k);
KeyValue r = ks.get(mods);
if (r == null)
r = k;
/* Order: Fn, Shift, accents */
for (int i = 0; i < n_mods; i++)
r = modify(r, mods.get(i));
ks.put(mods, r);
/* Keys with an empty string are placeholder keys. */
if (r.getString().length() == 0)
return null;
return r;
public static KeyValue modify(KeyValue k, KeyValue mod)
switch (mod.getKind())
case Modifier:
return modify(k, mod.getModifier());
case Compose_pending:
return ComposeKey.apply(mod.getPendingCompose(), k);
return k;
public static KeyValue modify(KeyValue k, KeyValue.Modifier mod)
switch (mod)
case CTRL:
case ALT:
case META: return turn_into_keyevent(k);
case FN: return apply_fn(k);
case SHIFT: return apply_shift(k);
case GRAVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_grave);
case AIGU: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_aigu);
case CIRCONFLEXE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_circonflexe);
case TILDE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_tilde);
case CEDILLE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_cedille);
case TREMA: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_trema);
case CARON: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_caron);
case RING: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_ring);
case MACRON: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_macron);
case OGONEK: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_ogonek);
case DOT_ABOVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_dot_above);
case BREVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_breve);
case DOUBLE_AIGU: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_double_aigu);
case ORDINAL: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_ordinal);
case SUPERSCRIPT: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_superscript);
case SUBSCRIPT: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_subscript);
case ARROWS: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_arrows);
case BOX: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_box);
case SLASH: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_slash);
case BAR: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_bar);
case ARROW_RIGHT: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_arrow_right);
case DOT_BELOW: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_dot_below);
case HORN: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_horn);
case HOOK_ABOVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_hook_above);
default: return k;
/** Modify a key after a long press. */
public static KeyValue modify_long_press(KeyValue k)
switch (k.getKind())
case Event:
switch (k.getEvent())
return KeyValue.getKeyByName("change_method");
return KeyValue.getKeyByName("voice_typing_chooser");
return k;
public static Map_char modify_numpad_script(String numpad_script)
if (numpad_script == null)
return map_char_none;
switch (numpad_script)
case "hindu-arabic": return map_char_numpad_hindu;
case "bengali": return map_char_numpad_bengali;
case "devanagari": return map_char_numpad_devanagari;
case "persian": return map_char_numpad_persian;
case "gujarati": return map_char_numpad_gujarati;
default: return map_char_none;
private static KeyValue apply_map_char(KeyValue k, Map_char map)
switch (k.getKind())
case Char:
char kc = k.getChar();
String modified = map.apply(kc);
if (modified == null)
return k;
return KeyValue.makeStringKey(modified, k.getFlags());
default: return k;
private static KeyValue apply_shift(KeyValue k)
if (_modmap != null)
KeyValue mapped = _modmap.shift.get(k);
if (mapped != null)
return mapped;
switch (k.getKind())
case Char:
char kc = k.getChar();
char c = map_char_shift(kc);
if (kc == c)
c = Character.toUpperCase(kc);
return (kc == c) ? k : k.withChar(c);
case String:
String s = Utils.capitalize_string(k.getString());
return KeyValue.makeStringKey(s, k.getFlags());
default: return k;
private static KeyValue apply_fn(KeyValue k)
String name = null;
switch (k.getKind())
case Char: name = apply_fn_char(k.getChar()); break;
case Keyevent: name = apply_fn_keyevent(k.getKeyevent()); break;
case Event: name = apply_fn_event(k.getEvent()); break;
case Placeholder: name = apply_fn_placeholder(k.getPlaceholder()); break;
return (name == null) ? k : KeyValue.getKeyByName(name);
private static String apply_fn_keyevent(int code)
switch (code)
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: return "page_up";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: return "page_down";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: return "home";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: return "end";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE: return "insert";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB: return "\\t";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_UP:
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_END: return "removed";
default: return null;
private static String apply_fn_event(KeyValue.Event ev)
switch (ev)
case SWITCH_NUMERIC: return "switch_greekmath";
default: return null;
private static String apply_fn_placeholder(KeyValue.Placeholder p)
switch (p)
case F11: return "f11";
case F12: return "f12";
case SHINDOT: return "shindot";
case SINDOT: return "sindot";
case OLE: return "ole";
case METEG: return "meteg";
default: return null;
/** Return the name of modified key, or [null]. */
private static String apply_fn_char(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "f1";
case '2': return "f2";
case '3': return "f3";
case '4': return "f4";
case '5': return "f5";
case '6': return "f6";
case '7': return "f7";
case '8': return "f8";
case '9': return "f9";
case '0': return "f10";
case '<': return "«";
case '>': return "»";
case '{': return "‹";
case '}': return "›";
case '[': return "‘";
case ']': return "’";
case '(': return "“";
case ')': return "”";
case '\'': return "‚";
case '"': return "„";
case '-': return "–";
case '_': return "—";
case '^': return "¬";
case '%': return "‰";
case '=': return "≈";
case 'u': return "µ";
case 'a': return "æ";
case 'o': return "œ";
case '*': return "°";
case '.': return "…";
case ',': return "·";
case '!': return "¡";
case '?': return "¿";
case '|': return "¦";
case '§': return "¶";
case '†': return "‡";
case '×': return "∙";
case ' ': return "nbsp";
// arrows
case '↖': return "⇖";
case '↑': return "⇑";
case '↗': return "⇗";
case '←': return "⇐";
case '→': return "⇒";
case '↙': return "⇙";
case '↓': return "⇓";
case '↘': return "⇘";
case '↔': return "⇔";
case '↕': return "⇕";
// Currency symbols
case 'e': return "€";
case 'l': return "£";
case 'r': return "₹";
case 'y': return "¥";
case 'c': return "¢";
case 'p': return "₽";
case 'b': return "₱";
case 'h': return "₴";
case 'z': return "₿";
case '€': case '£': return "removed"; // Avoid showing these twice
// alternating greek letters
case 'π': return "ϖ";
case 'θ': return "ϑ";
case 'Θ': return "ϴ";
case 'ε': return "ϵ";
case 'β': return "ϐ";
case 'ρ': return "ϱ";
case 'σ': return "ς";
case 'γ': return "ɣ";
case 'φ': return "ϕ";
case 'υ': return "ϒ";
case 'κ': return "ϰ";
// alternating math characters
case '∪': return "⋃";
case '∩': return "⋂";
case '∃': return "∄";
case '∈': return "∉";
case '∫': return "∮";
case 'Π': return "∏";
case 'Σ': return "∑";
case '∨': return "⋁";
case '∧': return "⋀";
case '⊷': return "⊶";
case '⊂': return "⊆";
case '⊃': return "⊇";
case '±': return "∓";
// hebrew niqqud
case 'ק': return "qamats"; // kamatz
case 'ר': return "hataf_qamats"; // reduced kamatz
case 'ו': return "holam";
case 'ם': return "rafe";
case 'פ': return "patah"; // patach
case 'ש': return "sheva";
case 'ד': return "dagesh"; // or mapiq
case 'ח': return "hiriq";
case 'ף': return "hataf_patah"; // reduced patach
case 'ז': return "qubuts"; // kubuts
case 'ס': return "segol";
case 'ב': return "hataf_segol"; // reduced segol
case 'צ': return "tsere";
// Devanagari symbols
case 'ए': return "ऍ";
case 'े': return "ॅ";
case 'ऐ': return "ऎ";
case 'ै': return "ॆ";
case 'ऋ': return "ॠ";
case 'ृ': return "ॄ";
case 'ळ': return "ऴ";
case 'र': return "ऱ";
case 'क': return "क़";
case 'ख': return "ख़";
case 'ग': return "ग़";
case 'घ': return "ॻ";
case 'ढ': return "ढ़";
case 'न': return "ऩ";
case 'ड': return "ड़";
case 'ट': return "ॸ";
case 'ण': return "ॾ";
case 'फ': return "फ़";
case 'ऌ': return "ॡ";
case 'ॢ': return "ॣ";
case 'औ': return "ॵ";
case 'ौ': return "ॏ";
case 'ओ': return "ऒ";
case 'ो': return "ॊ";
case 'च': return "ॼ";
case 'ज': return "ज़";
case 'ब': return "ॿ";
case 'व': return "ॺ";
case 'य': return "य़";
case 'अ': return "ॲ";
case 'आ': return "ऑ";
case 'ा': return "ॉ";
case 'झ': return "ॹ";
case 'ई': return "ॴ";
case 'ी': return "ऻ";
case 'इ': return "ॳ";
case 'ि': return "ऺ";
case 'उ': return "ॶ";
case 'ऊ': return "ॷ";
case 'ु': return "ऄ";
case 'ष': return "क्ष";
case 'थ': return "त्र";
case 'द': return "द्र";
case 'प': return "प्र";
case 'श': return "श्र";
case 'छ': return "श्च";
case 'ँ': return "ऀ";
case '₹': return "₨";
case 'ॖ': return "ॗ";
case '॓': return "॔";
case '॰': return "ॱ";
case '।': return "॥";
case 'ं': return "ॕ";
case '़': return "ॎ";
case 'ऽ': return "ॽ";
// Persian numbers
case '۱': return "f1";
case '۲': return "f2";
case '۳': return "f3";
case '۴': return "f4";
case '۵': return "f5";
case '۶': return "f6";
case '۷': return "f7";
case '۸': return "f8";
case '۹': return "f9";
case '۰': return "f10";
// Arabic numbers
case '١': return "f1";
case '٢': return "f2";
case '٣': return "f3";
case '٤': return "f4";
case '٥': return "f5";
case '٦': return "f6";
case '٧': return "f7";
case '٨': return "f8";
case '٩': return "f9";
case '٠': return "f10";
default: return null;
private static KeyValue turn_into_keyevent(KeyValue k)
if (k.getKind() != KeyValue.Kind.Char)
return k;
int e;
switch (k.getChar())
case 'a': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A; break;
case 'b': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_B; break;
case 'c': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_C; break;
case 'd': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_D; break;
case 'e': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_E; break;
case 'f': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F; break;
case 'g': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_G; break;
case 'h': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_H; break;
case 'i': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I; break;
case 'j': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_J; break;
case 'k': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_K; break;
case 'l': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_L; break;
case 'm': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_M; break;
case 'n': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_N; break;
case 'o': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O; break;
case 'p': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_P; break;
case 'q': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Q; break;
case 'r': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_R; break;
case 's': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S; break;
case 't': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_T; break;
case 'u': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_U; break;
case 'v': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_V; break;
case 'w': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_W; break;
case 'x': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_X; break;
case 'y': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Y; break;
case 'z': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Z; break;
case '0': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0; break;
case '1': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1; break;
case '2': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_2; break;
case '3': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_3; break;
case '4': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_4; break;
case '5': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_5; break;
case '6': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_6; break;
case '7': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_7; break;
case '8': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_8; break;
case '9': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9; break;
case '`': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GRAVE; break;
case '-': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MINUS; break;
case '=': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_EQUALS; break;
case '[': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET; break;
case ']': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET; break;
case '\\': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACKSLASH; break;
case ';': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEMICOLON; break;
case '\'': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE; break;
case '/': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SLASH; break;
case '@': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_AT; break;
case '+': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PLUS; break;
case ',': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_COMMA; break;
case '.': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PERIOD; break;
case '*': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STAR; break;
case '#': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POUND; break;
case '(': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN; break;
case ')': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PAREN; break;
case ' ': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE; break;
default: return k;
return k.withKeyevent(e);
/* Lookup the cache entry for a key. Create it needed. */
private static HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue> cacheEntry(KeyValue k)
HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue> ks = _cache.get(k);
if (ks == null)
ks = new HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue>();
_cache.put(k, ks);
return ks;
public static abstract class Map_char
/** Modify a char or return [null] if the modifier do not apply. Return a
[String] that can contains combining diacritics. */
public abstract String apply(char c);
private static final Map_char map_char_none =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char _c) { return null; }
private static char map_char_shift(char c)
switch (c)
case '↙': return '⇙';
case '↓': return '⇓';
case '↘': return '⇘';
case '←': return '⇐';
case '→': return '⇒';
case '↖': return '⇖';
case '↑': return '⇑';
case '↗': return '⇗';
case '└': return '╚';
case '┴': return '╩';
case '┘': return '╝';
case '├': return '╠';
case '┼': return '╬';
case '┤': return '╣';
case '┌': return '╔';
case '┬': return '╦';
case '┐': return '╗';
case '─': return '═';
case '│': return '║';
case 'ß': return 'ẞ';
/* In Turkish, upper case of 'iı' is 'İI' but Java's toUpperCase will
return 'II'. To make 'İ' accessible, make it the shift of 'ı'. This
has the inconvenient of swapping i and ı on the keyboard. */
case 'ı': return 'İ';
case '₹': return '₨';
// Gujarati alternate characters
case 'અ': return 'આ';
case 'ઇ': return 'ઈ';
case 'િ': return 'ી';
case 'ઉ': return 'ઊ';
case 'ુ': return 'ૂ';
case 'એ': return 'ઐ';
case 'ે': return 'ૈ';
case 'ઓ': return 'ઔ';
case 'ો': return 'ૌ';
case 'ક': return 'ખ';
case 'ગ': return 'ઘ';
case 'ચ': return 'છ';
case 'જ': return 'ઝ';
case 'ટ': return 'ઠ';
case 'ડ': return 'ઢ';
case 'ન': return 'ણ';
case 'ત': return 'થ';
case 'દ': return 'ધ';
case 'પ': return 'ફ';
case 'બ': return 'ભ';
case 'મ': return 'ં';
case 'લ': return 'ળ';
case 'સ': return 'શ';
case 'હ': return 'ઃ';
default: return c;
/** Return [null] if the dead char do not apply. */
private static String map_dead_char(char c, char dead_char)
char modified = (char)KeyCharacterMap.getDeadChar(dead_char, c);
return (modified == 0 || modified == c) ? null : String.valueOf(modified);
private static final Map_char map_char_aigu =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "á";
case 'e': return "é";
case 'i': return "í";
case 'l': return "ĺ";
case 'o': return "ó";
case 'r': return "ŕ";
case 's': return "ś";
case 'u': return "ú";
case 'y': return "ý";
// Combining diacritic
case 'j':
// Russian vowels
case 'у': case 'е': case 'а': case 'о': case 'и':
case 'ы': case 'э': case 'ю': case 'я':
return c + "\u0301";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00B4');
private static final Map_char map_char_caron =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'c': return "č";
case 'd': return "ď";
case 'e': return "ě";
case 'l': return "ľ";
case 'n': return "ň";
case 'r': return "ř";
case 's': return "š";
case 't': return "ť";
case 'z': return "ž";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02C7');
private static final Map_char map_char_cedille =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'c': return "ç";
case 's': return "ş";
case 'g': return "ģ";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00B8');
private static final Map_char map_char_circonflexe =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "â";
case 'e': return "ê";
case 'i': return "î";
case 'o': return "ô";
case 'u': return "û";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02C6');
private static final Map_char map_char_dot_above =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'ė': return "ė";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02D9');
private static final Map_char map_char_grave =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "à";
case 'e': return "è";
case 'i': return "ì";
case 'o': return "ò";
case 'u': return "ù";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02CB');
private static final Map_char map_char_macron =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ā";
case 'e': return "ē";
case 'i': return "ī";
case 'u': return "ū";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00AF');
private static final Map_char map_char_ogonek =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ą";
case 'e': return "ę";
case 'i': return "į";
case 'k': return "ķ";
case 'l': return "ļ";
case 'n': return "ņ";
case 'u': return "ų";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02DB');
private static final Map_char map_char_ring =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "å";
case 'u': return "ů";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02DA');
private static final Map_char map_char_tilde =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ã";
case 'o': return "õ";
case 'n': return "ñ";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02DC');
private static final Map_char map_char_trema =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ä";
case 'e': return "ë";
case 'i': return "ï";
case 'o': return "ö";
case 'u': return "ü";
case 'y': return "ÿ";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00A8');
private static final Map_char map_char_breve =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02D8');
private static final Map_char map_char_double_aigu =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'o': return "ő";
case 'u': return "ű";
case ' ': return "˝";
// Combining diacritic
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'm':
case 'y':
return c + "\u030b";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_ordinal =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ª";
case 'o': return "º";
case '1': return "ª";
case '2': return "º";
case '3': return "ⁿ";
case '4': return "ᵈ";
case '5': return "ᵉ";
case '6': return "ʳ";
case '7': return "ˢ";
case '8': return "ᵗ";
case '9': return "ʰ";
case '*': return "°";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_superscript =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "¹";
case '2': return "²";
case '3': return "³";
case '4': return "⁴";
case '5': return "⁵";
case '6': return "⁶";
case '7': return "⁷";
case '8': return "⁸";
case '9': return "⁹";
case '0': return "⁰";
case '+': return "⁺";
case '-': return "⁻";
case '=': return "⁼";
case '(': return "⁽";
case ')': return "⁾";
case 'a': return "ᵃ";
case 'b': return "ᵇ";
case 'c': return "ᶜ";
case 'd': return "ᵈ";
case 'e': return "ᵉ";
case 'f': return "ᶠ";
case 'g': return "ᵍ";
case 'h': return "ʰ";
case 'i': return "ⁱ";
case 'j': return "ʲ";
case 'k': return "ᵏ";
case 'l': return "ˡ";
case 'm': return "ᵐ";
case 'n': return "ⁿ";
case 'o': return "ᵒ";
case 'p': return "ᵖ";
case 'r': return "ʳ";
case 's': return "ˢ";
case 't': return "ᵗ";
case 'u': return "ᵘ";
case 'v': return "ᵛ";
case 'w': return "ʷ";
case 'x': return "ˣ";
case 'y': return "ʸ";
case 'z': return "ᶻ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_subscript =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "₁";
case '2': return "₂";
case '3': return "₃";
case '4': return "₄";
case '5': return "₅";
case '6': return "₆";
case '7': return "₇";
case '8': return "₈";
case '9': return "₉";
case '0': return "₀";
case '+': return "₊";
case '-': return "₋";
case '=': return "₌";
case '(': return "₍";
case ')': return "₎";
case 'a': return "ₐ";
case 'e': return "ₑ";
case 'h': return "ₕ";
case 'i': return "ᵢ";
case 'j': return "ⱼ";
case 'k': return "ₖ";
case 'l': return "ₗ";
case 'm': return "ₘ";
case 'n': return "ₙ";
case 'o': return "ₒ";
case 'p': return "ₚ";
case 'r': return "ᵣ";
case 's': return "ₛ";
case 't': return "ₜ";
case 'u': return "ᵤ";
case 'v': return "ᵥ";
case 'x': return "ₓ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_arrows =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "↙";
case '2': return "↓";
case '3': return "↘";
case '4': return "←";
case '6': return "→";
case '7': return "↖";
case '8': return "↑";
case '9': return "↗";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_arrow_right =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
default: return c + "\u20D7";
private static final Map_char map_char_box =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "└";
case '2': return "┴";
case '3': return "┘";
case '4': return "├";
case '5': return "┼";
case '6': return "┤";
case '7': return "┌";
case '8': return "┬";
case '9': return "┐";
case '0': return "─";
case '.': return "│";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_slash =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ⱥ";
case 'b': return "␢";
case 'c': return "ȼ";
case 'e': return "ɇ";
case 'g': return "ꞡ";
case 'k': return "ꝃ";
case 'l': return "ł";
case 'n': return "ꞥ";
case 'o': return "ø";
case 'r': return "ꞧ";
case 's': return "ꞩ";
case 't': return "ⱦ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_bar =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'b': return "ƀ";
case 'c': return "ꞓ";
case 'd': return "đ";
case 'g': return "ǥ";
case 'i': return "ɨ";
case 'j': return "ɉ";
case 'k': return "ꝁ";
case 'l': return "ƚ";
case 'o': return "ɵ";
case 'p': return "ᵽ";
case 'q': return "ꝗ";
case 'r': return "ɍ";
case 't': return "ŧ";
case 'u': return "ʉ";
case 'y': return "ɏ";
case 'z': return "ƶ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_dot_below =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ạ";
case 'ă': return "ặ";
case 'â': return "ậ";
case 'e': return "ẹ";
case 'ê': return "ệ";
case 'i': return "ị";
case 'o': return "ọ";
case 'ô': return "ộ";
case 'ơ': return "ợ";
case 'u': return "ụ";
case 'ư': return "ự";
case 'y': return "ỵ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_horn =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'o': return "ơ";
case 'ó': return "ớ";
case 'ò': return "ờ";
case 'ỏ': return "ở";
case 'õ': return "ỡ";
case 'ọ': return "ợ";
case 'u': return "ư";
case 'ú': return "ứ";
case 'ù': return "ừ";
case 'ủ': return "ử";
case 'ũ': return "ữ";
case 'ụ': return "ự";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_hook_above =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ả";
case 'ă': return "ẳ";
case 'â': return "ẩ";
case 'e': return "ẻ";
case 'ê': return "ể";
case 'i': return "ỉ";
case 'o': return "ỏ";
case 'ô': return "ổ";
case 'ơ': return "ở";
case 'u': return "ủ";
case 'ư': return "ử";
case 'y': return "ỷ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_hindu =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "٠";
case '1': return "١";
case '2': return "٢";
case '3': return "٣";
case '4': return "٤";
case '5': return "٥";
case '6': return "٦";
case '7': return "٧";
case '8': return "٨";
case '9': return "٩";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_bengali =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "০";
case '1': return "১";
case '2': return "২";
case '3': return "৩";
case '4': return "৪";
case '5': return "৫";
case '6': return "৬";
case '7': return "৭";
case '8': return "৮";
case '9': return "৯";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_devanagari =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "०";
case '1': return "१";
case '2': return "२";
case '3': return "३";
case '4': return "४";
case '5': return "५";
case '6': return "६";
case '7': return "७";
case '8': return "८";
case '9': return "९";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_persian =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "۰";
case '1': return "۱";
case '2': return "۲";
case '3': return "۳";
case '4': return "۴";
case '5': return "۵";
case '6': return "۶";
case '7': return "۷";
case '8': return "۸";
case '9': return "۹";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_gujarati =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "૦";
case '1': return "૧";
case '2': return "૨";
case '3': return "૩";
case '4': return "૪";
case '5': return "૫";
case '6': return "૬";
case '7': return "૭";
case '8': return "૮";
case '9': return "૯";
default: return null;