forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
The key enable caps lock immediately. It does nothing if caps lock is already enabled. It is not present on the keyboard by default but a place is defined on every layout, top-right of the shift key. It can be enabled in the settings. The icon is from
48 lines
2.0 KiB
48 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<keyboard bottom_row="false" extra_keys="false">
<key key0="θ" key2="^"/>
<key key0="δ" key1="⌊" key2="∨" key3="↔" key4="⊂"/>
<key key0="ϛ" key1="⌋" key2="∧" key3="↑" key4="⊃"/>
<key key0="α" key1="⌈" key2="⊥" key3="↕" key4="∀"/>
<key key0="ξ" key1="⌉" key2="∡" key4="⊷"/>
<key key0="π" key1="∥" key3="≪" key4="7"/>
<key key0="ψ" key1="⌀" key2="⟨" key3="≡" key4="8"/>
<key key0="λ" key1="∞" key2="⟩" key3="≫" key4="9"/>
<key key0="μ" key1="∝" key3="□" key4="f11_placeholder"/>
<key key0="ω" key1="∅" key3="∘" key4="f12_placeholder"/>
<key key0="χ" key4="ℂ"/>
<key key0="τ" key3="←" key4="∂"/>
<key key0="ι" key3="↓" key4="∫"/>
<key key0="ε" key3="→" key4="∃"/>
<key key0="ο" key4="∈"/>
<key key0="β" key1="⊕" key4="4"/>
<key key0="ν" key1="⊖" key3="ℕ" key4="5"/>
<key key0="ρ" key1="⊙" key3="ℝ" key4="6"/>
<key key0="σ" key1="⊗"/>
<key key0="γ" key1="⌀"/>
<key width="1.5" key0="shift" key2="loc capslock"/>
<key key0="φ" key3="⇌" key4="√"/>
<key key0="η" key3="accent_arrow_right" key4="∪"/>
<key key0="ϡ" key4="∩"/>
<key key0="υ" key3="∇" key4="ℵ"/>
<key key0="ζ" key1="≤" key3="ℤ" key4="1"/>
<key key0="Ϟ" key1="≠" key3="ℚ" key4="2"/>
<key key0="κ" key1="≥" key3="×" key4="3"/>
<key width="1.5" key0="backspace" key3="delete"/>
<row height="0.95">
<key width="1.2" key0="switch_text" key2="esc"/>
<key width="1.2" key0="switch_numeric" key2="tab"/>
<key width="1.2" key0="fn"/>
<key width="2.8" key0="space" key1="superscript" key3="subscript"/>
<key width="1.2" key0="0" key2="."/>
<key width="1.2" key1="up" key2="right" key3="left" key4="down" edgekeys="true"/>
<key width="1.2" key0="enter" key1="=" key2="action"/>