forked from extern/Unexpected-Keyboard
A customised Latvian specific QWERTY layout (QWERTY (Latvian)) was added to access all Latvian diacritic characters with a swipe. Additionally caron, cedille and macron accents were enabled for this layout.
45 lines
1.7 KiB
45 lines
1.7 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<key key0="q" key1="esc" key2="1" key3="~" key4="!" />
<key key0="w" key2="2" key3="\@" />
<key key0="e" key1="ē" key2="3" key3="\#" />
<key key0="r" key1="ŗ" key2="4" key3="$" />
<key key0="t" key2="5" key3="%" />
<key key0="y" key2="6" key3="^" />
<key key0="u" key1="ū" key2="7" key3="&" />
<key key0="i" key1="ī" key2="8" key3="*" />
<key key0="o" key1="ō" key2="9" key3="(" key4=")" />
<key key0="p" key2="0" key3="{" key4="}" />
<key shift="0.5" key0="a" key1="ā" />
<key key0="s" key1="š" />
<key key0="d" />
<key key0="f" />
<key key0="g" key1="ģ" />
<key key0="h" key2="accent_macron" key3="accent_caron" key4="accent_cedille" />
<key key0="j" key1="+" key2="=" key3="-" key4="_" />
<key key0="k" key1="ķ" key3="[" key4="]" />
<key key0="l" key1="ļ" key2="|" key3="/" key4="\\" />
<key width="1.5" key0="shift" key1="tab" />
<key key0="z" key1="ž" />
<key key0="x" />
<key key0="c" key1="č" />
<key key0="v" />
<key key0="b" key3="<" key4=">" />
<key key0="n" key1="ņ" key2="`" key3=":" key4=";" />
<key key0="m" key1="'" key2=""" key3="," key4="\?" />
<key width="1.5" key0="backspace" key2="delete" />
<row height="0.95">
<key width="1.8" key0="ctrl" key3="switch_numeric" />
<key width="1.2" key0="alt" key1="fn" key2="change_method" key3="switch_emoji" key4="config" />
<key width="4.0" key0="space" />
<key width="1.2" key0="." key1="up" key2="right" key3="left" key4="down" />
<key width="1.8" key0="enter" key2="action" />