import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import { getCollectionsFromIdb, saveCollectionToIdb } from 'utils/idb'; import { sendNetworkRequest } from 'utils/network'; import { findCollectionByUid, findItemInCollection, cloneItem, transformCollectionToSaveToIdb } from 'utils/collections'; // todo: errors should be tracked in each slice and displayed as toasts const initialState = { collections: [] }; export const collectionsSlice = createSlice({ name: 'collections', initialState, reducers: { _loadCollections: (state, action) => { state.collections = action.payload; }, _createCollection: (state, action) => { state.collections.push(action.payload); }, _requestSent: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload.collectionUid); if(collection) { const item = findItemInCollection(collection, action.payload.itemUid); if(item) { item.response = item.response || {}; item.response.state = 'sending'; } } }, _responseReceived: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload.collectionUid); if(collection) { const item = findItemInCollection(collection, action.payload.itemUid); if(item) { item.response = action.payload.response; } } }, _saveRequest: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload.collectionUid); if(collection) { const item = findItemInCollection(collection, action.payload.itemUid); if(item && item.draft) { =; item.request = item.draft.request; item.draft = null; } } }, _newFolder: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload.collectionUid); if(collection) { collection.items.push({ uid: nanoid(), name: action.payload.folderName, type: 'folder', items: [] }); } }, _newRequest: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload.collectionUid); if(collection) { collection.items.push(action.payload.item); } }, collectionClicked: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload); if(collection) { collection.collapsed = !collection.collapsed; } }, requestUrlChanged: (state, action) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections, action.payload.collectionUid); if(collection) { const item = findItemInCollection(collection, action.payload.itemUid); if(item) { if(!item.draft) { item.draft = cloneItem(item); } item.draft.request.url = action.payload.url; } } } } }); export const { _loadCollections, _createCollection, _requestSent, _responseReceived, _saveRequest, _newFolder, _newRequest, collectionClicked, requestUrlChanged, } = collectionsSlice.actions; export const loadCollectionsFromIdb = () => (dispatch) => { getCollectionsFromIdb(window.__idb) .then((collections) => dispatch(_loadCollections(collections))) .catch((err) => console.log(err)); }; export const createCollection = (collectionName) => (dispatch) => { const newCollection = { uid: nanoid(), name: collectionName, items: [], environments: [], userId: null }; saveCollectionToIdb(window.__idb, newCollection) .then(() => dispatch(_createCollection(newCollection))) .catch((err) => console.log(err)); }; export const sendRequest = (item, collectionUid) => (dispatch) => { dispatch(_requestSent({ itemUid: item.uid, collectionUid: collectionUid })); sendNetworkRequest(item) .then((response) => dispatch(_responseReceived({ itemUid: item.uid, collectionUid: collectionUid, response: response }))) .catch((err) => console.log(err)); }; export const saveRequest = (itemUid, collectionUid) => (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections.collections, collectionUid); if(collection) { const collectionCopy = cloneDeep(collection); const collectionToSave = transformCollectionToSaveToIdb(collectionCopy); saveCollectionToIdb(window.__idb, collectionToSave) .then(() => { dispatch(_saveRequest({ itemUid: itemUid, collectionUid: collectionUid })); }) .catch((err) => console.log(err)); } }; export const newFolder = (folderName, collectionUid) => (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections.collections, collectionUid); if(collection) { const collectionCopy = cloneDeep(collection); collectionCopy.items.push({ uid: nanoid(), name: folderName, type: 'folder', items: [] }); const collectionToSave = transformCollectionToSaveToIdb(collectionCopy); saveCollectionToIdb(window.__idb, collectionToSave) .then(() => { dispatch(_newFolder({ folderName: folderName, collectionUid: collectionUid })); }) .catch((err) => console.log(err)); } }; export const newHttpRequest = (requestName, collectionUid) => (dispatch, getState) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const state = getState(); const collection = findCollectionByUid(state.collections.collections, collectionUid); if(collection) { const collectionCopy = cloneDeep(collection); const uid = nanoid(); const item = { uid: uid, name: requestName, type: 'http-request', request: { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: [], body: null } }; collectionCopy.items.push(item); const collectionToSave = transformCollectionToSaveToIdb(collectionCopy); saveCollectionToIdb(window.__idb, collectionToSave) .then(() => { Promise.resolve(dispatch(_newRequest({ item: item, collectionUid: collectionUid }))) .then((val) => resolve(val)) .catch((err) => reject(err)); }) .catch((err) => { reject(err); console.log(err) }); } }); }; export default collectionsSlice.reducer;