diff --git a/helpdesk/static/helpdesk/jquery.translate-1.4.7.NCT.core.NCT-adapter.ui.progress.native.parallel.min.js b/helpdesk/static/helpdesk/jquery.translate-1.4.7.NCT.core.NCT-adapter.ui.progress.native.parallel.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 24870f93..00000000 --- a/helpdesk/static/helpdesk/jquery.translate-1.4.7.NCT.core.NCT-adapter.ui.progress.native.parallel.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -//jQuery Translate plugin and related components - - /* - * jQuery nodesContainingText plugin - * Version: 1.1.2 - * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ - * Copyright (c) 2009 Balazs Endresz (balazs.endresz@gmail.com) - * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. - */ -(function(b){function a(){}a.prototype={init:function(e,d){this.textArray=[];this.elements=[];this.options=d;this.jquery=e;this.n=-1;if(d.async===true){d.async=2}if(d.not){e=e.not(d.not);e=e.add(e.find("*").not(d.not)).not(b(d.not).find("*"))}else{e=e.add(e.find("*"))}this.jq=e;this.jql=this.jq.length;return this.process()},process:function(){this.n++;var i=this,d=this.options,p="",h=false,g=false,f=this.jq[this.n],k,m,j;if(this.n===this.jql){j=this.jquery.pushStack(this.elements,"nodesContainingText");d.complete.call(j,j,this.textArray);if(d.returnAll===false&&d.walk===false){return this.jquery}return j}if(!f){return this.process()}k=b(f);var n=f.nodeName.toUpperCase(),l=n==="INPUT"&&b.attr(f,"type").toLowerCase();if(({SCRIPT:1,NOSCRIPT:1,STYLE:1,OBJECT:1,IFRAME:1})[n]){return this.process() -}if(typeof d.subject==="string"){p=k.attr(d.subject)}else{if(d.altAndVal&&(n==="IMG"||l==="image")){p=k.attr("alt")}else{if(d.altAndVal&&({text:1,button:1,submit:1})[l]){p=k.val()}else{if(n==="TEXTAREA"){p=k.val()}else{m=f.firstChild;if(d.walk!==true){g=true}else{while(m){if(m.nodeType==1){g=true;break}m=m.nextSibling}}if(!g){p=k.text()}else{if(d.walk!==true){h=true}m=f.firstChild;while(m){if(m.nodeType==3&&m.nodeValue.match(/\S/)!==null){if(m.nodeValue.match(//)!==null){if(m.nodeValue.match(/(\S+(?=.*<))|(>(?=.*\S+))/)!==null){h=true;break}}else{h=true;break}}m=m.nextSibling}if(h){p=k.html();p=d.stripScripts?p.replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi,""):p;this.jq=this.jq.not(k.find("*"))}}}}}}if(!p){return this.process()}this.elements.push(f);this.textArray.push(p);d.each.call(f,this.elements.length-1,f,p);if(d.async){setTimeout(function(){i.process()},d.async);return this.jquery}else{return this.process()}}};var c={not:"",async:false,each:function(){},complete:function(){},comments:false,returnAll:true,walk:true,altAndVal:false,subject:true,stripScripts:true}; -b.fn.nodesContainingText=function(d){d=b.extend({},c,b.fn.nodesContainingText.defaults,d);return new a().init(this,d)};b.fn.nodesContainingText.defaults=c})(jQuery); -/* - * jQuery Translate plugin - * Version: 1.4.7 - * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ - * Copyright (c) 2009 Balazs Endresz (balazs.endresz@gmail.com) - * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. - * This plugin uses the 'Google AJAX Language API' (http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/) - * You can read the terms of use at http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/terms.html - */ -(function(c){function p(){}var d=true,g=false,e,u="".replace,v=String,k=Function,t=Object,n,l,f,q={},b,j=[],h={from:"",to:"",start:p,error:p,each:p,complete:p,onTimeout:p,timeout:0,stripComments:d,stripWhitespace:d,stripScripts:d,separators:/\.\?\!;:/,limit:1750,walk:d,returnAll:g,replace:d,rebind:d,data:d,setLangAttr:g,subject:d,not:"",altAndVal:d,async:g,toggle:g,fromOriginal:d,parallel:false,trim:true,alwaysReplace:false};function s(){c.translate.GL=n=google.language;c.translate.GLL=l=n.Languages;f=c.translate.toLanguageCode;c.each(l,function(y,z){q[z.toUpperCase()]=y}); -c.translate.isReady=d;var x;while((x=j.shift())){x()}}function i(z,y){var x={};c.each(z,function(A,B){if(y(B,A)===d){x[A]=B}});return x}function w(y,z,x){return function(){return y.apply(z===d?arguments[0]:z,x||arguments)}}function r(x){return x!==e}function o(y,B,A){var x,C={},z=c.grep(y,r);c.each(B,function(D,E){var F=c.grep(E[0],function(H,G){return r(z[G])&&z[G].constructor===H}).length;if(F===z.length&&F===E[0].length&&(x=d)){c.each(E[1],function(G,H){C[H]=z[G]});return g}});if(!x){throw A}return C}function m(A,z){var x=o(A,c.translate.overload,"jQuery.translate: Invalid arguments"),y=x.options||{};delete x.options;y=c.extend({},h,z,c.extend(y,x));if(y.fromOriginal){y.toggle=d}if(y.toggle){y.data=d}if(y.async===d){y.async=2}return y}function a(){this.extend(c.translate);delete this.defaults;delete this.fn}a.prototype={version:"1.4.7",_init:function(z,C){var B=C.separators.source||C.separators,y=this.isString=typeof z==="string",x=0,A;c.each(["stripComments","stripScripts","stripWhitespace"],function(E,D){var F=c.translate[D]; -if(C[D]){z=y?F(z):c.map(z,F)}});this.rawSource="
";this._m3=new RegExp("["+B+"](?![^"+B+"]*["+B+"])");this.options=C;this.from=C.from=f(C.from)||"";this.to=C.to=f(C.to)||"";this.source=z;this.rawTranslation="";this.translation=[];this.i=0;this.stopped=g;this.elements=C.nodes;this._i=-1;this.rawSources=[];while(d){A=this.truncate(this.rawSource.substr(x),C.limit);if(!A){break}this.rawSources.push(A);x+=A.length}this.queue=new Array(this.rawSources.length);this.done=0;C.start.call(this,z,C.from,C.to,C);if(C.timeout){this.timeout=setTimeout(w(C.onTimeout,this,[z,C.from,C.to,C]),C.timeout)}(C.toggle&&C.nodes)?(C.textNodes?this._toggleTextNodes():this._toggle()):this._process()},_process:function(){if(this.stopped){return}var x=this.options,E=this.rawTranslation.length,I,J,G,F;var H=this;while((I=this.rawTranslation.lastIndexOf("",E))>-1){E=I-1;J=this.rawTranslation.substr(0,E+1);G=J.match(/ ]/gi);F=J.match(/<\/div>/gi);G=G?G.length:0;F=F?F.length:0; -if(G!==F+1){continue}var A=c(this.rawTranslation.substr(0,E+7)),C=A.length,B=this.i;if(B===C){break}A.slice(B,C).each(w(function(M,P){if(this.stopped){return g}var L=c(P).html(),O=x.trim?c.trim(L):L,N=B+M,Q=this.source,R=!this.from&&this.detectedSourceLanguage||this.from;this.translation[N]=O;this.isString?this.translation=O:Q=this.source[N];x.each.call(this,N,O,Q,R,this.to,x);this.i++},this));break}if(this.rawSources.length-1==this._i){this._complete()}var z=w(this._translate,this);if(x.parallel){if(this._i<0){if(!x.parallel){c.each(this.rawSources,z)}else{var D=0,y=this.rawSources.length;function K(){z();if(Dthis.done)||(x===this.queue.length-1)){for(var y=0;y<=x;y++){this.rawTranslation+=this.queue[y]}this._process()}this.done=x},_complete:function(){clearTimeout(this.timeout);this.options.complete.call(this,this.translation,this.source,!this.from&&this.detectedSourceLanguage||this.from,this.to,this.options)},stop:function(){if(this.stopped){return this}this.stopped=d;this.options.error.call(this,{message:"stopped"});return this}};c.translate=function(z,x){if(z==e){return new a()}if(c.isFunction(z)){return c.translate.ready(z,x)}var A=new a();var y=[].slice.call(arguments,0);y.shift();return c.translate.ready(w(A._init,A,[z,m(y,c.translate.defaults)]),g,A)};c.translate.fn=c.translate.prototype=a.prototype;c.translate.fn.extend=c.translate.extend=c.extend;c.translate.extend({_bind:w,_filter:i,_validate:o,_getOpt:m,_defaults:h,defaults:c.extend({},h),capitalize:function(x){return x.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+x.substr(1).toLowerCase() -},truncate:function(D,y){var z,G,E,C,B,F,x=encodeURIComponent(D);for(z=0;z<10;z++){try{F=decodeURIComponent(x.substr(0,y-z))}catch(A){continue}if(F){break}}return(!(G=/<(?![^<]*>)/.exec(F)))?((!(E=/>\s*$/.exec(F)))?((C=this._m3.exec(F))?((B=/>(?![^>]*<)/.exec(F))?(C.index>B.index?F.substring(0,C.index+1):F.substring(0,B.index+1)):F.substring(0,C.index+1)):F):F):F.substring(0,G.index)},getLanguages:function(E,D){if(E==e||(D==e&&!E)){return l}var B={},A=typeof E,z=D?c.translate.getLanguages(E):l,F=(A==="object"||A==="function")?E:D;if(F){if(F.call){B=i(z,F)}else{for(var C=0,y=F.length,x;C]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi,""]),stripWhitespace:w(u,d,[/\s\s+/g," "]),stripComments:w(u,d,[//g,""])}) -})(jQuery); - -(function(g){var f=true,a={text:f,button:f,submit:f},b={SCRIPT:f,NOSCRIPT:f,STYLE:f,OBJECT:f,IFRAME:f},e=g([]);e.length=1;function d(i){while(i&&i.nodeType!=9){i=i.parentNode}return i}function c(j,i){var k=j.css("text-align");j.css("direction",i);if(k==="right"){j.css("text-align","left")}if(k==="left"){j.css("text-align","right")}}function h(j,k){var l=j.nodeName.toUpperCase(),i=l==="INPUT"&&g.attr(j,"type").toLowerCase();k=k||{altAndVal:f,subject:f};return typeof k.subject==="string"?k.subject:k.altAndVal&&(l==="IMG"||i==="image")?"alt":k.altAndVal&&a[i]?"$val":l==="TEXTAREA"?"$val":"$html"}g.translate.fn._toggle=function(){var j=this.options,k=j.to,i;this.elements.each(g.translate._bind(function(l,m){this.i=l;var o=g(m),n=g.translate.getData(o,k,j);if(!n){return !(i=f)}this.translation.push(n);j.each.call(this,l,m,n,this.source[l],this.from,k,j) -},this));!i?this._complete():this._process()};g.translate.extend({_getType:h,each:function(k,m,j,l,q,p,n){e[0]=m;g.translate.setData(e,p,j,q,l,n);g.translate.replace(e,j,p,n);g.translate.setLangAttr(e,p,n)},getData:function(k,m,l){var i=k[0]||k,j=g.data(i,"translation");return j&&j[m]&&j[m][h(i,l)]},setData:function(l,n,q,p,r,i){if(i&&!i.data){return}var j=l[0]||l,m=h(j,i),k=g.data(j,"translation");k=k||g.data(j,"translation",{});(k[p]=k[p]||{})[m]=r;(k[n]=k[n]||{})[m]=q},replace:function(m,u,s,k){if(k&&!k.replace){return}if(k&&typeof k.subject==="string"){return m.attr(k.subject,u)}var l=m[0]||m,q=l.nodeName.toUpperCase(),p=q==="INPUT"&&g.attr(l,"type").toLowerCase(),n=g.translate.isRtl,j=g.data(l,"lang");if(!k.alwaysReplace){if(j===s){return}}if(n[s]!==n[j||k&&k.from]){if(n[s]){c(m,"rtl")}else{if(m.css("direction")==="rtl"){c(m,"ltr")}}}if((!k||k.altAndVal)&&(q==="IMG"||p==="image")){m.attr("alt",u)}else{if(q==="TEXTAREA"||(!k||k.altAndVal)&&a[p]){m.val(u)}else{if(!k||k.rebind){this.doc=this.doc||d(l); -var i=m.find("*").not("script"),r=g(this.doc.createElement("div")).html(u);g.translate.copyEvents(i,r.find("*"));m.html(r.contents())}else{m.html(u)}}}g.data(l,"lang",s)},setLangAttr:function(i,k,j){if(!j||j.setLangAttr){i.attr((!j||j.setLangAttr===f)?"lang":j.setLangAttr,k)}},copyEvents:function(j,i){i.each(function(l,o){var p=j[l];if(!o||!p){return false}if(b[p.nodeName.toUpperCase()]){return f}var k=g.data(p,"events");if(!k){return f}for(var n in k){for(var m in k[n]){g.event.add(o,n,k[n][m],k[n][m].data)}}})}});g.fn.translate=function(j,i,m){var k=g.translate._getOpt(arguments,g.fn.translate.defaults),l=g.extend({},g.translate._defaults,g.fn.translate.defaults,k,{complete:function(o,n){g.translate(function(){var r=g.translate.toLanguageCode(k.from);if(k.fromOriginal){o.each(function(s,t){e[0]=t;var u=g.translate.getData(e,r,k);if(!u){return true}n[s]=u})}var q=k.each;function p(s){return function(){[].unshift.call(arguments,this.elements);s.apply(this,arguments)}}k.nodes=o;k.start=p(k.start); -k.onTimeout=p(k.onTimeout);k.complete=p(k.complete);k.each=function(t){var s=arguments;if(arguments.length!==7){[].splice.call(s,1,0,this.elements[t])}this.each.apply(this,s);q.apply(this,s)};g.translate(n,k)})},each:function(){}});if(this.nodesContainingText){return this.nodesContainingText(l)}k.nodes=this;g.translate(g.map(this,function(n){return g(n).html()||g(n).val()}),k);return this};g.fn.translate.defaults=g.extend({},g.translate._defaults)})(jQuery); - -(function(a){var b={tags:["select","option"],filter:a.translate.isTranslatable,label:a.translate.toNativeLanguage||function(d,c){return a.translate.capitalize(c)},includeUnknown:false};a.translate.ui=function(){var g={},f="",d="",c="";if(typeof arguments[0]==="string"){g.tags=a.makeArray(arguments)}else{g=arguments[0]}g=a.extend({},b,a.translate.ui.defaults,g);if(g.tags[2]){d="<"+g.tags[2]+">";c=""}var e=a.translate.getLanguages(g.filter);if(!g.includeUnknown){delete e.UNKNOWN}a.each(e,function(h,i){f+=("<"+g.tags[1]+" value="+i+">"+d+g.label(i,h)+c+"")});return a("<"+g.tags[0]+' class="jq-translate-ui">'+f+"")};a.translate.ui.defaults=a.extend({},b)})(jQuery); - -jQuery.translate.fn.progress=function(a,c){if(!this.i){this._pr=0}this._pr+=this.source[this.i].length;var b=100*this._pr/(this.rawSource.length-(11*(this.i+1)));if(a){var d=jQuery(a);if(!this.i&&!d.hasClass("ui-progressbar")){d.progressbar(c)}d.progressbar("option","value",b)}return b}; - -(function(a){a.translate.extend({toNativeLanguage:function(b){return a.translate.nativeLanguages[b]||a.translate.nativeLanguages[a.translate.toLanguageCode(b)]},nativeLanguages:{af:"Afrikaans",be:"Беларуская",is:"Íslenska",ga:"Gaeilge",mk:"Македонски",ms:"Bahasa Melayu",sw:"Kiswahili",cy:"Cymraeg",yi:"ייִדיש",sq:"Shqipe",ar:"العربية",bg:"Български",ca:"Català",zh:"中文","zh-CN":"简体中文","zh-TW":"繁體中文",hr:"Hrvatski",cs:"Čeština",da:"Dansk",nl:"Nederlands",en:"English",et:"Eesti",tl:"Tagalog",fi:"Suomi",fr:"Français",gl:"Galego",de:"Deutsch",el:"Ελληνικά",iw:"עברית",hi:"हिन्दी",hu:"Magyar",id:"Bahasa Indonesia",it:"Italiano",ja:"日本語",ko:"한국어",lv:"Latviešu",lt:"Lietuvių",mt:"Malti",no:"Norsk",fa:"فارسی",pl:"Polski","pt-PT":"Português",ro:"Român",ru:"Русский",sr:"Српски",sk:"Slovenský",sl:"Slovenski",es:"Español",sv:"Svenska",th:"ไทย",tr:"Türkçe",uk:"Українська",vi:"Tiếng Việt"}}) -})(jQuery); - -(function(a){a.translate.extend({defer:function(){return a.translate._bind(a.translate,null,arguments)},run:function(d,c){var b=d.length;a.each(d,function(){var f=this(),e=f.options.complete;f.options.complete=function(){e.apply(this,arguments);if(!--b){c()}}})}})})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/helpdesk/static/helpdesk/jquery.translate-debug-all.js b/helpdesk/static/helpdesk/jquery.translate-debug-all.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db922995 --- /dev/null +++ b/helpdesk/static/helpdesk/jquery.translate-debug-all.js @@ -0,0 +1,1546 @@ +/*! + * jQuery nodesContainingText plugin + * + * Version: 1.1.2 + * + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 Balazs Endresz (balazs.endresz@gmail.com) + * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. + * + */ + +;(function($){ + +function Nct(){} + +Nct.prototype = { + init: function(jq, o){ + this.textArray = []; + this.elements = []; + this.options = o; + this.jquery = jq; + this.n = -1; + if(o.async === true) + o.async = 2; + + if(o.not){ + jq = jq.not(o.not); + jq = jq.add( jq.find("*").not(o.not) ).not( $(o.not).find("*") ); + }else + jq = jq.add( jq.find("*") ); + + this.jq = jq; + this.jql = this.jq.length; + return this.process(); + + }, + + process: function(){ + this.n++; + var that = this, o = this.options, text = "", hasTextNode = false, + hasChildNode = false, el = this.jq[this.n], e, c, ret; + + if(this.n === this.jql){ + ret = this.jquery.pushStack(this.elements, "nodesContainingText"); + o.complete.call(ret, ret, this.textArray); + + if(o.returnAll === false && o.walk === false) + return this.jquery; + return ret; + } + + if(!el) + return this.process(); + e=$(el); + + var nodeName = el.nodeName.toUpperCase(), + type = nodeName === "INPUT" && $.attr(el, "type").toLowerCase(); + + if( ({SCRIPT:1, NOSCRIPT:1, STYLE:1, OBJECT:1, IFRAME:1})[ nodeName ] ) + return this.process(); + + if(typeof o.subject === "string"){ + text=e.attr(o.subject); + }else{ + if(o.altAndVal && (nodeName === "IMG" || type === "image" ) ) + text = e.attr("alt"); + else if( o.altAndVal && ({text:1, button:1, submit:1})[ type ] ) + text = e.val(); + else if(nodeName === "TEXTAREA") + text = e.val(); + else{ + //check childNodes: + c = el.firstChild; + if(o.walk !== true) + hasChildNode = true; + else{ + while(c){ + if(c.nodeType == 1){ + hasChildNode = true; + break; + } + c=c.nextSibling; + } + } + + if(!hasChildNode) + text = e.text(); + else{//check textNodes: + if(o.walk !== true) + hasTextNode = true; + + c=el.firstChild; + while(c){ + if(c.nodeType == 3 && c.nodeValue.match(/\S/) !== null){//textnodes with text + /*jslint skipLines*/ + if(c.nodeValue.match(//) !== null){ + if(c.nodeValue.match(/(\S+(?=.*<))|(>(?=.*\S+))/) !== null){ + hasTextNode = true; + break; + } + }else{ + hasTextNode = true; + break; + } + /*jslint skipLinesEnd*/ + } + c = c.nextSibling; + } + + if(hasTextNode){//remove child nodes from jq + //remove scripts: + text = e.html(); + /*jslint skipLines*/ + text = o.stripScripts ? text.replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, "") : text; + /*jslint skipLinesEnd*/ + this.jq = this.jq.not( e.find("*") ); + } + } + } + } + + if(!text) + return this.process(); + this.elements.push(el); + this.textArray.push(text); + + o.each.call(el, this.elements.length - 1, el, text); + + if(o.async){ + setTimeout(function(){that.process();}, o.async); + return this.jquery; + }else + return this.process(); + + } +}; + +var defaults = { + not: "", + async: false, + each: function(){}, + complete: function(){}, + comments: false, + returnAll: true, + walk: true, + altAndVal: false, + subject: true, + stripScripts: true +}; + +$.fn.nodesContainingText = function(o){ + o = $.extend({}, defaults, $.fn.nodesContainingText.defaults, o); + return new Nct().init(this, o); +}; + +$.fn.nodesContainingText.defaults = defaults; + +})(jQuery);/*! + * Textnode Translator + * Ariel Flesler - http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/05/textnode-translator-for-javascript.html + */ +//This is now only a placeholder, the original script has been modified +//and the Translator class is no longer exposed +/*! + * jQuery Translate plugin + * + * Version: ${version} + * + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 Balazs Endresz (balazs.endresz@gmail.com) + * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. + * + * This plugin uses the 'Google AJAX Language API' (http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/) + * You can read the terms of use at http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/terms.html + * + */ +;(function($){ + +function $function(){} + +var True = true, False = false, undefined, replace = "".replace, + Str = String, Fn = Function, Obj = Object, + GL, GLL, toLangCode, inverseLanguages = {}, + loading, readyList = [], key, + defaults = { + from: "", + to: "", + start: $function, + error: $function, + each: $function, + complete: $function, + onTimeout: $function, + timeout: 0, + + stripComments: True, + stripWhitespace: True, + stripScripts: True, + separators: /\.\?\!;:/, + limit: 1750, + + + walk: True, + returnAll: False, + replace: True, + rebind: True, + data: True, + setLangAttr: False, + subject: True, + not: "", + altAndVal:True, + async: False, + toggle: False, + fromOriginal: True, + + parallel: false, + trim: true, + alwaysReplace: false + //,response: $function + + }; + + + +function ms_loaded(languageCodes, languageNames){ + GLL = {}; + for(var i = 0; i < languageCodes.length; i++){ + GLL[languageNames[i].toUpperCase()] = languageCodes[i]; + } + + //$.translate.GL = GL = google.language; + $.translate.GLL = GLL; // = GL.Languages; + + loaded(); +} + +function loaded(){ + toLangCode = $.translate.toLanguageCode; + + $.each(GLL, function(l, lc){ + inverseLanguages[ lc.toUpperCase() ] = l; + }); + + $.translate.isReady = True; + var fn; + while((fn = readyList.shift())) fn(); +} + +function filter(obj, fn){ + var newObj = {}; + $.each(obj, function(lang, langCode){ + if( fn(langCode, lang) === True) newObj[ lang ] = langCode; + }); + return newObj; +} + +function bind(fn, thisObj, args){ + return function(){ + return fn.apply(thisObj === True ? arguments[0] : thisObj, args || arguments); + }; +} + +function isSet(e){ + return e !== undefined; +} + +function validate(_args, overload, error){ + var matched, obj = {}, args = $.grep(_args, isSet); + + $.each(overload, function(_, el){ + var matches = $.grep(el[0], function(e, i){ + return isSet(args[i]) && args[i].constructor === e; + }).length; + if(matches === args.length && matches === el[0].length && (matched = True)){ + $.each(el[1], function(i, prop){ + obj[prop] = args[i]; + }); + return False; + } + }); + //TODO + if(!matched) throw error; + return obj; +} + + +function getOpt(args0, _defaults){ + //args0=[].slice.call(args0, 0) + var args = validate(args0 , $.translate.overload, "jQuery.translate: Invalid arguments" ), + o = args.options || {}; + delete args.options; + o = $.extend({}, defaults, _defaults, $.extend(o, args)); + + if(o.fromOriginal) o.toggle = True; + if(o.toggle) o.data = True; + if(o.async === True) o.async = 2; + if(o.alwaysReplace === true){ //see issue #58 + o.toggle = false; + o.fromOriginal = false; + } + + return o; +} + + +function T(){ + //copy over static methods during each instantiation + //for backward compatibility and access inside callback functions + this.extend($.translate); + delete this.defaults; + delete this.fn; +} + +T.prototype = { + version: "${version}", + + _init: function(t, o){ + var separator = o.separators.source || o.separators, + isString = this.isString = typeof t === "string", + lastpos = 0, substr; + + $.each(["stripComments", "stripScripts", "stripWhitespace"], function(i, name){ + var fn = $.translate[name]; + if( o[name] ) + t = isString ? fn(t) : $.map(t, fn); + }); + + this.rawSource = "
" + (isString ? t : t.join("
")) + "
"; + this._m3 = new RegExp("[" + separator + "](?![^" + separator + "]*[" + separator + "])"); + this.options = o; + this.from = o.from = toLangCode(o.from) || ""; + this.to = o.to = toLangCode(o.to) || ""; + this.source = t; + this.rawTranslation = ""; + this.translation = []; + this.i = 0; + this.stopped = False; + this.elements = o.nodes; + + //this._nres = 0; + //this._progress = 0; + this._i = -1; //TODO: rename + this.rawSources = []; + + while(True){ + substr = this.truncate( this.rawSource.substr(lastpos), o.limit); + if(!substr) break; + this.rawSources.push(substr); + lastpos += substr.length; + } + this.queue = new Array(this.rawSources.length); + this.done = 0; + + o.start.call(this, t , o.from, o.to, o); + + if(o.timeout) + this.timeout = setTimeout(bind(o.onTimeout, this, [t, o.from, o.to, o]), o.timeout); + + (o.toggle && o.nodes) ? + (o.textNodes ? this._toggleTextNodes() : this._toggle()) : + this._process(); + }, + + _process: function(){ + if(this.stopped) + return; + var o = this.options, + i = this.rawTranslation.length, + lastpos, subst, divst, divcl; + var that = this; + + while( (lastpos = this.rawTranslation.lastIndexOf("", i)) > -1){ + + i = lastpos - 1; + subst = this.rawTranslation.substr(0, i + 1); + /*jslint skipLines*/ + divst = subst.match(/ ]/gi); + divcl = subst.match(/<\/div>/gi); + /*jslint skipLinesEnd*/ + + divst = divst ? divst.length : 0; + divcl = divcl ? divcl.length : 0; + + if(divst !== divcl + 1) continue; //if there are some unclosed divs + + var divscompl = $( this.rawTranslation.substr(0, i + 7) ), + divlen = divscompl.length, + l = this.i; + + if(l === divlen) break; //if no new elements have been completely translated + + divscompl.slice(l, divlen).each( bind(function(j, e){ + if(this.stopped) + return False; + var e_html = $(e).html(), tr = o.trim ? $.trim(e_html) : e_html, + i = l + j, src = this.source, + from = !this.from && this.detectedSourceLanguage || this.from; + this.translation[i] = tr;//create an array for complete callback + this.isString ? this.translation = tr : src = this.source[i]; + + o.each.call(this, i, tr, src, from, this.to, o); + + this.i++; + }, this)); + + break; + } + + if(this.rawSources.length - 1 == this._i) + this._complete(); + + var _translate = bind(this._translate, this); + + if(o.parallel){ + if(this._i < 0){ + if(!o.parallel){ + $.each(this.rawSources, _translate); + }else{ + var j = 0, n = this.rawSources.length; + function seq(){ + _translate(); + if(j++ < n) + setTimeout( seq, o.parallel ); + } + seq(); + } + } + }else + _translate(); + + }, + + _translate: function(){ + this._i++; + var _this = this, i = this._i, src = this.rawSourceSub = this.rawSources[i]; + if(!src) return; + + if(key.length < 40){ + $.ajax({ + url: "https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2", + dataType: "jsonp", + jsonp: "callback", + crossDomain: true, + //context: this, //doesn't work with older versions of jQuery + data: $.extend({"key": key, target: this.to, q: src}, this.from ? {source: this.from} : {}), + success: function(response){ + if(response.error){ + return _this.options.error.call(_this, response.error, _this.rawSourceSub, _this.from, _this.to, _this.options); + } + var tr = response.data.translations[0].translatedText; + _this.queue[i] = tr || _this.rawSourceSub; + _this.detectedSourceLanguage = response.data.translations[0].detectedSourceLanguage; + _this._check(); + } + }); + + /* + GL.translate(src, this.from, this.to, bind(function(result){ + //this._progress = 100 * (++this._nres) / this.rawSources.length; + //this.options.response.call(this, this._progress, result); + if(result.error) + return this.options.error.call(this, result.error, this.rawSourceSub, this.from, this.to, this.options); + + this.queue[i] = result.translation || this.rawSourceSub; + this.detectedSourceLanguage = result.detectedSourceLanguage; + this._check(); + }, this)); + */ + }else{ + $.ajax({ + url: "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/Translate", + dataType: "jsonp", + jsonp: "oncomplete", + crossDomain: true, + //context: this, + data: {appId: key, from: _this.from, to: _this.to, contentType: "text/plain", text: src}, + success: function(data, status){ + //console.log(data); + _this.queue[i] = data || _this.rawSourceSub; + //this.detectedSourceLanguage = result.detectedSourceLanguage; + _this._check(); + } + }); + } + }, + + _check: function(){ + if(!this.options.parallel){ + this.rawTranslation += this.queue[this._i]; + this._process(); + return; + } + + var done = 0; + jQuery.each(this.queue, function(i, n) { + if (n != undefined) done = i; + else return false; + }); + + if ((done > this.done) || (done === this.queue.length - 1)) { + for(var i = 0; i <= done; i++) + this.rawTranslation += this.queue[i]; + this._process(); + } + this.done = done; + + }, + + _complete: function(){ + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + + this.options.complete.call(this, this.translation, this.source, + !this.from && this.detectedSourceLanguage || this.from, this.to, this.options); + }, + + stop: function(){ + if(this.stopped) + return this; + this.stopped = True; + this.options.error.call(this, {message:"stopped"}); + return this; + } +}; + + + +$.translate = function(t, a){ + if(t == undefined) + return new T(); + if( $.isFunction(t) ) + return $.translate.ready(t, a); + var that = new T(); + + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); + args.shift(); + return $.translate.ready( bind(that._init, that, [t, getOpt(args, $.translate.defaults)] ), False, that ); +}; + + +$.translate.fn = $.translate.prototype = T.prototype; + +$.translate.fn.extend = $.translate.extend = $.extend; + + +$.translate.extend({ + + _bind: bind, + + _filter: filter, + + _validate: validate, + + _getOpt: getOpt, + + _defaults: defaults, //base defaults used by other components as well //TODO + + defaults: $.extend({}, defaults), + + capitalize: function(t){ return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }, + + truncate: function(text, limit){ + var i, m1, m2, m3, m4, t, encoded = encodeURIComponent( text ); + + for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ + try { + t = decodeURIComponent( encoded.substr(0, limit - i) ); + } catch(e){ continue; } + if(t) break; + } + + return ( !( m1 = /<(?![^<]*>)/.exec(t) ) ) ? ( //if no broken tag present + ( !( m2 = />\s*$/.exec(t) ) ) ? ( //if doesn't end with '>' + ( m3 = this._m3.exec(t) ) ? ( //if broken sentence present + ( m4 = />(?![^>]*<)/.exec(t) ) ? ( + m3.index > m4.index ? t.substring(0, m3.index+1) : t.substring(0, m4.index+1) + ) : t.substring(0, m3.index+1) ) : t ) : t ) : t.substring(0, m1.index); + }, + + getLanguages: function(a, b){ + if(a == undefined || (b == undefined && !a)) + return GLL; + + var newObj = {}, typeof_a = typeof a, + languages = b ? $.translate.getLanguages(a) : GLL, + filterArg = ( typeof_a === "object" || typeof_a === "function" ) ? a : b; + + if(filterArg) + if(filterArg.call) //if it's a filter function + newObj = filter(languages, filterArg); + else //if it's an array of languages + for(var i = 0, length = filterArg.length, lang; i < length; i++){ + lang = $.translate.toLanguage(filterArg[i]); + if(languages[lang] != undefined) + newObj[lang] = languages[lang]; + } + else //if the first argument is true -> only translatable languages + newObj = filter(GLL, $.translate.isTranslatable); + + return newObj; + }, + + + toLanguage: function(a, format){ + var u = a.toUpperCase(); + var l = inverseLanguages[u] || + (GLL[u] ? u : undefined) || + inverseLanguages[($.translate.languageCodeMap[a.toLowerCase()]||"").toUpperCase()]; + return l == undefined ? undefined : + format === "lowercase" ? l.toLowerCase() : format === "capitalize" ? $.translate.capitalize(l) : l; + }, + + toLanguageCode: function(a){ + return GLL[a] || + GLL[ $.translate.toLanguage(a) ] || + $.translate.languageCodeMap[a.toLowerCase()]; + }, + + same: function(a, b){ + return a === b || toLangCode(a) === toLangCode(b); + }, + + isTranslatable: function(l){ + return !!toLangCode(l); + }, + + //keys must be lower case, and values must equal to a + //language code specified in the Language API + languageCodeMap: { + "pt": "pt-PT", + "pt-br": "pt-PT", + "he": "iw", + "zlm": "ms", + "zh-hans": "zh-CN", + "zh-hant": "zh-TW" + //,"zh-sg":"zh-CN" + //,"zh-hk":"zh-TW" + //,"zh-mo":"zh-TW" + }, + + //use only language codes specified in the Language API + isRtl: { + "ar": True, + "iw": True, + "fa": True, + "ur": True, + "yi": True + }, + + getBranding: function(){ + if(typeof console != "undefined") + console.log("$.translate.getBranding() IS DEPRECATED! PLEASE REMOVE IT FROM YOUR CODE!"); + return $(); + }, + + load: function(_key, version){ + loading = True; + key = _key; + + if(key.length < 40){ //Google API + /* + function _load(){ + google.load("language", version || "1", {"callback" : google_loaded}); + } + + if(typeof google !== "undefined" && google.load) + _load(); + else + $.getScript(((document.location.protocol == "https:") ? "https://" : "http://") + + "www.google.com/jsapi" + (key ? "?key=" + key : ""), _load); + */ + + /* + $.ajax({ + url: "https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/languages", + dataType: "jsonp", + jsonp: "oncomplete", + crossDomain: true, + context: this, + data: {key: key, target: "en"}, + success: function(response, status){ + var languageCodes = [], languageNames = []; + $.each(response.data.languages, function(i, e){ + languageCodes.push(e.language); + languageNames.push(e.name); + }); + ms_loaded(languageCodes, languageNames); + } + }); + */ + + var response = {"data": { + "languages": [ + { + "language": "af", + "name": "Afrikaans" + }, + { + "language": "sq", + "name": "Albanian" + }, + { + "language": "ar", + "name": "Arabic" + }, + { + "language": "be", + "name": "Belarusian" + }, + { + "language": "bg", + "name": "Bulgarian" + }, + { + "language": "ca", + "name": "Catalan" + }, + { + "language": "zh", + "name": "Chinese (Simplified)" + }, + { + "language": "zh-TW", + "name": "Chinese (Traditional)" + }, + { + "language": "hr", + "name": "Croatian" + }, + { + "language": "cs", + "name": "Czech" + }, + { + "language": "da", + "name": "Danish" + }, + { + "language": "nl", + "name": "Dutch" + }, + { + "language": "en", + "name": "English" + }, + { + "language": "et", + "name": "Estonian" + }, + { + "language": "tl", + "name": "Filipino" + }, + { + "language": "fi", + "name": "Finnish" + }, + { + "language": "fr", + "name": "French" + }, + { + "language": "gl", + "name": "Galician" + }, + { + "language": "de", + "name": "German" + }, + { + "language": "el", + "name": "Greek" + }, + { + "language": "ht", + "name": "Haitian Creole" + }, + { + "language": "iw", + "name": "Hebrew" + }, + { + "language": "hi", + "name": "Hindi" + }, + { + "language": "hu", + "name": "Hungarian" + }, + { + "language": "is", + "name": "Icelandic" + }, + { + "language": "id", + "name": "Indonesian" + }, + { + "language": "ga", + "name": "Irish" + }, + { + "language": "it", + "name": "Italian" + }, + { + "language": "ja", + "name": "Japanese" + }, + { + "language": "ko", + "name": "Korean" + }, + { + "language": "lv", + "name": "Latvian" + }, + { + "language": "lt", + "name": "Lithuanian" + }, + { + "language": "mk", + "name": "Macedonian" + }, + { + "language": "ms", + "name": "Malay" + }, + { + "language": "mt", + "name": "Maltese" + }, + { + "language": "no", + "name": "Norwegian" + }, + { + "language": "fa", + "name": "Persian" + }, + { + "language": "pl", + "name": "Polish" + }, + { + "language": "pt", + "name": "Portuguese" + }, + { + "language": "ro", + "name": "Romanian" + }, + { + "language": "ru", + "name": "Russian" + }, + { + "language": "sr", + "name": "Serbian" + }, + { + "language": "sk", + "name": "Slovak" + }, + { + "language": "sl", + "name": "Slovenian" + }, + { + "language": "es", + "name": "Spanish" + }, + { + "language": "sw", + "name": "Swahili" + }, + { + "language": "sv", + "name": "Swedish" + }, + { + "language": "th", + "name": "Thai" + }, + { + "language": "tr", + "name": "Turkish" + }, + { + "language": "uk", + "name": "Ukrainian" + }, + { + "language": "vi", + "name": "Vietnamese" + }, + { + "language": "cy", + "name": "Welsh" + }, + { + "language": "yi", + "name": "Yiddish" + } + ] + } +}; + + var languageCodes = [], languageNames = []; + $.each(response.data.languages, function(i, e){ + languageCodes.push(e.language); + languageNames.push(e.name); + }); + ms_loaded(languageCodes, languageNames); + + }else{ //Microsoft API + $.ajax({ + url: "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/GetLanguagesForTranslate", + dataType: "jsonp", + jsonp: "oncomplete", + crossDomain: true, + context: this, + data: {appId: key}, + success: function(languageCodes, status){ + $.ajax({ + url: "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/GetLanguageNames", + dataType: "jsonp", + jsonp: "oncomplete", + crossDomain: true, + context: this, + data: {appId: key, locale: "en", languageCodes: '["'+languageCodes.join('", "')+'"]'}, + success: function(languageNames, status){ + ms_loaded(languageCodes, languageNames); + } + }); + } + }); + + } + + return $.translate; + }, + + ready: function(fn, preventAutoload, that){ + $.translate.isReady ? fn() : readyList.push(fn); + if(!loading && !preventAutoload) + $.translate.load(); + return that || $.translate; + }, + + isReady: False, + + overload: [ + [[],[]], + [[Str, Str, Obj], ["from", "to", "options"] ], + [[Str, Obj], ["to", "options"] ], + [[Obj], ["options"] ], + [[Str, Str], ["from", "to"] ], + [[Str], ["to"] ], + [[Str, Str, Fn], ["from", "to", "complete"] ], + [[Str, Fn], ["to", "complete"] ] + //TODO + //,[[Str, Str, Fn, Fn], ["from", "to", "each", "complete"]] + ] + /*jslint skipLines*/ + , + //jslint doesn't seem to be able to parse some regexes correctly if used on the server, + //however it works fine if it's run on the command line: java -jar rhino.jar jslint.js file.js + stripScripts: bind(replace, True, [/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, ""]), + + stripWhitespace: bind(replace, True, [/\s\s+/g, " "]), + + stripComments: bind(replace, True, [//g, ""]) + /*jslint skipLinesEnd*/ +}); + + +})(jQuery);/*!- + * jQuery.fn.nodesContainingText adapter for the jQuery Translate plugin + * Version: ${version} + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + */ +;(function($){ + +var True = true, + isInput = {text:True, button:True, submit:True}, + dontCopyEvents = {SCRIPT:True, NOSCRIPT:True, STYLE:True, OBJECT:True, IFRAME:True}, + $fly = $([]); + +$fly.length = 1; + +function getDoc(node){ + while (node && node.nodeType != 9) + node = node.parentNode; + return node; +} + +function toggleDir(e, dir){ + var align = e.css("text-align"); + e.css("direction", dir); + if(align === "right") e.css("text-align", "left"); + if(align === "left") e.css("text-align", "right"); +} + +function getType(el, o){ + var nodeName = el.nodeName.toUpperCase(), + type = nodeName === 'INPUT' && $.attr(el, 'type').toLowerCase(); + o = o || {altAndVal:True, subject:True}; + return typeof o.subject === "string" ? o.subject : + o.altAndVal && (nodeName === 'IMG' || type === "image" ) ? "alt" : + o.altAndVal && isInput[ type ] ? "$val" : + nodeName === "TEXTAREA" ? "$val" : "$html"; +} + +$.translate.fn._toggle = function(){ + var o = this.options, to = o.to, stop; + + this.elements.each($.translate._bind(function(i, el){ + this.i = i; + var e = $(el), tr = $.translate.getData(e, to, o); + + if(!tr) return !(stop = True); + + this.translation.push(tr); + + o.each.call(this, i, el, tr, this.source[i], this.from, to, o); + //'from' will be undefined if it wasn't set + }, this)); + + !stop ? this._complete() : this._process(); + //o.complete.call(this, o.nodes, this.translation, this.source, this.from, this.to, o) +}; + + + +$.translate.extend({ + _getType: getType, + + each: function(i, el, t, s, from, to, o){ + $fly[0] = el; + $.translate.setData($fly, to, t, from, s, o); + $.translate.replace($fly, t, to, o); + $.translate.setLangAttr($fly, to, o); + }, + + getData: function(e, lang, o){ + var el = e[0] || e, data = $.data(el, "translation"); + return data && data[lang] && data[lang][ getType(el, o) ]; + }, + + setData: function(e, to, t, from, s, o){ + if(o && !o.data) return; + + var el = e[0] || e, + type = getType(el, o), + data = $.data(el, "translation"); + + data = data || $.data(el, "translation", {}); + (data[from] = data[from] || {})[type] = s; + (data[to] = data[to] || {})[type] = t; + }, + + + replace: function(e, t, to, o){ + + if(o && !o.replace) return; + + if(o && typeof o.subject === "string") + return e.attr(o.subject, t); + + var el = e[0] || e, + nodeName = el.nodeName.toUpperCase(), + type = nodeName === 'INPUT' && $.attr(el, 'type').toLowerCase(), + isRtl = $.translate.isRtl, + lang = $.data(el, "lang"); + + //http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/issues/detail?id=38 + if(!o.alwaysReplace) + if( lang === to ) + return; + + if( isRtl[ to ] !== isRtl[ lang || o && o.from ] ){ + if( isRtl[ to ] ) + toggleDir(e, "rtl"); + else if( e.css("direction") === "rtl" ) + toggleDir(e, "ltr"); + } + + if( (!o || o.altAndVal) && (nodeName === 'IMG' || type === "image" ) ) + e.attr("alt", t); + else if( nodeName === "TEXTAREA" || (!o || o.altAndVal) && isInput[ type ] ) + e.val(t); + else{ + if(!o || o.rebind){ + this.doc = this.doc || getDoc(el); + var origContents = e.find("*").not("script"), + newElem = $(this.doc.createElement("div")).html(t); + $.translate.copyEvents( origContents, newElem.find("*") ); + e.html( newElem.contents() ); + }else + e.html(t); + } + + //used for determining if the text-align property should be changed, + //it's much faster than setting the "lang" attribute, see bug #13 + $.data(el, "lang", to); + }, + + setLangAttr: function(e, to, o){ + if(!o || o.setLangAttr) + e.attr((!o || o.setLangAttr === True) ? "lang" : o.setLangAttr, to); + }, + + copyEvents: function(from, to){ + to.each(function(i, to_i){ + var from_i = from[i]; + if( !to_i || !from_i ) //in some rare cases the translated html structure can be slightly different + return false; + if( dontCopyEvents[ from_i.nodeName.toUpperCase() ]) + return True; + var events = $.data(from_i, "events"); + if(!events) + return True; + for(var type in events) + for(var handler in events[type]) + $.event.add(to_i, type, events[type][handler], events[type][handler].data); + }); + } + +}); + + +$.fn.translate = function(a, b, c){ + var o = $.translate._getOpt(arguments, $.fn.translate.defaults), + ncto = $.extend( {}, $.translate._defaults, $.fn.translate.defaults, o, + { complete:function(e,t){$.translate(function(){ + + var from = $.translate.toLanguageCode(o.from); + + if(o.fromOriginal) + e.each(function(i, el){ + $fly[0] = el; + var data = $.translate.getData($fly, from, o); + if( !data ) return true; + t[i] = data; + }); + + + var each = o.each; + + function unshiftArgs(method){ + return function(){ + [].unshift.call(arguments, this.elements); + method.apply(this, arguments); + }; + } + + //TODO: set as instance property + o.nodes = e; + o.start = unshiftArgs(o.start); + o.onTimeout = unshiftArgs(o.onTimeout); + o.complete = unshiftArgs(o.complete); + + o.each = function(i){ + var args = arguments; + if(arguments.length !== 7) //if isn't called from _toggle + [].splice.call(args, 1, 0, this.elements[i]); + this.each.apply(this, args); + each.apply(this, args); + }; + + $.translate(t, o); + + });}, + + each: function(){} + }); + + if(this.nodesContainingText) + return this.nodesContainingText(ncto); + + //fallback if nodesContainingText method is not present: + o.nodes = this; + $.translate($.map(this, function(e){ return $(e).html() || $(e).val(); }), o); + return this; +}; + +$.fn.translate.defaults = $.extend({}, $.translate._defaults); + +})(jQuery);/*!- + * TextNode Translator for the jQuery Translate plugin + * Version: ${version} + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + */ + +;(function($){ + + +function getTextNodes( root, _filter ){ + + var nodes = [], + skip = {SCRIPT:1, NOSCRIPT:1, STYLE:1, IFRAME:1}, + notType = typeof _filter, + filter = notType === "string" ? function(node){ return !$(node).is(_filter); } : + notType === "function" ? _filter : //e.g. function(node){ return node.nodeName != 'A'; } + null; + + function recurse(_, root){ + var i = 0, children = root.childNodes, l = children.length, node; + for(; i < l; i++){ + node = children[i]; + + if(node.nodeType == 3 && /\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) + nodes.push(node); + else if( node.nodeType == 1 && + !skip[ node.nodeName.toUpperCase() ] && + (!filter || filter(node))) + recurse(null, node); + } + } + + $.each((root.length && !root.nodeName) ? root : [root], recurse); + + return nodes; +} + +function toggleDir(e, dir){ + var align = e.css("text-align"); + e.css("direction", dir); + if(align === "right") e.css("text-align", "left"); + if(align === "left") e.css("text-align", "right"); +} + +function setLangAttr(e, to, o){ + if(!o || o.setLangAttr) + $(e).attr((!o || o.setLangAttr === true) ? "lang" : o.setLangAttr, to); +} + +function replace(parent, node, text, to, o){ + if(!o.replace) return; + var isRtl = $.translate.isRtl, + lang = $.data(parent, "lang"); + + if( isRtl[ to ] !== isRtl[ lang || o && o.from ] ){ + var $parent = $(parent); + if( isRtl[ to ] ) + toggleDir($parent, "rtl"); + else if( $parent.css("direction") === "rtl" ) + toggleDir($parent, "ltr"); + } + + $.data(parent, "lang", to); + + if(text != node.nodeValue){ + var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(text); + parent.replaceChild(newTextNode, node); + return newTextNode; + } + + return node; +} + +function setData(parent, o, src, trnsl){ + if(o.data){ + var TR = "translation"; + if(!$.data(parent, TR)) + $.data(parent, TR, {}); + + if(!$.data(parent, TR)[o.from]) + $.data(parent, TR)[o.from] = []; + [].push.call($.data(parent, TR)[o.from], src); + + if(!$.data(parent, TR)[o.to]) + $.data(parent, TR)[o.to] = []; + [].push.call($.data(parent, TR)[o.to], trnsl); + } +} + +function getData(parent, lang, that){ + that._childIndex = that._prevParent === parent ? that._childIndex + 1 : 0; + var tr = $.data(parent, "translation"); + that._prevParent = parent; + return tr && tr[lang] && tr[lang][that._childIndex]; + +} + +function _each(i, textNode, t, s, from, to, o){ + t = t.replace(/</g, '<') + .replace(/>/g, '>') + .replace(/&/g, '&') + .replace(/"/g, '"') + .replace(/'|'/g, "'"); + + var parent = textNode.parentNode; + setData(parent, o, s, t); + var newTextNode = replace(parent, textNode, t, to, o); + setLangAttr(parent, o.to, o); + + return newTextNode; +} + +$.translateTextNodes = function(root){ + var args = [].slice.call(arguments,0); + args.shift(); + +$.translate(function(){ + var o = $.translate._getOpt(args, $.translateTextNodes.defaults), + each = o.each, + nodes = getTextNodes(root, o.not), + contents = $.map(nodes, function(n){ return n.nodeValue; }), + from = $.translate.toLanguageCode(o.from), + obj = {}; + + o.nodes = nodes; + o.textNodes = true; + o.trim = false; + + if(o.fromOriginal) + $.each(nodes, function(i, textNode){ + var data = getData(textNode.parentNode, from, obj); + if( !data ) return true; + contents[i] = data; + }); + + function unshiftArgs(method){ + return function(){ + [].unshift.call(arguments, this.elements); + method.apply(this, arguments); + }; + } + + o.start = unshiftArgs(o.start); + o.onTimeout = unshiftArgs(o.onTimeout); + o.complete = unshiftArgs(o.complete); + + o.each = function(i){ + var args = arguments; + if(arguments.length !== 7) //if isn't called from _toggle + [].splice.call(args, 1, 0, this.elements[i]); + this.elements[i] = args[1] = _each.apply(this, args); + + each.apply(this, args); + }; + + $.translate(contents, o); + +}); +}; + +$.translate.fn._toggleTextNodes = function(){ + var o = this.options, to = o.to, stop; + + $.each(this.elements, $.translate._bind(function(i, textNode){ + this.i = i; + var parent = textNode.parentNode, + tr = getData(parent, to, this); + + if(!tr) return !(stop = true); + + this.translation.push(tr); + + o.each.call(this, i, textNode, tr, this.source[i], this.from, to, o); + //'from' will be undefined if it wasn't set + }, this)); + + !stop ? this._complete() : this._process(); + //o.complete.call(this, this.elements, this.translation, this.source, this.from, this.to, o); +}; + +$.fn.translateTextNodes = function(a, b, c){ + [].unshift.call(arguments, this); + $.translateTextNodes.apply(null, arguments); + return this; +}; + +$.translateTextNodes.defaults = $.fn.translateTextNodes.defaults = $.extend({}, $.translate._defaults); + + +})(jQuery); +/*!- + * Simple user interface extension for the jQuery Translate plugin + * Version: ${version} + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + */ +;(function($){ + +var defaults = { + tags: ["select", "option"], + filter: $.translate.isTranslatable, + label: $.translate.toNativeLanguage || + function(langCode, lang){ + return $.translate.capitalize(lang); + }, + includeUnknown: false +}; + +$.translate.ui = function(){ + var o = {}, str='', cs='', cl=''; + + if(typeof arguments[0] === "string") + o.tags = $.makeArray(arguments); + else o = arguments[0]; + + o = $.extend({}, defaults, $.translate.ui.defaults, o); + + if(o.tags[2]){ + cs = '<' + o.tags[2] + '>'; + cl = ''; + } + + var languages = $.translate.getLanguages(o.filter); + if(!o.includeUnknown) delete languages.UNKNOWN; + + $.each( languages, function(l, lc){ + str += ('<' + o.tags[1] + " value=" + lc + '>' + cs + + //$.translate.capitalize(l) + " - " + + o.label(lc, l) + + cl + ''); + }); + + return $('<' + o.tags[0] + ' class="jq-translate-ui">' + str + ''); + +}; + +$.translate.ui.defaults = $.extend({}, defaults); + + +})(jQuery); +/*!- + * Progress indicator extension for the jQuery Translate plugin + * Version: ${version} + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + */ + +;jQuery.translate.fn.progress = function(selector, options){ + if(!this.i) this._pr = 0; + this._pr += this.source[this.i].length; + var progress = 100 * this._pr / ( this.rawSource.length - ( 11 * (this.i + 1) ) ); + + if(selector){ + var e = jQuery(selector); + if( !this.i && !e.hasClass("ui-progressbar") ) + e.progressbar(options); + e.progressbar( "option", "value", progress ); + } + + return progress; +};/*!- + * Native language names extension for the jQuery Translate plugin + * Version: ${version} + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + */ +;(function($){ +$.translate.extend({ + + toNativeLanguage: function(lang){ + return $.translate.nativeLanguages[ lang ] || + $.translate.nativeLanguages[ $.translate.toLanguageCode(lang) ]; + }, + + nativeLanguages: { + "af":"Afrikaans", + "be":"Беларуская", + "is":"Íslenska", + "ga":"Gaeilge", + "mk":"Македонски", + "ms":"Bahasa Melayu", + "sw":"Kiswahili", + "cy":"Cymraeg", + "yi":"ייִדיש", + + "sq":"Shqipe", + "ar":"العربية", + "bg":"Български", + "ca":"Català", + "zh":"中文", + "zh-CN":"简体中文", + "zh-TW":"繁體中文", + "hr":"Hrvatski", + "cs":"Čeština", + "da":"Dansk", + "nl":"Nederlands", + "en":"English", + "et":"Eesti", + "tl":"Tagalog", + "fi":"Suomi", + "fr":"Français", + "gl":"Galego", + "de":"Deutsch", + "el":"Ελληνικά", + "iw":"עברית", + "hi":"हिन्दी", + "hu":"Magyar", + "id":"Bahasa Indonesia", + "it":"Italiano", + "ja":"日本語", + "ko":"한국어", + "lv":"Latviešu", + "lt":"Lietuvių", + "mt":"Malti", + "no":"Norsk", + "fa":"فارسی", + "pl":"Polski", + "pt-PT":"Português", + "ro":"Român", + "ru":"Русский", + "sr":"Српски", + "sk":"Slovenský", + "sl":"Slovenski", + "es":"Español", + "sv":"Svenska", + "th":"ไทย", + "tr":"Türkçe", + "uk":"Українська", + "vi":"Tiếng Việt" + } + +}); + +})(jQuery);/*!- + * Paralell extension for the jQuery Translate plugin + * Version: ${version} + * http://code.google.com/p/jquery-translate/ + */ + +;(function($){ +$.translate.extend({ + defer: function(){ + return $.translate._bind($.translate, null, arguments); + }, + + run: function(array, finished){ + var count = array.length; + $.each(array, function(){ + var inst = this(), + complete = inst.options.complete; + inst.options.complete = function(){ + complete.apply(this, arguments); + if(!--count) finished(); + }; + }); + } +}); + +})(jQuery); diff --git a/helpdesk/templates/helpdesk/base.html b/helpdesk/templates/helpdesk/base.html index e437de2d..34815234 100644 --- a/helpdesk/templates/helpdesk/base.html +++ b/helpdesk/templates/helpdesk/base.html @@ -9,13 +9,16 @@ {% block helpdesk_title %}Helpdesk{% endblock %} :: {% trans "Powered by django-helpdesk" %} - + {% comment %} + + {% endcomment %} + {% comment %} + {% endcomment %} + +