diff --git a/helpdesk/fixtures/emailtemplate.json b/helpdesk/fixtures/emailtemplate.json index b271e30c..51b41589 100644 --- a/helpdesk/fixtures/emailtemplate.json +++ b/helpdesk/fixtures/emailtemplate.json @@ -1153,8 +1153,197 @@ "subject": "(Actualizado)", "locale": "es" } + }, + { + "pk": 97, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "已分配_CC", + "html": "



温馨提示, {{ ticket.submitter_email }}的工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} ({{ ticket.title }}) {% if ticket.assigned_to %}已经分配给 {{ ticket.assigned_to }}{% else %}还未分配{% endif %}.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}
", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示, {{ ticket.submitter_email }}提交的工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} (\"{{ ticket.title }}\") 已经 {% if ticket.assigned_to %}分配给 {{ ticket.assigned_to }}{% else %}未分配{% endif %}.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }}\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已分配", + "subject": "(已分配)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 98, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "assigned_owner", + "html": "



温馨提示, 提交者{{ ticket.submitter_email }}的工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} ({{ ticket.title }}) 已经分配给 you.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: YOU
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}
", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示, 工单 提交者{{ ticket.submitter_email }}的工单{{ ticket.ticket }} 已经 分配给 you.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: YOU\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }}\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已分配给您", + "subject": "(已分配给您)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 99, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "closed_cc", + "html": "



工单 {{ ticket.title }} ('{{ ticket.title }}'){% if ticket.assigned_to %}, 分配给 {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}{% endif %} 已经 关闭


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}


{{ resolution }}

如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.staff_url }}.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n工单 {{ ticket.title }} (\"{{ ticket.title }}\"){% if ticket.assigned_to %}, 分配给 {{ ticket.assigned_to }}{% endif %} 已经 关闭\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n提供的解决方案为:\r\n\r\n{{ resolution }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已关闭", + "subject": "(已关闭)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 100, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "closed_owner", + "html": "



以下分配给您的工单, 已经关闭


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}


{{ ticket.resolution }}
", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n以下分配给您的工单, 已经关闭\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.staff_url }}.\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已关闭", + "subject": "(已关闭)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 101, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "closed_submitter", + "html": "



您最近记录了主题为{{ ticket.title }}的工单. 本邮件确认工单已经 关闭



{{ ticket.resolution }}

如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}. 如果您认为还需要后续工作, 请用原标题回复此邮件.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n您最近记录了主题为\"{{ ticket.title }}\"的工单. 本邮件确认工单已经 关闭\r\n\r\nI如果您认为还需要后续工作, 请用原标题回复此邮件.\r\n\r\n如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.\r\n\r\n提供的解决方案为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.resolution }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已关闭", + "subject": "(已关闭)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 102, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "escalated_cc", + "html": "



温馨提示, 工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} ('{{ ticket.title }}') 已经 自动提升优先级.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}
", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示, 工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} (\"{{ ticket.title }}\") 已经自动提升优先级.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单 已经提升优先级", + "subject": "(已经提升优先级)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 103, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "escalated_owner", + "html": "



A 当前分配给您的工单已经自动提升优先级 as it 已经 打开时间超过预期.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}
", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\nA 分配给您的当前工单已经自动提升优先级, 因为打开时间已经超过预期.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n请查看此工单并尽快提供解决方案.\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单 已分配给 您 已经提升优先级", + "subject": "(已经提升优先级)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 104, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "escalated_submitter", + "html": "



您最近记录了主题为{{ ticket.title }}的工单. 本邮件是想提醒您工单自动升级, 因为已经 打开时间超过预期.




如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n您最近为我们记录了一个标题为 \"{{ ticket.title }}\" 的工单. 本邮件是想提醒您工单自动升级, 因为已经打开时间超过预期.\r\n\r\n我们将尽快查看并提供解决方案.\r\n\r\n如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "您的 工单 已经 已经提升优先级", + "subject": "(已经提升优先级)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 105, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "newticket_cc", + "html": "



温馨提示: 新工单已经打开.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}
", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示: 新工单已经 打开.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\nDescription:\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "新工单已打开", + "subject": "(已打开)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 106, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "newticket_submitter", + "html": "



温馨提示: 我们已收到您主题为 {{ ticket.title }}.


您当前什么都不用做. 您的工单 已经 分配编号 {{ ticket.ticket }} 且将很快收到回复.


如果您想告诉我们更多详情, 或者要查询此工单, 请在主题带上工单id {{ ticket.ticket }} . 最简单就是直接点这个消息的 \"回复\" 按钮.


如果您希望在线查看并提供此工单的更多信息, 附加文件或者查看最近更新, 您可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.


我们将调查您的问题并尽快解决. 您将通过此邮箱收到后续更新和解决方案.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示: 我们已经收到您主题为 \"{{ ticket.title }}\" 的查询. \r\n\r\n您当前什么都不用做. 您的工单已经分配编号 {{ ticket.ticket }} 且将很快收到回复.\r\n\r\n如果您想告诉我们更多详情, 或者要查询此工单, 请在主题带上工单id '{{ ticket.ticket }}' . 最简单方式就是按下此消息 \"回复\" .\r\n\r\n如果您希望在线查看并提供此工单的更多信息, 附加文件或者查看最近更新, 您可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.\r\n\r\n我们将调查您的问题并尽快解决. 您将通过此邮箱收到后续更新和解决方案.\r\n", + "heading": "您的工单已经打开", + "subject": "(已打开)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 107, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "解决_cc", + "html": "



以下工单 已经 解决.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}


{{ ticket.resolution }}

此方案已经 邮件发送给提交者, 在您关闭之前需要他先确认.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n以下工单 已经 解决:\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n提供的解决方案为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.resolution }}\r\n\r\n此方案已经 邮件发送给提交者, 在您关闭之前需要他先确认.\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单 解决", + "subject": "(解决)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 108, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "解决_owner", + "html": "



A 当前分配给您的工单已经 解决.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}


{{ ticket.resolution }}

此方案已经 邮件发送给提交者, 在您关闭之前需要他先确认.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\nA 当前分配给您的工单已经 解决.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n提供的方案为:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.resolution }}\r\n\r\n此方案已经 邮件发送给提交者, 在您关闭之前需要他先确认.\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单 解决", + "subject": "(解决)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 109, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "解决_submitter", + "html": "



您最近记录了主题为{{ ticket.title }}的工单. 此邮件是要告知您解决方案.


工单添加了以下解决方案 {{ ticket.ticket }}:

{{ resolution }}

请您确认下此解决方案是否解决了您的问题, 这样我们可以关闭此工单? 如果有更多问题或者认为方案不够充分,, 请继续使用邮件的主题回复此邮件.


如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n您最近记录了主题为\"{{ ticket.title }}\"的工单. 此邮件是要告知您解决方案.\r\n\r\n工单添加了以下解决方案 {{ ticket.ticket }}:\r\n\r\n{{ resolution }}\r\n\r\n请您确认下此解决方案是否解决了您的问题, 这样我们可以关闭此工单? 如果有更多问题或者认为方案不够充分,, 请继续使用邮件的主题回复此邮件.\r\n\r\n如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "您的 工单 已经 解决", + "subject": "(解决)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 110, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "updated_cc", + "html": "



温馨提示, {{ ticket.submitter_email }} 的工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} (\"{{ ticket.title }}\") 已经更新.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}


{{ comment }}

本信息 {% if private %} 还没有 {% else %} 已经 {% endif %} 邮件发送给提交者.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示, 提交者{{ ticket.submitter_email }}的工单{{ ticket.ticket }} 已经更新.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n已添加以下评论:\r\n\r\n{{ comment }}\r\n\r\n本信息 {% if private %}还没有{% else %} 已经 {% endif %} 邮件发送给提交者.\r\n\r\n如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.staff_url }}.\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已更新", + "subject": "(已更新)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 111, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "updated_owner", + "html": "



温馨提示, 分配给您,提交者{{ ticket.submitter_email }}的工单{{ ticket.ticket }}, 已经更新.


\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}
\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}
\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}
\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}
\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}
\r\n优先级: {{ ticket.get_priority_display }}
\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}
\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}
\r\n在线查看 更新此工单 (需要登录)



{{ ticket.description|linebreaksbr }}


{{ comment }}

本信息 {% if private %} 还未 {% else %} 已经 {% endif %} been 邮件发送给提交者.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n温馨提示, 提交者分配给{{ ticket.submitter_email }} 您的工单 {{ ticket.ticket }} (\"{{ ticket.title }}\") , 已经更新.\r\n\r\n工单 ID: {{ ticket.ticket }}\r\n待办: {{ queue.title }}\r\n标题: {{ ticket.title }}\r\n已打开: {{ ticket.created|date:\"l N jS Y, \\a\\t P\" }}\r\n提交人: {{ ticket.submitter_email|default:\"Unknown\" }}\r\n优先级:{{ ticket.get_priority_display }}\r\n状态: {{ ticket.get_status }}\r\n已分配给: {{ ticket.get_assigned_to }}\r\n在线查看: {{ ticket.staff_url }} (需要登录)\r\n\r\n原始描述:\r\n\r\n{{ ticket.description }}\r\n\r\n添加了一下评论:\r\n\r\n{{ comment }}\r\n\r\n本信息 {% if private %}还没有 {% endif %} 邮件发送给提交者.\r\n\r\n如果您想在线查看, 可以访问 {{ ticket.staff_url }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "工单已更新", + "subject": "(已更新)", + "locale": "zh" + } + }, + { + "pk": 112, + "model": "helpdesk.emailtemplate", + "fields": { + "template_name": "updated_submitter", + "html": "



您最近记录了主题为{{ ticket.title }}的工单. 此邮件是告知您工单的更新.


工单添加了以下评论 {{ ticket.ticket }}:

{{ comment }}

如果你需要提供更多信息, 请继续使用邮件的主题回复此邮件. 或者您可以在线查看和更新此工单 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}.

", + "plain_text": "您好,\r\n\r\n您最近记录了主题为\"{{ ticket.title }}\"的工单. 此邮件是告知您工单的更新.\r\n\r\n工单添加了以下评论 {{ ticket.ticket }}:\r\n\r\n{{ comment }}\r\n\r\n如果你需要提供更多信息, 请继续使用邮件的主题回复此邮件. 或者您可以在线查看和更新此工单 {{ ticket.ticket_url }}\r\n\r\n", + "heading": "您的工单已经更新", + "subject": "(已更新)", + "locale": "zh" + } } - - - ] diff --git a/helpdesk/locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo b/helpdesk/locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo new file mode 100644 index 00000000..765be4ab Binary files /dev/null and b/helpdesk/locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo differ diff --git a/helpdesk/locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/helpdesk/locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/django.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8374d72 --- /dev/null +++ b/helpdesk/locale/zh_Hans/LC_MESSAGES/django.po @@ -0,0 +1,2394 @@ +# django-helpdesk English language translation +# Copyright (C) 2011 Ross Poulton +# This file is distributed under the same license as the django-helpdesk package. +# +# Translators: +# Translators: +# pjsong , 2017 +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: django-helpdesk\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://github.com/RossP/django-helpdesk/issues\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-26 14:14+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-06 08:13+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: pjsong \n" +"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/language/zh_CN/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: zh_CN\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +#: forms.py:128 forms.py:328 models.py:190 models.py:267 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:15 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:58 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:78 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:100 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:124 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:24 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:69 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:88 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:225 views/staff.py:1032 +#: views/staff.py:1038 views/staff.py:1044 views/staff.py:1050 +msgid "Queue" +msgstr "所有待办" + +#: forms.py:137 +msgid "Summary of the problem" +msgstr "问题描述" + +#: forms.py:142 +msgid "Submitter E-Mail Address" +msgstr "提交者邮件" + +#: forms.py:144 +msgid "" +"This e-mail address will receive copies of all public updates to this " +"ticket." +msgstr "此邮箱将收到此工单的所有公开更新" + +#: forms.py:150 +msgid "Description of Issue" +msgstr "问题描述" + +#: forms.py:157 +msgid "Case owner" +msgstr "案子所有者" + +#: forms.py:158 +msgid "" +"If you select an owner other than yourself, they'll be e-mailed details of " +"this ticket immediately." +msgstr "如果选择自己之外的所有者, 他们将马上收到此工单的邮件" + +#: forms.py:166 models.py:327 management/commands/escalate_tickets.py:154 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:23 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:184 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:47 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:94 views/staff.py:429 +msgid "Priority" +msgstr "优先级" + +#: forms.py:167 +msgid "Please select a priority carefully. If unsure, leave it as '3'." +msgstr "请认真选择优先级,如果不确定, 选择默认3" + +#: forms.py:174 forms.py:365 models.py:335 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:186 +#: views/staff.py:439 +msgid "Due on" +msgstr "截止至" + +#: forms.py:186 forms.py:370 +msgid "Attach File" +msgstr "附件" + +#: forms.py:187 forms.py:371 +msgid "You can attach a file such as a document or screenshot to this ticket." +msgstr "你可以附加文档或者截屏到这个工单" + +#: forms.py:240 +msgid "Ticket Opened" +msgstr "开工单" + +#: forms.py:247 +#, python-format +msgid "Ticket Opened & Assigned to %(name)s" +msgstr "已开 & 已分配给 %(name)s" + +#: forms.py:337 +msgid "Summary of your query" +msgstr "查询摘要" + +#: forms.py:342 +msgid "Your E-Mail Address" +msgstr "邮箱地址" + +#: forms.py:343 +msgid "We will e-mail you when your ticket is updated." +msgstr "当您的ticket有更新,我们将给您发邮件" + +#: forms.py:348 +msgid "Description of your issue" +msgstr "问题描述" + +#: forms.py:350 +msgid "" +"Please be as descriptive as possible, including any details we may need to " +"address your query." +msgstr "请保持描述性, 包括为了表示您的查询,我们所需要的任何细节" + +#: forms.py:358 +msgid "Urgency" +msgstr "紧急程度" + +#: forms.py:359 +msgid "Please select a priority carefully." +msgstr "请认真选择优先级" + +#: forms.py:419 +msgid "Ticket Opened Via Web" +msgstr "工单已通过web打开" + +#: forms.py:486 +msgid "Show Ticket List on Login?" +msgstr "登录之后是否显示工单列表?" + +#: forms.py:487 +msgid "Display the ticket list upon login? Otherwise, the dashboard is shown." +msgstr "登录之后显示工单吗? 如果否, 则显示仪表盘" + +#: forms.py:492 +msgid "E-mail me on ticket change?" +msgstr "工单更改要通知您吗?" + +#: forms.py:493 +msgid "" +"If you're the ticket owner and the ticket is changed via the web by somebody" +" else, do you want to receive an e-mail?" +msgstr "如果您是工单所有者, 且工单被其他人通过web改变了, 您希望收到邮件吗?" + +#: forms.py:498 +msgid "E-mail me when assigned a ticket?" +msgstr "当工单分配给您,要给您发邮件吗?" + +#: forms.py:499 +msgid "" +"If you are assigned a ticket via the web, do you want to receive an e-mail?" +msgstr "如果有工单分配到了您,您是否愿意收到邮件?" + +#: forms.py:504 +msgid "E-mail me when a ticket is changed via the API?" +msgstr "当工单通过api改变时, 要通知您吗?" + +#: forms.py:505 +msgid "If a ticket is altered by the API, do you want to receive an e-mail?" +msgstr "如果工单被api改变, 您愿意收到邮件吗?" + +#: forms.py:510 +msgid "Number of tickets to show per page" +msgstr "每个页面显示的工单数量" + +#: forms.py:511 +msgid "How many tickets do you want to see on the Ticket List page?" +msgstr "工单列表页面显示的工单数量" + +#: forms.py:518 +msgid "Use my e-mail address when submitting tickets?" +msgstr "当提交工单时使用我的邮箱地址吗?" + +#: forms.py:519 +msgid "" +"When you submit a ticket, do you want to automatically use your e-mail " +"address as the submitter address? You can type a different e-mail address " +"when entering the ticket if needed, this option only changes the default." +msgstr "当提交工单, 您愿意自动使用您的邮箱地址作为提交者地址吗? 提交表单时如果需要, 您可以改变缺省的选项,输入一个不同的邮箱地址。" + +#: models.py:35 models.py:261 models.py:503 models.py:817 models.py:853 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:58 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:78 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:100 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:124 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:178 templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:85 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:225 views/staff.py:419 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "标题" + +#: models.py:40 models.py:822 models.py:1206 +msgid "Slug" +msgstr "地址栏表示" + +#: models.py:41 +msgid "" +"This slug is used when building ticket ID's. Once set, try not to change it " +"or e-mailing may get messy." +msgstr "本地址栏表示在构建工单ID时使用。 一旦设置不要更改, 否则可能导致邮件功能混乱" + +#: models.py:46 models.py:1054 models.py:1129 models.py:1203 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15 +msgid "E-Mail Address" +msgstr "邮件地址" + +#: models.py:49 +msgid "" +"All outgoing e-mails for this queue will use this e-mail address. If you use" +" IMAP or POP3, this should be the e-mail address for that mailbox." +msgstr "本待办主题下,所有出去的邮件将使用本地址。 如果您使用IMAP或者POP3,这里应该是那个邮箱的地址" + +#: models.py:55 models.py:794 +msgid "Locale" +msgstr "地区" + +#: models.py:59 +msgid "" +"Locale of this queue. All correspondence in this queue will be in this " +"language." +msgstr "待办所属的地区。 这个代办下对应的任务使用该语言" + +#: models.py:63 +msgid "Allow Public Submission?" +msgstr "允许公共提交?" + +#: models.py:66 +msgid "Should this queue be listed on the public submission form?" +msgstr "是否该待办显示在公共提交表单?" + +#: models.py:71 +msgid "Allow E-Mail Submission?" +msgstr "允许邮件提交?" + +#: models.py:74 +msgid "Do you want to poll the e-mail box below for new tickets?" +msgstr "您是否愿意通过以下的邮件查询得到新的工单?" + +#: models.py:79 +msgid "Escalation Days" +msgstr "提升天数" + +#: models.py:82 +msgid "" +"For tickets which are not held, how often do you wish to increase their " +"priority? Set to 0 for no escalation." +msgstr "对于不固定的工单, 多久您希望提升其优先级? 设置0表示不提升" + +#: models.py:87 +msgid "New Ticket CC Address" +msgstr "新工单CC的地址" + +#: models.py:91 +msgid "" +"If an e-mail address is entered here, then it will receive notification of " +"all new tickets created for this queue. Enter a comma between multiple " +"e-mail addresses." +msgstr "如果此处输入邮件地址,该地址将收到本待办下所有新创建的工单。多个邮件地址用逗号分隔" + +#: models.py:97 +msgid "Updated Ticket CC Address" +msgstr "更新工单CC的地址" + +#: models.py:101 +msgid "" +"If an e-mail address is entered here, then it will receive notification of " +"all activity (new tickets, closed tickets, updates, reassignments, etc) for " +"this queue. Separate multiple addresses with a comma." +msgstr "此处输入的邮件地址, 将收到本代办下所有的活动(新工单,关闭工单,更新,重分配等)。多个邮件地址用逗号分隔。" + +#: models.py:108 +msgid "E-Mail Box Type" +msgstr "邮箱类型" + +#: models.py:110 +msgid "POP 3" +msgstr "POP3" + +#: models.py:110 +msgid "IMAP" +msgstr "IMAP" + +#: models.py:113 +msgid "" +"E-Mail server type for creating tickets automatically from a mailbox - both " +"POP3 and IMAP are supported." +msgstr "通过邮箱自动创建工单的邮件服务器类型。 同时支持POP3和IMAP" + +#: models.py:118 +msgid "E-Mail Hostname" +msgstr "邮箱主机名" + +#: models.py:122 +msgid "" +"Your e-mail server address - either the domain name or IP address. May be " +"\"localhost\"." +msgstr "您邮箱服务器地址-域名或者ip. 可能是localhost" + +#: models.py:127 +msgid "E-Mail Port" +msgstr "邮件端口" + +#: models.py:130 +msgid "" +"Port number to use for accessing e-mail. Default for POP3 is \"110\", and " +"for IMAP is \"143\". This may differ on some servers. Leave it blank to use " +"the defaults." +msgstr "访问邮件使用的端口。 缺省下POP3用110, IMAP用143. 不同服务器可能有差别。如果使用缺省,保持空白。" + +#: models.py:136 +msgid "Use SSL for E-Mail?" +msgstr "邮箱使用SSL?" + +#: models.py:139 +msgid "" +"Whether to use SSL for IMAP or POP3 - the default ports when using SSL are " +"993 for IMAP and 995 for POP3." +msgstr "IMAP或POP3是否使用SSL-当使用SSL, IMAP是993, POP3是995" + +#: models.py:144 +msgid "E-Mail Username" +msgstr "邮箱用户名" + +#: models.py:148 +msgid "Username for accessing this mailbox." +msgstr "访问本邮箱使用的用户名" + +#: models.py:152 +msgid "E-Mail Password" +msgstr "邮箱密码" + +#: models.py:156 +msgid "Password for the above username" +msgstr "以上用户名的密码" + +#: models.py:160 +msgid "IMAP Folder" +msgstr "IMAP文件夹" + +#: models.py:164 +msgid "" +"If using IMAP, what folder do you wish to fetch messages from? This allows " +"you to use one IMAP account for multiple queues, by filtering messages on " +"your IMAP server into separate folders. Default: INBOX." +msgstr "如果使用IMAP,您希望获取哪个文件夹的消息? 本功能允许您使用一个IMAP帐号访问多个待办。把您IMAP服务器上的消息分开到不同的文件夹即可。缺省:收件箱" + +#: models.py:171 +msgid "E-Mail Check Interval" +msgstr "邮箱检查间隔" + +#: models.py:172 +msgid "How often do you wish to check this mailbox? (in Minutes)" +msgstr "隔多久您希望检查此邮箱?(分钟单位)" + +#: models.py:191 templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13 +msgid "Queues" +msgstr "代办" + +#: models.py:245 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:15 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:138 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "打开" + +#: models.py:246 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:144 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:150 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:155 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:159 +msgid "Reopened" +msgstr "重新打开" + +#: models.py:247 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:15 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:139 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:145 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:151 +msgid "Resolved" +msgstr "已解决" + +#: models.py:248 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:15 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:140 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:146 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:152 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:156 +msgid "Closed" +msgstr "已关闭" + +#: models.py:249 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:141 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:147 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:160 +msgid "Duplicate" +msgstr "重复" + +#: models.py:253 +msgid "1. Critical" +msgstr "1. 严重" + +#: models.py:254 +msgid "2. High" +msgstr "2. 高" + +#: models.py:255 +msgid "3. Normal" +msgstr "3. 一般" + +#: models.py:256 +msgid "4. Low" +msgstr "4. 低" + +#: models.py:257 +msgid "5. Very Low" +msgstr "5. 很低" + +#: models.py:271 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:100 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:82 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:225 +msgid "Created" +msgstr "已创建" + +#: models.py:273 +msgid "Date this ticket was first created" +msgstr "工单创建日期" + +#: models.py:277 +msgid "Modified" +msgstr "已修改" + +#: models.py:279 +msgid "Date this ticket was most recently changed." +msgstr "工单最近修改日期" + +#: models.py:283 templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:18 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:42 +msgid "Submitter E-Mail" +msgstr "提交者邮箱" + +#: models.py:286 +msgid "" +"The submitter will receive an email for all public follow-ups left for this " +"task." +msgstr "提交者将收到本任务的所有跟进" + +#: models.py:295 +msgid "Assigned to" +msgstr "分配给" + +#: models.py:299 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:58 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:78 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:124 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:70 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:91 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:225 +msgid "Status" +msgstr "状态" + +#: models.py:305 +msgid "On Hold" +msgstr "待定" + +#: models.py:308 +msgid "If a ticket is on hold, it will not automatically be escalated." +msgstr "如果工单待定,将自动提升级别" + +#: models.py:313 models.py:826 templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:41 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:19 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "描述" + +#: models.py:316 +msgid "The content of the customers query." +msgstr "定制查询的内容" + +#: models.py:320 templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:48 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:26 +msgid "Resolution" +msgstr "解决方案" + +#: models.py:323 +msgid "The resolution provided to the customer by our staff." +msgstr "员工提供给客户的解决方案" + +#: models.py:331 +msgid "1 = Highest Priority, 5 = Low Priority" +msgstr "1=最高优先级, 5=低优先级" + +#: models.py:344 +msgid "" +"The date this ticket was last escalated - updated automatically by " +"management/commands/escalate_tickets.py." +msgstr "最近优先级提升日期,通过management/commands/escalate_tickets.py自动升级" + +#: models.py:353 templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:38 +#: views/feeds.py:95 views/feeds.py:121 views/feeds.py:173 views/staff.py:376 +msgid "Unassigned" +msgstr "未分配" + +#: models.py:392 +msgid " - On Hold" +msgstr "待定" + +#: models.py:394 +msgid " - Open dependencies" +msgstr "打开依赖" + +#: models.py:448 models.py:494 models.py:1117 models.py:1280 models.py:1309 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:78 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:12 +msgid "Ticket" +msgstr "工单" + +#: models.py:449 templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:17 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:2 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:224 +msgid "Tickets" +msgstr "工单" + +#: models.py:498 models.py:738 models.py:1047 models.py:1200 +msgid "Date" +msgstr "日期" + +#: models.py:510 views/staff.py:390 +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "评论" + +#: models.py:516 +msgid "Public" +msgstr "公开" + +#: models.py:519 +msgid "" +"Public tickets are viewable by the submitter and all staff, but non-public " +"tickets can only be seen by staff." +msgstr "公开工单对提交者和所有员工可见,非公开工单只对员工可见。" + +#: models.py:527 models.py:922 models.py:1125 views/staff.py:1008 +#: views/staff.py:1014 views/staff.py:1020 views/staff.py:1026 +msgid "User" +msgstr "用户" + +#: models.py:531 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:135 +msgid "New Status" +msgstr "新状态" + +#: models.py:535 +msgid "If the status was changed, what was it changed to?" +msgstr "如果状态发生变更,变更到哪个状态?" + +#: models.py:542 models.py:566 models.py:628 +msgid "Follow-up" +msgstr "跟进" + +#: models.py:543 +msgid "Follow-ups" +msgstr "跟进" + +#: models.py:570 models.py:1285 +msgid "Field" +msgstr "字段" + +#: models.py:575 +msgid "Old Value" +msgstr "旧值" + +#: models.py:581 +msgid "New Value" +msgstr "新值" + +#: models.py:589 +msgid "removed" +msgstr "移除" + +#: models.py:591 +#, python-format +msgid "set to %s" +msgstr "设置为 %s" + +#: models.py:593 +#, python-format +msgid "changed from \"%(old_value)s\" to \"%(new_value)s\"" +msgstr " 从\"%(old_value)s\" 更改为 \"%(new_value)s\"" + +#: models.py:600 +msgid "Ticket change" +msgstr "工单变更" + +#: models.py:601 +msgid "Ticket changes" +msgstr "工单变更" + +#: models.py:632 +msgid "File" +msgstr "文件" + +#: models.py:637 +msgid "Filename" +msgstr "文件名" + +#: models.py:642 +msgid "MIME Type" +msgstr "MIME 类型" + +#: models.py:647 +msgid "Size" +msgstr "大小" + +#: models.py:648 +msgid "Size of this file in bytes" +msgstr "文件字节大小" + +#: models.py:665 +msgid "Attachment" +msgstr "附件" + +#: models.py:666 +msgid "Attachments" +msgstr "附件" + +#: models.py:685 +msgid "" +"Leave blank to allow this reply to be used for all queues, or select those " +"queues you wish to limit this reply to." +msgstr "留空表示允许回复给所有待办,或者选择你要的待办。" + +#: models.py:690 models.py:733 models.py:1042 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "名字" + +#: models.py:692 +msgid "" +"Only used to assist users with selecting a reply - not shown to the user." +msgstr "仅用于帮助用户选择回复,不显示给用户。" + +#: models.py:697 +msgid "Body" +msgstr "内容" + +#: models.py:698 +msgid "" +"Context available: {{ ticket }} - ticket object (eg {{ ticket.title }}); {{ " +"queue }} - The queue; and {{ user }} - the current user." +msgstr "可用的上下文: {{ ticket }} - 目标工单 (比如 {{ ticket.title }}); {{ queue }} - 待办; 和{{ user }} - 当前用户。" + +#: models.py:705 +msgid "Pre-set reply" +msgstr "预设置回复" + +#: models.py:706 +msgid "Pre-set replies" +msgstr "预设置回复" + +#: models.py:727 +msgid "" +"Leave blank for this exclusion to be applied to all queues, or select those " +"queues you wish to exclude with this entry." +msgstr "留空表示此排除应用到所有待办,或者选择你想应用的待办。" + +#: models.py:739 +msgid "Date on which escalation should not happen" +msgstr "不发生提升的日期" + +#: models.py:746 +msgid "Escalation exclusion" +msgstr "提升排除项" + +#: models.py:747 +msgid "Escalation exclusions" +msgstr "提升排除项" + +#: models.py:760 +msgid "Template Name" +msgstr "模板名" + +#: models.py:765 +msgid "Subject" +msgstr "主题" + +#: models.py:767 +msgid "" +"This will be prefixed with \"[ticket.ticket] ticket.title\". We recommend " +"something simple such as \"(Updated\") or \"(Closed)\" - the same context is" +" available as in plain_text, below." +msgstr "此处添加 \"[ticket.ticket] ticket.title\"前缀. 我们推荐类似于 \"(已更新\") 或者 \"(已关闭)\"的简单形式 - 在下面的纯文本,上下文依然有效。" + +#: models.py:773 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "标题" + +#: models.py:775 +msgid "" +"In HTML e-mails, this will be the heading at the top of the email - the same" +" context is available as in plain_text, below." +msgstr "在HTML格式电邮中,这是邮件顶部的标题-下面的文本中上下文依然有效" + +#: models.py:781 +msgid "Plain Text" +msgstr "纯文本" + +#: models.py:782 +msgid "" +"The context available to you includes {{ ticket }}, {{ queue }}, and " +"depending on the time of the call: {{ resolution }} or {{ comment }}." +msgstr "可用的上下文包括 {{ ticket }}, {{ queue }}, 依赖调用时间: {{ resolution }} 或者 {{ comment }}." + +#: models.py:788 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: models.py:789 +msgid "The same context is available here as in plain_text, above." +msgstr "与纯文本一样,可用同样的上下文" + +#: models.py:798 +msgid "Locale of this template." +msgstr "模板的地区" + +#: models.py:806 +msgid "e-mail template" +msgstr "邮件模板" + +#: models.py:807 +msgid "e-mail templates" +msgstr "邮件模板" + +#: models.py:834 +msgid "Knowledge base category" +msgstr "知识库分类" + +#: models.py:835 +msgid "Knowledge base categories" +msgstr "知识库分类" + +#: models.py:849 templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:11 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:11 +msgid "Category" +msgstr "分类" + +#: models.py:858 +msgid "Question" +msgstr "提问" + +#: models.py:862 +msgid "Answer" +msgstr "回答" + +#: models.py:866 +msgid "Votes" +msgstr "投票" + +#: models.py:867 +msgid "Total number of votes cast for this item" +msgstr "此项的投票数量" + +#: models.py:872 +msgid "Positive Votes" +msgstr "赞票" + +#: models.py:873 +msgid "Number of votes for this item which were POSITIVE." +msgstr "踩票数" + +#: models.py:878 +msgid "Last Updated" +msgstr "最近更新" + +#: models.py:879 +msgid "The date on which this question was most recently changed." +msgstr "此提问最近更新时间" + +#: models.py:893 +msgid "Unrated" +msgstr "未评级" + +#: models.py:901 +msgid "Knowledge base item" +msgstr "知识库项" + +#: models.py:902 +msgid "Knowledge base items" +msgstr "知识库项" + +#: models.py:926 templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:170 +msgid "Query Name" +msgstr "查询名" + +#: models.py:928 +msgid "User-provided name for this query" +msgstr "用户定义的查询名字" + +#: models.py:932 +msgid "Shared With Other Users?" +msgstr "与其他用户共享?" + +#: models.py:935 +msgid "Should other users see this query?" +msgstr "查询对其他用户可见?" + +#: models.py:939 +msgid "Search Query" +msgstr "查询搜索" + +#: models.py:940 +msgid "Pickled query object. Be wary changing this." +msgstr "酸查询对象, 改变要小心" + +#: models.py:950 +msgid "Saved search" +msgstr "已保存搜索" + +#: models.py:951 +msgid "Saved searches" +msgstr "已保存搜索" + +#: models.py:966 +msgid "Settings Dictionary" +msgstr "设置字典" + +#: models.py:967 +msgid "" +"This is a base64-encoded representation of a pickled Python dictionary. Do " +"not change this field via the admin." +msgstr "酸python字典的base64编码表示。不要通过管理员改变此字段" + +#: models.py:993 +msgid "User Setting" +msgstr "用户设置" + +#: models.py:994 templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:37 +#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:6 +msgid "User Settings" +msgstr "用户设置" + +#: models.py:1036 +msgid "" +"Leave blank for this e-mail to be ignored on all queues, or select those " +"queues you wish to ignore this e-mail for." +msgstr "留空表示次邮件被所有待办忽略。或者选择你需要忽略的待办." + +#: models.py:1048 +msgid "Date on which this e-mail address was added" +msgstr "此邮箱地址添加日期" + +#: models.py:1056 +msgid "" +"Enter a full e-mail address, or portions with wildcards, eg *@domain.com or " +"postmaster@*." +msgstr "输入全邮件地址,或者包含通配符比如*@domain.com或者postmaster@*" + +#: models.py:1061 +msgid "Save Emails in Mailbox?" +msgstr "在邮箱保存邮件吗?" + +#: models.py:1064 +msgid "" +"Do you want to save emails from this address in the mailbox? If this is " +"unticked, emails from this address will be deleted." +msgstr "邮箱中保存此地址的邮件吗?如果没有勾上,此地址的邮件将被删除" + +#: models.py:1101 +msgid "Ignored e-mail address" +msgstr "忽略邮件地址" + +#: models.py:1102 +msgid "Ignored e-mail addresses" +msgstr "忽略邮件地址" + +#: models.py:1124 +msgid "User who wishes to receive updates for this ticket." +msgstr "希望收到此工单更新的用户" + +#: models.py:1132 +msgid "For non-user followers, enter their e-mail address" +msgstr "输入非用户跟进者的邮箱地址" + +#: models.py:1136 +msgid "Can View Ticket?" +msgstr "可以看工单?" + +#: models.py:1138 +msgid "Can this CC login to view the ticket details?" +msgstr "此CC能登录查看工单详情?" + +#: models.py:1142 +msgid "Can Update Ticket?" +msgstr "能更新工单?" + +#: models.py:1144 +msgid "Can this CC login and update the ticket?" +msgstr "此CC能登录并更新工单?" + +#: models.py:1175 +msgid "Field Name" +msgstr "字段名" + +#: models.py:1176 +msgid "" +"As used in the database and behind the scenes. Must be unique and consist of" +" only lowercase letters with no punctuation." +msgstr "与数据库中用法一样, 必须唯一,且只有小写字母,无标点" + +#: models.py:1181 +msgid "Label" +msgstr "标签" + +#: models.py:1183 +msgid "The display label for this field" +msgstr "此字段的标签" + +#: models.py:1187 +msgid "Help Text" +msgstr "帮助文本" + +#: models.py:1188 +msgid "Shown to the user when editing the ticket" +msgstr "编辑工单时显示给用户" + +#: models.py:1194 +msgid "Character (single line)" +msgstr "字符(单行)" + +#: models.py:1195 +msgid "Text (multi-line)" +msgstr "文本(多行)" + +#: models.py:1196 +msgid "Integer" +msgstr "整型" + +#: models.py:1197 +msgid "Decimal" +msgstr "数字型" + +#: models.py:1198 +msgid "List" +msgstr "列表" + +#: models.py:1199 +msgid "Boolean (checkbox yes/no)" +msgstr "布尔型(单选yes/no)" + +#: models.py:1201 +msgid "Time" +msgstr "时间" + +#: models.py:1202 +msgid "Date & Time" +msgstr "时间&日期" + +#: models.py:1204 +msgid "URL" +msgstr "网址" + +#: models.py:1205 +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "IP 地址" + +#: models.py:1210 +msgid "Data Type" +msgstr "日期类型" + +#: models.py:1212 +msgid "Allows you to restrict the data entered into this field" +msgstr "可以限制输入到此字段的数据" + +#: models.py:1217 +msgid "Maximum Length (characters)" +msgstr "最大长度(字符)" + +#: models.py:1223 +msgid "Decimal Places" +msgstr "小数位" + +#: models.py:1224 +msgid "Only used for decimal fields" +msgstr "仅用于数字型字段" + +#: models.py:1230 +msgid "Add empty first choice to List?" +msgstr "添加第一个空选项到列表吗?" + +#: models.py:1232 +msgid "" +"Only for List: adds an empty first entry to the choices list, which enforces" +" that the user makes an active choice." +msgstr "仅用于列表:添加一个空项到列表,强制用户作出一个活跃选择" + +#: models.py:1236 +msgid "List Values" +msgstr "列表值" + +#: models.py:1237 +msgid "For list fields only. Enter one option per line." +msgstr "仅针对列表字段,每行添加一个选项" + +#: models.py:1243 +msgid "Ordering" +msgstr "排序" + +#: models.py:1244 +msgid "Lower numbers are displayed first; higher numbers are listed later" +msgstr "显示数字由低到高" + +#: models.py:1258 +msgid "Required?" +msgstr "必填?" + +#: models.py:1259 +msgid "Does the user have to enter a value for this field?" +msgstr "用户在此字段必须填入值?" + +#: models.py:1263 +msgid "Staff Only?" +msgstr "仅员工?" + +#: models.py:1264 +msgid "" +"If this is ticked, then the public submission form will NOT show this field" +msgstr "如果勾上,公共提交的表单不会显示该字段" + +#: models.py:1273 +msgid "Custom field" +msgstr "定制字段" + +#: models.py:1274 +msgid "Custom fields" +msgstr "定制字段" + +#: models.py:1297 +msgid "Ticket custom field value" +msgstr "工单定制字段值" + +#: models.py:1298 +msgid "Ticket custom field values" +msgstr "工单定制字段值" + +#: models.py:1315 +msgid "Depends On Ticket" +msgstr "依赖于工单" + +#: models.py:1324 +msgid "Ticket dependency" +msgstr "工单依赖" + +#: models.py:1325 +msgid "Ticket dependencies" +msgstr "工单依赖" + +#: management/commands/create_usersettings.py:25 +msgid "" +"Check for user without django-helpdesk UserSettings and create settings if " +"required. Uses settings.DEFAULT_USER_SETTINGS which can be overridden to " +"suit your situation." +msgstr "检查没有django-helpdesk UserSettings的用户,如果需要创建settings. 用settings.DEFAULT_USER_SETTINGS, 可以被重写来满足个人情况。" + +#: management/commands/escalate_tickets.py:148 +#, python-format +msgid "Ticket escalated after %s days" +msgstr "%s 天之后工单升级" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:158 +msgid "Created from e-mail" +msgstr "从邮件创建" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:162 +msgid "Unknown Sender" +msgstr "未知发送者" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:216 +msgid "" +"No plain-text email body available. Please see attachment " +"email_html_body.html." +msgstr "没有可用的纯文本邮件体。请参考附件 email_html_body.html" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:220 +msgid "email_html_body.html" +msgstr "email_html_body.html" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:263 +#, python-format +msgid "E-Mail Received from %(sender_email)s" +msgstr "从 1%(sender_email)s处收到的邮件" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:271 +#, python-format +msgid "Ticket Re-Opened by E-Mail Received from %(sender_email)s" +msgstr "从 1%(sender_email)s 处收到的邮件重开的公开" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:329 +msgid " (Reopened)" +msgstr "(重新打开)" + +#: management/commands/get_email.py:331 +msgid " (Updated)" +msgstr "(已更新)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/attribution.html:2 +msgid "" +"django-helpdesk." +msgstr "django-helpdesk." + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:10 +msgid "Powered by django-helpdesk" +msgstr "由 django-helpdesk 主导" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:20 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:9 +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:24 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:31 +msgid "My Open Tickets" +msgstr "我打开的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:21 +msgid "All Recent Activity" +msgstr "所有最近的活动" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:22 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:99 +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:15 +msgid "Unassigned Tickets" +msgstr "未分配工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:52 templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:6 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:18 +msgid "Helpdesk" +msgstr "Helpdesk" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:62 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:9 +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:12 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:15 +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:30 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:31 +msgid "RSS Icon" +msgstr "RSS图标" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:62 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:2 +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html.py:4 +msgid "RSS Feeds" +msgstr "RSS 种子" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:63 +msgid "API" +msgstr "API" + +#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:64 templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:6 +msgid "System Settings" +msgstr "系统设置" + +#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:3 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:146 +msgid "Delete Saved Query" +msgstr "删除保存的查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:6 +msgid "Delete Query" +msgstr "删除查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:8 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter " +"(%(query_title)s)? To re-create it, you will need to manually re-" +"filter your ticket listing." +msgstr "确认删除保存的过滤器 (1%(query_title)s1)? 要重新创建, 你将需要手动重新过滤工单列表." + +#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:11 +msgid "" +"You have shared this query, so other users may be using it. If you delete " +"it, they will have to manually create their own query." +msgstr "您已共享此查询,其他用户可以使用它。如果你删除,他们将必须手动创建自己的查询。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:14 +#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:10 +msgid "No, Don't Delete It" +msgstr "否,不要删除" + +#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:16 +#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:12 +msgid "Yes - Delete It" +msgstr "是, 删除" + +#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:3 +msgid "Create Ticket" +msgstr "创建工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:10 +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:65 templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:68 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:27 +msgid "Submit a Ticket" +msgstr "提交工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:11 +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:11 +msgid "Unless otherwise stated, all fields are required." +msgstr "除非其他说明, 所有字段都必须" + +#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:11 +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:11 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:28 +msgid "Please provide as descriptive a title and description as possible." +msgstr "请提供描述性的标题和描述" + +#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:30 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:55 +msgid "Submit Ticket" +msgstr "提交工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:2 +msgid "Helpdesk Dashboard" +msgstr "helpdesk 仪表盘" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:9 +msgid "" +"Welcome to your Helpdesk Dashboard! From here you can quickly see tickets " +"submitted by you, tickets you are working on, and those tickets that have no" +" owner." +msgstr "欢迎来到helpdesk仪表盘。这里可以看到您提交的工单, 你正在工作的工单, 以及没有所有者的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:14 +msgid "Helpdesk Summary" +msgstr "helpdesk 摘要" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:36 +msgid "Current Ticket Stats" +msgstr "当前工单状态" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:37 +msgid "Average number of days until ticket is closed (all tickets): " +msgstr "工单关闭平均天数(所有工单)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:38 +msgid "" +"Average number of days until ticket is closed (tickets opened in last 60 " +"days): " +msgstr "工单关闭平均天数(最近60天打开的工单)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:39 +msgid "Click" +msgstr "点击" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:39 +msgid "for detailed average by month." +msgstr "按月平均详细" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:40 +msgid "Distribution of open tickets, grouped by time period:" +msgstr "根据时间范围分组,开工单的分布" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:41 +msgid "Days since opened" +msgstr "打开天数" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:41 +msgid "Number of open tickets" +msgstr "开放工单的数量" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:57 +msgid "All Tickets submitted by you" +msgstr "您提交的所有工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:58 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:78 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:100 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:124 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:225 +msgid "Pr" +msgstr "Pr" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:58 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:78 +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:124 +msgid "Last Update" +msgstr "最近更新" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:77 +msgid "Open Tickets assigned to you (you are working on this ticket)" +msgstr "分配给您的开放工单(您正在工作的工单)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:92 +msgid "You have no tickets assigned to you." +msgstr "您没有被分配的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:99 +msgid "(pick up a ticket if you start to work on it)" +msgstr "(如果开始工作某个工单, 选择该工单)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:110 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:38 +msgid "Take" +msgstr "拿走" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:110 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:23 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:23 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "删除" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:114 +msgid "There are no unassigned tickets." +msgstr "没有未分配的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:123 +msgid "Closed & resolved Tickets you used to work on" +msgstr "您过去关闭 & 已解决的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:3 +#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:6 +msgid "Delete Ticket" +msgstr "删除工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:8 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to delete this ticket (%(ticket_title)s)? All" +" traces of the ticket, including followups, attachments, and updates will be" +" irreversibly removed." +msgstr "您确认删除此工单 (%(ticket_title)s)? 此工单的所有痕迹包括跟进,附件,更新都将不可逆的删除." + +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:3 +msgid "Edit Ticket" +msgstr "编辑工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:9 +msgid "Edit a Ticket" +msgstr "编辑工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:13 +msgid "Note" +msgstr "备注" + +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:13 +msgid "" +"Editing a ticket does not send an e-mail to the ticket owner or " +"submitter. No new details should be entered, this form should only be used " +"to fix incorrect details or clean up the submission." +msgstr "编辑工单 并不 发送邮件给工单所有者或者提交者。不要输入新的详情, 这个表单仅在修正错误的详情或者清理提交时使用. " + +#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:33 +msgid "Save Changes" +msgstr "保存变更" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:3 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:6 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:23 +msgid "Ignore E-Mail Address" +msgstr "忽略邮件地址" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:8 +msgid "" +"To ignore an e-mail address and prevent any emails from that address " +"creating tickets automatically, enter the e-mail address below." +msgstr "要忽略某个邮件地址,自动阻止该地址创建工单,输入邮件地址" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:10 +msgid "" +"You can either enter a whole e-mail address such as " +"email@domain.com or a portion of an e-mail address with a wildcard," +" such as *@domain.com or user@*." +msgstr "您可以输入像 email@domain.com 的整个邮件地址, 或者含通配符地址如 *@domain.com 或者 user@*." + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:3 +msgid "Delete Ignored E-Mail Address" +msgstr "删除已忽略邮件地址" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:6 +msgid "Un-Ignore E-Mail Address" +msgstr "取消忽略邮件地址" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:8 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure you wish to stop removing this email address " +"(%(email_address)s) and allow their e-mails to automatically create" +" tickets in your system? You can re-add this e-mail address at any time." +msgstr "确认停止删除该邮件地址 (%(email_address)s) 且允许邮件在系统自动创建工单?您可以以后重新添加这个邮件地址。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:10 +msgid "Keep Ignoring It" +msgstr "保持忽略" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:12 +msgid "Stop Ignoring It" +msgstr "停止忽略" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:3 +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:12 +msgid "Ignored E-Mail Addresses" +msgstr "忽略邮件地址" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:5 +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Ignored E-Mail Addresses

\n" +"\n" +"

The following e-mail addresses are currently being ignored by the incoming e-mail processor. You can add a new e-mail address to the list or delete any of the items below as required.

" +msgstr "\n



一下邮件地址当前已被忽略。您可以 添加新的邮件地址到列表 或者根据需要删除下面的项

" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13 +msgid "Date Added" +msgstr "已添加日期" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13 +msgid "Keep in mailbox?" +msgstr "保留在邮箱" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:21 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:260 +msgid "All" +msgstr "所有" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:22 +msgid "Keep" +msgstr "保留" + +#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:29 +msgid "" +"Note: If the 'Keep' option is not selected, emails sent " +"from that address will be deleted permanently." +msgstr "注意 如果'保留'选项没有选中, 那个邮箱发送的邮件将被永久删除." + +#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:2 +msgid "Edit followup" +msgstr "编辑跟进" + +#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:9 +msgid "Edit FollowUp" +msgstr "编辑跟进" + +#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:14 +msgid "Reassign ticket:" +msgstr "重新分配工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:16 +msgid "Title:" +msgstr "标题" + +#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:18 +msgid "Comment:" +msgstr "评论" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:4 +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:12 +#, python-format +msgid "Knowledgebase Category: %(kbcat)s" +msgstr "知识库分类: %(kbcat)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:6 +#, python-format +msgid "You are viewing all items in the %(kbcat)s category." +msgstr "您正在查看 %(kbcat)s 分类的所有项." + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:13 +msgid "Article" +msgstr "文章" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:4 templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:21 +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:71 +msgid "Knowledgebase" +msgstr "知识库" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:6 +msgid "" +"We have listed a number of knowledgebase articles for your perusal in the " +"following categories. Please check to see if any of these articles address " +"your problem prior to opening a support ticket." +msgstr "我们列出了以下类别的知识库文章供您查阅。在开支持工单的时候,请检查是否有文章解决了该文题" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:10 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:10 +msgid "Knowledgebase Categories" +msgstr "知识库分类" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:4 +#, python-format +msgid "Knowledgebase: %(item)s" +msgstr "知识库: %(item)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:16 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"View other %(category_title)s " +"articles, or continue viewing other knowledgebase " +"articles." +msgstr "查看 其他 %(category_title)s 文章, 或继续 查看其他知识库文章." + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:18 +msgid "Feedback" +msgstr "反馈" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:20 +msgid "" +"We give our users an opportunity to vote for items that they believe have " +"helped them out, in order for us to better serve future customers. We would " +"appreciate your feedback on this article. Did you find it useful?" +msgstr "我们让用户可以为他们感觉有帮助的项投票, 这样我们更好服务未来的客户。我们感谢您对该文的反馈, 您觉得该文有帮助吗?" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:23 +msgid "This article was useful to me" +msgstr "该文有帮助" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:24 +msgid "This article was not useful to me" +msgstr "该文对我 没有 帮助" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:27 +msgid "The results of voting by other readers of this article are below:" +msgstr "其他读者对该文的投票结果如下" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:30 +#, python-format +msgid "Recommendations: %(recommendations)s" +msgstr "推荐: %(recommendations)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:31 +#, python-format +msgid "Votes: %(votes)s" +msgstr "投票: %(votes)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:32 +#, python-format +msgid "Overall Rating: %(score)s" +msgstr "总体评价: %(score)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:16 templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:64 +msgid "Dashboard" +msgstr "仪表盘" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:18 +msgid "New Ticket" +msgstr "新工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:19 +msgid "Stats" +msgstr "统计" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:24 +msgid "Saved Query" +msgstr "已保存查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:39 +msgid "Change password" +msgstr "修改密码" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:50 +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "搜索..." + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:50 +msgid "Enter a keyword, or a ticket number to jump straight to that ticket." +msgstr "输入关键字,或者工单号直接进入工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:73 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "登出" + +#: templates/helpdesk/navigation.html:73 +msgid "Log In" +msgstr "登入" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_change_language.html:2 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:73 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:4 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:2 +msgid "View a Ticket" +msgstr "查看工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_change_language.html:5 +msgid "Change the display language" +msgstr "修改显示语言" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:6 +msgid "Knowledgebase Articles" +msgstr "知识库文章" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:28 +msgid "All fields are required." +msgstr "所有字段必须" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:66 +msgid "Please use button at upper right to login first." +msgstr "请用右上角按钮先登录" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:82 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:15 +msgid "Your E-mail Address" +msgstr "您的邮箱地址" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:86 +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:19 +msgid "View Ticket" +msgstr "查看工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_spam.html:4 +msgid "Unable To Open Ticket" +msgstr "无法打开工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_spam.html:5 +msgid "Sorry, but there has been an error trying to submit your ticket." +msgstr "对不起,提交工单出错" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_spam.html:6 +msgid "" +"Our system has marked your submission as spam, so we are " +"unable to save it. If this is not spam, please press back and re-type your " +"message. Be careful to avoid sounding 'spammy', and if you have heaps of " +"links please try removing them if possible." +msgstr "系统已将您的提交标注为 垃圾广告, 因此不被保存。如果不是垃圾广告, 请按回退且重新输入消息。 注意避免带垃圾广告的嫌疑, 如果有太多链接请先移除." + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_spam.html:7 +msgid "" +"We are sorry for any inconvenience, however this check is required to avoid " +"our helpdesk resources being overloaded by spammers." +msgstr "为您带来不便我们表示道歉。 不过为了避免系统被广告垃圾过载,此检查是必须的。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:8 +msgid "Error:" +msgstr "错误:" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:9 +#, python-format +msgid "Queue: %(queue_name)s" +msgstr "待办:%(queue_name)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:13 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:32 +msgid "Submitted On" +msgstr "提交于" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:35 +msgid "Tags" +msgstr "标注" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:48 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:26 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "接受" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:48 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:26 +msgid "Accept and Close" +msgstr "接受并关闭" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:57 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:66 +msgid "Follow-Ups" +msgstr "跟进" + +#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:65 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:100 +#, python-format +msgid "Changed %(field)s from %(old_value)s to %(new_value)s." +msgstr "更改 %(field)s 自 %(old_value)s 到 %(new_value)s." + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:3 +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:6 +#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:3 +#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:16 +msgid "Reports & Statistics" +msgstr "报告 & 统计" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:9 +msgid "You haven't created any tickets yet, so you cannot run any reports." +msgstr "您还没有创建任何工单,因此您不能运行任何报表" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:13 +msgid "Reports By User" +msgstr "按用户报表" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:15 +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:24 +msgid "by Priority" +msgstr "按优先级" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:16 +msgid "by Queue" +msgstr "按待办" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:17 +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:25 +msgid "by Status" +msgstr "按状态" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:18 +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:26 +msgid "by Month" +msgstr "按月" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:22 +msgid "Reports By Queue" +msgstr "按待办报表" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:27 views/staff.py:1049 +msgid "Days until ticket closed by Month" +msgstr "按月,工单关闭的天数" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:19 +msgid "" +"You can run this query on filtered data by using one of your saved queries." +msgstr "您可以用您保存的查询来查询数据" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:21 +msgid "Select Query:" +msgstr "选择查询:" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:26 +msgid "Filter Report" +msgstr "过滤报表" + +#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:29 +msgid "" +"Want to filter this report to just show a subset of data? Go to the Ticket " +"List, filter your query, and save your query." +msgstr "想要过滤次报表仅显示子集吗?到工单列表,过滤您的查询,并保存" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:6 +msgid "" +"The following RSS feeds are available for you to monitor using your " +"preferred RSS software. With the exception of the 'Latest Activity' feed, " +"all feeds provide information only on Open and Reopened cases. This ensures " +"your RSS reader isn't full of information about closed or historical tasks." +msgstr "以下RSS种子您可以用您喜欢的软件来监控。除了‘最近活动’种子,所有的种子仅提供打开和重新打开的信息,确保您的RSS阅读器不会满是已经关闭的或者历史的任务。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:10 +msgid "" +"A summary of your open tickets - useful for getting alerted to new tickets " +"opened for you" +msgstr "您开放工单的摘要 - 当新工单开放给你时您能获得提示" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:12 +msgid "Latest Activity" +msgstr "最近活动" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:13 +msgid "" +"A summary of all helpdesk activity - including comments, emails, " +"attachments, and more" +msgstr "所有helpdesk活动的摘要 - 包括评论, 邮件, 附件等" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:16 +msgid "" +"All unassigned tickets - useful for being alerted to new tickets opened by " +"the public via the web or via e-mail" +msgstr "所有未分配的工单 - 当公众通过web或者email打开新工单时获得提示" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:19 +msgid "" +"These RSS feeds allow you to view a summary of either your own tickets, or " +"all tickets, for each of the queues in your helpdesk. For example, if you " +"manage the staff who utilise a particular queue, this may be used to view " +"new tickets coming into that queue." +msgstr "这些RSS种子让你能看到您自己工单的摘要, 或者所有待办的工单摘要。比如, 如果您管理的员工用了一个特定的待办, 这可以用来查看该待办下的新工单。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:23 +msgid "Per-Queue Feeds" +msgstr "根据待办的种子" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:24 +msgid "All Open Tickets" +msgstr "所有开放的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:30 +msgid "Open Tickets" +msgstr "开放工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:3 +msgid "Change System Settings" +msgstr "更改系统设置" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:8 +msgid "The following items can be maintained by you or other superusers:" +msgstr "以下项可以由您或者其他超级用户来维护" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:11 +msgid "E-Mail Ignore list" +msgstr "邮件忽略列表" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:12 +msgid "Maintain Queues" +msgstr "维护待办" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:13 +msgid "Maintain Pre-Set Replies" +msgstr "维护预设回复" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:14 +msgid "Maintain Knowledgebase Categories" +msgstr "维护知识库分类" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:15 +msgid "Maintain Knowledgebase Items" +msgstr "维护知识库项" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:16 +msgid "Maintain E-Mail Templates" +msgstr "维护邮件模板" + +#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:17 +msgid "Maintain Users" +msgstr "维护用户" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:2 +msgid "View Ticket Details" +msgstr "查看工单详情" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:34 +msgid "Attach another File" +msgstr "附加另一个文件" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:34 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:200 +msgid "Add Another File" +msgstr "添加另一个文件" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:73 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:86 +msgid "Private" +msgstr "私有" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:119 +msgid "Respond to this ticket" +msgstr "响应工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:126 +msgid "Use a Pre-set Reply" +msgstr "使用预设回复" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:126 templates/helpdesk/ticket.html.py:166 +msgid "(Optional)" +msgstr "(可选)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:128 +msgid "" +"Selecting a pre-set reply will over-write your comment below. You can then " +"modify the pre-set reply to your liking before saving this update." +msgstr "选择预设回复将覆盖您下面的评论. 您可以保存本更新之后,修改预设回复。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:131 +msgid "Comment / Resolution" +msgstr "评论/方案" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:133 +msgid "" +"You can insert ticket and queue details in your message. For more " +"information, see the context help page." +msgstr "您可以插入工单到您的消息. 更多信息,查看上下文帮助页." + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:136 +msgid "" +"This ticket cannot be resolved or closed until the tickets it depends on are" +" resolved." +msgstr "此工单不能解决或者关闭, 除非其依赖的工单被解决" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:166 +msgid "Is this update public?" +msgstr "是否为公开更新?" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:168 +msgid "" +"If this is public, the submitter will be e-mailed your comment or " +"resolution." +msgstr "如果公开, 提交者将收到您评论或者方案的邮件" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:172 +msgid "Change Further Details »" +msgstr "变更更多详情" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:181 templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:68 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:97 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:225 +msgid "Owner" +msgstr "所有者" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:182 +msgid "Unassign" +msgstr "未分配" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:193 +msgid "Attach File(s) »" +msgstr " 附加文件(s) »" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:199 +msgid "Attach a File" +msgstr "附加一个文件" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:207 +msgid "Update This Ticket" +msgstr "更新此工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_add.html:3 +msgid "Add Ticket CC" +msgstr "添加工单CC" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_add.html:5 +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Add Ticket CC

\n" +"\n" +"

To automatically send an email to a user or e-mail address when this ticket is updated, select the user or enter an e-mail address below.

" +msgstr "\n



当工单更新时要自动发送邮件给用户或者某个地址, 选择用户或者输入邮件地址

" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_add.html:21 +msgid "Save Ticket CC" +msgstr "保存工单CC" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:3 +msgid "Delete Ticket CC" +msgstr "删除工单CC" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:5 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Delete Ticket CC

\n" +"\n" +"

Are you sure you wish to delete this email address (%(email_address)s) from the CC list for this ticket? They will stop receiving updates.

\n" +msgstr "\n



确认从CC列表删除此邮件地址 (%(email_address)s) ? 他们将不会再收到更新.

\n" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:11 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_del.html:11 +msgid "Don't Delete" +msgstr "不要删除" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:13 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_del.html:13 +msgid "Yes, Delete" +msgstr "是,删除" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:3 +msgid "Ticket CC Settings" +msgstr "工单CC设置" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:5 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Ticket CC Settings

\n" +"\n" +"

The following people will receive an e-mail whenever %(ticket_title)s is updated. Some people can also view or edit the ticket via the public ticket views.

\n" +"\n" +"

You can add a new e-mail address to the list or delete any of the items below as required.

" +msgstr "\n



每当%(ticket_title)s更新时,以下人将收到邮件. 有些人也能通过公开工单视图查看或者编辑工单.


你可以 添加新邮件地址到列表 或者根据需要删除以下\n项.

" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:14 +msgid "Ticket CC List" +msgstr "工单CC列表" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15 +msgid "View?" +msgstr "查看?" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15 +msgid "Update?" +msgstr "更新?" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:29 +#, python-format +msgid "Return to %(ticket_title)s" +msgstr "返回到 %(ticket_title)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_add.html:3 +msgid "Add Ticket Dependency" +msgstr "添加工单依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_add.html:5 +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Add Ticket Dependency

\n" +"\n" +"

Adding a dependency will stop you resolving this ticket until the dependent ticket has been resolved or closed.

" +msgstr "\n



添加以来将停止您解决这个工单, 直到依赖的工单被解决或者关闭.

" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_add.html:21 +msgid "Save Ticket Dependency" +msgstr "保存工单依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_del.html:3 +msgid "Delete Ticket Dependency" +msgstr "删除工单依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_dependency_del.html:5 +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Delete Ticket Dependency

\n" +"\n" +"

Are you sure you wish to remove the dependency on this ticket?

\n" +msgstr "\n




\n" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:7 +msgid "Unhold" +msgstr "解除暂停" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:7 +msgid "Hold" +msgstr "暂停" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:9 +#, python-format +msgid "Queue: %(queue)s" +msgstr "待办: %(queue)s" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:37 +msgid "Assigned To" +msgstr "分配给" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:43 +msgid "Ignore" +msgstr "忽略" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:52 +msgid "Copies To" +msgstr "拷贝至" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:53 +msgid "Manage" +msgstr "管理" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:53 +msgid "" +"Click here to add / remove people who should receive an e-mail whenever this" +" ticket is updated." +msgstr "点这里添加/移除此工单更新时收到邮件的人" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:53 +msgid "Subscribe" +msgstr "订阅" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:53 +msgid "" +"Click here to subscribe yourself to this ticket, if you want to receive an " +"e-mail whenever this ticket is updated." +msgstr "点这里订阅此工单,当工单更新您将收到邮件" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:57 +msgid "Dependencies" +msgstr "依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:59 +msgid "" +"This ticket cannot be resolved until the following ticket(s) are resolved" +msgstr "除非以下工单(s)被解决,此工单不能解决" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:60 +msgid "Remove Dependency" +msgstr "移除依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:63 +msgid "This ticket has no dependencies." +msgstr "此工单无依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:65 +msgid "Add Dependency" +msgstr "添加依赖" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:65 +msgid "" +"Click on 'Add Dependency', if you want to make this ticket dependent on " +"another ticket. A ticket may not be closed until all tickets it depends on " +"are closed." +msgstr "如果要让工单依赖其他工单,点击'添加依赖'。除非依赖的工单关闭,原工单不能关闭。" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:59 +msgid "Change Query" +msgstr "更改查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:67 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:79 +msgid "Sorting" +msgstr "排序" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:71 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:139 +msgid "Keywords" +msgstr "关键字" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:72 +msgid "Date Range" +msgstr "日期范围" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:100 +msgid "Reverse" +msgstr "逆序" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:102 +msgid "Ordering applied to tickets" +msgstr "排序应用到工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:107 +msgid "Owner(s)" +msgstr "所有者" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:111 +msgid "(ME)" +msgstr "(我)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:115 +msgid "Ctrl-Click to select multiple options" +msgstr "Ctrol-Click选择多项" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:120 +msgid "Queue(s)" +msgstr "待办(s)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:121 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:127 +msgid "Ctrl-click to select multiple options" +msgstr "Ctrol-click选择多项" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:126 +msgid "Status(es)" +msgstr "状态(es)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:132 +msgid "Date (From)" +msgstr "日期(从)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:133 +msgid "Date (To)" +msgstr "日期(至)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:134 +msgid "Use YYYY-MM-DD date format, eg 2011-05-29" +msgstr "用 YYYY-MM-DD 日期格式, 如 2011-05-29" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:140 +msgid "" +"Keywords are case-insensitive, and will be looked for in the title, body and" +" submitter fields." +msgstr "关键字大小写敏感, 将在标题,内容和提交者中被查找" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:144 +msgid "Apply Filter" +msgstr "应用过滤" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:146 +#, python-format +msgid "You are currently viewing saved query \"%(query_name)s\"." +msgstr "您正在查看保存的查询 \"%(query_name)s\"." + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:149 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Run a report on this " +"query to see stats and charts for the data listed below." +msgstr " 在本查询 运行报表 查看下面的数据统计和图表." + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:162 +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:181 +msgid "Save Query" +msgstr "保存查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:172 +msgid "" +"This name appears in the drop-down list of saved queries. If you share your " +"query, other users will see this name, so choose something clear and " +"descriptive!" +msgstr "此名称出现在已保存查询的下拉列表, 如果您要共享查询,其他用户可以看到这个名字, 因此请选择清晰和描述性的名字" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:174 +msgid "Shared?" +msgstr "共享?" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:175 +msgid "Yes, share this query with other users." +msgstr "是,共享查询给其他用户" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:176 +msgid "" +"If you share this query, it will be visible by all other logged-in " +"users." +msgstr "如果您共享此查询,它将被 所有 其他登录的用户所见." + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:195 +msgid "Use Saved Query" +msgstr "使用保存的查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:202 +msgid "Query" +msgstr "查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:207 +msgid "Run Query" +msgstr "运行查询" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:240 +msgid "No Tickets Match Your Selection" +msgstr "没有匹配到您选择的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:247 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "向前" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:251 +#, python-format +msgid "Page %(ticket_num)s of %(num_pages)s." +msgstr "页 %(ticket_num)s of %(num_pages)s." + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:255 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "下一个" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:260 +msgid "Select:" +msgstr "选择" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:260 +msgid "None" +msgstr "空" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:260 +msgid "Inverse" +msgstr "倒序" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "With Selected Tickets:" +msgstr "对选中的工单" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Take (Assign to me)" +msgstr "拿走(分配给我)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "关闭" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Close (Don't Send E-Mail)" +msgstr "关闭(不要发送邮件)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Close (Send E-Mail)" +msgstr "关闭(发送邮件)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Assign To" +msgstr "分配给" + +#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:262 +msgid "Nobody (Unassign)" +msgstr "没有人(未分配)" + +#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:3 +msgid "Change User Settings" +msgstr "改变用户设置" + +#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:8 +msgid "" +"Use the following options to change the way your helpdesk system works for " +"you. These settings do not impact any other user." +msgstr "使用以下选项更改您系统的工作方式.这些设置不影响其他用户" + +#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:14 +msgid "Save Options" +msgstr "保存选项" + +#: templates/helpdesk/registration/logged_out.html:2 +msgid "Logged Out" +msgstr "等出" + +#: templates/helpdesk/registration/logged_out.html:4 +msgid "" +"\n" +"

Logged Out

\n" +"\n" +"

Thanks for being here. Hopefully you've helped resolve a few tickets and make the world a better place.

\n" +"\n" +msgstr "\n




\n\n" + +#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:2 +msgid "Helpdesk Login" +msgstr "Helpdesk 登录" + +#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:14 +msgid "To log in simply enter your username and password below." +msgstr "输入您的用户名密码登录" + +#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:17 +msgid "Your username and password didn't match. Please try again." +msgstr "您的用户名/密码不匹配,再试一次" + +#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:20 +msgid "Login" +msgstr "登录" + +#: views/feeds.py:39 +#, python-format +msgid "Helpdesk: Open Tickets in queue %(queue)s for %(username)s" +msgstr "Helpdesk: 为用户 %(username)s在待办 %(queue)s 打开工单" + +#: views/feeds.py:44 +#, python-format +msgid "Helpdesk: Open Tickets for %(username)s" +msgstr "Helpdesk: 为用户 %(username)s 打开工单" + +#: views/feeds.py:50 +#, python-format +msgid "Open and Reopened Tickets in queue %(queue)s for %(username)s" +msgstr "在待办 %(queue)s 为用户 %(username)s 打开或者重开工单" + +#: views/feeds.py:55 +#, python-format +msgid "Open and Reopened Tickets for %(username)s" +msgstr "为用户 %(username)s 打开或者重开工单" + +#: views/feeds.py:102 +msgid "Helpdesk: Unassigned Tickets" +msgstr "Helpdesk: 未分配工单" + +#: views/feeds.py:103 +msgid "Unassigned Open and Reopened tickets" +msgstr "未分配的开放或者重新打开的工单" + +#: views/feeds.py:128 +msgid "Helpdesk: Recent Followups" +msgstr "Helpdesk: 最近跟进人" + +#: views/feeds.py:129 +msgid "" +"Recent FollowUps, such as e-mail replies, comments, attachments and " +"resolutions" +msgstr "最近更近,比如email回复,评论,附件和方案" + +#: views/feeds.py:144 +#, python-format +msgid "Helpdesk: Open Tickets in queue %(queue)s" +msgstr "Helpdesk: 代办 %(queue)s 中的开放工单 " + +#: views/feeds.py:149 +#, python-format +msgid "Open and Reopened Tickets in queue %(queue)s" +msgstr "在 %(queue)s 中打开和重新打开的工单" + +#: views/public.py:89 +msgid "Invalid ticket ID or e-mail address. Please try again." +msgstr "无效工单ID或者邮件地址, 请重试" + +#: views/public.py:107 +msgid "Submitter accepted resolution and closed ticket" +msgstr "提交者接受方案并关闭了工单" + +#: views/staff.py:235 +msgid "Accepted resolution and closed ticket" +msgstr "已接受方案并关闭的工单" + +#: views/staff.py:369 +#, python-format +msgid "Assigned to %(username)s" +msgstr "分配给 %(username)s" + +#: views/staff.py:392 +msgid "Updated" +msgstr "已更新" + +#: views/staff.py:577 +#, python-format +msgid "Assigned to %(username)s in bulk update" +msgstr "在集体更新中分配给 %(username)s in bulk update" + +#: views/staff.py:582 +msgid "Unassigned in bulk update" +msgstr "在集体更新中未分配" + +#: views/staff.py:587 views/staff.py:592 +msgid "Closed in bulk update" +msgstr "在集体更新中已关闭" + +#: views/staff.py:806 +msgid "" +"

Note: Your keyword search is case sensitive because of " +"your database. This means the search will not be accurate. " +"By switching to a different database system you will gain better searching! " +"For more information, read the Django Documentation on string matching in SQLite." +msgstr "

注意: 因为数据库,您的关键字查找大小写敏感,意味着搜索 精确. 切换到不同的数据库系统, 你可以获得更好的搜索, 更多信息,参考 Django Documentation on string matching in SQLite." + +#: views/staff.py:910 +msgid "Ticket taken off hold" +msgstr "从暂停区拿走的工单" + +#: views/staff.py:913 +msgid "Ticket placed on hold" +msgstr "待定工单" + +#: views/staff.py:1007 +msgid "User by Priority" +msgstr "用户按照优先级" + +#: views/staff.py:1013 +msgid "User by Queue" +msgstr "用户按照待办" + +#: views/staff.py:1019 +msgid "User by Status" +msgstr "用户按照状态" + +#: views/staff.py:1025 +msgid "User by Month" +msgstr "用户按月" + +#: views/staff.py:1031 +msgid "Queue by Priority" +msgstr "待办按照优先级" + +#: views/staff.py:1037 +msgid "Queue by Status" +msgstr "待办按照状态" + +#: views/staff.py:1043 +msgid "Queue by Month" +msgstr "待办按月"