forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
When typing fast, a second key might be pressed before the first is released. Clearing modifiers earlier would prevent this but would break modifiers placed in corners (especially the accent keys). Instead, don't take latched modifiers into account when registering the second press. A new flag is needed to not interfere with holding modifers, which is merged with the norepeat flag.
286 lines
12 KiB
286 lines
12 KiB
package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import java.util.HashMap;
class KeyValue
public static final int EVENT_NONE = -1;
public static final int EVENT_CONFIG = -2;
public static final int EVENT_SWITCH_TEXT = -3;
public static final int EVENT_SWITCH_NUMERIC = -4;
public static final int EVENT_SWITCH_EMOJI = -5;
public static final int EVENT_SWITCH_BACK_EMOJI = -6;
public static final int EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD = -7;
public static final int EVENT_ACTION = -8;
public static final int EVENT_SWITCH_PROGRAMMING = -9;
public static final char CHAR_NONE = '\0';
// Behavior flags
public static final int FLAG_LATCH = 1;
public static final int FLAG_LOCK = (1 << 1);
// Special keys are not repeated and don't clear latched modifiers
public static final int FLAG_SPECIAL = (1 << 2);
public static final int FLAG_NOCHAR = (1 << 3);
public static final int FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT = (1 << 4);
// Rendering flags
public static final int FLAG_KEY_FONT = (1 << 5);
public static final int FLAG_SMALLER_FONT = (1 << 6);
// Internal flags
public static final int FLAG_LOCKED = (1 << 8);
// Modifier flags
public static final int FLAG_CTRL = (1 << 10);
public static final int FLAG_SHIFT = (1 << 11);
public static final int FLAG_ALT = (1 << 12);
public static final int FLAG_FN = (1 << 13);
public static final int FLAG_META = (1 << 14);
// Accent flags
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_DOUBLE_AIGU = (1 << 9);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_DOT_ABOVE = (1 << 15);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT1 = (1 << 16); // Grave
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT2 = (1 << 17); // Aigu
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT3 = (1 << 18); // Circonflexe
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT4 = (1 << 19); // Tilde
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT5 = (1 << 20); // Cédille
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT6 = (1 << 21); // Tréma
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_SUPERSCRIPT = (1 << 22);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_SUBSCRIPT = (1 << 23);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_RING = (1 << 24);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_CARON = (1 << 26);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_MACRON = (1 << 27);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_ORDINAL = (1 << 28);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_ARROWS = (1 << 29);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_BOX = (1 << 30);
public static final int FLAG_ACCENT_OGONEK = (1 << 31);
public static final int FLAGS_ACCENTS = FLAG_ACCENT1 | FLAG_ACCENT2 |
// Language specific keys that are removed from the keyboard by default
public static final int FLAG_LOCALIZED = (1 << 25);
public final String name;
public final String symbol;
public final char char_;
public final int eventCode;
public final int flags;
/* Update the char and the symbol. */
public KeyValue withCharAndSymbol(char c)
return withCharAndSymbol(String.valueOf(c), c);
public KeyValue withCharAndSymbol(String s, char c)
return new KeyValue(name, s, c, eventCode, flags);
public KeyValue withNameAndSymbol(String n, String s)
return new KeyValue(n, s, char_, eventCode, flags);
public KeyValue withFlags(int f)
return new KeyValue(name, symbol, char_, eventCode, f);
private static HashMap<String, KeyValue> keys = new HashMap<String, KeyValue>();
public KeyValue(String n, String s, char c, int e, int f)
name = n;
symbol = s;
char_ = c;
eventCode = e;
flags = f;
public static KeyValue getKeyByName(String name)
if (name == null)
return null;
KeyValue kv = KeyValue.keys.get(name);
if (kv != null)
return kv;
char c = (name.length() == 1) ? name.charAt(0) : CHAR_NONE;
return new KeyValue(name, name, c, EVENT_NONE, 0);
private static void addKey(String name, String symbol, char c, int event, int flags)
keys.put(name, new KeyValue(name, symbol, c, event, flags));
private static void addCharKey(char c, int event, int flags)
String name = String.valueOf(c);
addKey(name, name, c, event, flags);
private static void addCharKey(char c, int event)
addCharKey(c, event, 0);
private static void addModifierKey(String name, String symbol, int extra_flags)
addKey(name, symbol, CHAR_NONE, EVENT_NONE,
private static void addSpecialKey(String name, String symbol, int event)
addSpecialKey(name, symbol, event, 0);
private static void addSpecialKey(String name, String symbol, int event, int flags)
addKey(name, symbol, CHAR_NONE, event, flags | FLAG_SPECIAL);
private static void addEventKey(String name, String symbol, int event)
addEventKey(name, symbol, event, 0);
private static void addEventKey(String name, String symbol, int event, int flags)
addKey(name, symbol, CHAR_NONE, event, flags);
addModifierKey("shift", "\n", // Can't write u000A because Java is stupid
addModifierKey("ctrl", "Ctrl", FLAG_CTRL | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("alt", "Alt", FLAG_ALT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("accent_aigu", "\u0050", FLAG_ACCENT2 | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_caron", "\u0051", FLAG_ACCENT_CARON | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_cedille", "\u0052", FLAG_ACCENT5 | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_circonflexe", "\u0053", FLAG_ACCENT3 | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_grave", "\u0054", FLAG_ACCENT1 | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_macron", "\u0055", FLAG_ACCENT_MACRON | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_ring", "\u0056", FLAG_ACCENT_RING | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_tilde", "\u0057", FLAG_ACCENT4 | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_trema", "\u0058", FLAG_ACCENT6 | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_ogonek", "\u0059", FLAG_ACCENT_OGONEK | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_dot_above", "\u005a", FLAG_ACCENT_DOT_ABOVE | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("accent_double_aigu", "\u005b", FLAG_ACCENT_DOUBLE_AIGU | FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_LOCALIZED);
addModifierKey("superscript", "Sup", FLAG_ACCENT_SUPERSCRIPT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("subscript", "Sub", FLAG_ACCENT_SUBSCRIPT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("ordinal", "Ord", FLAG_ACCENT_ORDINAL | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("arrows", "Arr", FLAG_ACCENT_ARROWS | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("box", "Box", FLAG_ACCENT_BOX | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("fn", "Fn", FLAG_FN | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addModifierKey("meta", "Meta", FLAG_META | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addCharKey('a', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A);
addCharKey('b', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_B);
addCharKey('c', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_C);
addCharKey('d', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_D);
addCharKey('e', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_E);
addCharKey('f', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F);
addCharKey('g', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_G);
addCharKey('h', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_H);
addCharKey('i', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I);
addCharKey('j', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_J);
addCharKey('k', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_K);
addCharKey('l', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_L);
addCharKey('m', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_M);
addCharKey('n', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_N);
addCharKey('o', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O);
addCharKey('p', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_P);
addCharKey('q', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Q);
addCharKey('r', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_R);
addCharKey('s', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S);
addCharKey('t', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_T);
addCharKey('u', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_U);
addCharKey('v', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_V);
addCharKey('w', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_W);
addCharKey('x', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_X);
addCharKey('y', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Y);
addCharKey('z', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Z);
addCharKey('0', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0);
addCharKey('1', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1);
addCharKey('2', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_2);
addCharKey('3', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_3);
addCharKey('4', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_4);
addCharKey('5', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_5);
addCharKey('6', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_6);
addCharKey('7', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_7);
addCharKey('8', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_8);
addCharKey('9', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9);
addCharKey('`', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GRAVE);
addCharKey('-', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MINUS);
addCharKey('=', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_EQUALS);
addCharKey('[', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET);
addCharKey(']', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET);
addCharKey('\\', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACKSLASH);
addCharKey(';', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEMICOLON);
addCharKey('\'', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE);
addCharKey('/', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SLASH);
addCharKey('@', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_AT);
addCharKey('+', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PLUS);
addCharKey(',', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_COMMA);
addCharKey('.', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PERIOD);
addCharKey('*', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STAR);
addCharKey('#', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POUND);
addCharKey('(', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN);
addSpecialKey("config", "\u0004", EVENT_CONFIG, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addSpecialKey("switch_text", "ABC", EVENT_SWITCH_TEXT, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addSpecialKey("switch_numeric", "123+", EVENT_SWITCH_NUMERIC, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addSpecialKey("switch_emoji", "\u0001" , EVENT_SWITCH_EMOJI, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addSpecialKey("switch_back_emoji", "ABC", EVENT_SWITCH_BACK_EMOJI);
addSpecialKey("switch_programming", "Prog", EVENT_SWITCH_PROGRAMMING, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addSpecialKey("change_method", "\u0009", EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addSpecialKey("action", "Action", EVENT_ACTION, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT); // Will always be replaced
addEventKey("esc", "Esc", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addEventKey("enter", "\u000E", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("up", "\u0005", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT);
addEventKey("right", "\u0006", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT);
addEventKey("down", "\u0007", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT);
addEventKey("left", "\u0008", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT);
addEventKey("page_up", "\u0002", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_UP, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("page_down", "\u0003", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("home", "\u000B", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("end", "\u000C", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_END, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("backspace", "\u0011", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("delete", "\u0010", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addEventKey("insert", "Ins", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_INSERT, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addEventKey("f1", "F1", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F1);
addEventKey("f2", "F2", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F2);
addEventKey("f3", "F3", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F3);
addEventKey("f4", "F4", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F4);
addEventKey("f5", "F5", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F5);
addEventKey("f6", "F6", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F6);
addEventKey("f7", "F7", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F7);
addEventKey("f8", "F8", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F8);
addEventKey("f9", "F9", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F9);
addEventKey("f10", "F10", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F10);
addEventKey("f11", "F11", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F11, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addEventKey("f12", "F12", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F12, FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addEventKey("tab", "\u000F", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);
addKey("\\t", "\\t", '\t', EVENT_NONE, 0); // Send the tab character
addKey("space", "\r", ' ', KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE, FLAG_KEY_FONT);
addKey("nbsp", "\u237d", '\u00a0', EVENT_NONE, FLAG_KEY_FONT | FLAG_SMALLER_FONT);