2008-02-06 05:36:07 +01:00
Jutda Helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise.
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
2008-02-06 05:36:07 +01:00
(c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details.
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
2008-02-06 05:36:07 +01:00
scripts/create_escalation_exclusion.py - Easy way to routinely add particular
days to the list of days on which no
escalation should take place.
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
import getopt
from optparse import make_option
import sys
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
from django.db.models import Q
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
from helpdesk.models import EscalationExclusion, Queue
2008-08-18 23:29:31 +02:00
class Command(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self):
self.option_list += (
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
'--days', '-d',
2008-08-18 23:29:31 +02:00
help='Days of week (monday, tuesday, etc)'),
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
'--occurrences', '-o',
2008-08-18 23:29:31 +02:00
help='Occurrences: How many weeks ahead to exclude this day'),
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
'--queues', '-q',
2008-08-18 23:29:31 +02:00
help='Queues to include (default: all). Use queue slugs'),
'--verbose', '-v',
help='Display a list of dates excluded'),
def handle(self, *args, **options):
days = options['days']
occurrences = options['occurrences']
verbose = False
queue_slugs = options['queues']
queues = []
if options['verbose']:
verbose = True
# this should already be handled by optparse
if not occurrences: occurrences = 1
if not (days and occurrences):
raise CommandError('One or more occurrences must be specified.')
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-08-18 23:29:31 +02:00
if queue_slugs is not None:
queue_set = queue_slugs.split(',')
for queue in queue_set:
q = Queue.objects.get(slug__exact=queue)
except Queue.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("Queue %s does not exist." % queue)
create_exclusions(days=days, occurrences=occurrences, verbose=verbose, queues=queues)
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
day_names = {
'monday': 0,
'tuesday': 1,
'wednesday': 2,
'thursday': 3,
'friday': 4,
'saturday': 5,
'sunday': 6,
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
def create_exclusions(days, occurrences, verbose, queues):
days = days.split(',')
for day in days:
day_name = day
day = day_names[day]
workdate = date.today()
i = 0
while i < occurrences:
if day == workdate.weekday():
if EscalationExclusion.objects.filter(date=workdate).count() == 0:
esc = EscalationExclusion(name='Auto Exclusion for %s' % day_name, date=workdate)
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
if verbose:
print "Created exclusion for %s %s" % (day_name, workdate)
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
for q in queues:
if verbose:
print " - for queue %s" % q
i += 1
workdate += timedelta(days=1)
def usage():
print "Options:"
print " --days, -d: Days of week (monday, tuesday, etc)"
print " --occurrences, -o: Occurrences: How many weeks ahead to exclude this day"
print " --queues, -q: Queues to include (default: all). Use queue slugs"
print " --verbose, -v: Display a list of dates excluded"
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
# This script can be run from the command-line or via Django's manage.py.
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:o:q:v', ['days=', 'occurrences=', 'verbose', 'queues='])
except getopt.GetoptError:
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
days = None
occurrences = None
verbose = False
queue_slugs = None
queues = []
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-v', '--verbose'):
verbose = True
if o in ('-d', '--days'):
days = a
if o in ('-q', '--queues'):
queue_slugs = a
if o in ('-o', '--occurrences'):
occurrences = int(a)
if not occurrences: occurrences = 1
if not (days and occurrences):
2008-08-19 10:50:38 +02:00
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
if queue_slugs is not None:
queue_set = queue_slugs.split(',')
for queue in queue_set:
q = Queue.objects.get(slug__exact=queue)
2008-08-18 23:29:31 +02:00
except Queue.DoesNotExist:
2008-01-22 06:54:22 +01:00
print "Queue %s does not exist." % queue
create_exclusions(days=days, occurrences=occurrences, verbose=verbose, queues=queues)