forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
* Make slider speed independent from swipe distance Swipe distances other than the default resulted in a slider that were not easy to control. * refactor: Add class Pointers.Sliding It holds the states and the code needed to make the slider work. 'Pointer.sliding' is set to [null] when sliding is not in progress. The implementation is changed not to depend on [downX] and [dx] but instead use the pointer's [x] coordinate directly. * Move the cursor further for faster slides In sliding mode, compute the speed of the pointer and use it to increase at which the cursor moves. * refactor: Separate kind for cursor movement keys This allows to define a key that moves the cursor more than one position at a time. This will be used to avoid lag during fast slider movements. * Reduce lag when sliding quickly on the spacebar Avoid sending key events in a loop while sliding quickly in a cursor movement key. Key of kind Cursor_move are "multiplied", meaning a single key event represents a movement of more than one position, reducing the number of key events sent. This is only for cursor move keys.
486 lines
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486 lines
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package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import juloo.keyboard2.prefs.CustomExtraKeysPreference;
import juloo.keyboard2.prefs.ExtraKeysPreference;
import juloo.keyboard2.prefs.LayoutsPreference;
public final class Config
private final SharedPreferences _prefs;
// From resources
public final float marginTop;
public final float keyPadding;
public final float labelTextSize;
public final float sublabelTextSize;
// From preferences
/** [null] represent the [system] layout. */
public List<KeyboardData> layouts;
public boolean show_numpad = false;
// From the 'numpad_layout' option, also apply to the numeric pane.
public boolean inverse_numpad = false;
public boolean number_row;
public float swipe_dist_px;
public float slide_step_px;
// Let the system handle vibration when false.
public boolean vibrate_custom;
// Control the vibration if [vibrate_custom] is true.
public long vibrate_duration;
public long longPressTimeout;
public long longPressInterval;
public float margin_bottom;
public float keyHeight;
public float horizontal_margin;
public float key_vertical_margin;
public float key_horizontal_margin;
public int labelBrightness; // 0 - 255
public int keyboardOpacity; // 0 - 255
public float customBorderRadius; // 0 - 1
public float customBorderLineWidth; // dp
public int keyOpacity; // 0 - 255
public int keyActivatedOpacity; // 0 - 255
public boolean double_tap_lock_shift;
public float characterSize; // Ratio
public int theme; // Values are*
public boolean autocapitalisation;
public boolean switch_input_immediate;
public boolean pin_entry_enabled;
public boolean borderConfig;
// Dynamically set
public boolean shouldOfferVoiceTyping;
public String actionLabel; // Might be 'null'
public int actionId; // Meaningful only when 'actionLabel' isn't 'null'
public boolean swapEnterActionKey; // Swap the "enter" and "action" keys
public ExtraKeys extra_keys_subtype;
public Map<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos> extra_keys_param;
public Map<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos> extra_keys_custom;
public final IKeyEventHandler handler;
public boolean orientation_landscape = false;
/** Index in 'layouts' of the currently used layout. See
[get_current_layout()] and [set_current_layout()]. */
int current_layout_portrait;
int current_layout_landscape;
private Config(SharedPreferences prefs, Resources res, IKeyEventHandler h)
_prefs = prefs;
// static values
marginTop = res.getDimension(R.dimen.margin_top);
keyPadding = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_padding);
labelTextSize = 0.33f;
sublabelTextSize = 0.22f;
// from prefs
// initialized later
shouldOfferVoiceTyping = false;
actionLabel = null;
actionId = 0;
swapEnterActionKey = false;
extra_keys_subtype = null;
handler = h;
** Reload prefs
public void refresh(Resources res)
DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics();
orientation_landscape = res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
// The height of the keyboard is relative to the height of the screen.
// This is the height of the keyboard if it have 4 rows.
int keyboardHeightPercent;
float characterSizeScale = 1.f;
String show_numpad_s = _prefs.getString("show_numpad", "never");
show_numpad = "always".equals(show_numpad_s);
if (orientation_landscape)
if ("landscape".equals(show_numpad_s))
show_numpad = true;
keyboardHeightPercent = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_height_landscape", 50);
characterSizeScale = 1.25f;
keyboardHeightPercent = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_height", 35);
layouts = LayoutsPreference.load_from_preferences(res, _prefs);
inverse_numpad = _prefs.getString("numpad_layout", "default").equals("low_first");
number_row = _prefs.getBoolean("number_row", false);
// The baseline for the swipe distance correspond to approximately the
// width of a key in portrait mode, as most layouts have 10 columns.
// Multipled by the DPI ratio because most swipes are made in the diagonals.
// The option value uses an unnamed scale where the baseline is around 25.
float dpi_ratio = Math.max(dm.xdpi, dm.ydpi) / Math.min(dm.xdpi, dm.ydpi);
float swipe_scaling = Math.min(dm.widthPixels, dm.heightPixels) / 10.f * dpi_ratio;
float swipe_dist_value = Float.valueOf(_prefs.getString("swipe_dist", "15"));
swipe_dist_px = swipe_dist_value / 25.f * swipe_scaling;
slide_step_px = 0.2f * swipe_scaling;
vibrate_custom = _prefs.getBoolean("vibrate_custom", false);
vibrate_duration = _prefs.getInt("vibrate_duration", 20);
longPressTimeout = _prefs.getInt("longpress_timeout", 600);
longPressInterval = _prefs.getInt("longpress_interval", 65);
margin_bottom = get_dip_pref_oriented(dm, "margin_bottom", 7, 3);
key_vertical_margin = get_dip_pref(dm, "key_vertical_margin", 1.5f) / 100;
key_horizontal_margin = get_dip_pref(dm, "key_horizontal_margin", 2) / 100;
// Label brightness is used as the alpha channel
labelBrightness = _prefs.getInt("label_brightness", 100) * 255 / 100;
// Keyboard opacity
keyboardOpacity = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100;
keyOpacity = _prefs.getInt("key_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100;
keyActivatedOpacity = _prefs.getInt("key_activated_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100;
// keyboard border settings
borderConfig = _prefs.getBoolean("border_config", false);
customBorderRadius = _prefs.getInt("custom_border_radius", 0) / 100.f;
customBorderLineWidth = get_dip_pref(dm, "custom_border_line_width", 0);
// Do not substract key_vertical_margin from keyHeight because this is done
// during rendering.
keyHeight = dm.heightPixels * keyboardHeightPercent / 100 / 4;
horizontal_margin =
get_dip_pref_oriented(dm, "horizontal_margin", 3, 28);
double_tap_lock_shift = _prefs.getBoolean("lock_double_tap", false);
characterSize =
_prefs.getFloat("character_size", 1.f)
* characterSizeScale;
theme = getThemeId(res, _prefs.getString("theme", ""));
autocapitalisation = _prefs.getBoolean("autocapitalisation", true);
switch_input_immediate = _prefs.getBoolean("switch_input_immediate", false);
extra_keys_param = ExtraKeysPreference.get_extra_keys(_prefs);
extra_keys_custom = CustomExtraKeysPreference.get(_prefs);
pin_entry_enabled = _prefs.getBoolean("pin_entry_enabled", true);
current_layout_portrait = _prefs.getInt("current_layout_portrait", 0);
current_layout_landscape = _prefs.getInt("current_layout_landscape", 0);
public int get_current_layout()
return (orientation_landscape)
? current_layout_landscape : current_layout_portrait;
public void set_current_layout(int l)
if (orientation_landscape)
current_layout_landscape = l;
current_layout_portrait = l;
SharedPreferences.Editor e = _prefs.edit();
e.putInt("current_layout_portrait", current_layout_portrait);
e.putInt("current_layout_landscape", current_layout_landscape);
KeyValue action_key()
// Update the name to avoid caching in KeyModifier
return (actionLabel == null) ? null :
/** Update the layout according to the configuration.
* - Remove the switching key if it isn't needed
* - Remove "localized" keys from other locales (not in 'extra_keys')
* - Replace the action key to show the right label
* - Swap the enter and action keys
* - Add the optional numpad and number row
* - Add the extra keys
public KeyboardData modify_layout(KeyboardData kw)
final KeyValue action_key = action_key();
// Extra keys are removed from the set as they are encountered during the
// first iteration then automatically added.
final Map<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos> extra_keys = new HashMap<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos>();
final Set<KeyValue> remove_keys = new HashSet<KeyValue>();
// Make sure the config key is accessible to avoid being locked in a custom
// layout.
extra_keys.put(KeyValue.getKeyByName("config"), KeyboardData.PreferredPos.ANYWHERE);
if (extra_keys_subtype != null)
Set<KeyValue> present = new HashSet<KeyValue>();
new ExtraKeys.Query(kw.script, present));
KeyboardData.Row number_row = null;
if (this.number_row && !show_numpad)
number_row = modify_number_row(KeyboardData.number_row, kw);
if (number_row != null)
kw = kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() {
public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized)
boolean is_extra_key = extra_keys.containsKey(key);
if (is_extra_key)
if (localized && !is_extra_key)
return null;
if (remove_keys.contains(key))
return null;
switch (key.getKind())
case Event:
switch (key.getEvent())
if (switch_input_immediate)
return KeyValue.getKeyByName("change_method_prev");
return key;
case ACTION:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ?
KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key;
return (layouts.size() > 1) ? key : null;
return (layouts.size() > 2) ? key : null;
return shouldOfferVoiceTyping ? key : null;
case Keyevent:
switch (key.getKeyevent())
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key;
case Modifier:
switch (key.getModifier())
case SHIFT:
if (double_tap_lock_shift)
return key.withFlags(key.getFlags() | KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK);
return key;
if (show_numpad)
kw = kw.addNumPad(modify_numpad(KeyboardData.num_pad, kw));
if (number_row != null)
kw = kw.addTopRow(number_row);
if (extra_keys.size() > 0)
kw = kw.addExtraKeys(extra_keys.entrySet().iterator());
return kw;
/** Handle the numpad layout. The [main_kw] is used to adapt the numpad to
the main layout's script. */
public KeyboardData modify_numpad(KeyboardData kw, KeyboardData main_kw)
final KeyValue action_key = action_key();
final KeyModifier.Map_char map_digit = KeyModifier.modify_numpad_script(main_kw.numpad_script);
return kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() {
public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized)
switch (key.getKind())
case Event:
switch (key.getEvent())
case ACTION:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ?
KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key;
case Keyevent:
switch (key.getKeyevent())
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key;
case Char:
char prev_c = key.getChar();
char c = prev_c;
if (inverse_numpad)
c = inverse_numpad_char(c);
String modified = map_digit.apply(c);
if (modified != null) // Was modified by script
return KeyValue.makeStringKey(modified);
if (prev_c != c) // Was inverted
return key.withChar(c);
return key;
static KeyboardData.MapKeyValues numpad_script_map(String numpad_script)
final KeyModifier.Map_char map_digit = KeyModifier.modify_numpad_script(numpad_script);
return new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() {
public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized)
switch (key.getKind())
case Char:
String modified = map_digit.apply(key.getChar());
if (modified != null)
return KeyValue.makeStringKey(modified);
return key;
/** Modify the pin entry layout. [main_kw] is used to map the digits into the
same script. */
public KeyboardData modify_pinentry(KeyboardData kw, KeyboardData main_kw)
return kw.mapKeys(numpad_script_map(main_kw.numpad_script));
/** Modify the number row according to [main_kw]'s script. */
public KeyboardData.Row modify_number_row(KeyboardData.Row row,
KeyboardData main_kw)
return row.mapKeys(numpad_script_map(main_kw.numpad_script));
private float get_dip_pref(DisplayMetrics dm, String pref_name, float def)
float value;
try { value = _prefs.getInt(pref_name, -1); }
catch (Exception e) { value = _prefs.getFloat(pref_name, -1f); }
if (value < 0f)
value = def;
return (TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, value, dm));
/** [get_dip_pref] depending on orientation. */
float get_dip_pref_oriented(DisplayMetrics dm, String pref_base_name, float def_port, float def_land)
String suffix = orientation_landscape ? "_landscape" : "_portrait";
float def = orientation_landscape ? def_land : def_port;
return get_dip_pref(dm, pref_base_name + suffix, def);
private int getThemeId(Resources res, String theme_name)
switch (theme_name)
case "light": return;
case "black": return;
case "altblack": return;
case "dark": return;
case "white": return;
case "epaper": return;
case "desert": return;
case "jungle": return;
case "system":
int night_mode = res.getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
if ((night_mode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) != 0)
char inverse_numpad_char(char c)
switch (c)
case '7': return '1';
case '8': return '2';
case '9': return '3';
case '1': return '7';
case '2': return '8';
case '3': return '9';
default: return c;
private static Config _globalConfig = null;
public static void initGlobalConfig(SharedPreferences prefs, Resources res,
IKeyEventHandler handler)
_globalConfig = new Config(prefs, res, handler);
public static Config globalConfig()
return _globalConfig;
public static SharedPreferences globalPrefs()
return _globalConfig._prefs;
public static interface IKeyEventHandler
public void key_down(KeyValue value, boolean is_swipe);
public void key_up(KeyValue value, Pointers.Modifiers mods);
public void mods_changed(Pointers.Modifiers mods);
/** Config migrations. */
private static int CONFIG_VERSION = 1;
public static void migrate(SharedPreferences prefs)
int saved_version = prefs.getInt("version", 0);
Logs.debug_config_migration(saved_version, CONFIG_VERSION);
if (saved_version == CONFIG_VERSION)
SharedPreferences.Editor e = prefs.edit();
e.putInt("version", CONFIG_VERSION);
// Migrations might run on an empty [prefs] for new installs, in this case
// they set the default values of complex options.
switch (saved_version) // Fallback switch
case 0:
// Primary, secondary and custom layout options are merged into the new
// Layouts option. This also sets the default value.
List<LayoutsPreference.Layout> l = new ArrayList<LayoutsPreference.Layout>();
l.add(migrate_layout(prefs.getString("layout", "system")));
String snd_layout = prefs.getString("second_layout", "none");
if (snd_layout != null && !snd_layout.equals("none"))
String custom_layout = prefs.getString("custom_layout", "");
if (custom_layout != null && !custom_layout.equals(""))
LayoutsPreference.save_to_preferences(e, l);
case 1:
default: break;
private static LayoutsPreference.Layout migrate_layout(String name)
if (name == null || name.equals("system"))
return new LayoutsPreference.SystemLayout();
return new LayoutsPreference.NamedLayout(name);