import produce from 'immer'; import {nanoid} from 'nanoid'; import union from 'lodash/union'; import find from 'lodash/find'; import filter from 'lodash/filter'; import last from 'lodash/last'; import actions from './actions'; import { flattenItems, findItem, isItemARequest, itemIsOpenedInTabs, cloneItem, updateRequestTabAsChanged, findCollectionByUid } from './utils'; const reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case actions.IDB_CONNECTION_READY: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.idbConnection = action.connection; }); } case actions.IDB_COLLECTIONS_SYNC_STARTED: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.collectionsToSyncToIdb = []; }); } case actions.IDB_COLLECTIONS_SYNC_ERROR: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.collectionsToSyncToIdb = union(draft.collectionsToSyncToIdb, action.collectionUids); }); } case actions.LOAD_COLLECTIONS_FROM_IDB: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.collections = action.collections; }); } case actions.SIDEBAR_COLLECTION_CLICK: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { collection.collapsed = !collection.collapsed; } }); } case actions.SIDEBAR_COLLECTION_ITEM_CLICK: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, action.itemUid); if(item) { item.collapsed = !item.collapsed; if(isItemARequest(item)) { if(itemIsOpenedInTabs(item, draft.requestTabs)) { draft.activeRequestTabUid = item.uid; } else { draft.requestTabs.push({ uid: item.uid, name:, method: item.request.method, collectionUid: collection.uid, hasChanges: false }); draft.activeRequestTabUid = item.uid; } } } } }); } case actions.SIDEBAR_COLLECTION_NEW_REQUEST: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { const uid = nanoid(); const item = { uid: uid, name: action.requestName, type: 'http-request', request: { method: 'GET', url: '', headers: [], body: null }, depth: 1 }; collection.items.push(item); draft.requestTabs.push({ uid: item.uid, name:, method: item.request.method, collectionUid: collection.uid, hasChanges: false }); draft.activeRequestTabUid = uid; draft.collectionsToSyncToIdb.push(collection.uid); } }); } case actions.SIDEBAR_COLLECTION_NEW_FOLDER: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { collection.items.push({ uid: nanoid(), name: action.folderName, items: [], // todo: this will be autoassigned depth: 1 }); draft.collectionsToSyncToIdb.push(collection.uid); } }); } case actions.COLLECTION_CREATE: { return produce(state, (draft) => { // todo: collection names must be unique across a user account draft.collections = draft.collections || []; draft.collections.push({ uid: nanoid(), name:, items: [] }); }); } case actions.REQUEST_TAB_CLICK: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.activeRequestTabUid = action.requestTab.uid; }); } case actions.REQUEST_URL_CHANGED: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, action.itemUid); if(item) { if(!item.draft) { item.draft = cloneItem(item); } item.draft.request.url = action.url; updateRequestTabAsChanged(draft.requestTabs, item.uid); } } }); } case actions.REQUEST_GQL_QUERY_CHANGED: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems,; if(item) { item.request.body.graphql.query = action.query; } } }); } case actions.ADD_NEW_HTTP_REQUEST: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const uid = nanoid(); draft.requestTabs.push({ uid: uid, name: 'New Tab', type: 'http-request', request: { method: 'GET', url: '', body: {} }, collectionUid: null }); draft.activeRequestTabUid = uid; }); } case actions.ADD_NEW_GQL_REQUEST: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const uid = nanoid(); draft.requestTabs.push({ uid: uid, name: 'New Tab', type: 'graphql-request', request: { method: 'GET', url: '', body: { graphql: { query: '{}' } } }, collectionUid: null }); draft.activeRequestTabUid = uid; }); } case actions.SEND_REQUEST: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, action.requestTab.uid); if(item) { item.response = item.response || {}; item.response.state = 'queued'; draft.requestQueuedToSend = { collectionUid: action.collectionUid, request: item } } } }); } case actions.SENDING_REQUEST: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); console.log('collection'); console.log(collection); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, action.itemUid); console.log('citemllection'); console.log(item); if(item) { item.response = item.response || {}; item.response.state = 'sending'; } } }); } case actions.RESPONSE_RECEIVED: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, action.itemUid); if(item) { item.response = action.response; } } }); } case actions.REQUEST_TAB_CLOSE: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.requestTabs = filter(draft.requestTabs, (rt) => !==; if(draft.requestTabs && draft.requestTabs.length) { // todo: closing tab needs to focus on the right adjacent tab draft.activeRequestTabUid = last(draft.requestTabs).uid; } else { draft.activeRequestTabUid = null; } }); } case actions.ADD_REQUEST: { return produce(state, (draft) => { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, action.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, action.itemId); if(item) { if(!isItemARequest(item)) { let newRequest = { "uid": nanoid(), "depth": 2, "name": "Capsules 2", "type": "graphql-request", "request": { "url": "", "method": "POST", "headers": [], "body": { "mimeType": "application/graphql", "graphql": { "query": "{\n launchesPast(limit: 10) {\n mission_name\n launch_date_local\n launch_site {\n site_name_long\n }\n links {\n article_link\n video_link\n }\n rocket {\n rocket_name\n first_stage {\n cores {\n flight\n core {\n reuse_count\n status\n }\n }\n }\n second_stage {\n payloads {\n payload_type\n payload_mass_kg\n payload_mass_lbs\n }\n }\n }\n ships {\n name\n home_port\n image\n }\n }\n}", "variables": "" } } }, "response": null }; draft.activeRequestTabUid = newRequest.uid; item.items.push(newRequest); draft.requestTabs.push({ uid: newRequest.uid, name:, method: newRequest.request.method, collectionUid: }); } } } }); } case actions.TOGGLE_LEFT_MENUBAR: { return produce(state, (draft) => { draft.leftMenuBarOpen = !draft.leftMenuBarOpen; draft.asideWidth = draft.leftMenuBarOpen ? 270 : 222; }); } case actions.HOTKEY_SAVE: { return produce(state, (draft) => { if(!draft.activeRequestTabUid) { return; } // find request tab const activeRequestTab = find(draft.requestTabs, (t) => t.uid === draft.activeRequestTabUid); // resolve item, save and delete draft if(activeRequestTab) { const collection = findCollectionByUid(draft.collections, activeRequestTab.collectionUid); if(collection) { let flattenedItems = flattenItems(collection.items); let item = findItem(flattenedItems, activeRequestTab.uid); if(item && item.draft) { =; item.request = item.draft.request; item.draft = null; activeRequestTab.hasChanges = false; draft.collectionsToSyncToIdb.push(collection.uid); } } } }); } default: { return state; } } } export default reducer;