ArenaL5 743f6cbc91 Add dead macron to Spanish layout
This is only to make this layout more similar to the default English layout.
Macrons are not actually used in any language spoken in Spain, but they
appear to be used in some varieties of Nahuatl?

Also added C-cedilla to the N-tilde key. Even if both C-cedilla and N-tilde
are redundant in this keyboard, both letters are a staple of Spain keyboards,
and Spaniards are used to have a dedicated key for C-cedilla in PC keyboards.
2022-03-21 00:39:40 +01:00

39 lines
1.4 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<key key0="q" key1="esc" key2="1" key3="~" key4="!"/>
<key key0="w" key2="2" key3="\@"/>
<key key0="e" key2="3" key3="\#" key4="€"/>
<key key0="r" key2="4" key3="$"/>
<key key0="t" key2="5" key3="%"/>
<key key0="y" key2="6" key3="^"/>
<key key0="u" key2="7" key3="&amp;"/>
<key key0="i" key2="8" key3="*"/>
<key key0="o" key1="accent_macron" key2="9" key3="(" key4=")"/>
<key key0="p" key2="0" key3="f11_placeholder" key4="f12_placeholder"/>
<key key0="a" key2="`" key3="tab" key4="¡"/>
<key key0="s" key1="accent_ring" key3="ß"/>
<key key0="d" key1="accent_grave" key2="£" key3="accent_aigu"/>
<key key0="f"/>
<key key0="g" key1="accent_caron" key2="-" key3="_"/>
<key key0="h" key2="=" key3="+"/>
<key key0="j" key1="accent_trema" key2="accent_circonflexe" key4="}" key3="{"/>
<key key0="k" key3="[" key4="]"/>
<key key0="l" key2="|" key3="\\"/>
<key key0="ñ" key3="ç" />
<key width="1.5" key0="shift"/>
<key key0="z"/>
<key key0="x"/>
<key key0="c" key1="accent_cedille" key2="&lt;" key3="."/>
<key key0="v" key2="&gt;" key3=","/>
<key key0="b" key2="\?" key3="/" key4="¿"/>
<key key0="n" key1="accent_tilde" key2=":" key3=";"/>
<key key0="m" key2="&quot;" key3="'"/>
<key width="1.5" key0="backspace" key2="delete"/>