forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
This new attribute is now used instead of 'script' for modifying the numpad according to the selected layout's script. If not provided, it defaults to the value of 'script'.
645 lines
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645 lines
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package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.util.Xml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
class KeyboardData
public final List<Row> rows;
/** Total width of the keyboard. */
public final float keysWidth;
/** Total height of the keyboard. */
public final float keysHeight;
/** Might be null. */
public final Modmap modmap;
/** Might be null. */
public final String script;
/** Might be different from [script]. Might be null. */
public final String numpad_script;
/** Position of every keys on the layout, see [getKeys()]. */
private Map<KeyValue, KeyPos> _key_pos = null;
public KeyboardData mapKeys(MapKey f)
ArrayList<Row> rows_ = new ArrayList<Row>();
for (Row r : rows)
return new KeyboardData(this, rows_);
/** Add keys from the given iterator into the keyboard. Preferred position is
specified via [PreferredPos]. */
public KeyboardData addExtraKeys(Iterator<Map.Entry<KeyValue, PreferredPos>> extra_keys)
/* Keys that couldn't be placed at their preferred position. */
ArrayList<KeyValue> unplaced_keys = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(this.rows);
while (extra_keys.hasNext())
Map.Entry<KeyValue, PreferredPos> kp =;
if (!add_key_to_preferred_pos(rows, kp.getKey(), kp.getValue()))
for (KeyValue kv : unplaced_keys)
add_key_to_preferred_pos(rows, kv, PreferredPos.ANYWHERE);
return new KeyboardData(this, rows);
/** Place a key on the keyboard according to its preferred position. Mutates
[rows]. Returns [false] if it couldn't be placed. */
boolean add_key_to_preferred_pos(List<Row> rows, KeyValue kv, PreferredPos pos)
if (pos.next_to != null)
KeyPos next_to_pos = getKeys().get(pos.next_to);
if (next_to_pos != null
&& add_key_to_pos(rows, kv, next_to_pos.with_dir(-1)))
return true;
for (KeyPos p : pos.positions)
if (add_key_to_pos(rows, kv, p))
return true;
return false;
/** Place a key on the keyboard. A value of [-1] in one of the coordinate
means that the key can be placed anywhere in that coordinate, see
[PreferredPos]. Mutates [rows]. Returns [false] if it couldn't be placed.
boolean add_key_to_pos(List<Row> rows, KeyValue kv, KeyPos p)
int i_row = p.row;
int i_row_end = p.row;
if (p.row == -1) { i_row = 0; i_row_end = rows.size() - 1; }
for (; i_row <= i_row_end; i_row++)
Row row = rows.get(i_row);
int i_col = p.col;
int i_col_end = p.col;
if (p.col == -1) { i_col = 0; i_col_end = row.keys.size() - 1; }
for (; i_col <= i_col_end; i_col++)
Key col = row.keys.get(i_col);
int i_dir = p.dir;
int i_dir_end = p.dir;
if (p.dir == -1) { i_dir = 1; i_dir_end = 4; }
for (; i_dir <= i_dir_end; i_dir++)
if (col.getKeyValue(i_dir) == null)
row.keys.set(i_col, col.withKeyValue(i_dir, kv));
return true;
return false;
public KeyboardData addNumPad(KeyboardData num_pad)
ArrayList<Row> extendedRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
Iterator<Row> iterNumPadRows = num_pad.rows.iterator();
for (Row row : rows)
ArrayList<KeyboardData.Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>(row.keys);
if (iterNumPadRows.hasNext())
Row numPadRow =;
List<Key> nps = numPadRow.keys;
if (nps.size() > 0) {
float firstNumPadShift = 0.5f + keysWidth - row.keysWidth;
for (int i = 1; i < nps.size(); i++)
extendedRows.add(new Row(keys, row.height, row.shift));
return new KeyboardData(this, extendedRows);
public KeyboardData addNumberRow()
ArrayList<Row> rows_ = new ArrayList<Row>(this.rows);
rows_.add(0, number_row.updateWidth(keysWidth));
return new KeyboardData(this, rows_);
public Key findKeyWithValue(KeyValue kv)
KeyPos pos = getKeys().get(kv);
if (pos == null || pos.row >= rows.size())
return null;
return rows.get(pos.row).get_key_at_pos(pos);
/** This is computed once and cached. */
public Map<KeyValue, KeyPos> getKeys()
if (_key_pos == null)
_key_pos = new HashMap<KeyValue, KeyPos>();
for (int r = 0; r < rows.size(); r++)
rows.get(r).getKeys(_key_pos, r);
return _key_pos;
public static Row bottom_row;
public static Row number_row;
public static KeyboardData num_pad;
private static Map<Integer, KeyboardData> _layoutCache = new HashMap<Integer, KeyboardData>();
public static void init(Resources res)
bottom_row = parse_row(res.getXml(R.xml.bottom_row));
number_row = parse_row(res.getXml(R.xml.number_row));
num_pad = parse_keyboard(res.getXml(R.xml.numpad));
catch (Exception e)
/** Load a layout from a resource ID. Returns [null] on error. */
public static KeyboardData load(Resources res, int id)
KeyboardData l = _layoutCache.get(id);
if (l == null)
XmlResourceParser parser = res.getXml(id);
l = parse_keyboard(parser);
_layoutCache.put(id, l);
catch (Exception e)
return l;
/** Load a layout from a string. Returns [null] on error. */
public static KeyboardData load_string(String src)
return load_string_exn(src);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
/** Like [load_string] but throws an exception on error and do not return
[null]. */
public static KeyboardData load_string_exn(String src) throws Exception
XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();
parser.setInput(new StringReader(src));
return parse_keyboard(parser);
private static KeyboardData parse_keyboard(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
if (!expect_tag(parser, "keyboard"))
throw error(parser, "Expected tag <keyboard>");
boolean add_bottom_row = attribute_bool(parser, "bottom_row", true);
float specified_kw = attribute_float(parser, "width", 0f);
String script = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "script");
String numpad_script = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "numpad_script");
if (numpad_script == null)
numpad_script = script;
ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>();
Modmap modmap = null;
while (next_tag(parser))
switch (parser.getName())
case "row":
case "modmap":
modmap = Modmap.parse(parser);
throw error(parser, "Expecting tag <row>, got <" + parser.getName() + ">");
float kw = (specified_kw != 0f) ? specified_kw : compute_max_width(rows);
if (add_bottom_row)
return new KeyboardData(rows, kw, modmap, script, numpad_script);
private static float compute_max_width(List<Row> rows)
float w = 0.f;
for (Row r : rows)
w = Math.max(w, r.keysWidth);
return w;
private static Row parse_row(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
if (!expect_tag(parser, "row"))
throw error(parser, "Expected tag <row>");
return Row.parse(parser);
protected KeyboardData(List<Row> rows_, float kw, Modmap mm, String sc, String npsc)
float kh = 0.f;
for (Row r : rows_)
kh += r.height + r.shift;
rows = rows_;
modmap = mm;
script = sc;
numpad_script = npsc;
keysWidth = kw;
keysHeight = kh;
/** Copies the fields of an other keyboard, with rows changed. */
protected KeyboardData(KeyboardData src, List<Row> rows)
this(rows, compute_max_width(rows), src.modmap, src.script, src.numpad_script);
public static class Row
public final List<Key> keys;
/** Height of the row, without 'shift'. */
public final float height;
/** Extra empty space on the top. */
public final float shift;
/** Total width of the row. */
public final float keysWidth;
protected Row(List<Key> keys_, float h, float s)
float kw = 0.f;
for (Key k : keys_) kw += k.width + k.shift;
keys = keys_;
height = h;
shift = s;
keysWidth = kw;
public static Row parse(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
int status;
float h = attribute_float(parser, "height", 1f);
float shift = attribute_float(parser, "shift", 0f);
while (expect_tag(parser, "key"))
return new Row(keys, h, shift);
public Row copy()
return new Row(new ArrayList<Key>(keys), height, shift);
public void getKeys(Map<KeyValue, KeyPos> dst, int row)
for (int c = 0; c < keys.size(); c++)
keys.get(c).getKeys(dst, row, c);
public Map<KeyValue, KeyPos> getKeys(int row)
Map<KeyValue, KeyPos> dst = new HashMap<KeyValue, KeyPos>();
getKeys(dst, row);
return dst;
public Row mapKeys(MapKey f)
ArrayList<Key> keys_ = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Key k : keys)
return new Row(keys_, height, shift);
/** Change the width of every keys so that the row is 's' units wide. */
public Row updateWidth(float newWidth)
final float s = newWidth / keysWidth;
return mapKeys(new MapKey(){
public Key apply(Key k) { return k.scaleWidth(s); }
public Key get_key_at_pos(KeyPos pos)
if (pos.col >= keys.size())
return null;
return keys.get(pos.col);
public static class Key
* 1 7 2
* 5 0 6
* 3 8 4
public final KeyValue[] keys;
/** Pack flags for every key values. Flags are: [F_LOC]. */
private final int keysflags;
/** Key width in relative unit. */
public final float width;
/** Extra empty space on the left of the key. */
public final float shift;
/** Keys 2 and 3 are repeated as the finger moves laterally on the key.
Used for the left and right arrow keys on the space bar. */
public final boolean slider;
/** String printed on the keys. It has no other effect. */
public final String indication;
/** Whether a key was declared with the 'loc' prefix. */
public static final int F_LOC = 1;
public static final int ALL_FLAGS = F_LOC;
protected Key(KeyValue[] ks, int f, float w, float s, boolean sl, String i)
keys = ks;
keysflags = f;
width = w;
shift = s;
slider = sl;
indication = i;
/** Write the parsed key into [ks] at [index]. Doesn't write if the
attribute is not present. Return flags that can be aggregated into the
value for [keysflags]. */
static int parse_key_attr(XmlPullParser parser, String attr, KeyValue[] ks,
int index)
throws Exception
String name = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
int flags = 0;
if (name == null)
return 0;
String name_loc = stripPrefix(name, "loc ");
if (name_loc != null)
flags |= F_LOC;
name = name_loc;
ks[index] = KeyValue.getKeyByName(name);
return (flags << index);
static String stripPrefix(String s, String prefix)
return s.startsWith(prefix) ? s.substring(prefix.length()) : null;
public static Key parse(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
KeyValue[] ks = new KeyValue[9];
int keysflags = 0;
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key0", ks, 0);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key1", ks, 1);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key2", ks, 2);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key3", ks, 3);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key4", ks, 4);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key5", ks, 5);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key6", ks, 6);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key7", ks, 7);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key8", ks, 8);
float width = attribute_float(parser, "width", 1f);
float shift = attribute_float(parser, "shift", 0.f);
boolean slider = attribute_bool(parser, "slider", false);
String indication = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "indication");
while ( != XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
return new Key(ks, keysflags, width, shift, slider, indication);
/** Whether key at [index] as [flag]. */
public boolean keyHasFlag(int index, int flag)
return (keysflags & (flag << index)) != 0;
/** New key with the width multiplied by 's'. */
public Key scaleWidth(float s)
return new Key(keys, keysflags, width * s, shift, slider, indication);
public void getKeys(Map<KeyValue, KeyPos> dst, int row, int col)
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (keys[i] != null)
dst.put(keys[i], new KeyPos(row, col, i));
public KeyValue getKeyValue(int i)
return keys[i];
public Key withKeyValue(int i, KeyValue kv)
KeyValue[] ks = new KeyValue[keys.length];
for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) ks[j] = keys[j];
ks[i] = kv;
int flags = (keysflags & ~(ALL_FLAGS << i));
return new Key(ks, flags, width, shift, slider, indication);
public Key withShift(float s)
return new Key(keys, keysflags, width, s, slider, indication);
public boolean hasValue(KeyValue kv)
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (keys[i] != null && keys[i].equals(kv))
return true;
return false;
// Not using Function<KeyValue, KeyValue> to keep compatibility with Android 6.
public static abstract interface MapKey {
public Key apply(Key k);
public static abstract class MapKeyValues implements MapKey {
abstract public KeyValue apply(KeyValue c, boolean localized);
public Key apply(Key k)
KeyValue[] ks = new KeyValue[k.keys.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ks.length; i++)
if (k.keys[i] != null)
ks[i] = apply(k.keys[i], k.keyHasFlag(i, Key.F_LOC));
return new Key(ks, k.keysflags, k.width, k.shift, k.slider, k.indication);
public static class Modmap
public final Map<KeyValue, KeyValue> shift;
public Modmap(Map<KeyValue, KeyValue> s)
shift = s;
public static Modmap parse(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
HashMap<KeyValue, KeyValue> shift = new HashMap<KeyValue, KeyValue>();
while (expect_tag(parser, "shift"))
parse_mapping(parser, shift);
return new Modmap(shift);
private static void parse_mapping(XmlPullParser parser, Map<KeyValue, KeyValue> dst) throws Exception
KeyValue a = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "a"));
KeyValue b = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "b"));
while ( != XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
dst.put(a, b);
/** Position of a key on the layout. */
public final static class KeyPos
public final int row;
public final int col;
public final int dir;
public KeyPos(int r, int c, int d)
row = r;
col = c;
dir = d;
public KeyPos with_dir(int d)
return new KeyPos(row, col, d);
/** See [addExtraKeys()]. */
public final static class PreferredPos
public static final PreferredPos DEFAULT;
public static final PreferredPos ANYWHERE;
/** Prefer the free position on the same keyboard key as the specified key.
Considered before [positions]. Might be [null]. */
public KeyValue next_to = null;
/** Array of positions to try in order. The special value [-1] as [row],
[col] or [dir] means that the field is unspecified. Every possible
values are tried for unspecified fields. Unspecified fields are
searched in this order: [dir], [col], [row]. */
public KeyPos[] positions = ANYWHERE_POSITIONS;
public PreferredPos() {}
public PreferredPos(PreferredPos src)
next_to = src.next_to;
positions = src.positions;
static final KeyPos[] ANYWHERE_POSITIONS =
new KeyPos[]{ new KeyPos(-1, -1, -1) };
DEFAULT = new PreferredPos();
DEFAULT.positions = new KeyPos[]{
new KeyPos(1, -1, 4),
new KeyPos(1, -1, 3),
new KeyPos(2, -1, 2),
new KeyPos(2, -1, 1)
ANYWHERE = new PreferredPos();
/** Parsing utils */
/** Returns [false] on [END_DOCUMENT] or [END_TAG], [true] otherwise. */
private static boolean next_tag(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
int status;
status =;
if (status == XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT || status == XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
return false;
while (status != XmlPullParser.START_TAG);
return true;
/** Returns [false] on [END_DOCUMENT] or [END_TAG], [true] otherwise. */
private static boolean expect_tag(XmlPullParser parser, String name) throws Exception
if (!next_tag(parser))
return false;
if (!parser.getName().equals(name))
throw error(parser, "Expecting tag <" + name + ">, got <" +
parser.getName() + ">");
return true;
private static boolean attribute_bool(XmlPullParser parser, String attr, boolean default_val)
String val = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
if (val == null)
return default_val;
return val.equals("true");
private static float attribute_float(XmlPullParser parser, String attr, float default_val)
String val = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
if (val == null)
return default_val;
return Float.parseFloat(val);
/** Construct a parsing error. */
private static Exception error(XmlPullParser parser, String message)
return new Exception(message + " " + parser.getPositionDescription());