### Bruno - Opensource IDE for exploring and testing api's.
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Bruno is a new and innovative API client, aimed at revolutionizing the status quo represented by Postman and similar tools out there.
Bruno stores your collections directly in a folder on your filesystem. We use a plain text markup language, Bru, to save information about API requests.
You can use git or any version control of your choice to collaborate over your api collections.
### Documentation 📄
Please visit [here](https://docs.usebruno.com) for documentation
### Contribute 👩💻🧑💻
I am happy that you are looking to improve bruno. Please checkout the [contributing guide](contributing.md)
Even if you are not able to make contributions via code, please don't hesitate to file bugs and feature requests that needs to be implemented to solve your use case.
### Support ❤️
Woof! If you like project, hit that ⭐ button !!
### Authors
### Stay in touch 🌐
### License 📄