Max Schillinger 93edc4ac42 Allow egde keys instead of corner keys (swipe vertically/horizontally)
Add a new boolean parameter "edgekeys" for defining keys that have the
additional (swipe) keys on the edges (top, right, left, bottom) instead
of at the corners (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
2022-02-06 23:49:43 +01:00

45 lines
1.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<key key0="q" key1="esc" key2="1" key3="~" key4="!" />
<key key0="w" key2="2" key3="\@" />
<key key0="e" key1="ē" key2="3" key3="\#" />
<key key0="r" key1="ŗ" key2="4" key3="$" />
<key key0="t" key2="5" key3="%" />
<key key0="y" key2="6" key3="^" />
<key key0="u" key1="ū" key2="7" key3="&amp;" />
<key key0="i" key1="ī" key2="8" key3="*" />
<key key0="o" key1="ō" key2="9" key3="(" key4=")" />
<key key0="p" key2="0" key3="{" key4="}" />
<key shift="0.5" key0="a" key1="ā" />
<key key0="s" key1="š" />
<key key0="d" />
<key key0="f" />
<key key0="g" key1="ģ" />
<key key0="h" key2="accent_macron" key3="accent_caron" key4="accent_cedille" />
<key key0="j" key1="+" key2="=" key3="-" key4="_" />
<key key0="k" key1="ķ" key3="[" key4="]" />
<key key0="l" key1="ļ" key2="|" key3="/" key4="\\" />
<key width="1.5" key0="shift" key1="tab" />
<key key0="z" key1="ž" />
<key key0="x" />
<key key0="c" key1="č" />
<key key0="v" />
<key key0="b" key3="&lt;" key4="&gt;" />
<key key0="n" key1="ņ" key2="`" key3=":" key4=";" />
<key key0="m" key1="'" key2="&quot;" key3="," key4="\?" />
<key width="1.5" key0="backspace" key2="delete" />
<row height="0.95">
<key width="1.8" key0="ctrl" key2="meta" key3="switch_numeric"/>
<key width="1.2" key0="alt" key1="fn" key2="change_method" key3="switch_emoji" key4="config" />
<key width="4.0" key0="space" />
<key width="1.2" key0="." key1="up" key2="right" key3="left" key4="down" edgekeys="true"/>
<key width="1.8" key0="enter" key2="action" />